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Inklusifitas Keuangan Syariah dan Kemiskinan di Indonesia Iskandar, Azwar; Possumah, Bayu Taufiq
NUKHBATUL 'ULUM: Jurnal Bidang Kajian Islam Vol 4 No 2 (2018): NUKHBATUL 'ULUM: Jurnal Bidang Kajian Islam
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab (STIBA) Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (494.735 KB) | DOI: 10.36701/nukhbah.v4i2.38


This paper aims at calculating and analyzing the Index of Syariah Financial Inclusion (ISFI) during the period of 2015-2018 and its correlation with poverty level in Indonesia. Using the secondary data of 33 provinces in Indonesia from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Bank Indonesia and Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and Index of Financial Inclusion (IFI) method, this paper found that the Index of Syariah Financial Inclusion is generally low and DKI Jakarta is the most financially inclusive province of Indonesia. Furthermore, the results show that the Index of Syariah Financial Inclusion is negatively correlated with the poverty level. This conclusion suggests the promotion of Syariah Financial Inclusion to be a policy priority in Indonesia to achieve the central goals of inclusive growth, welfare and economic development.
Reposisi Praktik Ekonomi Islam: Studi Kritis Praktik Ekonomi Islam di Indonesia Azwar Iskandar; Khaerul Aqbar
NUKHBATUL 'ULUM: Jurnal Bidang Kajian Islam Vol 5 No 1 (2019): NUKHBATUL 'ULUM: Jurnal Bidang Kajian Islam
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab (STIBA) Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.791 KB) | DOI: 10.36701/nukhbah.v5i1.68


The study attempts to analyse several things that become critical points faced by Indonesia sharia economic practice that cause its application is less developed. This study use descriptive-qualitative approach with critical methode and library research. This research found that : (1) Sharia economy is not only financial sector but also includes the industrial sector, trade and various other real sector; (2) Naming ‘syariah bank’ is misleading. The appropriate nomenclature is not ‘syariah bank’ but syariah financial institution; (3) The attention of economic practioner both conventional and shariah, until now, only focused on achieving profit, protect loss, and welfare; (4) In the concept of Islam, the loss that faced by humans is caused apart from human factor and environment, it can also be caused by sin of business operators; (5) all moslem people and experts should not only concern on method of gain profit, but also encourage and promote people widely to commit the shariah rules in spending money; (6) The special education of syariah banking is needed by including it in universities and schools curriculum.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 20, No 2 (2019): JEP 2019
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jep.v20i2.7581


The objective of this study is to analyze the causality between democracy and economic growth in Indonesia for the period of 1995 to 2017. More specifically, this paper  also attends to investigate the existence of a long-run relationship between them. This study perform a multivariate cointegration test with political stability as a control variable and cross-check this long-run relationship with an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model approach to cointegration. This study also use the Granger causality test within a vector error correction model (VECM) framework and estimate three different models using a non-linear specification: Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation, Fully Modified OLS (FM-OLS) and Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS). The results show cointegration among the variables specified in the model when political stability is taken into account. Indeed, for economic growth and democracy to move together in the long run, they need to be associated with political stability. The tests for Granger causality conducted show a long-run causality running from GDP and political stability to democracy. In other word, the economic growth and political stability Granger cause democracy. It is the economic performance that influences democracy and not the reverse. In short-run, there is neutrality causation between democracy and growth, democracy and political stability, growth and political stability. These results suggest that economic growth through strong institutions is a precondition for democratization.
Sawala : Jurnal Administrasi Negara Vol 7, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Serang Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30656/sawala.v7i2.1638


This research aims to evaluate the factors that influenced the behavioral intensity of apparatus for using official electronic mail in public organization based on perceived user with Theory Acceptance Model  approach. Data used in this research is primary data by using questionaire. Sample collection methods used in this research was random sampling technique. Data analysis in this research uses Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with component or varian based with Partial Least Square. The result showed that perceived ease of use significantly positive influence to perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use significantly positive influence to attitude toward using, perceived usefulness significantly positive influence to attitude toward using, behavioral intention to use significantly positive influence to actual system usage. In the other correlation path, this research also show that perceived usefulness has no significant effect on behavioral intention to use, and  attitude toward using has no attitude toward using behavioral intention to use.
Green Economy Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Maqashid Syari’ah Iskandar, Azwar; Aqbar, Khaerul
Al-Mashrafiyah (Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah) Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.807 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/al-mashrafiyah.v3i2.9576


This article to describe the Green Economy concept in Indonesia from Maqashid al-Syari’ah perspective. With the content analysis method, this paper describes how the Green Economy concept and the relevance of its implementation in Indonesia as Pancasila state and its implementation in the perspective of religion, soul, reason, descent, property, and environment. The results show that in designing an implementative, reliable and comprehensive Green Economy model, Indonesia should have a truly green economic model that is relevant to the characteristics of the Indonesia with philosophical Islamic Eco-ethics that is in harmony with the Indonesian sociocultural community. The principle of low carbon is basically in line with the maintenance of soul and mind. The principle of efficient resources is also in line with the maintenance of offspring and assets. Also, the principle of socially inclusiveness is found in the five aspects of maintenance in the concept of maqashid al-syari'ah.Keywords: Green, Economy, Maqashid, Syari’ah Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep Green Economy di Indonesia dari perspektif Maqashid al-Syari’ah. Dengan metode content analysis dalam bentuk riset kepustakaan (library research), penelitian ini memaparkan bagaimana konsep Green Economy dan relevansi implementasinya dalam konteks Indonesia sesuai karakteristiknya sebagai negara berketuhanan (Pancasila) dan penerapannya dalam perspektif penjagaan agama, jiwa, akal, keturunan, harta benda, dan lingkungan hidup. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam merancang model penerapan Ekonomi Hijau yang implementatif, reliabel dan komprehensif, Indonesia seyogyanya memiliki model perekonomian yang benar-benar hijau dan relevan dengan karakteristik bangsa Indonesia dengan berbasis filosofis Islamic Eco-ethics yang selaras dengan sosiokultural masyarakat Indonesia. Prinsip low carbon pada dasarnya searah dengan pemeliharaan jiwa dan akal. Prinsip resource efficient juga searah dengan pemeliharaan keturunan dan harta. Begitu juga prinsip socially inclussive terdapat pada kelima aspek pemeliharaan dalam konsep maqashid al-syari’ahKata Kunci: Green, Economy, Maqashid, Syari’ah
BUSTANUL FUQAHA: Jurnal Bidang Hukum Islam Vol 1 No 1 (2020): BUSTANUL FUQAHA: Jurnal Bidang Hukum Islam
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M), Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab (STIBA) Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (214.583 KB) | DOI: 10.36701/bustanul.v1i1.132


This study aimed at determining the law and urgency of cash waqf in fiqh point of view in accordance with some views of fiqh scholars related to cash waqf. This research used a qualitative-descriptive approach with content analysis techniques and library research. The results showed that the scholars hold different views in deciding the law of cash waqf. Some scholars hold that the cash waqf is permissible. Some others hold that it is makruh (undesirable). There are even some scholars who forbid it. The author inclines toward the view that asserts its permissibility. The urgency and target of cash waqf is improvement of the economy and benefit in the world and the hereafter.
BUSTANUL FUQAHA: Jurnal Bidang Hukum Islam Vol 1 No 2 (2020): BUSTANUL FUQAHA: Jurnal Bidang Hukum Islam - Special Issue: Islamic Law Perspecti
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M), Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab (STIBA) Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (151.989 KB) | DOI: 10.1234/bustanul.v1i2.140


The objective of this research was to recognize the law of hastening the payment of zakat on wealth and zakat al-fitr in the midst of Covid-19 pandemic. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach which was an attempt to understand various concepts found in the research process by using content analysis techniques and library research. The results of the study show that: first, it is possible to immediately pay zakat on wealth on condition that the ratio must be sufficient, according to a strong opinion namely that is the opinion of the majority of scholars; second, as for zakat al-fitr, the opinion which is a view in the Shafi'i school can be a solution for the current situation that it is permissible to hasten zakat al-fitr since the beginning of Ramadan. But the stronger opinion is that zakat al-fitr can only be paid one day or two days prior to the id according to a clear argument and guidance. As for the urgency of the needs of the Muslims, this does not necessarily become a reason that allows the hastening of zakat al-fitr so that it becomes the only solution that must be taken. However there is another solution, it is enhancing the encouragement for those who have adequate amount to optimize charity and alms aimed at our brothers and sisters who are in need in the midst of Covid-19.
Pengaruh Ragam Metode Pembelajaran terhadap Capaian Prestasi Belajar Iskandar, Azwar; Nasrul, Nasrul; Iskandar, Iskandar
Jurnal Imiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jipp.v4i2.24319


This research aims to analyze the effect of variety of study methods on study performance.  Sample of this research was 56 students of finance diploma program got by purposive sampling method. Primary data was got by questionnaire. This research used research variable i.e. variety of study methods such as lecturing method, field trip method, STAD method and demonstration method as independent variables, and student’s study performance index as dependent variable. Using the multiple regression analysis, the research revealed that (i) lecturing method has significantly negative effect on student’s study performance index; (ii) field trip method has positive effect on student’s study performance index but has no significant; (iii) STAD method has positive effect on student’s study performance index but has no significant; (iv) demonstration method has positive effect on student’s study performance index but has no significant; and (v) all of study method simultaneous has no significant on student’s study performance index. In order to increase study performance, it is suggested to reduce the proportion of lecture method in the process of learning and increase the proportion of others study method such as field trip, STAD, and demonstration. 
Cadar dan Hukumnya: Bantahan Terhadap Penolakan Pensyariatannya Muhammad Yusram; Azwar Iskandar
NUKHBATUL 'ULUM: Jurnal Bidang Kajian Islam Vol 6 No 1 (2020): NUKHBATUL 'ULUM: Jurnal Bidang Kajian Islam
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab (STIBA) Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36701/nukhbah.v6i1.92


This study aimed to examine and explain the passages or propositions for the inquiry of veil use, some opinions of leading scholars, and to correct or refute some weak and controversial statements and interpretations related to veil and its law. This research employed qualitative-descriptive approach with content analysis technique and library research. The result shows that the veil is prescribed in Islam. This is based on the word of Allah in the Quran surah Al-Ahzab verse 59 which is interpreted by commentators among the companions and tabi'in as a command to cover the face. In the long story of ‘ifk, it is also mentioned that Aisyah covered her face. The scholars of schools (Hanafiyyah, Malikiyyah, Syafiiyyah, and Hanabilah), even though they disagree whether covering the face is obligatory or sunnah, they agree that veil is something recommended, specifically at the time when it is feared of triggering tribulation in society due to showing off the faces of women. Some commentators also hold that they must cover their faces as they emphasize in their commentaries. Some interpretations or statements related to veil as well as its law are weak. For example, the interpretation that the use of veil that prevailed in Arab societies was a tradition for certain societies is such a fallacious statement. Considering the existing history, the previous Arab communities which were commonly called the jahiliyyah community were ignorant about covering, let alone the veil.
Pemikiran Dakwah K.H. Fathul Mu’in Dg. Maggading: Gerakan Muhammadiyah Cabang Makassar 1960-1970 Syandri, Syandri; Iskandar, Azwar
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 14 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v14i2.4074


The Muhammadiyah da'wah movement has continued to develop from year to year, not only in the city of Makassar but has also penetrated remote villages. In Makassar itself, this early movement was headquartered on Banda Street (now Jl. Banda), a place belonging to Daeng Tawiro.This research aims to know: (1) da'wah challenges faced by Muhammadiyah regional leader in 1960-1970 period; and (2) strategic programs of Muhammadiyah Makassar in dealing with da'wah problems. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with library research technique using historical and sociological approaches. The results showed: first, K.H. Fathul Mu'in Dg. Maggading as Chairman of Muhammadiyah Makassar period 1960-1966, faced three major challenges of da'wah at the beginning of his leadership period: (a) the growth of the PKI movement, (b) the dissolution of the Masyumi Party, and (c) paralysis of the Muhammadiyah movement on various lines; Secound, K.H. Fathul Mu'in Dg. Maggading as the pinning of Makassar Muhammadiyah Branch took several strategic steps as an effort to improve among the people, namely: (a) consolidation, (b) stabilization, and (c) promoting development.
Co-Authors Abur Hamdi Usman Abur Hamdi Usman Abur Hamdi Usman Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Adji Suradji Muhammad Adji Suradji Muhammad Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta Akrama Hatta Ali Djamhuri Amriani, Tenry Nur Andi Muh. Akhyar Andi Muhammad Akmal Arfan Arifuddin Arifuddin, Arfan Ashar Ashar Askar Patahuddin Asri asri Aswanto Muhammad Takwi Hede Aswar, Aswar Bayu Taufiq Possumah Bayu Taufiq Possumah Bayu Taufiq Possumah Bayu Taufiq Possumah Bayu Taufiq Possumah Bayu Taufiq Possumah, Bayu Taufiq Darmanto Darmanto Edil Wijaya Nur Edy Sofyan Fadhlan Akbar Fakhri Sungit Fakhrizal Idris Fitriana Fitriana Hendra Wijaya Henri Priamukti Ihwan Wahid Minu Iskandar Iskandar Iskandar Iskandar Ita Hartati Ita Hartati Jumadil Saputra Khaerul Aqbar Khaerul Aqbar Khaerul Aqbar Khaerul Aqbar Laode Nursyah Dendi M. Amirullah M. Kasim Mahmuddin, Ronny Mazlan Ibrahim Moh. Fadli Mohd Farid Ravi Abdullah Mohd Farid Ravi Abdullah Mohd Farid Ravi Abdullah Muh. Arfah Herwin Muh. Ihsan A.R. Muh. Syukur S. Muhammad Ammar Naufal Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Yusram Muhammad Yusram Mukran H. Usman Mukran H. Usman Nasrul Nasrul Nasrul Nasrul Rafi, Irsyad Rahmaluddin Saragih Rahmat Rahmat Rahmat Rahmat Ronny Mahmuddin Saharuddin Saharuddin Saragih, Rahmaluddin Saragih, Rahmaluddin Saragih, Ramaluddin Sirajuddin Sirajuddin Sirajuddin Sirajuddin Subekan, Achmat Subekan, Achmat Subekan, Achmat Sulkifli Herman Syandri Syandri Syandri, Syandri Syarul Azman Shaharuddin Tenry Nur Amriani Tenry Nur Amriani Tenry Nur Amriani Wijaya , Hendra Zahari Mahad Musa