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Journal : GENIUS JOURNAL (General Nursing Science Journal)

Therapeutic Communication Strategy in Social Isolation Patient: A Case Study of Mental Health Nursing Suhanda; Ali Apriansyah; Herni Oktriani; Andan Firmansyah; Vikri Haikal Ramdani
Genius Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): GENIUS JOURNAL
Publisher : Inspirasi Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (770.186 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/gj.v3i2.114


Objective: To provide nursing care for socially isolated patients with therapeutic communication strategies for socially withdrawn patients. Methods: The method used is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. The sampling technique is a therapeutic communication strategy. The sample taken was 1 patient who experienced social isolation disorders. The participants used in this study were the patient Mrs. S is 36 years old, a woman with social isolation mental disorders. The process of assessing and establishing a diagnosis is focused on the main problem. Objective and subjective data becomes a reference for periodic evaluation of nursing implementation. The location of the research was carried out at the BLUD of the Banjar City Hospital on 25-28 May 2022. Results: Based on the results of nursing care found signs and symptoms, namely with subjective data feeling lonely, feeling useless, verbal responses are lacking and very brief, while objective data is the client looks a lot silent and doesn't want to talk, facial expressions are less radiant, less eye contact. The nursing problem found is social isolation. The intervention given is therapeutic communication. Conclusion: Intervention of therapeutic communication strategies to help clients converse and want to get acquainted with their roommates in social isolation patients. This can happen if the patient can focus on doing therapeutic communication.
Family Empowerment Program to Improve Quality of Life in Thalassemia Patient: A Case Study Andan Firmansyah; Neng Wiwin Mulyati; Henri Setiawan
Genius Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): GENIUS JOURNAL
Publisher : Inspirasi Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56359/gj.v4i2.268


Introduction: Thalassemia can cause major health problems in children and adversely affect their quality of life, which includes reduced physical, psychological, social, and educational functioning. A family empowerment program is a process or effort to increase the knowledge and willingness of families to maintain and improve the Quality Of Life of children with thalassemia Objective: The purpose of this case study is to carry out nursing care for children with thalassemia and quality of life problems with the Family Empowerment Program (FEP) approach. Method: The method used is descriptive-qualitative with a case study approach. As well as pre-test intervention and post-test intervention. Nursing care was carried out with the author for three days and the family intervened using the Family Empowerment Program (FEP) approach for three weeks. The subject of this case study is a thalassemia child with poor quality of life. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation, physical examination, and documentation. Results: The results of the case study at the assessment stage found that An.S. had problems in the dimensions of social function and school function due to complex or long-term treatment or treatment programs and unsatisfactory interpersonal interactions. Intervention and implementation used in An.S. are using family empowerment with the Family Empowerment Program (FEP) approach. Conclusion: The conclusion of nursing care in children with thalassemia was that during the intervention of three meetings, there were few changes that were positive for the family and the client in handling social function and school function. After the intervention of the Family Empowerment Program (FEP) approach for three weeks, the results of filling out the PedsQL questionnaire show that the dimensions of physical function are good (90.6), the dimensions of emotional function are good (95), the dimensions of social function are good (80) and the dimensions of school function are good (85).
Parental Mediation to Reduce Device Addiction in Children with Emotional Disorders: A Case Study Andan Firmansyah; Julia Putri
Genius Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): GENIUS JOURNAL
Publisher : Inspirasi Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56359/gj.v5i1.338


Objective: This case study aims to provide direct nursing care to children experiencing emotional disturbances due to gadget addiction through parental mediation in the city of Banjar. Method: The research methodology employed in this study is descriptive analysis, utilizing a case study approach to provide an objective assessment of the client's condition. The study focused solely on one subject, Patient An. R, who experienced emotional issues stemming from gadget addiction in Banjar City. The initial day involved conducting an assessment to determine the extent of gadget addiction and the client's emotional disturbances, educating the family on parental mediation techniques, and conducting a physical examination, which revealed no issues. Subsequent days involved monitoring changes in the client's device use intensity and emotional state. The final day assessed the effectiveness of the parental mediation intervention implemented by the family through data collection methods including interviews, observation, physical examinations, and documentation reviews. Results: The findings from the case study review phase indicated that the client exhibited emotional disturbances due to gadget addiction. The intervention utilized to reduce gadget addiction involved parental mediation, employing parental strategies to monitor device usage. Over a 3-day period, the child was encouraged to reduce daily device use duration, resulting in a successful reduction from 3-5 hours per day to 1-2 hours per day. Conclusion: Following the 3-day parental mediation intervention from June 18–20, 2023, the client's device use intensity aligned with the desired outcomes. Positive changes observed included decreased behavior of ignoring family members, enhanced communication among family members, and a reduction in aggressive behavior. Evaluation results indicated the resolution of one nursing diagnosis as planned. Despite the client's emotional disorder due to gadget addiction, the intervention had a positive impact, significantly reducing device usage from 3-5 hours to 1-2 hours per day.
Co-Authors A Fitriani Aas Rosidah Abdullah Abdullah Ade Fitriani Ade Koswara Ade Kurniawan Ade Raina Adi Nurapandi Adiansyah Muhamad Akbar Adinda Rizki Aulia aditya nur wahyuni Ai Nuraliah Ajeng Silvia Akmal Rahayu Dasuki Rahmat Alda Nurani Asmara Alfi Fadilah Ali Apriansyah Alifia Badriatul H Alvira Ismawati Alya Shofia Marwa Amelia Cahya Sari Ana Samiatul Milah Andika Abdul Malik Annisa Amelia Putri Annisa Fitria Nigusyanti Asep Andang Permana asep gunawan Asri Aprilia Rohman Ayu Endang Purwati Ayu Nalaratih Ayu Sri Aryanti Azhrin Febriani Bagas Andrian Bayu Andriana Bela Bela Bella D. Shinta Bobi Ibrahim Dadi Hamdani Daniel Akbar Wibowo Dea Sri suhartini Dedi Supriadi Dela Yulianti Delviera Irmayanti Deni Kurniawan Desti Riyasti Wiji Safitri Desty Yuliawati Deuis Diana Sari Dewi Permata Imaniar Dian Andriani Diki Arif Hidayat Dinda Lutfi Hasanah Dini Nurpatonah Dwiva Azmar E Roslianti E Rosliati Elis Noviati Elis Roslianti Elza Dwi Zuvita Enita Enita Fani Afifah Fauzanillah Fauzanillah Fauzanillah Fidiyanti Amatilah Fidya Anisa Firdaus Fidya Anisa Firdaus Firza Hendasyah Fitri, Istiqlal Fuzti Fauzia Ghina Hasna Luthfiyah Gina Gina Gumelar Zati Rahayu Gunawan Angga Saputra H Setiawan Hadryani Amin Hani Monika Haris Mohamad Sidik Heni Heryani Heni Marliany Henri Setiawan Henri Setiawan hera maulidiyah Heri Ariyanto Heri Ariyanto Herni Oktriani Hilmiatun Hasanah Husnul Khotimah Iif Taufiq El Haque Iis Ismayanti Ilham Juliyana Ilham nugraha Iman Aziz Iman Masluh Aziz Imel Puji Astuti Irma P. Arisanty Ishana Balaputra Ismi Nurhayati Jajuk Kusumawaty Julia Putri Kemala Fauzia Keysha Nur Shaffa Ap Lena Agustina Lesa Lisa Lati Lestari Utami Lidia Naela Sangadah Lilis Lismayanti Linda Oktavianingsih Lisda Alvita Listiawati Listiawati M. Syikir Mahadiaz Syah Wardana Masyita Wahab Masyitah Wahab Maulidah Noorsopia Maya Ovia Meida Bintari Metty Nurherliyany MJW, Endrian Mohammad Haekal Muhamad Ramdan Nujulul Furqon Muhammad Daffa Alifio Muhammad Syahrul Zain Muhammad Syikir Mutia Dwi M Nabila Nurhaliza Nadwa Salsabilah Navis Aulia Rahman Nawa Fisca Jevanesia Nea Sherina Nendah Sulistiani Nendela Resta Angga Putri Neng Wiwin Mulyati Nindi Irma Wardani Nizar Ahmad Nur Hidayat Nur Isriani Najamuddin Nur Isriani Najamuddin Nur Isriani Nurisriani Najamuddin Nursamsi Nursamsi Nurul Azizah Pratama, Tegar Wahyu Yudha Putri Azizah Tiara Ningrum Rafi Hanif Nur Zaidan Rahmayanti Puang Kuma Rapiyudin Reika Dhamayanti Renata Syaira Reni Purwanti Rian Rahmatulloh Ridha Maulana Nurona Rifaa Fauzan Rabani Rike Rahma Amelia Rini Fitriani Rinrin Sugiartin Riska Fitri Oktavianti Risma Mustakimah Riza Nuraeni Putri Rizky Perdana Susanto Rosidah Solihah Rosmiati Rudi Kurniawan Salma Azril Aura Maulida Salsya Haerani Sandriani Sani Dayanti Santika Santika Septiani Zahra Shabrina Shabrina Shofi Nurwahidah Siti Aisyah Siti Dewi Anggraeni Sri Sulastri Desi Yanti Suci Ambarwati Tarsim Putri SUDALHAR SUDALHAR Suhanda Suhanda Suhanda Suharta Suharta Sukmara Aji Falah Sulistiarini Syahdan Nurul Bayan Tarisa Amelia Tarisa Azahra Tiara Cahya Rinukti Tini Nuranjani Tita Rohita Tyas Sri Wahyuni Umami, Afriza Vikri Haikal Ramdani wahab, masyitah Wina Widianti Wulan Permatasari Yuda Nugraha Yulistianto Yuyun Rahayu