Ardiyani, Vita Maryah
Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

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Journal : Jurnal Lentera

Jurnal LENTERA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal LENTERA
Publisher : Stikes Yarsi Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (872.166 KB) | DOI: 10.57267/lentera.v1i2.97


Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) mempunyai peran penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi nasional, oleh karena berperan dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi dan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Kasus kegawatdaruratan yang sering terjadi pada pekerja di tempat kerja salah satunya adalah luka robek. Kejadian kegawatdaruratan di tempat kerja dapat terjadi sewaktu-waktu sehingga perlu adanya kesiapan baik peralatan dan kemampuan dalam penanganan awal kegawatdaruratan sebelum dibawa ke fasilitas kesehatan. Berdasarkan analisais situasi yang dilakukan terhadap mitra adalah karyawan Home Industry Shuttlecock di Desa Sumber Porong Kecamatan Lawang didapatkan beberapa permasalahan, antara lain keterbatasan tenaga kerja yang harus terlatih di bidangnya, keterbatasan pengetahuan terutama di bidang kecelakaan kerja, dan pelaksanaan teknis pekerjaan sebagian besar pengusaha home industry shuttlecock belum memenuhi standar keamanan kerja dimana dalam industri ini seringkali terjadi kecelakaan kerja terutama dalam proses pengolahan bahan baku. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan keterampilan penggunaan emergency kit dasar untuk penanganan awal kegawatdaruratan kecelakaan kerja pada home industry shuttlecock. Metode yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan pekerja dan pemilik home industry shuttlecock adalah melalui pelatihan penanganan awal kegawatdaruratan kecelakaan kerja dan bantuan list set alat kegawatdaruratan kecelakaan kerja beserta fungsinya. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah karyawan Home Industry Shuttlecock di Desa Sumber Porong Kecamatan Lawang sebanyak 10 orang. Penyuluhan dan demonstrasi efektif meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang penggunaan emergency kit dasar untuk kegawatdaruratan.
Jurnal LENTERA Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal LENTERA
Publisher : Stikes Yarsi Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57267/lentera.v2i1.164


The implementation of this community service aims to provide education on the application of health protocols at the location of the Sidorejo Indah Tourism Village (DEWISRI) Sidorejo Village, Jabung District. The tourism aspect is one part affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In tourism operations in the pandemic era, it is necessary to implement health protocols as an effort to prevent and control the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak. DEWISRI tourist village, Sidorejo Village, Jabung District, Malang Regency is one of the tourist attractions affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of community service activities is to provide education to increase knowledge about health protocols in the pandemic era. The targets in this activity consist of managers, DEWISRI employees, and food and beverage sellers around tourist sites as many as 10 people. The method of implementing community service activities is carried out in three stages, namely first measuring public knowledge about health protocols (pre test) using a questionnaire, second providing education about health protocols, and third measuring community knowledge about health protocols (post test) using questionnaires. The results of the univariate analysis showed that more than half of the participants (80%) had knowledge in the low category and after being given education about health protocols, it was found that more than half of the participants (70%) had sufficient knowledge. Education on the application of health protocols has a direct impact, namely increasing knowledge about health protocols in the community.
PENDAMPINGAN OPTIMALISASI UNIT KESEHATAN SEKOLAH (UKS) Ani Sutriningsih; Wahyu Dini Metrikayanto; Vita Maryah Ardiyani
Jurnal LENTERA Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal LENTERA
Publisher : Stikes Yarsi Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57267/lentera.v3i2.279


Community service activities aim to provide assistance in optimizing the School Health Efforts (UKS) to create healthy students. Schools can realize this by activating the school health business program which aims to improve optimal health so that it can maximize the potential and achievements of children in learning. The purpose of this community service is assistance to optimize UKS. The method of implementing community service activities in facilitating the optimization of UKS is through observing conditions and inventorying the needs for space and facilities for UKS and identifying the implementation of the UKS Trias. The instrument for measuring results uses a questionnaire. The results of the activity showed that the existing UKS room was not permanent and was still one with the school principal's room. The medical equipment at the UKS only consists of simple beds and first aid kits. The implementation of the UKS Triassic found that the implementation of health education and counseling in schools was included in the poor category; the implementation of health services is included in the less category; and the implementation of a healthy school environment is included in the less category so the solutions provided are assistance in procuring UKS space and equipment and socialization of the UKS Triassic. UKS activities are important for school health efforts, so monitoring and evaluation need to be carried out on an ongoing basis.
Co-Authors Ahda Suhanda Andri Setiawan Angelika Christin Role Ani Sutriningsih Ani Sutriningsih Ani Sutriningsih Ani Sutriningsih Ani Sutriningsih Anjelina Marta Lupa Arahaf Abdi Astuti, Paska Lia Umi Aurelia Mau Keo Bernike Keiku Lor Damaris Arista Lende Danguwole Jati Felpina Dewi, Novita Dian Susmarini Diana Diana Dudella Desnani Firman Yasin, Dudella Desnani Firman Dyah Widodo Eka Pipit Nur Cahyani Elaspriani Elaspriani Elaspriani Kunto Fasty Aklima Fauzi Riki Hidayat Fedelia Susanti Rebu Felisiana Felisiana Felpina Jati Danguwole Fitria Hayati Gaudensia Sinarti Lodis Glorianita A.R De Araujo Hasanudin Hasanudin Herwin Herwin Ika Cahyaningrum Cahyaningrum Imam Munandar Issanue Yunaefi Joko Wiyono Kumboyono Kumboyono Laksono Trisnantoro M. Miftahuz Zubaidi M. Titin Andri W Maria De Jesus Maria Gemelin Suarliak Maria Helmiana Muda Melkianus Dangu Elu Melliana Sabtheka Mia Andinawati Mia Andinawati Mia Andinawati Mia Andinawati Mia Andinawati Miftahur Rahman Mikhayandi John Lede Mira Pratiwi Misda Misda Moh. Fachrizal Rosyid Muhammad Noor Ni Luh Putu Eka Sudiwati Nia Lukita Ariani Novita Dewi Nurul Aini Pertiwi Perwiraningtyas Prudensia Tony Pompang’k Toton Rinda Rinda Rinik Eko K Rizki Nurrahman Rudi Febrianto Selia Wilhelmina Shania Auryn Sugianto Hadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Swaidatul Masluhiya AF Tanto Hariyanto Terezinha Gusmao Vinsensia Kewa Wahyu Dini Metrikayanto Wahyu Dini Metrikayanto Wayan Supi Andila Wisundari Wisundari Yanti Rosdiana Yasinta Nadu Ndode Yedetia Yublina Bobo Yefrian Alfred Taka Wunga Yeni Kristiani Yohanes Daud Djawa Yovita Handayani Ina Talu Yovita Hiasinta Lely Yovita Lai Hane Yuliani Yuliani Yunita Lende Zakariya Zakariya Zaky Soewandi Ahmad