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Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Published by Universitas Riau
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Articles 187 Documents
Evaluation of Teaching Ability of Students at Japanese Language Education Program of FKIP UNRI Rahayu, Nana
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This study aims to find out the factors of influencing the ability to teach Japanese in Japanese Language Education Program of Faculty of Teacher’s Training and Education of Universitas Riau (FKIP UNRI) students who carried out Teacher Training Program (PPL) at school. This research is a descriptive research where data was obtained through documentation. The population in this study was all students carrying out PPL during 2017/2018 school year totaling 50 people. Research data was collected through assessment documentation and video recording. The data is analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the factors that influence the ability to teach students are the role of supervising teachers, lack of preparation for teaching planning, and limited teaching materials.
The Effect of Mathematical Thinking Ability With Alberta Inquiry Learning Models Towards Discrete Mathematics Learning Outcomes Heleni, Susda; Zulkarnain, Zulkarnain
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Mathematical thinking is a mathematical process, which includes five aspects; mathematical understanding, mathematical communication, mathematical connections, mathematical reasoning and mathematical problem solving. Discrete Mathematics is one of the subjects that can develop students thinking skills. One of the lessons that can be applied to improve students mathematical thinking skills is the Alberta Inquiry learning model. This research aims to discover the effect of mathematical thinking capabilities with the learning model of Alberta Inquiry towards the learning achievement of Discrete Mathematics Study Program FKIP of Universitas Riau in the even semester of 2017/2018 academic year. The form of this research is a quasi-experimental research. The experiment design used in this research is the Single Group Pretest /Posttest design Without Control Group. The sample of this research is students of the 6th semester Mathematics Study Program of Class A in the even semester of 2017/2018 academic year consisting 31 peoples.Based on the considerations of the researchers taken class A as the sample in this research with the reason that students in class A first took Discrete Mathematics courses in the even semester of 2017/2018 academic year. The result of the normality test of pretestand postest showed that the pretest data werenot normally distributed (sig = 0,004 < α = 0,05) and the postest data was normally distributed (sig = 0,200 > α = 0,05). The results of two similarity test average obtained sig = 0,00< α = 0,05 means postest value is better than pretest. The results of testing the determination index coefficient obtained the value of r2xy = 0,52with Kp = 52%. In other words itcan be concluded that there is an effect of mathematical thinking ability with Alberta Inquiry learning models towards Discrete mathematics learning outcomes is 52%.
Internalization of Character Values in Learning Process Using MSHR Model Sudrajat, Hendar; Syaflita, Dina
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Education is an effort to build character of students through fostering Affective domains to form Good Feeling, Cognitive domain to form Good Knowing, and Psychomotor domain to form Good Acting. Unfortunately, in affective domain learning activities or attitudes tend to be ignored for various reasons. This gives an overview of the lack of awareness of educators to pay attention to the affective aspects of learning. For that, it is necessary to habituate the internalization of character values by educators through a simple strategy, namely MSHR (Motivation, Socialization, Habituation, and Remediation). The goals of this strategy is to help teacher internalize character values in learning activities simplely. This type of research is R & D research using the Plomp development model. Validity and practicality tests carried out by experts and practitioners through oral assessment using questionnaire instruments. The effectiveness test is done by asking the student’s opinions on learning activities using the MSHR attitude learning model. The internalization can be carried out in the learning time section of the study, at the beginning, mid, or end of activities. The results of the study illustrate that the MSHR model is valid, practical, and effective to be used in learning activities.
Physical Condition Profile of Silat-Atletesselection Of Students Education and Exercise Center (PPLP), and Students Education and Training Center (PPLM) Dispora Riau Province in 2018 Ramadi, Ramadi; Sulastio, Agus; Elva, Maryan
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The purpose of this study was to find out the physical condition profile of athletes selection of the Student Training and Education Center (PPLP) and Student Training and Education Center (PPLM) in the Province of Riau in 2018, and to find out the Difference in Physical Conditions of Silat Athlete Education and Training Centers Students (PPLP) and Student Training and Education Center (PPLM) in the Province of Riau in 2018. The type of this research was Quantitative Descriptive, where this study would clearly illustrate the physical condition data of PPLP and PPLM team selection of Riau Province. In this study, researchers used a physical condition test for the collecting data. Based on the results and discussion it can be concluded that the results of the physical condition data of candidates for Silat Putra PPLP athletes are in the medium category with a percentage of 75%, and the low category with a percentage of 25%. Whilst for the SilatPutri PPLP athlete, it is a medium category (1 person only) with a percentage of 25%, and there are 3 people with low category(with a percentage of 75%). Furthermore, for the PPLM Silat Putra athletes are as follows: the good is 2 people (50%), the medium category is 1 person (25%), and thelow category is 1 person (25%). Whilst, for the SilatPutri PPLM athletes, the medium category is 3 people (75%), the low category has 1 person (25%). Thus, the condition of PPLM athletes selection participants is better than PPLP. This is also influenced by the length of the athletes training.
Effectiveness of Fading Technique on Art Skills (Drawing with Pencils) for PG PAUD Students at the Riau University Hukmi, Hukmi; Risma, Devi
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This research is supported by the problem of art skills of PG PAUD studentsin drawing with pencil are still low. To improve this, an experimental research is carried out by giving treatments in fading techniques: shading techniques, drawing shapes, perspectives, and landscapes. In this research, it can be concluded the findings are: 1) before the provision of fading techniques, basic art skills of PG Riau PAUD students in the category of less than 55.72%; 2) after giving fading technique treatments, art skills of students of the Riau PA PAUD PG are in the good category of 73.57%; 3) after treatment, there is an influence (effectiveness) of fading techniques on art skills (drawing with pencil) forPG PAUD Students at the Riau University which is 40.30%.
Improving Senior High School Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability Through Generative Learning In Bengkalis Regency Hutapea, Nahor Murani
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Mathematical communication ability (MCA) is an ability required by each individual to cope all life challenges. However, students’ MCA has in fact not yet well-developed up to senior high school level. Generative learning (GL) is considered able to elicit the development of students’ MCA. This research aims to examine students’ MCA through the implementation of GL. The type of this research is quasi experiment with pretest and postest control group design. The research subject was students of grade X from three public senior in Bengkalis Regency i.e. Bengkalis SMAN-1, Mandau SMAN-1 and Pinggir SMAN-1. The research used a set of MCA test. Data analysis employed t-test (equal variences assumed). The research result shows that (1) GL could better achieve students’ MCA compared to the control class sample with conventional learning method (CLM), Bengkalis: 10.58 > 8.47, Mandau: 9.47 > 8.18, Pinggir: 7.36 > 6.35, and (2) GL could better enhance students’ MCA compared to the control class sample with CLM, Bengkalis: 0.79 > 0.61, Mandau: 0.69 > 0.58, Pinggir: 0.52 > 0.43. Improving of students’ MCA throgh GL in Bengkalis was high, but for Mandau and Pinggir, both GL or CLM were moderate.
The Analysis of Student Process Skills in Implementing Practicum on Straight Motion Material in High School Sartika, Medya; Islami, Nur; Zuhdi, Zuhdi
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This study aims to describe students skills in carrying out practicum on straight motion material in high school. This type of research is descriptive research supported by a quantitative approach while the method is survey. The sample in this study is class X IPA 1 and class X IPA 2 with a total of 67 students, the determination of the sample is done by purposive sampling.The data in this study in the form of scores of students skills in carrying out practicum on straight motion material in high school which were analyzed descriptively, scoring, tabulating and categorizing according to the category level of students process skills.. This research is seen from the aspects of preparation, implementation and closing. Based on the data analysis obtained the skill level in the preparation aspect gained a score of 3.35 with good category, the implementation aspect gained a score of 3.25 with a fairly good category and the closing aspect gained a score of 3.49 with a good score. Thus it can be concluded that students of class X IPA 1 and X IPA 2 in SMA Negeri 14 Pekanbaru have the skills to carry out practicum on good straight motion material.
Competence of SMK Teachers Based on Institutional Financial Accounting (SMK State in Pekanbaru) Gusnardi, Gusnardi; Trisnawati, Fenny
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Financial accounting institutions are the new subjects taught at the vocational school. Based on observations through the Pekanbaru City MGMP Accounting, most of the teachers have not understood this material properly. Usually accounting teachers only teach financial accounting in general. For the competence of teachers in teaching these subjects, it needs to be analyzed, so that it can be known to what extent the teachers competence in teaching this material..This study sought to analyze the competence of accounting teacher at SMK Negeri Pekanbaru City-based financial accounting agencies. Data is obtained by distributing questionnaires related to professional competence regarding financial accounting institutions with 7 sub sections. Data processing and analysis is carried out using descriptive analysis for parts of competence in the institutions financial accounting material. The results showed that the competency of teachers in SMK Kota Pekanbaru in understanding the institutions financial accounting is still lacking when compared to their competence in teaching their usual financial accounting previously taught.It is necessary efforts so that the competence of the teachers about the financial accounting agencies can increase at least in proportion to their competence in teaching financial accounting.
The Development of Scientific Literacy-Based Biology Textbook for High School Students Natalina, Mariani; Shafii, Wan; Prasono, Awanda
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Scientific Literacy-Based Biology Textbook can be used to improve the literacy of science of senior high school students. This research aims to provide a qualified scientific literacy-based biology textbook. The research consists of the stages of analysis, design, and development. This book was developed based on the analysis of question items of the PISA 2006 and 2015 as well as linkages with the basic competency of curriculum 2013. The stage of analysis, design, development, internal validation and test I carried out in the biology laboratory of FKIP Universitas Riau. The external validation and testing II implemented in SMA Negeri 1 Pekanbaru. The analysis of question items of the PISA 2006 and 2015 produce four topics which are developed; Methods, biodiversity, evolution, and biotechnology. This book was validated based on three aspects of scientific literacy: aspects of the format of the book and the graphic, aspect of content eligibility and scientific literacy. The contents eligibility includes the technique of presentation and scientific literacy includes science as the torso, science as a way of investigating, science as a way of thinking, and scientific as interaction between the science technology and society. The third aspect is the aspect of language. Scientific literacy-based biology textbook that is produced in this research is at a very valid category and very good so it is appropriate to be used as a source of autodidact learning in developing scientific literacy ability.
Development of Interactive Computer Based Media for Learning Mathematics on Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) and Least Common Multiple (LCM) Topics Jalinus, Jalinus; Alim, Jesi Alexander
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The purpose of research is to make an interactive computer based media for learning mathematics onGCD and LCM topics which is can be used by the teachers and students because this interactive computer based media is using the fun animation corresponded to the thinking stage of the elementary school student is on concrete stage. This research is development research with these following steps : 1. Analysis, including a) interview with fourth grade elementary school teacher about learning of mathematics, b) analyze the syllabus of the fourth grade mathematics subject, c) analyze the book text of the matchematics, d) review the literature of teaching materials. 2. prototype phase, including a) validation, b) practicality , doing a trial to Babussalam Elementary School Pekanbaru. 3. Assesment, evaluate if the prototype can be used as expected and effective to increase the quality of learning. The results show that the interactive computer based media for learning mathematic on GCD and LCM topics is valid. The trials to the fourth grade students of Babussalam Elementary School result show that the interactive computer based media for learning mathematics on GCD and LCM topics is practice, proven by the description and the data analysis can be conclude that the learning materials is effective to make the students learning activities and make the students learning independently and fun.

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