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Journal : International Journal of Education and Social Science (IJESS)

Recommendations for Occupational Safety and Health (K3) as a Means in Increasing Employee Performance Productivity Muhammad Rifqi; Otto Fajarianto; Husni Thamrin
IJESS International Journal of Education and Social Science Vol 4 No 1 (2023): VOL 4 NO 1 APRIL 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56371/ijess.v4i1.145


Occupational Health and Safety (K3) is an important aspect in an industrial environment that aims to protect employees from various risks and hazards that may occur during the production process. This study aims to analyze the role of OSH in increasing productivity and quality of work in various industrial sectors. Regulation of the Minister of Manpower No. 4 of 1987 confirms that every agency that employs employees with a number of over 100 people or more is obliged to pay attention to the occupational safety and health of its employees, but unfortunately Not all agencies apply K3 to these agencies. Working with a healthy, safe and comfortable body and environment is what all workers want. The physical environment of the workplace and organizational environment are very important in influencing the social, mental and physical life of workers. The health of a workplace environment can have a positive influence on worker health, such as increasing worker morale, reducing absenteeism and increasing productivity. On the other hand, an unhealthy or unhealthy workplace (often exposed to hazardous substances/items affecting health/occupational safety) can increase the number of unhealthy and even accidents, lower the quality of workers' health, increase health costs and many other negative impacts. This study uses a qualitative approach by collecting data from various sources, including literature studies and interviews with industry practitioners who are experienced in OSH implementation. The results showed that OSH has a significant role in increasing employee productivity by reducing absenteeism due to work-related accidents and diseases. In addition, the implementation of an effective OSH program can reduce the number of work accidents and potential injuries, which ultimately improves work quality and operational efficiency. This study concludes that OSH is not only the responsibility of the company, but also the community and government must be involved in ensuring a safe and healthy work environment. With the implementation of OSH management, it is hoped that healthy workers will make productive workers, which is very important for the success of company and agency businesses and national development.
The Effectiveness of Learning Management System in Higher Education: A Case Study of Social Sciences Course Content Yenni Arnas; Andy Ahmad; Otto Fajarianto
IJESS International Journal of Education and Social Science Vol 4 No 2 (2023): VOL 4 NO 2 OCTOBER 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Due to the Ministry of Education and Culture's circular letter, the education sector must innovate in carrying out its duties and functions in educating students even though they do not meet face-to-face. The modern education paradigm requires educators and students to be technologically literate. The online learning that is intended is based on ICT by utilising the internet as the main media. Learning Management System is a software for administration, documentation, reports of an activity, teaching and online learning activities online. Social Science is a subject in schools that is designed on the basis of phenomena, problems, and social realities with an interdisciplinary approach. The utilisation of Learning Management System in social studies learning concept courses became the study of this research. The data collection used is a questionnaire given to students through Google Form at the final meeting of the lecture. This research uses non-test data collection techniques in the form of observation, questionnaires, and documentation. In this Learning Management System, the learning system and communication between lecturers and students can be carried out well by utilising the features available in the LMS application.
Co-Authors Achmad Faqih Achmad, Fachmi Aghnia Dian Lestari Agus Budiman Agus Budiman Ali Firdaus Andy Ahmad Andy Ahmad Andy Ahmad Aniesa Puspa Arum Arianto, Arianto Arif Kurniawan Arus Khongrungchok Brajadenta, Gara Samara Cahya, Jaka Tubagus Cahyandi, Fiqih Citra Kurniawan Dedet Erawati Deka Dyah Utami Deny Sudrajat Eka Rista Harimurti Eko Hariyanto Ena Marlina Fachmi Achmad Farida Nurfalah Fauzi, Arif Muchlisin Fery Setiawan Fiqih Cahyandi Gilang Anggit Budaya Haiyan Amalia Hanafri, Muhammad Iqbal Hanafri, Muhammad Iqbal Hengki Sanjaya Herlina Ike Oktaviani Herlina Usman Humaid Ali Hasan Husni Thamrin Husni Thamrin I Nyoman Suryasa Ifit Novita Sari Ifit Novita Sari Iqbal, Muchamad Iqbal, Muchammad Jaka Tubagus Cahya Khaerudin Imawan Khairul Annuar bin Abdullah Linda Afriani M. Sutarjo Maimunah Maimunah Mardi Mardi Mohd Shafry Mohd Rahim Muchamad Iqbal Muchammad Iqbal Muhammad Iqbal Hanafri Muhammad Nasir Muhammad Nasir Muhammad Rifqi Nailah Tresnawati Nelia Fariani Siregar Nidya Chandra Muji Utami Nursahidin, Nursahidin Punaji Setyosari Radeal Wirawa Rd. Mahendra Haryo Bharoto Rifka Noviani Santika Rifka Noviani Santika Roosiganda Elizabeth Saida Ulfa, Saida Sanjaya, Hengki Sapto Adi Sari, Pratiwi Kartika Setyawan Widyarto Siti Arofatinajah Siti Jubaedah Siti Jubaedah, Siti Siti Maisaroh Siti Maisaroh Solly Aryza Sri Wulandari Sugeng Siswondo Suwarno Suwarno Suwarno Suwarno Suyitno Muslim Titim Nurlia Tri Candra Wulandari Tri Candra Wulandari Triono Triono Triono Triono Wahyuni, Yeyen Waras Waras Welly Wihayati Welly Wihayati Widodo, Ardiyanto S Wirawa, Radeal Yenni Arnas Yeyen Wahyuni Yhonanda Harsono Yhonanda Harsono Yudi Aryanto