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Journal : Profesi Pendidikan Dasar

Profesi Pendidikan Dasar Vol. 7, No. 1, Juli 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/ppd.v7i1.10996


The research objective is to describe the appropriateness of the Assessment Book (Bupena) based on the content, presentation, language, graphics, and moral values contained therein. Bupena is one of the textbooks used by the Surakarta 16 Muhammadiyah Primary School. This research method is a descriptive qualitative method, which produces descriptive data in the form of written words. The research design is book analysis with data analysis techniques in the form of data collection, data recording, data reduction, drawing conclusions, and describing. The validity used is semantic validity. Based on the results of the analysis of the feasibility of the contents or content of the book Bupena presents material that is easy to understand in accordance with the development of students' age, the presentation of books that address the material contextually, the graphics of books that place the illustrations as well-organized explanations, Bupena books included in the category of proper use. The language used in the book is still found errors like mistakes in writing vocabulary. As well as the lack of moral values contained in the book, make a bhasa assessment and the moral values in the Bupena book are inadequate and need improvement.
Profesi Pendidikan Dasar Vol. 1, No. 1, Juli 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/ppd.v1i1.943


The aim of this study include: a) describe the character of learning Indonesian, active,and fun in SD Muhammadiyah Surakarta 1, b) describe a method of learning Indonesiancharacter, active, and fun in SD Muhammadiyah Surakarta 10, and c) describeobstacles encountered in the implementation of learning Indonesian character, active,and fun in SD Muhammadiyah Surakarta 10. This research is a qualitative descriptivestudy. The strategy used is a single case study. The main data source of this research:teacher and fourth grade students in 10 elementary Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Severaldata collection techniques: direct observation plays a passive, in-depth interviews,open and informal nature, giving questionnaires (open questionnaire). Implementationof learning character, active, and fun on Indonesian subjects in fourth grade SurakartaMuhammadiyah 10 can be observed from the three activities, namely: planning learning,learning implementation, and evaluation of learning. Learning plan has been availablesyllabi and lesson plans, instructional implementation has accordance RPP but lessvariable in the application of the method, and the evaluation of teacher learning hasdeveloped rubrics and assessment in the lesson plan format. Constraints faced to implementthe learning of character, active, and fun on Indonesian subjects in fourth gradeSurakarta Muhammadiyah 10, among others: the constraints of the school, teachers,and students.
Profesi Pendidikan Dasar Vol. 1, No. 2, Desember 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/ppd.v1i2.1549


The purpose of this research is to find a model of strengthening character education inelementary school environment learners Javanese culture. The specific objective of thesecond year is to formulate a model of an active character education and fun in theelementary school students then tested the cultured Javanese character education modelthat is active and fun in the cultured primary school learners Java. The main methoddeveloped in this research is descriptive - qualitative - reflective. The research method willbe implemented in the second year is the collection of data with focus group discussionsinvolving teachers, principals, school committees , and parents / guardians of students .The collected data were analyzed by using a reflective critique. In that year also applieddata collection methods to test the model. The data were analyzed with a heuristic model.This study has several performance indicators of each year. After the first year the indicatoris reached, followed by a search for examples of learning models applied by the teacherin the implementation of character education. Year two indicators to be achieved is thestrong foundation of character education in the elementary sense after FGD with teachers,principals, school committee, and parents / guardians of students. This indicator willexplain: (1) the weaknesses and strengths of the old model of learning in the teaching ofcharacter education, (2) the expectations of elementary education stakeholders aboutcharacter education , (3) application of learning models “ Thanks Sam “ in SD and thesurrounding region of Surakarta , (4) the power of learning model “ Thanks Sam “ as alearning model that is able to strengthen the character of elementary school students ..
Improving Reading Comprehension Skills to Solve Text Problems of Elementary School Students Nanda Anggun Wahyu Cahyani; Fitri Puji Rahmawati; Adolph Ian A. Dela Torre
Profesi Pendidikan Dasar Vol. 9, No. 1, July 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/ppd.v9i1.18250


This study sought to determine the reading comprehension and text problem-solving abilities of sixth-grade elementary students. This research utilized qualitative methodology. Principal, sixth-grade teacher, and two sixth-grade students were the four subjects of this study. In this study, interviews, observation, and documentation were used as data collection methods. In this study, data analysis is performed using an interactive model data analysis technique comprising the steps of data reduction, data presentation, inference, and validation. Moreover, source triangulation was used to ensure the validity of the data in this study. The findings of this study indicate that: (1) sixth-grade students are proficient in reading and comprehension; the average student is nearly able to comprehend the text after reading it; and (2) sixth-grade students are proficient in writing. In order to comprehend the reading, students must first read the text, comprehend its content, and be able to interpret its meaning, with the exception of its implied meaning. On average, however, they were able to draw conclusions from the reading. There were few students whose test scores on text questions were below the Minimum Completeness Criteria score, given the sixth-grade students' average reading comprehension ability.
Co-Authors Aan Sofyan Aditama, Madya Giri Adolph Ian A. Dela Torre Ali Imron Al Ma'ruf Ali Imron Al Ma’ruf Anatri Desstya Andi Arfianto Andri Wicaksono Anggun Kusuma Budi Maharani Anisa Fitri Rahmawati Aprin Wahyani Argita Imanning Tyas Arum Susilowati Atika Azzahro Hazima Atiqa Sabardila Aulia Dewi Tegarina Hardanti Awalinda Dea Kusumandaru Ayu Putri Ivana Choiriyah Widyasari Deby Fitriana Diah Bekti Anggraeni Diah Puji Rahmawati Diani Aldila Diyana Ramadani Dyah Ismoyo Lutviyanti Rahmadhani Efi Rusdiyani Efi Rusdiyani Eko Purnomo Endang Fauziati Eny Winaryati Erlina Aprilia Erna Nopitasari Erna Nopitasari Faisal Yusuf Bakhtiar Faridatun Nashiroh Fatma Nadiatul Khusna Fattah Hanurawan Fitria Purnamasari Hengki Hermawan Honest Ummi Kaltsum Ika Candra Sayekti Kanty Puspita Sari Laili Etika Rahmawati Laras Putri Lestari Latifah Latifah Luqman Nul Hakim Ma'rifatul Jannah Main Sufanti Malika Dian Ayu Noviati Markhamah Melyani Sari Sitepu Minsih Mitha Afrilia Muhamad Taufik Hidayat Muhammad Khoirurrosyid Muhammad Rheyza Al-Rasyiid Muhroji Mulyaningtyas Kartikasari Murfiah Dewi Wulandari Nabila Rahmawati Nanda Anggun Wahyu Cahyani Nazila Viama Riska Novita Nur Amalia Nur Ervannudin Nuraini Fatimah Nurul Hidayatun Nikmah Qori'ah Purwaji Ratnasai Diah Utami Ratnasari Diah Utami Ratnasari Diah Utami Rizka Rizka Rizka Sittariandani Rosalinda Rosalinda Rosita Nur khoti’ah Salsabila Anindya Putri Siti Nur Azizah Sukartono Sukartono Sumarlam Sumarlam Suryadin Hasyda Syaifuddin Rifa’i Tansa Giri Asmaniah Theresia Nurani Istiprijanti Tunjung Arumtika Tutut Chusniyah Ummi Tadzkiroh Ummu Aiman Utami Magrifiani Wahyu Ratnawati Wahyu Ratnawati Wahyu Ratnawati Wendy Dian patriana Widodo SP Widodo Widodo Widodo Widodo Widyastuti Widyastuti Yulia Maftuhah Hidayati Yurike Ernawati