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Journal : Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian

Image Processing for Quality Inspection of Mango Fruit Usman Ahmad
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 16 No. 1 (2002): Buletin Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.016.1.%p


Indonesia has many kinds of tropical fruits, including mango, that can be exported besides to suplly the demand on the fruits in the country. To ensure the quality of mango, it is important to do sortation and grading on them, especially those for export, based on the quality requirement. In this case, the use of high technology such as image processing in necesary to put into practise with the aim to increase the consistance of sortation and grading processes as compare to the result of manual work.
Development of Image Processing Algoritm for Determining the Maturity of Fresh Mangosteen Diding Suhandy; Usman Ahmad
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 17 No. 2 (2003): Buletin Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.017.2.%p


One of important factor in post harvest handling is cropping at correct maturity level. Fruit maturity relates to age pluck vegetable or fruit to be harvested have old enough or not yet. Grading represent dissociation of product becomes some group quality of pursuant to maturity level, size measure, color, form, heavy, texture, aroma and freedom from foreign object or dirt.The objective of this research is to predict the maturity of fresh mangosteen by means of an image processing algorithm. In this study, four stages maturity (120, 126, 132 and 138 days after flowering) were used as objects with 33,37,40,40 samples for each stages of maturity. The image processing program to analyze the relationship between the maturity and the color, size, and shape of fruits.
Deteksi Ujung Biji Ginko Menggunakan Pengolahan Citra Berbasis Analisis Morfologi Usman Ahmad
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 27 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.027.1.%p


Abstrak Biji ginkgo harus dibuka untuk diambil dan dimanfaatkan isinya yang lunak. Untuk membuka pelindung daging biji yang keras, orientasi biji harus diketahui, karena biji lebih mudah terbuka pada ujungnya, sedangkan bagian pangkalnya cenderung tetap menyatu. Bila orientasi tidak tepat, maka akan dibutuhkan gaya tekan yang jauh lebih besar untuk membukanya, sehingga seringkali daging biji ikut rusak terkena gaya tekan yang berlebihan. Program pengolahan citra dibuat dan digunakan untuk melakukan deteksi bagian ujung dari biji ginkgo. Hasil deteksi bagian ujung biji menggunakan algoritma berdasarkan analisis morfologi masing-masing 100% untuk Kinbei, 85% untuk Kyujyu, dan 65% untuk Tokuro. Operasi morfologi dilakukan untuk memperbaiki bentuk biji pada citra biner sehingga kemampuan deteksi ujung biji dapat ditingkatkan. Hasil deteksi bagian ujung biji setelah operasi perbaikan bentuk dilakukan masing-masing meningkat menjadi 100% untuk Kyujyu dan 85% untuk Tokuro, sedangkan Kinbei tidak terpengaruh, tetap 100%. Kata Kunci: biji ginkgo, deteksi ujung biji, pengolahan citra, morfologi analisis Abstract Ginkgo nut has to be cracked to obtain its soft and usefull meat for utilization. To crack the hard shell, nut orientation is important to know because the nut is easier to crack at front side or tip or tip part, while the back side is usially remain uncracked. Wrong orientation will need more power to crack the nut and damage to soft meat might be occur due to exessive power. Image processing program was developed and used to detect tip part of the nut. The results of tip detection based on morphological analysis algorithm are 100% for Kinbei, 85% for Kyujyu, and 65% for Tokuro. To improve detection performance, Mhorpological Operation Were are 100% for Kyujyu and 85% for Tokuro, While for Tokuro is remain unffected, 100% detected. Keyword: gingko nut, tip detection, image processing, morphology analysis Diterima: 24 Desember 2012; Disetujui: 25 Maret 2013  
Pengembangan Alogaritma Pengolahan Citra untuk Menghindari Rintangan pada Traktor Tanpa Awak Usman Ahmad; Desrial .; I Dewa Made Subrata; Sjahrul Annas
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 24 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.024.2.%p


AbstractUnmanned tractors, even though it uses global positioning system (GPS) technology to identify the working path, still require an ability to recognize the environment in front of it in order to avoid obstacles thatmay exist. A device that can be used to recognize the environment in front of the tractor and avoid obstacles that may exist, is the camera. However, images captured by the camera need to be processed to detect possible obstacles at the front of the tractor. This study aimed to develop image processing algorithms to detect the possible presence of obstacles on the path to be traversed by an unmanned tractor, and directed the tractor to a safe path by giving the new coordinates when there are obstacles in front of it. Several mage processing techniques such as edge detection, opening and closing, marking free area, and the determination of the coordinates were used for the purpose of directing the path in front of the tractor when there are obstacles that must be avoided.Keywords: image processing, obstacles, unmanned tractor, algorithmsDiterima: 19 April 2010; Disetujui: 18 Oktober 2010
Penentuan Pola Peningkatan Kekerasan Kulit Buah Manggis Selama Penyimpanan Dingin Dengan Metode NIR Spectroscopy Dwi Dian Novita; Usman Ahmad; Sutrisno .; I Wayan Budiastra
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 25 No. 1 (2011): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (800.917 KB) | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.025.1.%p


Abstract Pericarp hardening of mangosteen fruit has correlation with the decrease in moisture content due to transpiration and respiration during storage.  The change of pericarp moisture content during storage may be determined nondestructively using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. The objectives of this study were to build calibration model of NIR reflectance to predict the moisture content of the pericarp, and to determine the pattern of pericarp hardening based on change of moisture content during storage using NIR reflectance. NIR reflectance spectra were obtained from fruits stored at 8ºC, 13ºC, and room temperature.  Calibrations were built using partial least squares (PLS) and artificial neural network (ANN) models.  Results of analysis indicated that pericarp moisture content could be predicted well by NIR reflectance using the calibration model of PLS for mangosteen stored at 8ºC, 13ºC, and room temperature. The pattern of pericarp hardening based on change of moisture content also could be determined using NIR reflectance for mangosteen stored at 13ºC and room temperature. Keywords : mangosteen fruit, pericarp hardening, moisture content NIR spectroscopy, PLS, ANN Abstrak Pengerasan kulit buah manggis memiliki korelasi dengan penurunan kadar air kulit buah akibat dari proses transpirasi dan respirasi buah selama penyimpanan. Perubahan kadar air kulit buah selama penyimpanan bisa ditentukan secara non-destutive dengan menggunakan near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyusun model kalibrasi reflektan NIR untuk memprediksi kadar air kulit buah manggis, serta untuk menentukan model pengerasan kulit buah berdasarkan perubahan kadar air selama penyimpanan menggunakan reflektan NIR. Spektra reflektan NIR diambil dari buah manggis yang disimpan pada suhu 8oC, 13oC dan suhu ruang. Kalibrasi dibangun dengan menggunakan model partial least squares (PLS) dan artificial neural network (ANN). Hasil analisis mengindikasikan bahwa kadar air kulit buah dapat diprediksi secara baik dengan reflektan NIR menggunakan model kalibrasi PLS untuk buah manggis yang disimpan pada suhu 8oC, 13oC dan suhu ruang. Model pengerasan kulit buah berdasarkan perubahan kadar airnya juga dapat ditentukan dengan reflektan NIR untuk buah manggis yang disimpan pada suhu 13oC dan suhu ruang. Kata kunci : buah manggis, pengerasan kulit, NIR spectroscopy, PLS, ANNDiterima: 19 Oktober 2010; Disetujui: 10 Maret 2011  
Pengaruh Penyusutan Temu Putih (Curcuma zedoaria (Berg) Roscoe) Terhadap Karakteristik Pengeringan Lapisan Tipis Inge Scorpi Tulliza; Armansyah H. Tambunan; Usman Ahmad
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 24 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.054 KB) | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.024.2.%p


Abstract The objective of this study is to analyze the occurrence of shrinkage during thin layer drying of Temu Putih (Curcuma zedoaria (Berg) Roscoe) and its effects to the drying characteristics. The experiments were conducted using a laboratory scale dryer with data acquisition and equipped with machine vision system.The drying conditions was controlled at temperatures (T) of 50°C, 60°C, 70°C,relative humidity (RH) 20%,30%, 40%, 50% and air velocity 0.78 m/s – 1.95 m/s with a specific combinations. The results show that the temu putih’s slices were shrinking as the moisture content was decreasing with almost linier correlation.The drying data was used to determine the drying constants using three models, namely Henderson andPabis, Lewis, and Page model. The effects of the shrinkage to the drying characteristics is discussed in term of the relation between surface area ratio (AR) to moisture ratio (MR). Keywords: Drying;Thin Layer drying; Shrinkage; Temu Putih Diterima: 24 Maret 2010; Disetujui: 13 September 2010
Rancang Bangun Sistem Sortasi Cerdas Berbasis Pengolahan Citra untuk Kopi Beras Dedy W. Soedibyo; Usman Ahmad; Kudang Boro Seminar; I Dewa Made Subrata
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 24 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (846.398 KB) | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.024.2.%p


Abstrack Coffee has good prospects as a motor of development in Indonesia agribusiness  and agroindustry, therefore needs to be handled properly and professionally. Grading process in commercial green coffee asgrain commodity is still done manually. This process has the disadvantage of low efficiency, objectivity and the level of consistency. Therefore weneed a machine that can workautomatically to classify the quality of the green coffee by visual inspection. Theobjective of this study was to design the  green coffee sorting machine controlled by a computer based on image processing program consisted of conveyor belt, the image capture station used twodigital cameras, and the parallelsimulator divider. The design of sorting machine was used for the development of the green coffee sorting system that will categorizeinto four quality classes based on the qualifications according to the standard of SCAA ( Specialty Coffee Association of America). Keyword: Sorting Machine, green coffee, image procesing, computer programDiterima: 14 Juli 2010; Disetujui: 11 Oktober  2010
Optimasi Proses Penggorengan Hampa dan Penyimpanan Keripik Ikan Pepetek (Leiognathus sp.) Jati Sumarto Putro; I Wayan Budiastra; Usman Ahmad
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 26 No. 1 (2012): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.026.1.%p


Abtract Vacuum frying technology can be used as an alternative to improve the economic value of Pepetek (Leiognathus sp.) fish. The objectives of this study were to determine frying temperature and process time and to determine packaging material and shelf life of processed fish. Pepeteks were fried in temperature 80, 90, and 100 oC and process time 30, 45, and 60 minutes. Product quality of each treatments were analyzed including water content, fat content, hardness, and color. Organoleptic tests were carried out based on hedonic scale. The result showed that the temperature and exposure time significantly influenced the characteristic of the products. The best quality of pepetek chips was obtained at frying temperature 90oC for 45 minutes. Aluminium foil maintained the shelf life of pepetek chips better than Polypropilene. Keywords: vacuum frying,  pepetek chips,  shelf lifeAbtrak Teknologi penggorengan hampa dapat dipergunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan nilai ekonomis dari ikan Pepetek (Leiognathus sp.). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan suhu dan waktu proses penggorengan serta menentukan jenis kemasan dan umur simpannya. Ikan pepetek digoreng pada suhu 80, 90, dan 100 oC dengan waktu 30, 45, dan 60 menit. Analisa kualitas produk pada tiap perlakuan meliputi kadar air, kadar lemak, kekerasan, dan warna. Uji organoleptik dilakukan berdasarkan skala hedonik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan suhu dan waktu penggorengan berpengaruh nyata terhadap karakteristik produk. Kualitas keripik pepetek terbaik diperoleh pada suhu 90 oC dengan waktu 45 menit. Aluminium foil mampu mempertahankan umur simpan keripik pepetek lebih baik dibandingkan Polipropilen. Kata kunci: penggorengan hampa,  pepetek, umur simpanDiterima: 23 September 2011; Disetujui: 26 Januari 2012 
Karakteristik Edible Film dari Pektin Hasil Ekstraksi Kulit Pisang Muhammad Sudirman Akili; Usman Ahmad; Nugraha Edhi Suyatma
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 26 No. 1 (2012): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.026.1.%p


Abstract Banana peel is a waste of banana processing industries which is obviously uneconomy and unfriendly to the environment.  However, this material could be used as a source of important natural compounds, such as pectin. Owing to the fact that pectin has good gelling properties, it can be used to make edible film. The objectives of this research were to extract and characterize pectin from banana peel and to make edible film from the obtained pectin by using glycerol as plasticizer. Characterization of edible films were conducted in terms of color, thickness, elongation, tensile strength and water vapor transmission. The research used factorial completely randomized design. The results showed that yield of pectin made from ambon banana peel ripeness level one was 8.42% with the characteristics werewater content : 11.27% (<12%), ash content : 1.70%, low methoxil content : 4.15% (<7%) and galacturonat content : 25.86% (65%). The addition of glycerol significantly increased elongation and decreased tensile strength of edible film. Based on edible film result, the recomended treatment is the addition with glycerol 20% as plasticizer of pectin based edible film. Keywords : banana peel,pectin,edible film. Abstrak Kulit pisang adalah limbah hasil industri pengolahan yang  tidak bernilai ekonomi dan ramah lingkungan. Meskipun limbah kulit pisang dapat digunakan sebagai sumber pektin yang merupakan senyawa alami. Kenyataannya bahwa pektin memiliki sifat gel yang baik sehingga dapat digunakan untuk membuat kemasan yang dapat dimakan (edible film. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengekstrak dan mengkarakterisasi pektin dari kulit pisang untuk membuat edibe film dengan penambahan gliserol untuk memberikan sifat plastis dan elastis. Karakteristik edible film pada penelitian ini adalah warna, ketebalan, elongasi, kuat tarik dan laju transmisi uap air.  Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rendeman tertinggi terdapat pada pektin dari kulit pisang tingkat kematangan 1 dengan karakteristik kadar air: 11.27% (<12%), kadar abu : 1.70%, kandungan metoksil rendah : 4.15% (<7%) dan kandungan asam galkturonat  : 25.86% (65%). Penambahan gliserol secara signifikan meningkatkan elongasi dan menurunkan kuat tarik edibe film. Edible film dengan perlakuan penambahan gliserol 20% direkomendasikan sebagai perlakuan terbaik karena memiliki sifat plastis yang baik dan mampu mengemas bahan pangan. Kata Kunci : kulit pisang, pektin, edibe film Diterima; 27 Januari 2012; Disetujui: 30 Maret 2012  
Deteksi Chilling Injury pada Buah Mangga Gedong Gincu dengan Menggunakan Near Infrared Spectroscopy Putri Wulandari Zainal; Usman Ahmad; Yohanes Aris Purwanto
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 26 No. 1 (2012): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.026.1.%p


Abstract Chilling Injury is a major problem in storing mango fruit in low temperature wich is unavoidable in order to extend the shelf life of fruit. symptoms of chilling injury during storage associated with the change in pH due to ion leakage. Chilling injury can be detected during storage destructively, but it will require time and a lot of samples. Alternatively, the detection can be performed non-destructively by using near infrared (NIR). The purpose of this research is to build the NIR calibration models for predicting ion leakage relating with change in pH and the detection of chilling injury symptoms can be done through ion leakage storage. Reflectant NIR measurements conducted on mango fruit stored at a temperature of 8 ° C and 13 ° C. Determination of chilling injury symptoms was predicted based on change in pH and the rate of ion leakage. The analysis showed that NIR spectroscopy was able to predict the change in pH during storage of mango fruit at a temperature of 8 °C based on reflectance and PLS method. Moreover ion leakage could also be predicted properly through the pH of the NIR predictions. The developed method could detect the chilling injury on mangoes after three days storage at a temperature of 8 °C. Keywords : NIR, Mangoes fruit, chilling injury, ion leakage, pH. Abstrak Chilling injury merupakan salah satu masalah utama didalam penyimpanan dingin buah mangga, dimana penyimpanan dingin ini berfungsi untuk memperpanjang umur simpan buah. Gejala chilling injury selama penyimpanan berhubungan dengan perubahan pH yang disebabkan oleh ion leakage. Chilling injury selama penyimpanan dapat dideteksi secara destruktif, tetapi deteksi secara destruktif membutukan waktu yang lama dan sampel yang banyak. Oleh karena itu, deteksi secara non-destruktif dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan NIR. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model kalibrasi NIR untuk dapat memprediksi ion leakage yang berhubungan dengan perubahan pH dan deteksi gejala chilling injury yang berhubungan dengan ion leakage selama penyimpanan. Pengukuran reflektan NIR dilakukan pada buah mangga yang disimpan pada suhu 8 ° C and 13 ° C. Pengukuran gejala chilling injury diprediksi berdasarkan pH dan rata-rata perubahan ion leakage. Dari hasil penelitian dapat dilihat bahwa NIR-spectroscopy mampu untuk memprediksi perubahan pH selama penyimpanan dingin buah mangga suhu 8 ° C berdasarkan data reflektan dan metode PLS. Selain itu, ion leakage dapat diprediksi dengan menggunakan pH prediksi NIR. Pengembangan metode ini, dapat mendeteksi chilling injury pada buah mangga dimana pada pendeteksian chilling injury terjadi pada hari ketiga penyimpanan suhu 8 ° C. Kata Kunci : NIR, Buah mangga, chilling injury, ion leakage, pH. Diterima: 09 November 2011.; Disetuji: 13 Maret 2012  
Co-Authors . Sabihah . Yulianingsih Adi Sutrisno Ali Djamhuri Aris Purwanto Armansyah H. Tambunan Baskara Edi Nugraha Christina Winarti Dedy Wirawan Soedibyo Desrial Desrial Desrial Desrial Diding Suhandy Dwi Dian Novita Dwi Pamungkas Bermani Eko Heri Purwanto Emmy Darmawati Enrico Syaefullah Evi Savitri Iriani Fahim Muchammad Taqi Fahmi Riadi Fajar Kurniawan Firdaus, Jonni Hadi K Purwadaria Hani Fildzah Nadya I Dewa Made Subrata I Dewa Made Subrata I Dewa Made Subrata I Wayan Budiastra Iman Sabarisman Inge Scorpi Tulliza Irriwad Putri Jati Sumarto Putro Khalimatus Sa&#039;diyah Kudang Boro Seminar Lilik Pujantoro Eko Nugroho Lydia Ariani Mar'atus Sholihah Mardison Mardison Mardison S. Meika Wahyuni Azrita Meivie Lintang Mohamad Rafi Mohamad Rahmad Suhartanto Monika Marpaung Mudho Saksono Muhammad Sudirman Akili Muhammad Yusuf Antu MUHAMMAD YUSUF ANTU Nanda Supriana Nanda Wisha Ranawati nFN Mardison nFN Sarastuti nFN Sutrisno nFN Sutrisno Nijma Nurfadila Nijma Nurfadila Nikmatul Hidayah Nofiyanti, Sri Handayani Nugraha Edhi S Nugraha Edhi Suyatma Nur Rahma Refilia Putri Wulandari Zainal Rizka Wildani Rokhani Hasbullah Rokhani Hasbullah Rosyid Ridho Rudy Tjahjohutomo Samsudin Samsudin - Samsudin Samsudin Samsudin Samsudin Sarastuti Sarastuti Sarastuti, Sarastuti Selvi Marcellia Sjahrul Annas Slamet Ari Dwi Ratnanto Slamet Widodo Sri Lestari Sri Widowati Suci Rahmi Sukrisno Widyotomo Suroso . Sut risno Sutrisno Sutrisno - Sutrisno . Sutrisno . Sutrisno Sutrisno Tondok, Efi Toding Verra Mellyana Waqif Agusta Wawan Hermawan Wendianing Putri Luketsi Yusianto Yusianto