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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 16, No 2 (2016): Volume 16, Nomor 2, Oktober 2016
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/bs_jpbsp.v16i2.4479


AbstractThe objectives of  research are identified the Indonesia culture identity constructed in primary schools textbooks with curriculum 2013. The Indonesia culture identity was very important while considering social conflict today very apraid and doing in every social life dimention. The conflict was become between scholar social community also unscholar social community with be at the bottom of variation. The study used text content analysis through words and sentence as based analysis. The analysis of data are discourse of textbooks grade one primary schools amounted four theme.  The research finding that  textbooks represented Indonesia culture identity in all activity and the action has doing by the stories actor which are cheave to each action as well setting as planning of writer textbooks. The language used as Indonesia identity representation described  in words and sentence or discourse as well depicted identity. The Indoensia culture identity has description e.g. religious identity, humanism, socialism, sportive, toleration, works in together, discipline, optimist, and rational. The ideology has making in textbooks based on ideology reliogius, social-humanism ideology, toleration-pluralism ideology, and independenty ideology.Keywords: contruction, grammar, identity, ideology, discourse, textbook
Lingua Vol 14, No 2 (2018): July 2018
Publisher : Lingua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitian ini mengetengahkan deskripsi penggunaan wujud lingual dan strategi tindak tutur ekspresif meminta maaf yang dilakukan masyarakat muslim Indonesia melalui media sosial pada hari raya keagamaan (idul fitri dan idul adha). Data berupa tuturan dikumpulkan dengan teknik dokumentasi melalui rekam-catat. Penutur terdiri atas dosen, mahasiswa, dan guru yang sebagian di antaranya merupakan etnis Sunda. Analisis difokuskan pada bagaimana wujud lingual tindak tutur meminta maaf dan bagaimana strategi tindak tutur yang digunakan pelaku tutur. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa wujud tindak tutur berbentuk tuturan langsung (denotatif) dan tuturan tidak langsung (konotatif). Sementara berdasarkan strategi tindak tutur ditemukan jenis tindak tutur kesopanan terus terang, tindak tutur basa basi positif dan tindak tutur samarsamar. Pada umumnya tuturan berisi permintaan maaf dan doa, sebagian lainnya disertai detail sebagai alasan dan menunjukkan kesungguhan. Detail disampaikan secara puitis menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Sunda dengan ungkapan khusus. Namun, tindak tutur meminta maaf yang digunakan masih bersifat umum, tidak ditemukan yang difokuskan pada satu kesalahan tertentu. Demikian pula, tindak tutur tidak sepenuhnya menunjukkan kesungguhan meminta maaf sebagai sebuah ritual keagamaan. Dalam praktiknya tindak tutur hanya digunakan sebagai sebuah kecenderungan budaya baru komunikasi yang mewarnai hari raya keagamaan.This research explores the description of the use of language form and the apologize of expression speech act strategy done by indonesian muslim society through social media on religious moment (idul fitri and idul adha). Data in the form if speech collected by documentation technique through record-write. Speakers consist of lecturers, students, and teachers, some of whom are ethnic Sundanese. The analysis focused on how the lingual form of speech acts apologize and how the strategy of speech act used by speaker. Based on the results of the analysis found that the form speech act in the form of direct speech (denotative) and indirect speech (connotative). While based on speech act strategy found the type of speech act bald on record, positive politeness speech act, and off record speech act. In general, the utterances of apology and prayer, other with the details of the reasons and show sincerity. The detail are conveyed poetically using Indonesian and Sundanesse language with special expressions. But the apologize speech act used are still general, not found to be focused on one particular mistake. As well as speech acts are not wholly apologetic sincerity as a religious ritual. In practice apologize speech acts are used only as a new cultural tren of communication that decorate of religious moment.
The Construction of Sundanese Culture in the News Discourse Published by Local Mass Media of West Java Anshori, Dadang S
Lingua Cultura Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Lingua Cultura Vol. 12 No. 1
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v12i1.3370


This research identified the construction of Sundanese culture in the local mass media of West Java. Based on the phenomenon occurred, the culture could be interpreted in an accordance with the spirit of time and society. Within the national framework, this issue was not simple because the nationalism that was built on the plots of localism was not impossible to be changed. The research method employed the qualitative method. The data were the form of discourses contained in the local mass media. The results show that the language that is being used by the local media that describes the meaning of low bargaining of political position and national leadership. The construction of the local media in depicting the Sundanese culture is classified as the national, cultural, Islamic, and other aspects of culture. In the context of national leadership, the construction strengthens and affirms the faced condition and the reality. In terms of cultural relations with Islam, the local media shows the positive aspects of the condition and the history of the Sundanese people that has been known as a religious, ethnic group. In terms of the cultural relations with other aspects, the people of West Java are advised to make an inward reflection in viewing the existence of Sundanese culture within the national context. The ideologies that established by the local media towards the Sundanese culture are idealism, primordial, and pragmatism-realistic.
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol 6, No 1 (2016): Vol. 6 No. 1 July 2016
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijal.v6i1.2741


 The study is aimed at describing gender cognition phenomenon in religious discourse in thematic interpretation (tafsir) of the Holy Koran published by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Each interpretation book as a written discourse is different from each other due to author’s cognition frame. This study employs a constructive qualitative approach with technical framing analysis. The data are language data (religious text) that are obtainable from thematic interpretation of the Koran of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Data analysis was performed on the following topics: the origins of the creation of men and women, women's leadership, women and inheritance rights, women and ownership, and women's testimony. The research findings show: (1) The lingual and religious discourse containing gender cognition are present in the forms of words, phrases, and sentences. The lingual form of religious discourse is related to the meaning of technical vocabulary that contains appropriate understanding of the discourse topic. (2) Discourse representing gender cognition is found on three topics: women leadership (nation leadership), waris (inheritance), and women’s testimony. In terms of inheritance and women’s testimony, this interpretation refers to conditions that are explicitly stated in the Holy Koran. Meanwhile, this interpretation views leadership of the nation as more worthy to be given to men than women. book looks is more worthy of leadership in the countries was given to men than women.
English Review: Journal of English Education Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/erjee.v6i1.780


This study aims to describe the analysis model of framing on journalism discourse in Indonesian textbooks in Senior High School to be used in language learning. This research used qualitative method with framing theory from Pan and Kosicki as an tool of analysis. The research data is journalism discourse in textbook amounted to 30 pieces of discourse taken from 10 text books of class X, XI, and XII in Senior High School. The results show the following: (1) The discourse of journalism has received acceptance in the world of education, especially in textbooks. The use of journalism discourse in 10 textbooks is very high and very diverse in terms of number, topic, source, and usage. (2) The journalism discourse in the textbook meets the criteria of reporting value, even if not all reporting value is fulfilled. (3) The frame construction of the journalism discourse in Indonesian textbooks is packaged in different angles according to news topics and facts. (4) The analysis model of journalism discourse framing  is developed by focusing on the structural analysis of category, syntax, script, thematic, diction/phrase, and rhetoric.Keywords: construction, discourse, framing, journalism 
Teknik Penggambaran Aktor Terkait Perundungan Pasangan Gay Thailand di Koran Digital Indonesia Tiara Vidya Amalia; Dadang S. Anshori; Jatmika Nurhadi
Stilistika: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 14, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/st.v14i2.8237


Actors Representation Technique Related to Thai Gay Couples Bullying in Indonesian Digital Newspapers  ABSTRAKMedia sudah semakin mudah membuat dan menyebarkan berita karena kemajuan teknologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya teknik yang digunakan oleh 5 koran digital Indonesia dalam mengeluarkan dan menggambarkan aktor atau peristiwa terkait pemberitaan perundungan pasangan gay Thailand oleh netizen Indonesia dan memaparkan teknik apa saja yang digunakan oleh 5 koran digital Indonesia itu. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan menggunakan teori analisis wacana kritis model Theo van Leeuwen. Penelitian ini menemukan teknik eksklusi berupa pasivasi 4 data dan nominasi 2 data, serta teknik inklusi berupa diferensiasi-indifernsiasi 1 data, objektivitas-abstraksi 4 data, nominasi-kategorisasi 2 data, nominasi-identifikasi 1 data, determinasi-indeterminasi 3 data, asimilasi-individualisasi 3 data dan asosiasi-disosiasi 1 data.Kata kunci: Analisis wacama kritis, Theo van Leeuwen, eksklusi, inklusiABSTRACTThe media has become easier to create and spread news because of technological advances. This research aims to determine whether or not there are techniques used by 5 Indonesian digital newspapers are available in issuing and describing actors or events related to the news of Thai gay couples bullying by Indonesian netizens and to explain what techniques are used by the 5 Indonesian digital newspapers.  The method used is descriptive qualitative and uses critical discourse analysis theory by Theo van Leeuwen's model.  This study found exclusion techniques in the form of 4 data passivation and 2 data nominations, as well as inclusion techniques in the form of 1 data differentiation-indifferentiation, 4 data objectivity-abstraction, 2 data nominations-categorization, 1 data nomination-identification, 3 data determination-indertermination, 3 data assimilation- individualization and 1 data association-dissociation.Keyword: critical discourse analysis, Theo van Leeuwen, exclusion, inclusion
Jurnal Semantik Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Volume 10 Number 2, September 2021
Publisher : STKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/semantik.v10i2.p197-208


This study discusses discourse analysis of news texts entitled ”Sekitar 4 Ribu Pemudik Positif Corona, Satgas Covid-19: Masih Berpotensi Meningkat!” which was published on May 13, 2021 on the official website The purpose of this study was to find out whether the news text entitled “Sekitar 4 Ribu Pemudik Positif Corona, Satgas Covid-19: Masih Berpotensi Meningkat!” contains the elements contained in van Dijk's discourse theory, then qualifies the results according to the predetermined categories. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a discourse analysis approach to the Teun A. van Dijk model. The discourse theory divides the structure of the text into three levels, namely the macro structure, super structure, and micro structure. The result was found that the news text entitled “Sekitar 4 Ribu Pemudik Positif Corona, Satgas Covid-19: Masih Berpotensi Meningkat!” does not meet the elements text contained in van Dijk's discourse theory. The elements contained in the news text analyzed include coherence, conditional coherence, sentence form, pronouns, setting, details, intent, lexicon, and graphics. In addition, it can be concluded that journalists show a neutral attitude towards the pros and cons that occur as a result of the prohibition against going home through the published news.
LITERA Vol 13, No 1: LITERA APRIL 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v13i1.1901


This study aims to describe the language use as representation of mass media attitudes towards Shia-Sunni conflicts. It employed the qualitative method using Fowler’s critical discourse analysis. The data source was news on Shia-Sunni conflicts in Sampang reported in Tempo and Suara Hidayatullah magazines. The findings are as follows. First, Shia-Sunni conflicts are described in news headings and points of view. Tempo describes the conflicts using the point of view of ‘devil attack’ while Suara Hidayatullah presents them as conflicts of religious understanding. Second, expressions such as ‘belief forcing’, ‘Shia cleansing’, ‘devil attack’, and ‘intolerance’ represent Tempo’s attitudes while expressions such as ‘heretical’, ‘misleading’, ‘hijacking’, ‘deifying something’, and ‘infidel’ represent Suara Hidayatullah’s attitudes. Third, based on the use of vocabulary and sentences, Tempo tends to back the Shia group while Suara Hidayatullah tends to back the Sunni group.
LITERA Vol 17, No 2: LITERA JULI 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v17i2.18581


Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran pemakaian bahasa korupsi di media massa sebagai stigma negatif dan terjadinya dekonstruksi makna korupsi yang disebabkan oleh variasi penggunaan bahasa. Dalam analisis bahasa fungsional, pemakaian kosakata dan kalimat yang ditulis di media massa menggambarkan realitas sosial sesungguhnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif analitis. Korpus penelitian ini adalah bahasa (kosakata) korupsi yang digunakan majalah Tempo selama 20 edisi yang bertajuk tentang korupsi. Data yang terkumpuldiklasifikasikan dan dianalisis sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa majalah Tempo menggunakan kosakata yang bermakna korupsi dalam beragam jenis, terdiri atas 47 kata dan 88 frasa. Hasil analisis sebagai berikut. (1) Luasnya penggunaan kosakata korupsi menggambarkan beragamnya prilaku korupsi yang terjadi di tengah masyarakat. (2) Kata korupsi banyak digunakan dalam bentuk lain, seperti idiom yang bermakna pejoratif dan stigmatisasi. (3) Kata korupsi ditulis dalam bentuk metafora untuk menggambarkan prilaku korupsi dengan makhluk atau benda lain yang memiliki karakter jahat dan bermakna hukuman sosial. (4) Konteks yang ditampilkan lebih pada bahwa korupsi merupakan kejahatan yang merugikan negara dan rakyat. Kata kunci: hukuman sosial, korupsi, kontruksi, stigmatisasi, diksi, ragam makna NEGATIVE STIGMA OF THE LANGUAGE OF CORRUPTION IN THE MASS MEDIA NEWSAbstract This study aims to provide an overview of the use of the language of corruption in the mass media as a negative stigma and the deconstruction of the meaning of corruption caused by variations in language use. In the analysis of functional language, the use of vocabulary and sentences written in the mass media describes the social reality. The study used the qualitative approach with the descriptive analytical method. The corpus was the language (vocabulary) of corruptionusedby Tempo magazine for 20 editions focusing on corruption. The collected data were classified and analyzed according to the context of the use. The results showthatTempo magazine used vocabulary meaning corruption in various types, consisting of 47 words and 88 phrases. The results are as follows. (1) The extent of the use of the vocabulary of corruption illustrates the variety of corrupt behaviors in our society. (2) The wordcorruptioniswidely used in other forms, such as idioms with pejorative and stigmatization meanings. (3) The word corruption is written in the form of a metaphor to describe corrupt behaviors with other creatures or things that have evil characters and mean social punishment. (4) The context shown is more on the fact that corruption is a crime that harms the state and the people. Keywords: social punishment, corruption, construction, stigmatization, diction, variety of meanings
The Construction of Sundanese Culture in the News Discourse Published by Local Mass Media of West Java Dadang S Anshori
Lingua Cultura Vol. 12 No. 1 (2018): Lingua Cultura Vol. 12 No. 1
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v12i1.3370


This research identified the construction of Sundanese culture in the local mass media of West Java. Based on the phenomenon occurred, the culture could be interpreted in an accordance with the spirit of time and society. Within the national framework, this issue was not simple because the nationalism that was built on the plots of localism was not impossible to be changed. The research method employed the qualitative method. The data were the form of discourses contained in the local mass media. The results show that the language that is being used by the local media that describes the meaning of low bargaining of political position and national leadership. The construction of the local media in depicting the Sundanese culture is classified as the national, cultural, Islamic, and other aspects of culture. In the context of national leadership, the construction strengthens and affirms the faced condition and the reality. In terms of cultural relations with Islam, the local media shows the positive aspects of the condition and the history of the Sundanese people that has been known as a religious, ethnic group. In terms of the cultural relations with other aspects, the people of West Java are advised to make an inward reflection in viewing the existence of Sundanese culture within the national context. The ideologies that established by the local media towards the Sundanese culture are idealism, primordial, and pragmatism-realistic.