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PENGEMBANGAN MINAT PENANAMAN JAHE MENJADI USAHA MIKRO, KECIL DAN MENENGAH DESA GUMPANG KECAMATAN KARTASURA Puspa, Novita Trie Ana; Ambarwati, Dessy; Oktavia, Maya; Nurhalimah, Kiki; C.T, Nanda Ayu; Anwar, Syaiful; H., Septiana Putri; Sari, Melia; Ayningtiyas, Allivia; Samrotun, Yuli Chomsatu
SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 4, No 2 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v4i2.4024


ABSTRAKUMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah) merupakan usaha yang bebas hambatan dan tahan terhadap perubahan dan dinamika perubahan lingkungan dan global, di Indonesia, UMKM selain berperan dalam pertumbuhan pembangunan dan ekonomi, juga memiliki kontribusi yang penting dalam mengatasi masalah pengangguran. Tanaman jahe merupakan salah satu komoditas rempah yang banyak dibudidayakan dipekarangan rumah maupun lahan tertentu sehingga sering disebut sebagai tanaman TOGA. Tujuan kegiatan ini oleh mahasiswa secara bersama-sama dengan Warga Sadakan Kidul, RT 03 RW 02, Gumpang, Kartasura, Sukoharjo karena pada awal wabah covid 19 menyerang indonesia dan banyak rempah seperti jahe yang banyak dibutuhkan karena dapat meningkatkan imun dan kekebalan tubuh sehingga, harga jahe melonjak tinggi dan sulit didapatkan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan  sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan pelatihan sarana dan prasarana. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah bahwa potensi yang ada telah dilakukan atau di kelola dengan baik oleh masyarakat Desa Sadakan Kidul, RT 03 RW 02, Gumpang, Kartasura, Sukoharjo. Dengan pengelolaan tersebut secara tidak langsung dapat menumbuhkan perekonomian desa dan bisa mengembangkan UMKM per warga dan bisa mengurangi pengangguran di antara masyarakat Indonesia. Kata Kunci : UMKM; jahe; masyarakat ABSTRACTUMKM is a business that is barrier-free and resistant to changes and dynamics of environmental and global changes. In Indonesia, in addition to playing a role in development and economic growth, MSMEs also have an important contribution in overcoming the problem of unemployment. The ginger plant is one of the spice commodities that is widely cultivated in the garden of houses and certain fields, so it is often referred to as a TOGA plant. The purpose of this activity by students together with the residents of Segang Kidul, RT 03 RW 02, Gumpang, Kartasura, Sukoharjo because at the beginning of the Covid 19 outbreak attacked Indonesia and many spices such as ginger were needed because they could increase immunity and so, the price ginger is soaring and hard to come by. This activity is carried out by socialization, training, and training on facilities and infrastructure. The result of this activity is that the existing potentials have been carried out or managed well by the people of the Village of Segang Kidul, RT 03 RW 02, Gumpang, Kartasura, Sukoharjo. This management can indirectly grow the village economy and develop MSMEs per citizen and reduce unemployment among Indonesians. Keywords: UMKM; ginger; society
Edum Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Edum Journal
Publisher : Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/edumjournal.v4i2.85


Abstrak – pembelajaran bahasa inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang wajib di Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Yang menjadi kendala bahasa inggris bukan merupakan bahasa sehari-hari sehingga pembelajaran bahasa inggris sering menjadi kendala dalam pembelajaran siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor penunjang dan faktor penghambat pembelajaran bahasa inggris di SMP Negeri 7 dan SMP Negeri 23 Kabupaten Seluma. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah komparatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan guru mata pelajaran bahasa inggris di SMP Negeri 7 dan SMP Negeri 23 Kabupaten Seluma. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan wawancara terstruktur. Hasil penelitian mengemukakan bahwa faktor pendukung pembelajaran bahasa inggris di SMP Negeri 7 Seluma berupa kegiatan English Day lebih mampu meningkatkan minat siswa terhadap pembelajaran bahasa inggris di bandingkan pemebelajaran secara konvensional seperti yang dilakukan di SMP Negeri 23 kabupaten Seluma. Faktor penghambat pada kedua sekolah ini adalah pembuatan RPS pembelajaran dan secara khusus pada SMP Negeri 23 Kabupaten Seluma belum terdapat laboratorium bahasa seperti di SMP Negeri 7 Kabupaten Seluma. Saran diberikan kepada kepala sekolah dan dinas pendidikan kabupaten Seluma untuk memfasilitasi sarana pembelajaran bahasa inggris di SMP Negeri 7 dan SMP Negeri 23 Kabupaten Seluma karena pembelajaran bahasa inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran wajib sehingga fasilitas yang baik akan mampu meningkatkan minat siswa terhadap mata pelajaran ini.
AGROTEK: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanian Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/agrotek.v5i2.184


Corn is the number two stable crop in the world with increasing demand in line with population growth. The use of superior hybrid corn varieties is one of the solution in meeting the needs of corn throught plant breeding activities. The experimental design used was a monofactor randomized block design (RAK), with the object is 12 prosprective line of hybrid corn varieties from PT Tunas Widji Inti Nayottama (RD 422, RD 471, RD 491, RD 496, RD 551, RD 519, RD 523, RD 536, RD 586, RD 591, RD 602, RD 60), and control varieties is Bisi-18 and P31. The parameters observed included number of plants grown, high of plant, high of ear, lenght of ear, diameter of ear, weight of ear, weight of cob, number of seed rows pear earm number of seed per row, weight of 100 seeds, yield, seed moisture content, physiological maturity, and potential harvest. Variance analysis data and continued with the independent T test. The result showed that 7 corn lines which have the desired properties are RD 422, RD 471, RD 551, RD 519, and RD 603. The level of stability according to the coefficient of diversity, all of the test lines had low stability (uniform), except for RD 491 on the character of anxious weight (29.23%) and RD 602 on the character of the number of seeds per row (39.36%).
AGROTEK: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanian Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/agrotek.v5i2.182


Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is an aromatic plant that is known for its spice and medicinal benefits that valued mainly for its fresh and dry leaves (simplicia/crude drugs). This study aimed to evaluate growth, simplicia production, and total phenolic content of basil under different levels of drought stress and harvest time. The experiment was conducted at The Greenhouse of Plant Breeding and Physiology Laboratory Faculty of Animal Science and Agriculture Diponegoro University. The research was using a completely randomized design (RAL) consisting of two factors 3x3 with 3 replication. Drought stress treatments in field capacity included : K1 (100% FC), K2 (75% FC), and K3 (50% FC) as the first factor. Harvest time treatments included : W1 (5 Weeks After Planting), W2 (6 Weeks After Planting), and W3 (7 Weeks After Planting) as the second factor. Parameters evaluated were root volume, plant height, total leaf area, simplicia production, and total phenolic content. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test (p≤0,05%) were carried out to determine significant different between treatments and interactions. Results indicated that: (a) drought stress treatments significantly reduced growth and production of basil plant simplicia, but it did not provide a significant difference in the total phenolic content; (b) the harvest time treatment increased growth and production of basil plant simplicia, and decreased total phenolic content significantly; and (c) there were interactions between drought stress treatments and harvest time treatments.
Juvenile, Prisons, and Justice: How Do Correctional Agencies Provide Legal Assistance for Children in Conflict with The Law? Anwar, Syaiful; Galih, Mardella
The Indonesian Journal of International Clinical Legal Education Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Indonesian J. Int'l Clinical Leg. Educ. (June, 2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijicle.v3i2.46171


The Juvenile Justice System in Indonesia has a special feature where a child facing the law in criminal justice must receive special protection by law enforcers. One of them is the Correctional Center which has an important role in providing input from the police, prosecutors and courts as a form of realization of the protection of children's rights. Children who are included in the group whose rules are in the national and international human rights instruments must receive special protection by providing legal assistance and the state must be responsible for the fulfillment of these special rights. The issues raised in this paper are: What is meant by children dealing with the law and what is the form of legal assistance by correctional institutions (BAPAS) for children dealing with the law. The method used in writing this paper is descriptive qualitative analysis using primary legal material data, secondary legal materials, and other literature study materials.
Symbolism in Gandrung Dance and Its Preservation Efforts in Kemiren Village, Glagah District, Banyuwangi Regency Mahfud, Mahfud; Afriani, Imro'atul Husna; Anwar, Syaiful
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 1 No. 7 (2021): Nusantara Hasana Journal, December 2021
Publisher : Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

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Gandrung is one of the traditional dance arts in the Banyuwangi Regency. Gandrung Banyuwangi dance in the performance there are three parts, namely Jejer Gandrung, ngrepen or repenan, paju or maju Gandrung, and seblang-seblangan. This dance is performed in various events such as circumcision, weddings, tourism events, and in commemoration of the anniversary of the Banyuwangi district city, and is used as local content for the school level. The values ​​contained in the Gandrung dance are the values ​​of struggle, beauty, point of view on life, symbols, culture, and responsibility. Efforts to preserve the Gandrung dance culture so that it does not become extinct are using comprehensive training in schools and studios (Sanggar-sanggar) in Kemiren village, even from kindergarten, elementary to high school. The aims of this study are: (1) to describe the origins of the Gandrung dance, (2) to describe the form in the Gandrung dance movement, (3) to describe the values ​​contained in the Gandrung dance, (4) to describe the efforts to preserve the Gandrung dance. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. To achieve this goal, data were collected using participatory observation, documentation studies, and interviews. The data analysis technique used is an interactive analysis model. The research was conducted in Kemiren village, Glagah sub-district. Banyuwangi district as the object of research is the people of Kemiren village, Gandrung dancers, Kemiren village officials, and the Banyuwangi Culture and Tourism Office. The findings of the study indicate that the origin of the Gandrung dance was started during the colonial period of the Dutch government, where Gandrung was performed by a man named Marsan and replaced by a woman named Temu. The Banyuwangi government even began to oblige every student from elementary to high school to take part in Banyuwangi's Gandrung art extracurricular as an effort to preserve the Gandrung dance. The Banyuwangi Regency Culture and Tourism Office also has a program by actualization which is carried out once a year and its implementation itself at the Gandrung Sewu event. Based on the results of this study, it can be suggested that further research can be carried out, for example, the community understands more about the meaning content contained in each culture owned by the Banyuwangi district and how to maintain and preserve regional culture in a sustainable manner, so it cannot be crushed by the flow of globalization.
Kualitas dan Efisiensi Serapan N pada Centrosema pubescens (centro) dan Pueraria phaseoloides (puero) Akibat Pemberian Pupuk Iodine Adriani Darmawati; Syaiful Anwar; Irwan Hermanan
Jurnal Agripet Vol 15, No 1 (2015): Volume 15, N0. 1, April 2015
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (150.459 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v15i1.2285


(The quality and absorption efficiency of N at Centrosema pubescens (centro) and Pueraria phaseoloides (puero) cause add of iodine fertilizer) ABSTRACT. The aimed of the experiment was to know  the effect of iodine fertilizer when applied to the soil on the quality  and the efficiency of Nitrogen absorption of legume. Centrosema pubescens (Centro) and Pueraria phaseoloides (Puero), soil from Tenbalang, manure, an organic fertilizer ( N,P,K and KI ).  H2SO4 solution, aquades, HCL, NaOH,  indikator MR+MB, and blanko solution.  The experiment also used 24 pot for plantation with 10 kg capacity , analytic balance etc. The experiment used 4 x 2 factorial  completely randomized design. The first factor were Centro (Centrosema pubescens)- (L1)  and Puero (Pueraria phaseoloides)- (L2) and the level of iodine fertilizer  (I0) without iodine, I1 (iodine  5 kg/ha), I2 (iodine 10 kg/ha) and I3 (iodine  15 kg/ha) were the  second factor. Application of  iodine fertilizer has no significant result, to nitrogen absorption, nitrat reductase activity, crude protein contain, and fibre. In the other hand, the interaction between legume and iodine has significantly result on the efficient and absorption of nitrogen, crude protein. The conclusion showed that puero was more responsive than centro, however centro was  more potential in efficiency  and absorption of N and crude protein.
Uji Asosiasi Bakteri Rhizobium Terseleksi dengan Leguminosa Pakan dalam Kondisi Tercekam Salin Eny Fuskhah; R. Djoko Soetrisno; Syaiful Anwar; Florentina Kusmiyati
Jurnal Agripet Vol 14, No 1 (2014): Volume 14, No. 1, April 2014
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.55 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v14i1.1207


(Test of Association Selected Rhizobium Bacteria with Legumes in Salinity Stress) ABSTRACT. The research aim was to investigate association selected rhizobium bacteria with legumes in salinity stress. Plant media was salin soil that have EC = 20.45 mmhos/cm which taken from Morosari beach, Sayung, Demak. Rhizobium isolate applied was tolerant to 12.000 ppm of NaCl that equaled to electrical conductivity of 20 mmhos/cm. The research was carried out in green house of Laboratory of Forage Science Diponegoro University Semarang. The design arranged was completely randomized design with factorial design 2 x 4 in 3 repeatations. First factor was kind of legumes, T1 = lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala); T2 = turi (Sesbania grandiflora). and second factor was kind of rhizobium isolates, I1 = without isolate; I2 = rhizobium that was isolated from lamtoro, I3 = rhizobium that was isolated from turi; I4 = combination isolate from lamtoro and turi. The crop growth was observed up to 10 weeks of age. The parameters were 1) crops heigh; 2) sum of leaf crops; 3) fresh weight production; 4) dry weight production; 5) amount and fresh weigh of effective root nodules. The study showed the growth and production of turi in saline media of EC 20.45 mmhos/cm was higher than lamtoro. Root nodule of turi was formed, but lamtoro was not. Turi was more tolerant than lamtoro at very saline media.
Chemosystematic of Enterobacteriaceae Familia Obtained from Blood Cultures Based on Total Protein Profiles Sri Darmawati; Langkah Sembiring; Widya Asmara; Wayan T. Artama; Syaiful Anwar
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology Vol 18, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (303.344 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijbiotech.7862


The purpose of this study was to determine the chemosystematic of 14 strains of bacteria in blood cultures from Semarang using 1 reference strain S. typhi NCTC 786, based on the total protein profi les with the similarity relationship analysis based on Simple Matching Coeffi cient (SSM) analysis and algorithm methodof unweighted pair group with averages (UPGMA) presented in a dendrogram. The results showed that thechemosystematic based on the total protein profi les using SDS-PAGE method can classify the member ofbacterial strains of each species. The Clusters respectively consist of 4 strains of S. typhi (similarity: 89.7%),2 strains of Ser. marcescens (similarity: 89.7%), two strains of E. coli, and one strain of Salmonella ssp, S. typhi NCTC 786 (similarity: 100%). Those three incorporated clusters had the similarity value of 75.3%. Those four strains of Ent. cloacae composed in one cluster (similarity: 100%) are incorporated in a cluster consisting of one strain of Kleb. pneumoniae (similarity: 92.9%). Both clusters were incorporated in a cluster consisting of S. typhi NCTC 786 (similarity: 67.9%). Key words: Enterobacteriaceae, chemosystematic, blood cultures, protein profile
Acceptability and Nutrient Content of Wet Noodles Fortified with Inorganic or Organic Iron and Provitamin A from Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) Ninik Rustanti; Retno Murwani; Syaiful Anwar
MEDIA MEDIKA INDONESIANA 2011:MMI Volume 45 Issue 3 Year 2011

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ABSTRACTBackground: Iron fortification of wet noodles is a choice among many others, to reduce iron deficiency anemia. Organic andinorganic iron interact with provitamin A. An experiment was conducted to fortify wet noodles with organic and inorganic iron and provitamin A from pumpkin, and to study its effect on acceptance and its iron and provitamin A content.Methods: Six groups were used in this experiment to test optimal level of iron fortification (100 ppm, 150 ppm, 200 ppm of FeSO4 or organic iron). As for pumpkin, 10%, 15% and 20% were used. To test iron and provitamin A content, 5 groups were employed: wet noodle alone, wet noodle + (FeSO4), + (organic Fe), + (FeSO4 & pumpkin), and + (organic Fe & pumpkin) respectively. Data were evaluated by one-way ANOVA and continued by Duncan’s test with 95% CI.Result: Noodle fortified with 200 ppm iron was acceptable in term color, taste and texture. Adding 15% pumpkin improved texture optimally compared to 10% and 20%. In term color and taste, 10%, 15% and 20% pumpkin addition gave similar acceptance. Fortification of iron and provitamin A from pumpkin didn’t affect the moisture, protein, fat, fiber, and carbohydrate content but increased iron, ash and betacarotene content. Highest content of iron and provitamin A were found in noodles + (FeSO4 + pumpkin) and noodles + (organic Fe + pumpkin).Conclusion: Iron and provitamin A fortified wet noodles can serve as a choice for eliminating iron deficiency anemia in Indonesia. Further studies to see the bioavailability and effectiveness of fortified wet noodles to reduce anemia are needed.Keywords: Fortification, organic iron, inorganic iron, provitamin A pumpkin, wet noodlesABSTRAKDaya terima dan kandungan gizi mie basah yang difortifikasi zat besi anorganik dan organik serta provitamin A labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata)Latar belakang: Fortifikasi mie basah merupakan salah satu pilihan untuk menanggulangi permasalahan anemia gizi besi. Besi organik dan anorganik dapat berinteraksi dengan provitamin A. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memfortifikasi mie basah dengan besi organik dan anorganik serta provitamin A labu kuning, dan untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap daya terima, kadar besi dan provitamin A pada mie basah.Metode: Enam perlakuan digunakan dalam penelitian untuk optimasi kadar besi fortifikan (100 ppm, 150 ppm, dan 200 ppm FeSO4 atau Fe organik). Labu kuning yang digunakan 10%, 15%, dan 20%. Untuk mengetahui kadar besi dan provitamin A digunakan 5 perlakuan: mie basah, mie basah + (FeSO4), + (Fe organik), + (FeSO4 & labu kuning), dan + (Fe organik & labu kuning). Data dianalisis dengan one-way ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan dengan 95% CI.Hasil: Mie yang difortifikasi dengan 200 ppm zat besi dapat diterima dari sisi warna, rasa dan tekstur. Penambahan labu kuning 15% memberikan tekstur yang lebih baik dibandingkan 10% dan 20%. Dari sisi warna dan rasa, penambahan labu kuning 10%, 15% dan 20% mempunyai daya terima yang sama. Fortifikasi besi dan provitamin A labu kuning tidak mempengaruhi kadar air, protein, lemak, serat dan karbohidrat tetapi meningkatkan kadar besi, abu dan betakaroten. Kadar besi dan provitamin A tertinggi terdapat pada mie + (FeSO4 +labu) dan mie + (Fe organik + labu).Simpulan: Mie basah yang difortifikasi besi dan provitamin Aberupa labu kuning dapat menjadi alternatif untuk mengatasianemia gizi besi di Indonesia. Diperlukan penelitian lanjutanuntuk mengetahui bioavailabilitas dan keefektifan mie yangdifortifkasi untuk mengurangi anemia.
Co-Authors - Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Frans Eduard Schaduw A'yuni Fatkhi Fajriyati Adinda Rachmawati Adriani Darmawati Afriani, Imro'atul Husna Agus Jatmiko Ahmad Ghanaim Fasya, Ahmad Ghanaim Ahmadi, Asep Aisyah Ufairoh Rahmah Amalia Wulannanda Ambarwati, Dessy Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Anang M Legowo Asmoro, Novky Ayningtiyas, Allivia Ayutha Wijiindyah Badrud Tamam Begum Fauziyah Betty Perdana Sari Buchory, Gina Nuraini C.T, Nanda Ayu Caribu Hadi Prajitno, Caribu Hadi Dandy E Prasetiyo, Dandy E Devita Sari, Ni Nengah Diana Nur Afifah, Diana Nur Dwi Retno Lukiwati Eduard Schaduw, Frans Ekowati Chasanah Ekowati, Titik Endang Dwi Purbajanti Eny Fuskhah Eny Yulianti, Eny Erlianti, Eka Fajar Risqi Yuniarti Fatkhurrozi, Mu’amar Fiorentina Chelsea Firda Lailatus Sa’adah Florentina Kusmiyati Florentina Kusmiyati Galih, Mardella Gina Nuraini Buchory Gustaf, Muhammad Akbar Maulana H., Septiana Putri Hesti Reva Helva Ari Zahmi Indah Puspitaningtyas Indrawati, Rosita Indriani Indriani Intan Novela Setya Monikasari Irwan Hermanan K. Karno Kartiwi, Asti Putri Kartono, Rano Kaswari . Kirmi, Hifzil Kristanto, Budi Adi Kristanto, Budi Adi Langkah Sembiring Lika Alfariatna Luky Adrianto Lulu Fatikhatul Maryamah M. Syamsul Maarif Mastar Asran Maulana Azhar Adipraja Maya Oktavia, Maya Melia Sari, Melia Moch Arif Usman mubarok, tasdik Muhammad Masyhuri Mujito Mujito, Mujito Munasik Munasik Muti'ah, Roihatul Nafiatul Khoyriyah Nanik Hamidah Nanik Nurhana narmiana, narmiana Nawang Nurfaizi Muzahid Nelvia Iryani Ninik Rustanti Noor Fitriya Mirta Liana Novita Dwi Lisdyayanti Dwi Lisdyayanti Nugroho, Indra Nurhalimah, Kiki Nurhana, Nanik Nurhayati, Endah Nurmila Karimah Nurul Shintawati Pambudi, Enggar Dias Pujoyuwono Martosuyono Puspa, Novita Trie Ana R. Djoko Soetrisno Rahmadani, Melinia Refita Rizki Retno Murwani Riadhotus Saadati Rian Hilmawan Rizki Wahyu Kuncoro Roessali, Wiludjeng Rulia Ervina Dewi Sarah Zulfaniah Septaka T Riyadi Setyawan, Sendy Agus Siyamto, Andika Sri Darmawati Sri Hetty Susetyorini Sri Hetty Susetyorini Sumarsono Sumarsono Sutarno Sutarno Syafira Athifa Taufik Akbar Wayan T. Artama Widya Asmara Widyati Slamet Wijiindyah, Ayutha Yanu Andria Sucianto Yanuar Rizqiani Yosi Irene Putri Yuli Chomsatu Samrotun Yunita Hardi Setyanti Yusro Nuri Fawzya