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Respon Penurunan Konsentrasi Logam Berat Kromium (Cr) dan Pertumbuhan Mikroalga Chlorella vulgaris pada Media Kultur Sulistya_Dewi, Endah Rita
Prosiding KPSDA Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Prosiding KPSDA 2015
Publisher : Prosiding KPSDA

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This study aims to evaluate the response of a decrease in the concentration of Cr in the culture medium and to determine the effect of Cr concentration on the growth of Chlorella vulgaris. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 repetitions. These treatments include, K treatment (control), treatment of Cr 1 (addition of chromium concentration of 1 mg / L), treatment of Cr 3 (addition of chromium concentration of 3 mg / L) and treatment of Cr 5 (addition of chromium concentration of 5 mg / L). Each sample was analyzed by AAS. Analysis of the data is using analysis of variance followed by Duncan test. The results of the analysis of metal concentrations decrease of Cr in the culture medium is Cr 3 (1.2834 mg / l), Cr 1 (0.4360 mg / l), Cr 5 (0.4276 mg / l), and K (0.0126 mg / l). Results of analysis of variance F test showed that Chlorella vulgaris gives highly significant effect on decreasing the concentration of Cd metal. While the results of the growth of Chlorella vulgaris during culture is Cr 3 (909.55 cells / ml), Cr 1 (864.28 cells / ml), Cr 5 (659.20 cells / ml), and K (647.15 cells / ml). Results of analysis of variance showed that different concentrations of Cd metal gives highly significant effect on the growth of Chlorella vulgaris. The conclusion is Chlorella vulgaris has the ability as bioremediator chromium with different concentrations, as shown by the reduction of Cd content in the culture medium. Chlorella vulgaris has a polyamine whose role is to protect or as a protection in a contaminated environment.
THE USE OF Cymbopogon nardus AS Aedes aegypti LARVASIDA S.D., Endah Rita; Ningtyas, Dewi Ratna
BIOMA Vol 1, No 1, April (2011): Bioma
Publisher : BIOMA

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ABSTRACT Control of mosquitoes as vectors of disease is generally performed using synthetic pesticides, with all its negative impacts. So it takes an effort to obtain alternative materials which are more environmentally friendly but also effective in controlling insects that is botanical pesticides. This study aims at: 1) determining the correct dosage of  leaves extracts and stem of citronella as a botanical pesticide exterminator of  Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae;  2) determining LD50 extracts of leaves and stems of citronella and safe limits for non target organisms. This research was done in Salatiga B2P2VRP Laboratory and the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Diponegoro. The method used is a bioassay (biological assay) , i.e. acute toxicity testing of chemicals using the or-ganism as a test animal. Subjects were Aedes aegypti three sub stadium (instar) as test target animals, and Goldfish (Carassius auratus) as test animals are not the target. Data obtained from test animals actually target and non target animals were analyzed and interpreted by a simple linear regression analysis. The result showed  that  LD100 Aedes aegypti larvae mortality was  24575 ppm, and the LD50 is amounted to 35000 ppm, then the safe limit for other non target organism (environment) is 3500 ppm. The conclusion is that citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) can be used as a botanical pesticide with a safe margin for other organisms is 3500 ppm. Key words: Cymbopogon nardus, larvasida, Aedes aegypti, LD50, Carassius auratus.
BIOMA Vol 1, No 2, Oktober (2011): Bioma
Publisher : BIOMA

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Endah Rita Sulistya Dewi, Sumarno, dan PrasetiyoJurusan Pendidikan BiologiIKIP PGRI SemarangDEVELOPMENT LEARNING MODEL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP PERSPECTIVEABSTRACTGraduates High School (SMA) not all go on to college. The government policy to convert a High School (SMA) become Vocational High School (SMK) with a ratio 30 : 70 for produce human resources (HR) are ready to work, limited support in reducing the number of unemployed. One cause of unemployment is the only edu-cational system that produces a force of technical skill.The purpose of this study was to develop a model of learning and teaching materials entrepreneurial perspective.The experiment was conducted in Semarang in SMA 9 academic year 2010 / 2011 Research subjects were students SMA 9 semester one class X, which is selected by cluster random sampling technique. This type of study is a research and develop-ment (R&D). Testing a model that was developed using a one group pretest-posttest design.The results showed: (1) the validity of the model = 3.7 and teaching materials = 3, (2) effectiveness, which is a change in students entrepreneurship interests acquired several indicators of students entrepreneur interests include the willingness to achi-eve the goals and needs of life, belief in own strength, physical and mental endu-rance, perseverance and tenacity to work and strive, creative and constructive think-ing, and dare to take risks. Indicators of fairness, and responsibility and oriented to the future has not experienced an increase.The conclusion is, learning model of entrepreneurship perspective is valid, and te-aching materials are developed sufficiently valid and effective for use in the lear-ning process.Key words: learning models, teaching materials, entrepreneurshipABSTRAKLulusan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) tidak semuanya melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi. Kebijakan pemerintah untuk mengkonversi SMA menjadi SMK dengan ratio 30 : 70 untuk menghasilkan sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang siap kerja, kurang menunjang dalam menurunkan jumlah pengangguran. Salah satu penyebab peng-angguran adalah sistem pendidikan yang hanya menghasilkan tenaga teknikal skill.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model pembelajaran dan bahan ajar berperspektif kewirausahaan.Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMA 9 Semarang pada tahun ajaran 2010/ 2011. Subjekpenelitian adalah siswa SMA 9 kelas X semester I, yang dipilih dengan teknik sam-pling acak kelompok. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D). Pengujian model yang dikembangkan menggunakan one group pretest-posttest design.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) validitas model = 3.7 dan bahan ajar = 3; (2) keefektifan, yang merupakan perubahan minat wira usaha siswa diperoleh beberapa indikator minat wirausaha siswa di antaranya adalah kemauan keras untuk mencapai tujuan dan kebutuhan hidup, keyakinan atas kekuatan sendiri, ketahanan fisik dan mental, ketekunan dan keuletan bekerja dan berusaha, pemikiran yang kreatif dan konstruktif, serta berani mengambil risiko. Indikator sikap jujur dan tanggung jawab serta berorientasi ke masa depan belum mengalami peningkatan.Kesimpulannya ialah, model pembelajaran berperspektif kewirausahaan adalah valid, dan bahan ajar yang dikembangkan cukup valid dan efektif untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran.Kata-kata kunci: model pembelajaran, bahan ajar, kewirausahaan
BIOMA Vol 2, No 1, April (2013): Bioma
Publisher : BIOMA

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Processed tea is fermented Kombucha Tea is known as "(Kombucha Tea). Kombucha tea is a functional food which occupies a position somewhere between conventional foods and drugs, so it can be used in the prevention of a disease of functional foods are foods that are designed specifically to take advantage of certain bioactive compounds that have a role in preventing disease.The enzyme is part of a protein that acts as a biocatalyst, accelerate the rate of biochemical reactions in the body. Therefore, the enzyme can be able to improve the health functions of the body with Kombucha.The purpose of this study (1) Knowing the production of lipase and protease in fermentation of Kombucha tea with many type, (2) Knowing the best kinds of tea for lipase and protease levels are optimal.The method used in this study is an experimental method to the design of Completely Randomized Design. This study consisted of four treatments, namely (A) + Kombucha colony of tea without sugar solution, (B) + Kombucha colony of black tea, (C) + Kombucha colony of green tea and (D) + Kombucha colony of fragrant tea (jasmine tea) with 3 replications. The parameters are count lipase and protease levels.Data analysis was performed with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), followed by Duncan Multiple Test Distance (UJGD). ANOVA from lipase production in Kombucha fermentation of tea with significant variations, as well as protease levels is significant.The results showed that the type of tea as a fermentation medium had a significant influence (p <0.05) on levels of lipase and protease produced during the fermentation process and Kombucha tea as fermentation mediaKey words: Lipase, Protease, fermented Kombucha mushroom, tea variation
BIOMA Vol 1, No 2, Oktober (2011): Bioma
Publisher : BIOMA

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This Research to know influence giving of extract fruit Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) to histopatologi of white mouse (Rattus norvegicus) testis following an inhalation cigarette smoke and to know how much is giving of extract fruit of Mengkudu more having an effect on in an optimal fashion for the minimization of to damage of testicle seminiferus tubulus white mouse given by wistar galur cigarette smoke treatmen.Eksperiment design in this research use completely random design (RAL) by four treatment that is (A) mouse + cigarette smoke + 0 ml / fruit extract day of Mengkudu as control; (B) mouse + cigarette smoke + 0,9 ml / fruit extract day of Mengkudu; ( C) mouse + cigarette smoke + 1,8 ml / fruit extract day of Mengkudu; (D). mouse + cigarette smoke + 2,7 ml / fruit extract day of Mengkudu, by four replication. Para-meter the measured white mouse testis seminiferus tubulus histopatologi. Research executed by UNNES in January 2011 until March 2011.Result of research indicate that treatment of fruit extract of mengkudu give influence which signifikan ( p< 0,05) to white mouse testis seminiferus tubulus histopatologi of wistar galur. Usage of fruit extract of Mengkudu dose 1,8 ml / day optimal dose in minimization damage of white mouse testis seminiferus tubulus, following an inhalation cigarette smoke.From result of the research can be concluded that usage of fruit extract of Meng-kudu can minimization damage of white mouse testis seminiferus tubulus given by cigarette smoke treatmen. But antioksidan with excessive dose can turn into pro-oksidan so that earn damage watering down effect of free radical.Keywords : fruit extract of mengkudu, testis, histopatologi, cigarette smoke
BIOMA Vol 3, No 2, Oktober (2014): Bioma
Publisher : BIOMA

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DECREASE IN THE CONCENTRATION OF HEAVY METAL CADMIUM (Cd) AND MICROALGAE chlorella vulgaris GROWTH ON CULTURE MEDIA ABSTRACT The objectives of this study is to determine the decrease in heavy metal concentrations of Cd in the culture media and to determine the effect of Cd concentration on the growth of Chlorella vulgaris. This study used a completely randomized design with four treatments and three repititions. This treatment includes, K treatment (control), treatment Cd 1 (cadmium concentration addition 1 mg / L), treatment Cd 3 (cadmium concentration addition 3 mg / L) and treatment Cd 5 (cadmium concentration addition 5 mg / L). Each sample was analyzed by AAS. Data were analyzed by using analysis of variance that was continued by Duncans test. The results of the analysis of metal concentrations decrease of Cd in the culture medium is Cd 5 (0.4494 mg / l), Cd 3 (0.4008 mg / l), Cd 1 (0.2658 mg / l), and K (0.1162 mg / l). The analysis result of F value of variance showed that Chlorella vulgaris gave highly significant effect in decreasing the concentration of Cd. Whereas the result of the growth of Chlorella vulgaris during culture is Cd 3 (1015.97 cells / ml), Cd 1 (769.70 cells / ml), Cd 5 (719.55 cells / ml), and K (668.21 cells / ml ). The result of analysis variance showed that the various concentrations of Cd gave significant effect on the growth of Chlorella vulgaris. The conclusion is that Chlorella vulgaris have ability as bioremediator cadmium with different concentrations, this is indicated by the reduced content of Cd in the culture medium. The ability of metal Cd can substitute Zn function in synthesizing enzyme carbonic anhydrase that causes maximal growing.   Keywords: Decreased concentration, cell growth, cadmium (Cd), Chlorella vulgaris ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penurunan konsentrasi logam berat Cd pada media kultur dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi Cd terhadap pertumbuhan Chlorella vulgaris. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali pengulangan. Perlakuan ini meliputi, perlakuan K (kontrol), perlakuan Cd 1 (penambahan konsentrasi kadmium 1 mg/L), perlakuan Cd 3 (penambahan konsentrasi kadmium 3 mg/L) dan perlakuan Cd 5 (penambahan konsentrasi kadmium 5 mg/L). Masing-masing sampel dianalisa dengan AAS. Analisa data menggunakan analisis variansi yang dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil analisis penurunan konsentrasi logam Cd pada media kultur adalah Cd 5 (0,4494 mg/l), Cd 3 (0,4008 mg/l), Cd 1 (0,2658 mg/l), dan K (0,1162 mg/l). Hasil analisis varians F hitung menunjukkan bahwa Chlorella vulgaris memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata terhadap penurunan konsentrasi logam Cd. Sedangkan hasil pertumbuhan Chlorella vulgaris selama kultur adalah Cd 3 (1015,97 sel/ml), Cd 1 (769,70 sel/ml), Cd 5 (719,55 sel/ml), dan K (668,21 sel/ml). Hasil analisis varians menunjukkan bahwa berbagai konsentrasi logam Cd memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata (signifikan) terhadap pertumbuhan Chlorella vulgaris. Kesimpulannya ialah Chlorella vulgaris memiliki kemampuan sebagai bioremediator kadmium dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan berkurangnya kandungan Cd dalam media kultur. Kemampuan logam Cd dapat menggantikan fungsi Zn dalam mensintesis enzim karbonik anhidrase yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan semakin maksimal.   Kata  kunci : Penurunan konsentrasi, pertumbuhan sel, kadmium (Cd), Chlorella vulgaris
BIOMA Vol 3, No 1, April (2014): Bioma
Publisher : BIOMA

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PROBIOTICS CULTURE GROWTH OF ISOLAT NON PATHOGENS BACTERIA IN VARIOUS TYPES OF MEDIA  ABSTRACT Application of probiotics as biosecurity is the safest way to tackle disease in fish and shrimp farming because of bacteria used are organisms that can degrade toxic organic material in the water .Bacillus sp is a type of bacteria that can be used as a probiotic agent because of its ability to degrade organic compounds for the sake of growth . This study aims to determine type appropriate media types for the growth of probiotic bacteria Bacillus sp. The method used in this research that completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and repeated 4 times. The treatments were the addition of soy extract, sprouts, and potatoes. The results showed that there were significant differences on each treatment with the addition of soy extract, sprouts, and potatoes in the probiotic culture medium. The conclusion of this study indicate that the type of media that is most optimal to extract the green bean sprouts reach a value of OD (Optical Density) 0.68. Keyword: Probiotics, Bacillus sp.  ABSTRAK Aplikasi probiotik sebagai biosecurity merupakan cara yang paling aman untuk mengatasi serangan penyakit pada ikan maupun udang budidaya karena bakteri yang digunakan merupakan organisme yang mampu mendegradasi bahan organik yang bersifat racun dalam air. Bacillus sp merupakan jenis bakteri yang dapat digunakan sebagai agen probiotik karena kemampuannya dalam mendegradasi senyawa organik untuk kepentingan pertumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis media yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan bakteri probiotik jenis Bacillus sp. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan diulang 4 kali. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah dengan penambahan ekstrak kedelai, kecambah kacang hijau, dan kentang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada masing - masing perlakuan dengan penambahan ekstrak kedelai, kecambah, dan kentang pada media kultur probiotik. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis media yang paling optimal yaitu dengan pemberian ekstrak kecambah kacang hijau dengan mencapai nilai OD (Optical Density/Kerapatan Optik) 0,68. Kata Kunci : Probiotik, Bacillus sp.
BIOMA Vol 4, No 1, April (2015): Bioma
Publisher : BIOMA

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Virtual Laboratory Learning could be used to eliminate the limitationsof laboratory devices. A mix between the computer software which isdesigned to represent an alternative implementation concept of VirtualLaboratory. Through KD 3.4. Applying the Classification to classifyarchaebacteria and eubacteria based on characteristics and shapethrough systematic observation. It selected the Gram staining processin bacteria, which is to find groups of bacteria including GramPositive or Negative. The media influenced learning process in manysection, it is possible that the virtual lab used as a means to internalizethe values of character. This research’s aim was to producedLaboratory Virtual Media Instruction, which was oriented formcharacter building through the development process. The method wasused research and development refers to the flow of Borg and Gall(1989). The results showed increasement in postal value, which isused Laboratory Virtual Media, compared to pre test, but the N-gainwas quite low at 0.2. Dicipline character, cooperation, honesty andaccuracy in good categories.Keywords: Virtual Laboratory, Eubacteria
Mimbar Ilmu Vol 24, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.979 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/mi.v24i1.17409


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan pembelajaran aktif dengan metode permainan bingo untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika. Latar belakang yang menggerakkan penelitian ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar matematika siswa, yang menurut sebagian siswa, matematika adalah pelajaran yang sulit dipahami sehingga aktivitas belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Matematika menurun. Faktor lain yang mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa dalam Matematika adalah kurangnya guru dalam menggunakan metode pembelajaran. Metode pembelajaran yang digunakan cenderung monoton dan siswa merasa bosan ketika pembelajaran berlangsung. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Metode penelitian Desain Pra-Eksperimental, dengan desain penelitian One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SD Negeri Kedungjenar, Kabupaten Blora, sedangkan untuk sampelnya adalah siswa kelas V yang terdiri dari 3 kelas dan jumlah 108 siswa. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan menggunakan item item untuk pretest dan posttest. Hasil analisis penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa hasil persentase pretest siswa dari hasil belajar siswa adalah sebesar 51,13% sedangkan hasil posttest siswa setelah dirawat dengan permainan bingo persentase hasil belajar siswa menjadi 72,66%. Pembelajaran aktif dengan metode permainan bingo dapat menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang menyenangkan, di mana siswa akan menjadi aktif dalam proses pembelajaran, lebih mampu bekerja dengan teman-teman lain, suasana kelas lebih hidup dan mampu mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang diinginkan. Sehingga siswa akan termotivasi untuk bersaing sehat dan siswa tidak merasa bosan selama proses pembelajaran. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penerapan pembelajaran aktif dengan metode permainan bingo dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika.?Kata-kata kunci : hasil belajar, pembelajaran aktif, permainan bingo
Prosiding Seminar Biologi Vol 10, No 3 (2013): Seminar Nasional X Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UNS

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Yoghurt merupakan produk hasil fermentasi susu, starter atau bibit yang digunakan adalah bakteri  asam laktat (Lactobacillus bulgaricus  dan  Streptococcus thermophilus) dengan perbandingan yang sama. Yoghurt kacang koro benguk putih merupakan  salah satu produk hasil fermentasi yang banyak mengandung zat gizi. Proses fermentasi dalam bahan pangan menyebabkan pertumbuhan yang menguntungkan seperti perbaikan bahan pangan dari segi mutu, baik dari aspek gizi maupun daya cerna.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kultur campur antara  Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophilus  terhadap kandugan serat dan Fe (besi) pada yoghurt kacang koro benguk putih (Mucuna pruriens). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Rancangan  Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan yaitu (A). 1liter susu koro + 15 ml starter, (B). 1liter susu koro + 20 ml starter, (C). 1l iter susu koro + 25 ml starter. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan Analisis Of Variance (ANAVA), dilanjutkan dengan Uji Jarak Ganda Duncan (UJGD). Hasil analisis varians kandungan serat pada yoghurt koro benguk putih (Mucuna pruriens) diketahui Fhitung (19,698) > Ftabel 5% (5,14) dan < Ftabel 1% (10,92) sehingga menunjukan hasil yang sangat signifikan/beda nyata pada taraf 1 %. Sedangkan Hasil analisis varians kandungan Fe (Besi) pada yoghurt koro benguk putih (Mucuna pruriens) diketahui bahwa Fhitung (137,917) > Ftabel 5% (5,14) dan  Ftabel 1% (10,92) sehingga menunjukan hasil yang sangat signifikan/beda nyata pada taraf 1%.  Kata Kunci : Kultur campur, Serat, Fe (Besi), Koro Benguk (Mucuna pruriens)