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Dharmakarya Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Dharmakarya
Publisher : DRPM Unpad

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Kopi merupakan komoditi andalan petani di Kecamatan Cilengkrang, Kabupaten Bandung, selain sapi perah. Budidaya kopi dilakukan secara integrated farming dengan ternak sapi perah. Kebun kopi berada di lereng Gunung Manglayang, dan dibudidayakan di lahanhutan milik Perhutani melalui Program Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM). Masalah produktivitas masih rendah sekitar 1 ton/Ha, dan belum ada pengolahan pasca panen. Petani menjual hasilpanennya dalam bentuk kopi basah dengan harga rata-rata Rp 3.000,-/Kg. Padahal harga biji kopi (kering) dapat mencapai Rp 18.000,-/Kg. Bahkan di tingkat eksportir dapat mencapai Rp 50.000,-/Kg. Oleh karena itu petani memerlukan mesin pengupas kulit kopi dengan tujuan agar dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah dan dapat disewakan kepada kelompok tani lain. Selain itu petani juga memerlukan pelatihan pembibitan dan pengendalian hama terpadu agar biaya sarana produksi dapat ditekan. Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode pelatihan partisipatif dengan teknik tutorial dan demonstarsi plot di lapangan. Hasil yang dicapai menunjukkan tingkat partisipasi mitra 80%. Sebanyak 70% petani dapat melakukan teknik pembibitan, pengendalian hama terpadu dan pengolahan pasca penen. Sikap petani lebih baik dalam membangun kelompok dan mengelolausahatani kopi dengan lebih baik. Petani intensif merawat kebun, mengurangi pestisida kimia secara berangsur dan mengganti dengan teknik pengendalian hama terpadu. Hasil panen tahun 2013 sebagian sudah diolah dalam bentuk kopi kering (beras) dengan hargajual Rp 17.000,-/Kg. Kualitas kopi juga lebih baik karena budidaya semi organik, langsung diolah dengan mesin, dan tidak membusuk. Target produktivitas tahun 2014 mendatang 2-3 ton/Ha. Tahun 2014 Perhutani akan menambah lahan kebun Kelompok Tani Manglayang dari 15 Ha menjadi 26 Ha, karena dinilai berhasil mengembangkan usaha tani kopi. Kata kunci: Manglayang, pertanian, Kopi, mesin.
Agricore Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Departemen Sosial Ekonomi Faperta Unpad

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Kopi merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan   unggulan yang sudah lama dibudidayakan. Selain berperan  dalam penyerapan tenga kerja, Kopi menjadi komoditas ekspor yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Kopi terbaik  dari  Jawa Barat dikenal dunia  internasional  sebagai Java Preanger kopi. Kecamatan Pangalengan  Kabupaten bandung merupakan salah satu sentra produksi kopi Java preanger yang potensial karena selain terdapat perkebunan kopi di wilayah ini juga berkembang    industri pengolahannya .  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dinamika perkembangan agroindustri java preager coffee  di Desa Margamulya Kecamatan Pangalengan  Kabupaten Bandung.  Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain deskriptif kualitatif dan teknis penelitin studi kasus. Pegumpulan data menggunakan  metode observasi, wawancara dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses agroindustri Java preager coffee yang terdapat  di  Kecamatna Pangalengan Bandung sudah berjalan dengan baik. Ini  terbukti dari adanya perubahan yang  terjadi dalam : (1) pertumbuhan dari pelaku usahtani, pengolahan hasil pertanian, distribusi dan input pertanian, (2) perubahan kelembagaan dan keorganisasian dalam hubungannya dengan  perusahaan melalui peningkatan koordinasi vertikal dan perubahan dalam komposisi produk, teknologi, perwilayahan dan struktur pasar serta (4) peningkatan nilai tambah. Kata kunci :  Agroindustrialisasi,  kopi arabica, Java preanger
kajian potensi ekowisata dalam menunjang pengembangan wilayah pada sub das cikandung dan kawasan gunung tampomas kabupaten sumedang Djuwendah, Endah; S, Tuhpawana P; D, Yosini; Fatimah, Sri; T, Lucyana
Publisher : Jurusan Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

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Sumedang is one of the districts in West Java that has the natural beauty of mountains, hills, watersheds and cool air into a tourist attraction. The location is strategic because Sumedang major cities it is surrounded by Indramayu, Majalengka, Garut, Bandung, Subang and Cirebon. This condition is supportive in creating a strong local economy and sustainable based on agribusiness, tourism and industry by empowering local socio-economic potential. This is consistent with the concept of ecotourism development that expected to adjust to the capability, the typology and the ecological function of land that will directly influence the sustainability of land resources, preserve local technology, art and local culture, and increase incomes around tourist sites. The purpose of this study is to identify the potential and constraints of ecotourism developing in sub watershed Cikandung and Tampomas Mountain region of Sumedang district. The study used a qualitative descriptive paradigm case study method. The research location is the District Paseh, Surian, Cimalaka, Tanjung Medar, Tanjung Kerta, Conggeang and Buahdua. Data collected through observation and interviews. The informants are community members and stakeholders at village, sub-district and district. Research results show that the condition of natural resources in subdas Cikandung and Mountain Regions Tampomas potential to be developed as an ecotourism attractions such as camping grounds, hiking, sightseeing springs, waterfall (waterfall) and hot spring. In addition, the fertile rice fields and streams can be used for livestock and fisheries travel. In order to optimize this potential requires the construction of facilities and infrastructure at the site and to tourist sites as well as full public involvement in the planning and management is to fit the needs and culture of the local community
Penumbuhkembangan Agribisnis Kopi Arabica Java Preanger : Dari Pangalengan Ke Pasar Dunia (Studi Kasus Di Koperasi Produsen Kopi Margamulya) Karyani, Tuti; Djuwendah, Endah; Sadeli, Agriani Hermita; Marlina, Ima; Supriyadi, E
Publisher : Jurusan Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

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Coffee is one of export commodity which planted in almost all Indonesian area. Pangalengan district is the biggest coffee production center in West Java. Farmer in this district produces, java preanger coffee, arabica coffee with a good quality and an excellent taste. Coffee agribusiness need an institutional support which help farmers to access capital and world markets. Margamulya Coffee Producer Cooperative (MCPC) is one of farmer cooperative with a lot of efforts to market their coffee to the world coffee market. The research purpose is to identify the role of MCPC in java preanger arabica coffee (JPAC) agribusiness and to formulate its growth strategy in order to encourage arabica coffee to reach at world market. The research used descriptive qualitative method with technical case study. Technical data collection is done through observation, interviews, and literature studies. The results show that MCPC has an important role in developing JPAC agribusiness in terms of assisting production facilities procurement, guidance and facilitating coffee farming productivity growth, as well as implementing the processing and marketing of coffee. Based on IFAS-EFAS analysis, the position of MCPC is in cell II, namely Growth and Build, which means the development strategy is needed through Intensive and Integration strategy. SWOT analysis represents that there are 10 main strategies will lead the MCPC to compete in the world market of coffee. Therefore, MCPC should improve professionalism in its management, attempt to increase members (coffee farmers) loyalty and build coffee agribusiness integrated with the environmental sustainable agro-tourism development.
Publisher : Jurusan Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

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Sumedang is one of the districts in West Java that has the natural beauty of mountains, hills, watersheds and cool air into a tourist attraction. The location is strategic because Sumedang major cities it is surrounded by Indramayu, Majalengka, Garut, Bandung, Subang and Cirebon. This condition is supportive in creating a strong local economy and sustainable based on agribusiness, tourism and industry by empowering local socio-economic potential. This is consistent with the concept of ecotourism development that expected to adjust to the capability, the typology and the ecological function of land that will directly influence the sustainability of land resources, preserve local technology, art and local culture, and increase incomes around tourist sites. The purpose of this study is to identify the potential and constraints of ecotourism developing in sub watershed Cikandung and Tampomas Mountain region of Sumedang district. The study used a qualitative descriptive paradigm case study method. The research location is the District Paseh, Surian, Cimalaka, Tanjung Medar, Tanjung Kerta, Conggeang and Buahdua. Data collected through observation and interviews. The informants are community members and stakeholders at village, sub-district and district. Research results show that the condition of natural resources in subdas Cikandung and Mountain Regions Tampomas potential to be developed as an ecotourism attractions such as camping grounds, hiking, sightseeing springs, waterfall (waterfall) and hot spring. In addition, the fertile rice fields and streams can be used for livestock and fisheries travel. In order to optimize this potential requires the construction of facilities and infrastructure at the site and to tourist sites as well as full public involvement in the planning and management is to fit the needs and culture of the local community
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Kelompok Tani (Poktan) Tanaman Anggrek Parakan Jaya Kota Tangerang Selatan. Karyani, Tuti; Djuwendah, Endah; Sadeli, Agriani Hermita; Marlina, Ima; R, E Supriadi
Publisher : Jurusan Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

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Coffee is one of export commodity which planted in almost all Indonesian area. Pangalengan district is the biggest coffee production center in West Java. Farmer in this district produces, java preanger coffee, arabica coffee with a good quality and an excellent taste. Coffee agribusiness need an institutional support which help farmers to access capital and world markets. Margamulya Coffee Producer Cooperative (MCPC) is one of farmer cooperative with a lot of efforts to market their coffee to the world coffee market. The research purpose is to identify the role of MCPC in java preanger arabica coffee (JPAC) agribusiness and to formulate its growth strategy in order to encourage arabica coffee to reach at world market. The research used descriptive qualitative method with technical case study. Technical data collection is done through observation, interviews, and literature studies. The results show that MCPC has an important role in developing JPAC agribusiness in terms of assisting production facilities procurement, guidance and facilitating coffee farming productivity growth, as well as implementing the processing and marketing of coffee. Based on IFAS-EFAS analysis, the position of MCPC is in cell II, namely Growth and Build, which means the development strategy is needed through Intensive and Integration strategy. SWOT analysis represents that there are 10 main strategies will lead the MCPC to compete in the world market of coffee. Therefore, MCPC should improve professionalism in its management, attempt to increase members (coffee farmers) loyalty and build coffee agribusiness integrated with the environmental sustainable agro-tourism development.
Keragaan Usaha dan Nilai tambah Pada Agroindustri Keripik Tike (Studi Kasus di Desa Jumbleng Kecamatan Losarang Indramayu) Djuwendah, Endah
Jurnal Rekayasa Hijau Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Teknologi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.302 KB) | DOI: 10.26760/jrh.v2i1.2037


ABSTRAKKeripik tike merupakan pangan lokal tradisional dari Kabupaten Indramayu yang berasal dari umbi tumbuhan Tike (Eleocharis dulcis Brumn f). Tike merupakan tumbuhan rawa pasang surut sulfat masam. Tanaman ini memiliki manfaat kesehatan karena mengandung Zat antibiotik puchiin dan vitamin C. Usaha pengolahan keripik tike memiliki peran penting dan potensial untuk dikembangkan karena mampu memberikan nilai tambah dari umbi tike menjadi komoditas pangan yang khas (local spesifik), memiliki cita rasa enak, bermanfaat bagi kesehatan, menciptakan kesempatan kerja dan memberikan pendapatan bagi masyarakat. Oleh karena itu cukup potensial untuk berkembang. Namun hingga saat ini usaha keripik tike belum berkembang secara luas karena terkendala oleh berbagai faktor diantaranya keterbatasan bahan baku, permodalan dan wilayah pemasaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis keragaan usaha dan nilai tambah agroindusti keripik tike yang berada di desa Jumbleng Kecamatan Losasang Kabupaten Indramayu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknis penelitiannya berupa studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengadaan bahan baku umbi tike diperoleh dari Kabupaten Bekasi dan Cilacap dengan harga berkisar Rp 16.000 s,d 18.000 per Kg. Terjadi keterbatasan bahan baku tike saat peralihan dari musim kemarau ke musim penghujan. Tenga kerja yang digunakan berasal dari desa setempat dan berjumlah 2-6 orang per unit usaha dengan sistem upah harian. Modal penyedia bahan baku terdiri dari modal pribadi dan modal pinjaman. Pengolahan keripik tike melalui proses pencucian, perendaman, penyangraian, penumbukan, penjemuran, penggorengan dan pengemasan. Pemasaran Keripik tike dilakukan oleh pedagang perantara yaitu penyalur dan pengecer dengan harga jual berkisar Rp 2000 – 10,000 untuk pemasaran langsung kemasan kecil dan Rp 80.000 s.d 90.000/kg untuk pemasaran tidak langsung melalui penyalur. Wilayah pemawaran keripik tike umumnya di wilayah Kabupaten Indramayu dan Cirebon. Kapasitas produksi keripik tike rata-rata 50 kg umbi tike per proses produksi dengan tingkat konversi produk akhir mencapai 0,96. Nilai tambah per kilogam bahan baku adalah Rp 35.320, rasio nilai tambah 45,99 % dan keuntungan per nilai tambah adalah 30,36 %. Margin balas jasa terhadap faktor produksi paling besar dimiliki oleh keuntungan pengrajin yaitu 57,16 %, pendapatan tenaga kerja sebesar 29,41% dan sisanya 13,43% merupakan balas jasa terhadap sumbangan input lain.Kata kunci: Keripik tike, keragaan usaha, nilai tambahABSTRACTTike Chips is a traditional local food from Indramayu Regency derived from tuber Tike (Eleocharis dulcis Brumn f). Tike is a sulphurous acid wet tidal swamp. This plant has health benefits because it contains Puchiin antibiotic and vitamin C. Tike chips processing business has an important role and potential to be developed because it can provide added value from tike bulb to be a specific local food commodity, has good taste, beneficial for health, creating employment opportunities and providing income for the community. It is therefore quite potential to develop. However, until now the business of tike chips has not developed widely due to constrained by various factors such as limited raw materials, capital and marketing area. The purpose of this research is to analyze business performance and value added agroindustry tike chips that located in Jumbleng Village, Subdistrict of Losasang of Indramayu Regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with technical research in the form of case study. The results of research shows that the procurement of tike tuber raw material is obtained from Bekasi and Cilacap regencies with prices ranging from Rp 16.000 s, d 18,000 per kg. There is a limitation of tike raw materials during the transition from dry season to rainy season. Working tillers are from local villages and numbered of 2-6 people per business unit with daily wage system. Capital providers of raw materials consist of personal capital and loan capital. Processing of tike chips through washing process, immersion, roasted, collision, drying, frying and packaging. Marketing Chips tike is done by intermediary traders ie dealers and retailers with selling prices ranging from Rp 2000 - 10,000 for direct marketing of small packaging and Rp 80.000 s.d 90.000 / kg for indirect marketing through distributors. Tike chips offer areas generally in the districts of Indramayu and Cirebon. The production capacity of tike chips averages 50 kg of tike bulbs per production process with a final product conversion rate of 0.96. The added value per kilogram of raw materials is Rp 35,320, the value added ratio is 45.99% and the profit per added value is 30.36%. The greatest profit margin for the factor of production is owned by the craftsman's profit of 57.16%, the employment income of 29.41% and the remaining 13.43% representing the remuneration to other input contributions.Keywords: Tike chips, business performance, added value
Kajian Pengembangan Agroindustri Berbasis Teh Rakyat Trimo, Lucyana; Fatimah, Sri; Djuwendah, Endah
Jurnal Rekayasa Hijau Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Teknologi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (527.451 KB) | DOI: 10.26760/jrh.v1i2.1634


ABSTRAKPeluang kelompok tani teh menjadi kelompok bisnis agroindustriteh cukup besar, ini karena tingginya dukungan pemerintah melalui program GPATN serta semakin tingginyapermintaan pasar luar negeri dan dalam negeri dalam bentuk“instant tea” (makanan, minuman, farmasi, kosmetik).Namun, kondisi tersebut belum dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh petani teh. Hal ini terlihat dari, sebagian besar petani the masih menjual produknya dalam bentuk pucuk basah. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengkaji kendala yang dihadapi oleh petani teh rakyat dalam pengembangan agro-industri teh. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi deskriptif survey. Tempat penelitian yang dipilih adalah Kabupaten: Garut (KecamataCisurupan), Cianjur (Kecamatan Sukanagara) dan Bandung (Kecamatan Pasirjambu), yang merupakan sentra teh di Provinsi Jawa Barat.Data dikumpulkan dengan cara: studi kepustakaan, dan wawancara dengan pihak terkait, yaitu pejabat pada instansi pemerintah, koperasi, pabrikan, asosiasi petani teh, kelompok tani, serta petani teh yang diambil secara acak sederhana dari setiap Kecamatan yang dijadikan sampel. Secara proposional sampel diambil berdasarkan luas wilayah sentra teh, dan setiap kecamatandiambil 30 orang petani teh. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif, dengan pendekatan system thinking. Salah satu alat pendekatan system thinking yang digunakan yaitu dengan causal loop modelling, agar mudah mendeskripsikannya maka digunakan Causal Loop Diagram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kendala yang dihadapi dalam mengembangkan agroindustri teh rakyat, yaitu: 1) kurangnya ketersediaan pucuk the sebagai bahan baku agroindustri, 2) kurangnya pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah pucuk teh, 3) kurangnya kemampuan dalam penyediaan modal dan peralatan dalam mengolah pucuk teh, dan 4) masih kurangnya dukungan pemerintah dalam mempromosikan teh olahan rakyat (misal: dalam rapat-rapat atau kegiatan-kegiatan yang berlangsung di pemerintahan sebaiknya memanfaatkan produk olahan the dari petani).Katakunci: agroindustri, kendala, nilai tambah, peluang, teh rakyat, ABSTRACTThe increasing market demand, abroad and domestically in the form of "instant tea" (food, beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetics), and also support from the higher government through GPATN program makes the oopportunitiesof tea small holder groups into tea agro-industry business is quite huge.But infact, this opportunity cannot be utilized properly bytea small holder. Most of the tea small holders still sell their products in the form of freshflush. This research was conducted toinvestigate the constrain of tea small holder in agroindustry development.The study was conducted using a survey descriptive study approach. Selected location research is located at the center of tea small holder in West Java province, i.e.District of Garut (Subsdistrict of Cisurupan), Cianjur (Subdistrict of Sukanagara) and Bandung (District of Pasirjambu). In this research, the data were collected by study of literature and interviews with relevant parties, i.e. officials at government agencies, cooperatives, manufacturers, associations of tea farmers, tea small holder groups, and tea farmers. Tea farmers are taken randomly from each subdistrict sampled. Proportionally, samples are taken based on the size area of tea central region, and from those each district about 30 tea farmers were taken. Data were analyzed descriptively, with a system thinking approach. One of the tool system thinking approaches used in this research is causal loop modeling, in particularly Causal Loop Diagram. Result of the research showed that the obstacles of tea small holder in developing agro-industrial were : 1) the lack of availability of tea flush as raw material for agro-industry, 2) the lack of knowledge to increase value added of tea flush, 3) the lack of capability in the providing capital and equipment in processing the tea flush, and 4) the lack of government support in promoting the tea small holder’s products (e.g., Doing product promotion fromthe tea small holder in the goverment meetings or activities; such as by using those products in the activities).Keywords: agro-industry, constrain, opportunity, tea small holder, value added 
Jurnal Social Economic of Agriculture Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Social Economic of Agriculture
Publisher : Agribusiness Department, Agriculture Faculty, Tanjungpura University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/j.sea.v5i1.15057


Baby Kenya bean is a bean types that has a good prospects, it has successfully entered the export market. Poktan Tauhid which is a part of the Farmers Group (Gapoktan) Lembang Agri are the farmers group who grows baby kenya bean. The aim of this research are to know the causative factors of farmer that led to an inability to meet the demand for the baby kenya bean for PT. Alamanda Sejati Utama and determine the accurate strategy which can be implemented in Poktan Tauhid to overcome the problems.The research design is qualitative with descriptive analysis technique with fishbone diagrams and analysis of operation strategies with QSPM. The results of the research indicates that a very problematic technical factors among others are the weather conditions, pest and plant disease. While non-technical factors that is very problematic isthe harvest labor. In addition, technical factors that enter into the troubled category are technology, seeds, water availability andthe wind. The alternative strategy that can be implemented in Poktan Tauhid Backward Integration.The implication of this alternative strategy is enabling Poktan Tauhid to better control the process to reschedule planting schedules for every babykenya bean farmer. Moreover, counseling should be given more frequently, related to technologies and the prevention of pests and diseases naturally.Keyword :Causative factors, alternative strategy, baby kenya bean
Jurnal Social Economic of Agriculture Vol 7, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Social Economic Of Agriculture
Publisher : Agribusiness Department, Agriculture Faculty, Tanjungpura University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/j.sea.v7i2.32603


Sidamulya Village is a center for producing shallots in Jalaksana District, Kuningan Regency. In the village there is a Mekarjaya 1 farmer group that has marketed its products, namely sumenep fried onions to the fried onion industry. The demand for sumenep shallots is continuous every day, so the supply of shallots must be continuous as well. There were several actors involved in the shallot supply chain that have a business process and bear certain risks. Therefore this study was conducted to analyze the risks that arise from each supply chain actor, as well as mitigation to minimize losses caused by using the House of Risk (HOR) method. The results showed that there were 17 priority risks consisting of 4 risks to farmers, 4 risks to dealers, 4 risks to PO Mekar Wangi and 5 risks to POSedap Wangi. The risk mitigation that can be done by the Mekarjaya Farmers Group 1 is the use of pesticides, the risk mitigation that can be carried out by the dealer is to inform farmers about setting cropping patterns, risk mitigation that can be done by PO Mekar Wangi is to increase product variation, and mitigate risks that can done by PO Sedap Wangi is expanding marketing.Keywords :  Shalot Supply Chain, House of Risk (HOR), Mitigation Action
Co-Authors A. -, Yusup, A. Achmad Septio Agriani H Sadeli Agriani Hermita Sadeli Aisyah Nabilah Akbar Adiputra Irawan Algiffary, Naufal Amallia Ridhatillah ANWAR MUJADDID Bintang Pinndito Bobby Rachmat Saefudin Carmelita Astrini Chania Alfatianda D, Yosini D, Yosini Diah Suci Wahyuni Diffa Nida Haniyah Dini Rochdiani E Supriadi R Eddy Renaldy Eka Septiarini Eliana Wulandari Elly Rasmikayati Erna Rachmawati Ery Supriyadi R. Fatimah, Sri Fatimah, Sri Fitriana Wati Gema Wibawa Mukti Gema Wibawa Mukti Gema Wibawa Mukti Gugun Arioditha Gunardi Yudawinata H. -, Hapsari, H. Hapsari, H. - Hepi Hapsari Hesty Nurul Utami Ignatia Rahmadani Putri Palupi Ima Marlina Intan Okta Mulyana Irfan Firmansyah Irfan Firmansyah, Irfan Jannet Aszury Astaningrum Karl Andhika Mahaputra KARTIWA, NUR ANNISA RIZKITA Karyani, Tuti Kuswarini Kusno Kuswarini Kusno Kuswarini Kusno Levina Maharani Lucyana T Lucyana Trimo Lucyana Trimo, Lucyana M. Gunardi Judawinata Marlina, Ima Milda Selvia Milda Selvia Muhammad Fadli Nadya Nur Aziza Naufal Algiffary Nida Fathi Permadi Nur Syamsiyah Nur Syamsiyah O Hasbiansyah Opan S Suartapradja R, E Supriadi R. Az-Zahra S Raihan Fikri Rohmansyah Rakotonjanahary Joachim Audry Rani Andriani Budi Kusumo Rayhan Ahmad Giffary S, Tuhpawana P S, Tuhpawana P Sadeli, Agriani H Serly Anjelia Shintiya Devi Siregar Sri Fatimah Sri Fatimah Sri Fatimah Sulistyodewi Nur Wiyono Supriyadi, E Sutisna Sutisna Syifa Herliani T, Lucyana T, Lucyana Trimo, Lucyana Trisna Insan Noor Tuhpawana P S Tuti Karyani Tuti Karyani Tuti Karyani Tuti Karyani Tuti Karyani Tuti Karyani Tuti Karyani Tuti Karyani Ulya Rahmah Vanya Almeira Rizkika Wati, Fitriana Yayat Sukayat Yayat Sukayat Yosini D Yosini Deliana Yudhanto Dewo G Yusup, A. - Zumi Saidah