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Pengaruh Faktor Internal Dan Eksternal Terhadap Kinerja Petugas Rekam Medik Di Rsud Dr Fauziah Bireuen Safwaliza Safwaliza; Arifah Devi Fitriani; Endang Maryanti
Publisher : Universitas Quality

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36764/jg.v4i2.870


Sistem Rekam Medis semestinya menjadi suatu kegiatan administrasi pelayanan kesehatan di RSUD Dr. Fauziah di Bireuen Provinsi Nanggro Aceh. Aspek peningkatan mutu pelayanan Rekam Medis di sana tertinggal dalam mutu pelayanan rumah sakit. Rekam Medis terkesan diabaikan, sementara pada masa sekarang RM berperan penting untuk membenahi uji akreditasi  Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan sejak awal mulai dari pembenahan sarana RS yang  dilakukan serentak untuk mengatrol RS menjadi  rumah sakit rujukan kelas B di pantai utara Provinsi Nanggro Aceh. Pada survey ditemukan masalah kinerja RM yang tidak mampu memenuhi target kerja (kuantitas dan kualitas). Prediksi terbesar yang menjadi penyebab adalah senjangnya kualitas dan kuantitas sumber daya manusia di RM.Penelitian ditujukan untuk menemukan fakta mengapa kinerja RM terhambat dan bagaimana pengaruh SDM berperan menghasilkan kinerja dengan prestasi yang tidak memuaskan. Metode penelitian dipakai adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional dan uji statistik inferensial Responden sepenuhnya menyertakan 34 orang petugas RM yang diwawancarai dengan  kuesioner. Kerangka konsep berfokus pada pengaruh faktor Internal dan Eksternal petugas terhadap kinerja RM.Hasil yang diperoleh adalah “Ada pengaruh Faktor Internal (5 subvariabel)  yang potensil (p= 0,855) dan bermakna ( α = 0,00  < 0,05) terhadap variabel Kinerja (Y). Faktor Ekternal (Budaya organisasi dengan 3 subvariabel) dihitung tidak signifikan berpengaruh.  Hasil uji regresi dapat dipaparkan sbb:       Y =   0,103 + 0,855 (Faktor Internal)  +  ,354 (SE). Anjuran pada RSUD dr. Fauziah supaya manajemen membenahi peran budaya kepemimpinan (keteladanan pemimpin), kecukupan fasilitas rekam medis, pelatihan kerja untuk petugas RM. Faktor Internal pada momentum penelitian telah menunjukkan pengaruh yang konsisten dan cukup kuat untuk didukung dalam peningkatan mutu kinerja.
Analisis Mutu Kepuasan Pasien di Ruang Rawat Inap Anggrek Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara TK II Medan Uly Fetty Simbolon; Megawati Megawati; Endang Maryanti
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v8i2.2307


Kepuasan pasien merupakan salah satu indikator penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Kepuasan pasien adalah hasil penilaian dari pasien terhadap pelayanan kesehatan dengan membandingkan apa yang diharapkan sesuai dengan kenyataan pelayanan kesehatan yang diterima disuatu tatanan kesehatan rumah sakit. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana kepuasan pasien di ruang Anggrek RS Bhayangkara TK II Medan. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survey analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mencakup seluruh pasien yang menjalankan rawat inap di ruang Anggrek Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara TK II Medan periode maret sampai dengan juli 2021 sebanyak 924 orang. Jumlah sampel yang akan di teliti sesuai slovin adalah 90 orang. Analisa data dilakukan dengan analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji chi square dan regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian uji chi square menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan kehandalan, daya tanggap, empati dan jaminan terhadap kepuasan pelayanan kesehatan dimana nilai p- value =0,000. Dari hasil analisis multivariat didapatkan variabel yang paling berpengaruh dalam penelitian ini adalah variabel daya tanggap dengan nilai OR 44.746. Kesimpulan ada pengaruh antara kehandalan, daya tanggap, bukti langsung, empati, jaminan terhadap kepuasan pelayanan kesehatan. sedangkan analisa multivariat menunjukkan hasil bahwa faktor yang paling dominan adalah variabel daya tanggap terhadap kepuasan pelayanan kesehatan. Disarankan kepada pihak rumah sakit Diharapkan untuk bisa melakukan pelatihan atau workshop bagi tenaga kesehatan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan yang harus diperbaiki terutama daya tanggap, respon yang cepat mengatasi keluhan pasien di ruang anggrek Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara TK II Medan.Kata Kunci : Kepuasan Pasien, cepat tanggap, kehandalan, bukti langsung,empati, jaminan Patient satisfaction is one of the important indicators that must be considered in health services. Patient satisfaction is the result of the patient's assessment of health services by comparing what is expected in accordance with the reality of health services received in a hospital health setting. The purpose of the study was to find out how patient satisfaction was in the Anggrek room at Bhayangkara Hospital TK II Medan. The research design used in this study was an analytic survey with a cross sectional design. The population in this study is in this study the population includes all patients undergoing inpatient care in the Anggrek room at Bhayangkara Hospital TK II Medan for the period March to July 2021 as many as 924 people. The number of samples that will be examined according to Slovin is 90 people. Data analysis was carried out by univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The statistical test used is the chi square test and logistic regression. The results of the chi square test showed that there was a relationship between reliability and satisfaction with health services, p-value = 0.000. There is a relationship between responsiveness to health service satisfaction, where the p-value = 0.000. There is a direct evidence relationship to health service satisfaction, where p-value = 0.000, there is an empathy relationship to health service satisfaction, where p-value = 0.000 and there is a guarantee relationship to health service satisfaction, where p-value = 0.000. From the results of multivariate analysis, the most influential variable in this study was the responsiveness variable with an OR value of 44,746. The conclusion is that there is an influence between reliability, responsiveness, direct evidence, empathy, assurance on health service satisfaction. While multivariate analysis shows that the most dominant factor is the responsiveness variable to health service satisfaction. It is recommended to the hospital that it is expected to be able to conduct training or workshops for health workers to improve the quality of services that must be improved, especially responsiveness, a fast response to patient complaints in the orchid room of Bhayangkara Hospital TK II Medan.Keywords       : Patient Satisfaction, responsiveness,reliability, direct                           evidence, empathy, assurance 
The Provision of Health Services Affects Performance of Health Personnel at Community Health Centers Hutabaginda, North Tapanuli Regency Ismail Efendy; Endang Maryanti; Sevenris CD Butar butar
Journal of Community Health Provision Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Community Health Provision

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (224.047 KB) | DOI: 10.55885/jchp.v2i2.136


The study aimed to investigate the impact of delivering health services on the performance of health workers at the Hutabaginda Health Centre. This study was quantitative with a cross-sectional design. The population was the Civil Servants with a minimum education of 3rd Diploma totaling 84 people. The samples taken from all population. Data analysis was performed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The statistical test used chi-square test and logistic regression. With a p-value of 0.000<.05 for education, multiple assignments, attendance, years of service, and responsibility, it was found that education, multiple assignments, attendance, years of service, and duties influenced the performance of health professionals. Furthermore, the multiple logistic regression test reveals that education, with an odds ratio (OR) of 47,802, has a greater influence on health worker performance. It is advised that education be prioritized since it influences the performance of health professionals in delivering exceptional service that the community can be proud of (customer satisfaction), service providers, and service institutions.
Analysis of Infection Prevention and Control Program Implementation on Nurses in the Room Dr. Fauziah Bireuen Hospitals Makasaar Amirullah Amirullah; Asriwati Asriwati; Mappeaty Nyorong; Nur'aini Nur'aini; Endang Maryanti
Journal of Community Health Provision Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): Journal of Community Health Provision

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.338 KB) | DOI: 10.55885/jchp.v2i3.147


The study aims to analyze the implementation of infection prevention and control programs. This type of research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The research informants were 11 people consisting of 3 nurses, 3 heads of rooms, 1 head of the PPI committee, 1 IPCN, 1 Deputy Director of Services, 1 Head of Nursing and 1 Head of Medical Services. The research was conducted in November–December 2021 through interviews and observations. The data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive through the stages of data reduction, presentation and conclusion drawing. It can be concluded that the implementation of the PPI (Infection Prevention Program) program is not entirely in accordance with SPO (Standard Operating Procedures) due to the lack of compliance by nurses, lack of implementation of aseptic actions in HAIs (Healthcare Associated Infection) bundles, lack of regular and inaccurate training. submission of monthly reports. So it is recommended for hospital management and staff to make policies that regulate the commitment of all health workers in implementing the PPI (Infection Prevention Program) program, being a role model / role model in the implementation of the PPI (Infection Prevention Program) program such as in inviting, familiarizing hand hygiene activities. , use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and aseptic measures and routinely carry out training / training on a regular basis.
Strategi Promosi Kesehatan terhadap Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pencegahan Diare pada Anak Balita Endang Maryanti; Indah Anggraini; Sri Lasmawanti; Fahmashufyani Fahmashufyani; Muhammad Crystandy
Journal of Telenursing (JOTING) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Journal of Telenursing (JOTING)
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31539/joting.v5i1.4757


This study aims to determine the health promotion strategy for community participation in preventing diarrhea in children under five in the working area of the Tomuan Siantar Public Health Center. The method used is quantitative observational with a cross-sectional approach. The results showed that the value of p advocacy was 0.001, social support was p = 0.008, and community empowerment was p = 0.005. In conclusion, advocacy, social support, and community empowerment influence community participation in preventing diarrhea in children under five in the working area of the Tomuan Health Center. Keywords: Toddlers, Prevention of Diarrhea, Promotion Strategy
Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Peraturan Daerah Kota Medan Nomor 3 Tahun 2014 Tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok (KTR) Di RS Haji Medan Sartianun Siregar; Mappeaty Nyorong; Endang Maryanti
Publisher : Mata Pena Madani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (864.607 KB) | DOI: 10.51849/j-bikes.v2i2.29


Indonesia menduduki peringkat keempat dengan jumlah perokok terbesar di dunia, untuk mengurangi risiko yang lebih tinggi pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan KTR salah satunya fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan. Berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Kota Medan Nomor 3 Tahun 2014 tentang KTR di Rumah Sakit Haji Medan. Indikator yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah belum sepenuhnya terlaksana, masih ada perokok yang melanggar peraturan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hambatan-hambatan dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakan dan sejauh mana kebijakan tersebut diimplementasikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Informan terdiri dari sembilan orang, empat informan kunci dan lima informan pendukung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan KTR belum terlaksana dengan baik karena beberapa kendala yaitu: 1) belum adanya panitia khusus untuk memantau pelaksanaan kebijakan 2) Penerapan sanksi masih minim karena hukuman yang diterapkan tidak sesuai sesuai dengan pedoman peraturan pemerintah (3) kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat tentang larangan merokok. (4) Evaluasi dan monitoring pelaksanaan kebijakan belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan, (5) pelaksanaan kebijakan sudah berjalan namun belum maksimal karena kurangnya koordinasi antara penanggung jawab kebijakan dengan pelaksana kebijakan KTR di Rumah Sakit Haji Medan. Pasalnya, pelaksanaan KTR belum berjalan sesuai dengan Perda Kota Medan. Perlu dilakukan monitoring dan evaluasi secara berkala baik oleh pimpinan lembaga maupun pengelola KTR.
Factors Influencing the Prevention of Hypertension in the Working Area of Martubung Health Center, Medan Labuhan District Wagini Wagini; Ismail Efendy; Endang Maryanti
Journal La Medihealtico Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Journal La Medihealtico
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallamedihealtico.v4i1.789


The objective of the study was to identify the factors that influence the prevention of hypertension in the Martubung Public Health Center's service area in the Labuhan District of Medan.The research design employed a quantitative method that was implemented through an analytical survey employing the Cross Sectional Study methodology. The cohort of this research consisted of hypertensive patients who visited as many as 712 patients. With the technique of Accidental Sampling, 88 respondents comprised the sample. The analysis of data employed univariate, bivariate, and multivariate methods.Knowledge p = 0.000, attitude p = 0.000, culture p = 0.008, diet p = 0.000, physical activity p = 0.000, and the role of health workers p = 0.001 were found to have an effect on hypertension prevention at the Martubung Public Health Center in the Medan Labuhan District. While knowledge is the most influential factor, p = 0.001 with 95% CI = 5.663-201,428 and Exp(B) = 104,118.This study concludes that knowledge, attitude, culture, diet, physical activity, and the function of health employees influence the prevention of hypertension at the Martubung Public Health Center in the Labuhan District of Medan. It is recommended that the Martbung Health Center optimize the counseling and dissemination of health information related to health promotion, general and special protection, and regular health checks in accordance with the program currently being implemented by the government, so that the community can actively participate in realizing healthy behavior, including the management of noncommunicable diseases.
Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Perilaku Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun Siswa/I Di Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 3 Kecamatan Kuta Blang Kabupaten Bireuen Hilma Muzni; Ismail Efendi; Endang Maryanti
Jurnal Kesehatan dan Fisioterapi Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Jurnal KeFis - Januari 2023
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Siti Hajar dan Insight Power

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.789 KB)


 Abstract- Washing hands with soap is an effective way for preventive health efforts. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the behavior of washing hands with soap in students during the Covid 19 pandemic at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 3 Bireuen, Kuta Blang District, Bireuen Regency.  This research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional study design that takes place from May to June 2022. The research sample is all school age children from grades III, IV and grades V totaling 70 people. The technique used is proportional stratified random sampling. The survey data were analyzed using Chi Square test and logistic regression.  The results showed that there was an influence of knowledge on the behavior of washing hands with soap in students during the Covid 19 pandemi (p=0,009), there was an influence of the ease of getting a Washing hands with soap place on the behavior of washing hands with soap (p=0,000), there was an influence of the role of parents on the behavior of washing hands with soap (p=0,000), there was an influence of the role of parents on the behavior of washing hands with soap (p=0,000). teachers on the behavior of washing hands with soap (p=0,000), there was an influence of the role of school friends on the behavior of washing hands with soap for students during the Covid 19 pandemic at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 3 Bireuen, Kuta Blang District, Bireuen Regency (p=0,000).  The conclusion in this study is that the five variables in this study have an influence on the behavior of washing hands with soap and the variables that affect the behavior of washing hands with soap in students during the Covid 19 pandemic at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 3 Bireuen, Kuta Blang District, Bireuen is the variable of the parent's role p value 0,001 with OR 7,382, CI 2,322-30,072. The suggestions in this study are for parents to always pay attention and supervise their children's behavior and provide information about the factors that influence hand washing behavior in school children.  Keywords: Factors, Washing Hands with Soap, Covid 19
Analisis Strategi Promosi Kesehatan Terhadap Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pencegahan Diare Pada Anak Balita Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tanding Buhit Kecamatan Balige Kabupaten Kota Endang Maryanti; Mappeaty Nyorong; Freddi Seventry Sibarani
Jurnal Kesehatan dan Fisioterapi Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Jurnal KeFis - Oktober 2021
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Siti Hajar dan Insight Power

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (818.587 KB)


Abstrak − Penyakit diare masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di negara berkembang seperti di Indonesia, karena morbiditas dan mortalitasnya yang masih tinggi. Survei awal peneliti dengan masyarakat hasil wawancara dengan responden berjumlah 10 orang bahwa 6 orang pernah mengalami diare dan 4 orang tidak mengalami diare. Berdasarkan advokasi kepada kepala puskesmas masih banyak ditemukan kasus diare di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tandang Buhit, untuk dukungan social masih kurangnya masyarakat dalam mendukung program puskesmas. Tujuan penelitian untuk analisis strategi promosi kesehatan terhadap partisipasi masyarakat dalam pencegahan diare pada anak balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tandang Buhit Kecamatan Balige Kabupaten Toba. Desain penelitian menggunakan metode survey analitik research (penelitian analitik) dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua masyarakat sebanyak 134 Ibu yang memiliki anak balita menderita diare. Sampel menggunakan sistem cluster random sampling sebanyak 57 Ibu yang memiliki anak balita menderita diare. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariate. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh antara variable advokasi p = 0,001, dukungan sosial p = 0,008 dan pemberdayaan masyarakat p = 0,005. Sedangkan faktor yang dominan yang berpengaruh terhadap partisipasi masyarakat dalam pencegahan diare pada anak balita adalah advokasi p = 0,001 < 0,05 dengan 95% CI = 3.470-109.570. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ada pengaruh advokasi, dukungan sosial dan pemberdayaan masyarakat terhadap partisipasi masyarakat dalam pencegahan diare pada anak balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tandang Buhit Kecamatan Balige Kabupaten Toba. Disarankan kepada Puskesmas Tandang Buhit agar penyuluhan diare direncanakan dengan baik secara lanjut. Hal ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat agar dapat memahami bahayanya penyakit diare dan peduli akan kesehatan lingkungan. Kata Kunci: Advokasi, Dukungan Sosial, Pemberdayaan, Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pencegahan Diare Abstract− Diarrhea is still a public health problem in developing countries such as Indonesia, because of its high morbidity and mortality. The researcher's initial survey with the community, the results of interviews with respondents amounted to 10 people, that 6 people had diarrhea and 4 people did not experience diarrhea. Based on advocacy to the head of the puskesmas, there are still many cases of diarrhea in the working area of the Tandang Buhit Health Center, for social support there is still a lack of community support for the puskesmas program. The purpose of the study was to analyze health promotion strategies on community participation in the prevention of diarrhea in children under five in the work area of the Tandang Buhit Public Health Center, Balige District, Toba Regency. The research design used an analytical survey research method (analytic research) with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all 134 mothers who had children under five suffering from diarrhea. The sample used a cluster random sampling system as many as 57 mothers who had children under five suffering from diarrhea. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The results showed that there was an influence between the advocacy variable p = 0.001, social support p = 0.008 and community empowerment p = 0.005. While the dominant factor that influences community participation in preventing diarrhea in children under five is advocacy p = 0.001 <0.05 with 95% CI = 3.470-109,570. The conclusion of this study is that there is an effect of advocacy, social support and community empowerment on community participation in preventing diarrhea in children under five in the work area of the Tandang Buhit Public Health Center, Balige District, Toba Regency. It is recommended to the Tandang Buhit Public Health Center so that diarrhea counseling is well planned in advance. It aims to increase the knowledge and skills of the community so that they can understand the dangers of diarrheal disease and care about environmental health.Keywords: Advocacy, Social Support, Empowerment, Community Participation in Diarrhea Prevention
Pengaruh Pemberian Informasi Covid-19 Dengan Metode Demonstrasi Terhadap Perilaku Masyarakat di Puskesmas Bestari Kecamatan Medan Petisah Irma Juliana Tanjung; Mappeaty Nyorong; Endang Maryanti
Jurnal Kesehatan dan Fisioterapi Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Jurnal KeFis - Januari 2023
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Siti Hajar dan Insight Power

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.692 KB)


Abstract-The public's ignorance of Covid-19 information was related to the provision of information provided by officers at the Bestari Health Center. This study aimed to analyze the effect of providing information on covid 19 with the demonstration method on Community Behavior in the Bestari Health Center, Medan Petisah. This research was a quantitative Quasy-Experimental type with a one group pretest-posttest design that takes place from October to September 2021. The research sample uses purposive sampling, namely some of the people who visit the Bestari Health Center, Medan Petisah, as many as 89 peoples. The survey data were analyzed using the t-test.  The results of the univariate studied showed that from 89 respondents, most of the respondents were 36-45 years old, as many as 33 (37.1%) respondents, female as many as 50 (56.2%) respondents, with bachelor education as many as 47 (52, 9%) of respondents, have a job as self-employed as many as 53 (59.6%) respondents The bivariate results showed that there was an effect of providing information on Covid-19 with the demonstration method on public knowledge, there was an effect of providing information on Covid-19 with the demonstration method on people's attitudes, there was an effect of providing information on Covid-19 with the demonstration method on community actions in the work area of the Bestari Health Center. Medan Petisah District (p=0.000).  Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the providing of information on Covid-19 with the demonstration method had an effect on the knowledge, attitudes and actions of the community. It is recommended that this research can be used as input for conducting counseling with the demonstration method so that people can understand more quickly what is conveyed by health workers. Keywords: Knowledge,  Attitude,  Action,  Demonstration Method, Covid-19