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Journal : MANAJEMEN HUTAN TROPIKA Journal of Tropical Forest Management

Modeling of Forest and Land Fires Risk Level and Zone Using GIS in Kapuas Tengah Sub Basin, West Kalimantan Province Iin Arianti; Naik Sinukaban; I Nengah Surati Jaya
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 13 No. 2 (2007)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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In the last 2 decades, forest and land fires in Indonesia have become a serious problem at national, regional, and even international levels. The smoke of the fires gave a negative impact on human activities and health and in turn coused economical and social loss. In addition, the haze pollution has become a serious problem internationally. This study was conducted to establish a risk model of forest and land fire in Kapuas tengah watershed, Kalimantan Barat Province. The model was based on scoring and weighting of bio-phisycal and human activity factors. Rangking method and Composite Mapping Analysis (CMA) were used to establish the model. The result showed that the accuracy of model by ranking method to determine the risk level and zone of forest and land fire was only 62,4% in Kapuas Tengah watersheed. Therefore, the model was not good enough to represent actual condition in the field. The accuracy of model using CMA method could be used to determine risk level and zone of forest and land fire. The CMA method showed that the Kapuas Tengah watershed consisted of 1,051,029.4 ha high risk, 379,307.0 ha of moderate and 195,010.7 ha of low vulnerable. The risk map can be used for early warning system to prevent forest and land fires.Keywords: forest and land fires, composite mapping analysis, rangking method, fire risk map
Landslide Detection Technique using multidate SPOT Imageries: A case study in Teradomari, Tochio and Shitada Mura, Niigata, Japan I Nengah Surati Jaya
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 11 No. 1 (2005)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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This study describes the use of multitemporal  principal component analisys (MPCA), vegetation index differencing (VIDN) and  conventional maximum likelihood classifier (MLC) for  detecting landslides.  The study found that the synthetic images derived from stable greenness, delta greenness and delta brightness of MPCA summarized the information of landslides effectively producing accuracy of 88% for Teradomari and 91% for Tochio and Shitada Mura.  The VIDN provides relatively lower accuracies than those from MPCA, i.e., only 62.5% for Teradomari and 64% for Tochio and Shitada Mura. The MLC method also provided very low user’s accuracy, i.e. 56.9% for Teradomari and 63.7% for Tochio and Shitada Mura but high producer’s accuracies, i.e. 100% for Teradomari and 98.3% for Tochio and Shitada Mura. The study also found that the landsides that could be detected should be more than the size of spatial resolution of the SPOT imagery, i.e. 10 m x 10 m. Detecting landslides using SPOT imagery is more efficient than using only ground survey, providing an efficiency of 2.7.
Biomass Estimation Using ALOS PALSAR for Identification of Lowland Forest Transition Ecosystem in Jambi Province Eva Achmad; I Nengah Surati Jaya; Muhammad Buce Saleh; Budi Kuncahyo
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 19 No. 2 (2013)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1389.107 KB) | DOI: 10.7226/jtfm.19.2.145


The accurate information derived from high accuracy of remote sensing imagery analyses coupled with field observation data are required to develop a sound forest management. The study is mainly emphasized on assessment of the capabilities of remote sensing imageries to identify ecosystem types within the transitional  ecosystem. Since, the predominant transition ecosystems found within the study area were secondary forest, rubber jungle, rubber, oil palm plantation, and also other land cover such as mixed plantation and shrubs,  therefore,  the models developed were focused for those ecosystem types.  Prior to any further analysis, this study was initiated  to develop the biomass estimation model using 50 m resolution of ALOS PALSAR image in transition ecosystem, Jambi Province. Biomass models were developed by analyzing the relationship between  backscatter magnitude and field biomass. Backscatter magnitude from 1 polarization images, namely HH,  HV, and one additional band of  ratio of HH/HV  were analyzed simultaneously with  field biomass. The best models established are AGB = 42,069 exp (0.510 HV) and AGB = 1,610 exp (-0.02 HV²) with R² of 52.3% and 50,8%, respectively. The models are then used to map out the biomass distribution within the transition ecosystem and to identify the factors affecting the magnitude of biomass content for all transition ecosystem types.
Stakeholders Analysis of Policy-Making Process: The Case of Timber Legality Policy on Private Forest Mulyaningrum Mulyaningrum; Hariadi Kartodihardjo; I Nengah Surati Jaya; Bramasto Nugroho
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 19 No. 2 (2013)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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The objective of the study is to identify and measure the relationships among stakeholders that influence the process of policy-making in defining legality of timber from private forests. The study focuses on the policy-making process of the Ministry of Forestry Regulation P.38/Menhut-II/2009 on Standard and Guidelines for Assessment of Sustainable Forest Management Performance and Timber Legality Verification of Concessionaire or of the Private Forest License Holder as the subject that has been implemented in several private forest management units as follow: Giri Mukti Wana Tirta in Lampung, Koperasi Serba Usaha APIK in Bali, Koperasi Hutan Jaya Lestari in South East Sulawesi, and Koperasi Wana Lestari Menoreh Kulonprogo in Yogyakarta. This research used a qualitative approach and the analysis method used in this research is a modified-stakeholder analysis that developed by ODA (1995), Reitbergen et al. (1998), and Mayer (2005). The stakeholder analysis shows that the interests and influences do not consider private forest farmers as primary stakeholder during  the process of policy formulation.  The strong national and international interests, supported by high authority could not be influnced by the role of the NGOs and academicians. The imbalance of responsibilities, rights, and revenues that was experienced by  farmers as the manager of private forest when started implementing the policy was more as burdens, it means implementation of the policy was more as burdens. Strong relationships between the Ministry of Forestry with the state as a core could not empower the relationship with private forest farmers. As result, policy assumptions cannot be implemented properly.
Hyper Spectral Remote Sensing of Tropical and Sub-Tropical Forest (Editors: Margaret Kalacsca & G. Arturo Sances–Publisher: Azofeita CRC Press, Year 2008, 320 pages) I Nengah Surati Jaya
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 20 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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It is estimated that most of the problems in forestry associated with the spatial attributes.    From the perspective of forest function that includes production, ecological, and social functions, the spatial aspects has always been a very important part. In Indonesia, the forestry areas is always dealing with very large areas which is mostly inaccessible due to limitation of roads, mountainous with steep slopes, cliffs, hills or wetland such as peat, swamp or marsh.  This condition makes it difficult to collect the data in quick manner comprehensively with low cost. Veronique et al. (2012) recognized that remote technology may provide objective, practical and cost-effective solution.   Currently, one of the most reliable data source that can be repetitively acquired with a unique and consistent traits are those derived from satellite imageries.  It had been known that since the 1990s, earth resources remote sensing sensor is progressively developed either with finer spatial resolution, higher spectral resolution, more frequent revisit or wider dynamic range.   The advent of high spectral resolution (e.g. hyperspectral) is quite challenging and prospectively gives a significant contribution, especially in forest management with higher level of detailed information.  Without having adequate spatial information supported by strong scientific arguments, the forestry sector will be persistently pressured by many other sectors.
Tropical Forest Landscape Fragmentation in Batang Toru Watershed, North Sumatra Samsuri Samsuri; I Nengah Surati Jaya; Cecep Kusmana; Kukuh Murtilaksono
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 20 No. 2 (2014)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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Timber-based forest management is now shifting to as broader scope including ecosystem-based management. Timber-oriented forest management frequently affects the fragmentation of forest landscape. This paper defines the degree of forest landscape fragmentation in Batang Toru watershed, North Sumatra through indentification of correlation between forest landscape fragmentation and driving factors including biophysical and anthropogenic factors. Identification structure, pattern, and fragmentation of forest landscape were performed using Landsat imageries acquired in 1989, 2001, and 2013. Forest and land cover classes were analyzed using FRAGSTAT 3.3 to generate landscape metrics. Fragmentation of forest landscape was identified using landscape metrics, i.e., area, patch density, number of patch, contiguity and proximity index.  The clumpiness index of landscape metrics describes the pattern of forest landscape, while the patch size proportions expressed structure of forest landscape.  This study found that forest landscapes located in downstream of the watershed show more fragmented than area in the upper stream, while the sub-watershed of Batang Toru Hilir is more clumped  than the others. This study concludes that (1) the forest landscape fragmentation tend to increase since 1989 to 2013; and (2) the degree of forest landscape fragmentation has close correlation with the distance to main road and river. 
The Interpolation Method for Estimating the Above-Ground Biomass Using Terrestrial-Based Inventory I Nengah Surati Jaya
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 20 No. 2 (2014)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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This paper examined several methods for interpolating biomass on logged-over dry land forest using terrestrial-based forest inventory in Labanan, East Kalimantan and Lamandau, Kota Wringing Barat, Central Kalimantan.  The plot-distances examined was 1,000−1,050 m for Labanan and 1,000−899m for Lawanda.  The main objective of this study was to obtain the best interpolation method having the most accurate prediction on spatial distribution of forest biomass for dry land forest. Two main interpolation methods were examined: (1) deterministic approach using the IDW method and (2) geo-statistics approach  using Kriging with spherical, circular, linear, exponential, and Gaussian models.   The study results at both sites consistently showed that the IDW method was better than the Kriging method for estimating the spatial distribution of biomass.  The validation results using chi-square test showed that the IDW interpolation provided accurate biomass estimation.   Using the percentage of mean deviation value (MD(%)), it was also recognized that the IDWs with power parameter (p) of 2 provided relatively low value , i.e., only 15% for Labanan, East Kalimantan Province and 17% for Lamandau, Kota Wringing Barat Central Kalimantan Province. In general, IDW interpolation method provided better results than the Kriging, where the Kriging method provided MD(%) of about 27% and 21% for Lamandau and Labanan sites, respectively.
Stemflow Variability in Tropical Lowland Forest Landscape Transformation System: Case Study at Jambi Province, Indonesia Bejo Slamet; I Nengah Surati Jaya; Hendrayanto Hendrayanto; Suria Darma Tarigan
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 21 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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Land cover change may cause change on the hydrological function of an area, particularly on the distribution of rainfall that reach land surface. This study describes the characteristic of stemflow occurred within 4 ecosystems in Jambi, namely logged forest, jungle rubber, rubber plantation, and oil palm plantation. The main objective of the study was to measure the variability of stemflow in those 4 ecosystems. The main data used were rainfall and stemflow data that were directly measured for 5 months. The derived regression equation model showed that stemflow increase with rainfall depth. It was shown that values of stemflow amongs plantation types was varied indicated by the difference of its regression coefficients, as well as variations of the rainfall at the same transformation type. The percentage of stemflow to rainfall was ranging from 0.04–0.21% for rubber, 0.10–0.38% for jungle rubber, 0.28–0.54% for forest, and 0.84–3.07% for oil palm. The oil palm provided the highest stemflow volume compared to other land cover type. The uniqueness of oil palm canopy may cause the drainage of water from the canopy to the main stem that indicated by highest stemflow funneling ratio value. Rainfall significantly affected the amount of stemflow compared with the characteristics of the plant.
Spatial Metrics of Deforestation in Kampar and Indragiri Hulu, Riau Province Syamsu Rijal; Muhammad Buce Saleh; I Nengah Surati Jaya; Tatang Tiryana
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 22 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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The Riau Province has been suffering from the highest deforestation rate in Sumatra, Indonesia. Many and various factors haved been discussed as causes of different deforestation types. This research is focused on evaluating the spatial pattern of deforestation in a specific location respresenting a typical deforestation in Riau. The main objective of this study was to identify spatial metrics to describe deforestation that occurred in Kampar and Indragiri Hulu regencies.The study divided the deforestation process into 3 periods of observation, e.g., 1990–2000, 2000–2010, and 2010–2014. The study based on Landsat satellite imagery aquired in 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2014 as the main data sources.  The deforestation  was detected using post-classification comparison (PCC) on the basis of 11 land cover classes developed prior to any further change detection.  The deforestation was initially derived from reclassifying the original classes into only forest and non-forest classes, and then followed by spatial pattern analysis using Fragstat software. The study shows that 2 spatial pattern of deforestation in Kampar distinctly differs from those occurred in Indragiri Hulu Regency, particularly for the period of 1990–2014. The spatial pattern of deforestation in Kampar Regency were clumped, low contiguous between patch, and high fragmentated. Meanwhile, the spatial pattern in Indragiri Hulu Regency were clumped, high contiguous between patch, and low fragmentated. Profile of deforestation in Kampar Regency was cathegorized into early deforestation and Indragiri Hulu Regency as lately deforestation.
Typology of Tropical Forest Transition Model in Several Watershed, Sumatera Island Widyananto Basuki Aryono; Endang Suhendang; I Nengah Surati Jaya; Herry Purnomo
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 24 No. 3 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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At a landscape level, forest transitions have complex spatial heterogeneity characteristics, thus the causes, driving force, typology and specific profile characteristics need to be considered for managing and mitigating forest transition. This paper describes how the diversity of forest transition characteristics was grouped and how the characteristic of group was identified. Typology classes within water catchment areas in Riau, North Sumatera and West Sumatera Provinces, Indonesia were investigated by considering social, economic and biophysical aspects. The main study objective was to develop a forest transition typology at a landscape level. The model typology was derived from a clustering method with the Standardized Euclidean Distance. The study found that the most significant factor which successfully differentiated the typology of forest transition into two typologies was the population growth having approximately 92% of overall accuracy. The first typology (typology 1) could be categorized as rapid forest transition, while the typology 2 was categorized as slow forest transition. The study suggested that the management and mitigation of the impacts of the forest transition should be conducted by considering the landscape typology as a function of the profiles for each typology.
Co-Authors Abdul Rosyid Adelia Juli Kardika Agus P. Kartono Anita Zaitunah Antonius B Wijanarto Antonius B Wijanarto Ari Ardelina Tatang Tiryana Muhdin, Ari Ardelina Tatang Tiryana Bejo Slamet Beni Iskandar Boedi Tjahjono Bramasto Nugroho Budi Kuncahyo Cecep Kusmana Darwo Darwo Darwo Darwo Dede Dirgahayu Dewayany Sutrisno Dewayany Sutrisno Dito Cahya Renaldi Dito Cahya Renaldi Dwi Noventasari Dwi Putra Apriyanto Dwi Shanty Apriliani Gunadi Edwin Setia Purnama Elias Elias Ema Kurnia Endang Suhendang Endang Suhendang Endang Suhendang Endang Suhendang Endang Suhendang Suhendang Endang Suhendang Suhendang Eva Achmad Faid Abdul Manan Fairus Mulia Fairus Mulia Farida Herry Susanty Farida Herry Susanty Florentina Sri Hardiyanti Purwadhi Hardjanto - Hendrayanto . Hermanu Triwidodo Herry Purnomo Herry Purnomo Iin Arianti Irdika Mansur Ita Carolita Kartodihardjo, Hariadi Kukuh Murtilaksono Lailan Syaufina Liu Qian Liu Qian M. Bismark M. Buce Saleh M. Buce Saleh Marlina, Etty Muhammad Ardiansyah Muhammad Buce Saleh Mulyaningrum Mulyaningrum Naik Sinukaban Nanin Anggraini Nitya Ade Santi Nitya Ade Santi Nitya Ade Santi Omo Rusdiana Omo Rusdiana Oteng Haridjaja Patrich Phill Edrich Papilaya Pratiwi Pratiwi Pratiwi Pratiwi Robert Parulian Silalahi Samsuri Samsuri Samsuri, Samsuri Sendi Yusandi Sigit Nugroho Sri Wahyuni Suria Darma Tarigan Suyadi Suyadi Syamsu Rijal Tatang Tiryana Teddy Rusolono Tien Lastini Tien Lastini Tirta Negara Tomi Yuwono Tomi Yuwono, Tomi Uus Saepul Mukarom Wang Xuenjun Wang Xuenjun Wibisono, Haryo Tabah Wibisono, Haryo Tabah Wibisono, Haryo Tabah Widi Atmaka Widyananto Basuki Aryono Wijanarto, Antonius B. Wijanarto, Antonius B. YANTO SANTOSA Zhang Yuxing