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Indonesian JELT Vol 10, No 1 (2015): Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching vol 10 no. 1 May 2015
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (132.798 KB) | DOI: 10.25170/ijelt.v10i1.658


This study examined idea representation and summarizingstrategies in article summaries written by Indonesian EFLstudents. When the study was conducted, the students wereattending a graduate course on “the Teaching of Writing” in theGraduate Program in ELT at State University of Malang,Indonesia. This study describes the students’ article summariesin terms of idea representation based on the ICF (‘introduction,’‘content,’ and ‘finalization’) frame and strategies applied in thearticle summaries. Data in the form of article summaries writtenby 16 students were collected at the end of the course. Theresults of data analysis show that most of the Indonesian EFLstudents could successfully represent the the ideas from thejournal articles into their summaries. However, not all of thestudents consider that ‘finalization’ component in the frameneeds to be included in their summaries. In terms of strategies insummarizing, most of the students made summaries by copyingideas and words with no or some modification, whereas onlysome of them write summaries by using their own expressions.This means that the students found that summarizing is not aneasy task. Therefore, this study recommends EFL teachers toteach their students strategies to summarize successfully. It alsoencourages EFL teachers to remind the students to use their ownexpressions in their article summaries in order to avoidplagiarism.Keywords: Idea representation; strategies in summarizing;article summaries; journal articles; IndonesianEFL students
Integrating the Technology in Teaching and Learning Process Through Digital Media Creation as A Way to Improve Indonesian EYL Teachers’ Competence Shirly Rizki Kusumaningrum; Utami Widiati; Khoirul Anwar; Hernik Farisia
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan Vol 7, No 5: MAY 2022
Publisher : Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/jptpp.v7i5.15268


Abstract: Now that the spread of Covid 19 is still high and the teaching and learning process should be continued to be conducted at homes, but it seems that some teachers –in this case EYL teachers– are not ready to integrate various digital platforms. It is necessary for us to respond to the need of investigating technology readiness of English for young learners teachers in teaching during this Covid 19 pandemic. It is strongly important to reveal the teachers’ technology readiness as it plays vital role, especially during this pandemic —when the only thing that the teachers and the students can do is interacting online. Without having adequate literacy in technological thing, it is impossible to create teaching and learning process which can facilitate both the teachers and the students. Based on the result of initial survey, it could be stated that some teachers might not be ready in integrating the technology in their virtual classrooms; ending up in either providing lots of assignments or creating monotonous activities, which of course break the nature of teaching English for young learners. Hence, it is expected that by conducting this study, the researchers could assist some of the teachers to be more aware with their technology readiness, so that they could serve the students better, and the students could also learn the material more interesting and meaningful.
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem-Solving (CPS) Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep IPA Siswa Kelas IV SDN Purwodadi 01 Iis Lestari; Nur Laili; Ria Kurniawati; Shirly Rizki Kusumaningrum
Journal on Education Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Journal on Education: Voume 4 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v4i1.415


The purpose of this research is to know the influence of learning using a creative problem-solving model which was implemented in SDN Purwodadi 01. The sample quantity of 57 students consisted of an experimental class and a control class. The research design uses quasi experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. The results of the research show that there is influence of creative problem-solving models to understand the concept of science proved on different mean results after being treated. The experimental class has an average posttest score of 77 higher than the control class with an average posttest score of 64. The t-test result (independent sample t-test) which shows the significance of 0.00<0.05, then it can be concluded that Ho is rejected, and Ha is accepted, means creative problem-solving model has effect on understanding science concepts of grade 4 students of SDN Purwodadi 01.
Improving Language Teaching and Learning Process with Dual Coding Theory Approaches Citra Kurniawan; Shirly Rizki Kusumaningrum; Kee-Fui Turner Lam; Ence Surahman
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan Vol 7, No 8: AGUSTUS 2022
Publisher : Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/jptpp.v7i8.15313


Dual coding theory (DCT) allows students to process information based on stimuli in the form of visual-verbal signals. This study aims to measure the relationship between the implementation of DCT on the teaching and learning process. An experimental approach was used by involving 101 students. The results show that the DCT theoretical approach can be used to improve the language learning process. The research findings show that the learning strategies correlation coefficient is positive 0.826** which means that DCT has a very strong relationship with learning outcomes. In addition, the variables of gender and learning strategies have a positive relationship to learning outcomes with a positive correlation coefficient of 0.448**. Future studies are expected to consider several variables other than demographic variables.
Development Of Learning Media Assisted By Capcut Theme 2 Subtema 1 Learning 6 In Class II Elementary School Diah Aulia Azizatur Rohmah; Shirly Rizki Kusumaningrum; Radeni Sukma Indra Dewi
Justek : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 5, No 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Unversitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/justek.v5i2.11504


Abstract:  The purpose of this study is to develop capcut-assisted learning media on theme 2 sub-theme 1 learning 6 in grade II elementary school that is valid, practical, interesting and effective. Valid according to material expert (Dra. Widayati M.H), media expert (Ferril Irham Muzaki S.Pd., M.Pd) and user/teacher (Luluk Muthori'ah, S.Pd) while practical, interesting and effective according to grade II students SDN Kauman 2 Blitar City. The research method uses R&D development according to Borg & Gall. The stages in this research include: 1) potential and problems, 2) data collection, 3) product design, 4) product validation, 5) product revision, 6) product trial, 7) product revision, 8) usage trial 9) product revision. The data collection instruments used were interview guidelines, validation instruments, and student questionnaires. The type of data in the form of quantitative data is obtained from the results of the material validator questionnaire, media, users/teachers, and students. Qualitative data obtained from suggestions and input from experts, users and students. The validator analysis technique uses a Likert Scale. While the data obtained from product trials and usage trials using the Guttman scale. The results of material validation are 100% (very valid), media validation is 93.75% (very valid), user validation is 100% (very valid), and product testing is 98.8% (very practical/interesting). So it can be concluded that the capcut-assisted learning media is stated to be very valid, practical, interesting and effective to use in learning theme 2 sub-theme 1 learning 6.Abstrak: Tujuan pada penelitian ini mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbantuan capcut pada tema 2 subtema 1 pembelajaran 6 di kelas II sekolah dasar yang valid, praktis, menarik dan efektif. Valid menurut ahli materi (Dra. Widayati M.H), ahli media (Ferril Irham Muzaki S.Pd.,M.Pd) dan pengguna/guru (Luluk Muthori’ah, S.Pd) sedangkan praktis, menarik dan efektif menurut siswa kelas II SDN Kauman 2 Kota Blitar. Metode penelitian menggunakan pengembangan R&D menurut Borg & Gall. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini meliputi: 1) potensi dan masalah, 2) pengumpulan data, 3) desain produk, 4) validasi produk, 5) revisi produk, 6) uji coba produk, 7) revisi produk, 8) uji coba pemakaian 9) revisi produk. Instrumen pengumpul data yang digunakan berupa pedoman wawancara, instrumen validasi, dan angket siswa. Jenis data berupa data kuantitatif diperoleh dari hasil angket validator materi, media, pengguna/guru, dan peserta didik. Data kualitatif diperoleh dari saran dan masukan baik dari ahli, pengguna maupun peserta didik. Teknik analisis validator menggunakan Skala Likert. Sedangkan data yang diperoleh dari uji coba produk dan uji coba pemakaian menggunakan skala Guttman. Hasil validasi materi 100% (sangat valid), validasi media 93,75% (sangat valid), validasi pengguna 100% (sangat valid), dan uji coba produk 98,8% (sangat praktis/menarik). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan media pembelajaran berbantuan capcut dinyatakan sangat valid, praktis, menarik dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran tema 2 subtema 1 pembelajaran 6.
The Effect of Learning Community in Improving Students' Ability in Solve Math Problems in Class V Anita Zunarni; Balik Shalikhatus Sakina; Shirly Rizki Kusumaningrum; Radeni Sukma Indra Dewi
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education (JIME) Vol 8, No 4 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education (JIME)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan Mandala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58258/jime.v8i4.4079


Students' skills in solving problems in mathematics have an impact on learning outcomes. Mathematical problems are closely related to students' daily lives. These problems can be resolved through discussion and collaboration. A learning community is a learning model that facilitates problem-solving in a learning community. In society, students play an active role by changing knowledge in problem-solving. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of mathematical problem-solving ability in class with a Learning Community. The method used is a quasi-experimental design with a nonequivalent control group design. The results of this study indicate an increase in the mathematical problem-solving ability of the experimental class with a percentage of N-Gain in the experimental class of 65. 84% are categorized as quite effective. The experimental class and the control class showed differences in mathematical problem-solving abilities which were indicated by a significance level of < 0.05, this indicates that there is an influence of the learning community on increasing mathematical problem-solving abilities. The results of the research in the experimental class can be concluded that the learning community has an influence on improving students' ability to solve mathematical problems.
Development of PjBL Model-Oriented Teaching Materials on Students Learning Outcomes Luluk Nur Hamidah Ulfa; Shirly Rizki Kusumaningrum; Radeni Sukma Indra Dewi
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education (JIME) Vol 8, No 4 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education (JIME)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan Mandala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58258/jime.v8i4.4080


This development research aims to: 1) Describe the results of the validity, attractiveness and practicality of the development of PjBL-oriented teaching materials to improve the science learning outcomes of Grade 6 students 2) Knowing the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation results of the development of PjBL-oriented teaching materials to improve the learning outcomes of grade 6 students to be implemented for students. This study used an R & D (Research and Development) design using the ADDIE development model. Data collection techniques for teaching materials expert questionnaires. The results of the validation of teaching material experts showed a score of 94.2%. The small group test score obtained was 84.4 and the results of the field trial were 87. The student response questionnaire obtained results of 95. 6% can be stated that the PjBL-based science teaching materials on the adaptation of living things in class VI elementary school are very valid to be applied in science learning and for large groups the average is 95.3 with very practical criteria. The teacher response questionnaire averaged 90 with very practical criteria. The results of pretests and postes experienced an increase in the average score of the post test of 89.8 so that it can be concluded that there is an increase in scores in student learning outcomes. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the teaching materials for the content of PjBL-oriented science developed using the ADDIE model have good quality from the aspects of content, visual design, and grammar to be used.
Development Of An E-Module Based On A Mind MAP Strengthening Student's Critical Thinking In Class IV SD Atiu Dawil Khuri; Shirly Rizki Kusumaningrum; Radeni Sukma Indra Dewi
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education (JIME) Vol 8, No 4 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education (JIME)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan Mandala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58258/jime.v8i4.4081


21st-century learning requires high-level thinking skills including the 4Cs (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity) which can be pursued through developing e-modules. This research is research and development (Research and Development). The aim of the research is to develop an e-module on the Mindmap-based Part of Plants. The development process was adapted from the Plomp e-model development which consists of 5 phases, namely; the initial investigation phase; the design phase; the realization/construction phase; the evaluation, and revision test phase; and the implementation phase. This research was carried out in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 Academic Year with the research subjects being grade 4 students at UPT SD Negeri Bajang 02. The results of this study indicate that the e-module on plants based on mind mapping is declared valid with an average rating of 3,
Primary: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Vol 11, No 6 (2022)
Publisher : Laboratorium Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (847.591 KB) | DOI: 10.33578/jpfkip.v11i6.9299


This article analyzes the influence of mind mapping in improving sixth-grade elementary school students’ descriptive writing ability. The type of research is qualitative research with a problem-solving research design. Problem-solving is an approach that indicates the data in the form of words or statements obtained through interviews, documentation, observations, and so on. Classroom action research is conducted to solve problems in learning in the classroom or to improve learning quality. The research subjects involved 24 students of class VI at SDN Blimbing 2. The test results before implementing the class research action indicate that the average value is 54. In cycle I, the average value is 68.7 with a completeness percentage of 42%. It shows that between the pretest and cycle 1 there is an increasing value of 14.7. In cycle 2, the average value increases to 75.2 with a completeness percentage of 100%. The observation results of students’ activity in cycle 1 achieve 71% while in cycle 2 it achieves 81%, which means that there is an increasing percentage of 10%. The observation results teacher’s teaching management in cycle 1 achieves a percentage of 73% and in cycle 2 it achieves a percentage of 87%, which means that there is an increasing percentage of 15%. Thus, the data analysis of students’ writing descriptive essays through mind mapping from the pretest, cycle 1 to cycle 2 has achieved an average score target. 
Development Of Blog “Hi Si IPA” On Ecosystem Materials To Improve Science Literacy For Students Grade V In Elementary School Dini Rosyada Mahmud; Shirly Rizki Kusumaningrum; Radeni Sukma Indra Dewi
DIDAKTIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Vol 5, No 2 (2022): VOLUME 5, NUMBER 2, 2022
Publisher : Program Studi PGSD, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/didaktika.v5i2.54048


Learning media is an important part of the learning process. Students grade V need learning media blog to make it easier for understand learning material for theme ecosystems. Learning media blog has never been used in ecosystem materials in elementary school. The method used in this  research and development using five stages: the model ADDIE (Analysis-Design-Development-Implement-Evaluate). Quantitative data analysis use to process the data results in numbers obtained from filling out validation questionnaires by learning media experts and material experts. Qualitative data take from the suggestions and input of material experts, learning media experts, students, and teachers who perfected the learning media of the blog "Hai Si IPA". The result validation product learning media of the "Hai Si IPA" is 97%. So the  "Hai Si IPA" has an "Excellent" validity criterion. The first result validation blog material of the "Hai Si IPA" is  67% was in the "Good" category, so it needed to be revised. The second result validation is 83%. The material used in the learning media blog "Hai Si IPA" is "Very good." The advantages blog "Hai Si IPA" has an attractive design includes background, layout, images, quiz and animated videos so that students don't get bored easily using it and have their brand namely "Hai Si IPA". Keywords: Learning media, Blog, Science
Co-Authors Ade Eka Anggraini Aguslia Safitri Ahmad Khoiri Ahmad Saifullah Ahmad Saifullah Aini, Muntaza Nur Amina Divina Anita Zunarni Arin Nurul Makrifah Atiu Dawil Khuri Aynin Mashfufah Balik Shalikhatus Sakina Bambang Yudi Cahyono Candra Utama Choerul Anwar Ciptaningsih Ciptaningsih Citra Kurniawan Devi Afidin Diah Aulia Azizatur Rohmah Dini Rosyada Mahmud Dwi Yani Dwi Yani Egithia Alfi Rosydiana Endrik Mas Yulaidi Fauzi Achmad Fibri Ledia Alviana Hayu Ika Anggraini Hayuni Retno Widarti Henny Pusporini Heri Suwignyo Hernik Farisia Iis Lestari Imam Agus Basuki Imam Suyitno Imroatul Mufidah Intan Sari Rufiana Istri Romawanti Kasturi Kasturi Kee-Fui Turner Lam Khoiroh, Makrifatul Khoirul Anwar Lilik Handayani LINDA PUSPITASARI - A11111054, LINDA PUSPITASARI Luluk Nur Hamidah Ulfa Mochammad Amirudin Ichda Mudrikah Mudrikah Mudrikah Mudrikah Muhammad Saiful Anam Novia Frisda Eldiana Nur Laili Nur Widyawati Nur'im Septi Lestari Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurul Murtadho Oktaviani Adhi Suciptaningsih Peni Purwanti Permatasari, Adelia Putri Pipit Pudji Astutik Radeni Sukma Indra Dewi Rafi Rohayati Ratna Hayu Ria Kurniawati Ricky Ulanda Kostriono Ririn Puji Utami Riska Pristiani Rudi Prasetyo Rusdial Marta Saputro, Uung Gundo Septyani Kharisma Prathama Siti Latifa Zahara Sri Rahayuningsih Sri Untari Surahman, Ence Suyono Suyono Syamsul Hadi Transita Pawartani Utami Widiati Uung Gondo Saputro Widhiastuti, Kingkin Wildan Irwahyudi Wildan Irwahyudi Wuwur, Erwin Simon Paulus Olak Yusella, Yeni Zainulloh Zulia Nurul Faizah