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JSME (Jurnal Sains, Matematika & Edukasi) Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurusan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Manado

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Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA N 31 Halmahera Selatan pada peserta didik kelas XI IPA 1 dan XI IPA 2 tahun ajaran 2015/2016 mata pelajaran Biologi pada pokok bahasan sistem ekskresi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas pengaruh media gambar pada hasil belajar siswa pada materi sistem ekskresi. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan Pretest dan posttest control group design. Data yang diambil dan dikumpulkan dari tes awal sebelum diterapkan perlakuan dan tes akhir sesudah diterapkan perlakuan. Analisis data menggunakan uji homogenitas, normalitas, uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan statisti uji-t. Dari data analisis menggunakan SPSS dapat diketahui homogenitas nilai f yaitu 0.006 dan untuk nilai signifikansi 0.542. Maka setelah didapati nilai yang ada menggunakan taraf α = 5 % Karena nilai α = 0.05< darinilai sig = 0,542 maka H1 diterima dan kedua kelas tersebut adalah homogenydengan menggunakan uji hipotesis diperoleh nilai rata-rata posttest kelas kontrol = 60,83 dan nilai rata-rata posttest kelas eksperimen 84,54, berdasarkan kriteria pengujian maka H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menggunaakan media gambar pada materi sistem ekskresi dapat mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa. Kata kunci: Sistem Ekskresi, Media Gambar, Hasil Belajar
Bioaktivitas Larvasida Nyamuk Anopheles sp. Dari Ekstrak Bunga Tagetes erecta L. Yang Berasal Dari Kota Tomohon Rombot, Dina V.; Semuel, Mokosuli Y.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.12.3.2020.30111


Abstract: Until now, Anopheles sp is a vector of Plasmodium sp as a parasite that causes malaria. Global climate change makes the development of the Anopheles mosquito unpredictable. Therefore, the use of plants as biological larvicides is an alternative to control the Anopheles population. A study aimed at obtaining the phytochemical content of the crude extract of Tagetes erecta L. and the toxicity of the extract against larvae of Anopheles sp. Tagetes erecta flowers are obtained from the city of Tomohon, North Sulawesi which is known as the city of flowers. Mosquito larvae were obtained by rearing method in the biology laboratory of FMIPA, Manado State University. This study applies a laboratory experimental method. Lethal concentration 50 was determined by probit analysis using SPSS IBM 20. The study consisted of the extraction of Tegetes erecta flowers using the maceration method, analysis of phytochemical content and toxicity tests of extracts on larvae of Anopheles sp. The results showed that the dominant phytochemical groups were alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins and tannins. The best LC 50 was obtained in ethanol extract, namely 43.073 mg / L.Keywords : Toxicity, Larvae, Anopheles, Tagetes erecta L.  Abstrak: Anopheles sp sampai saat ini merupakan vektor Plasmodium sp sebagai parasite yang menyebabkan penyakit malaria. Perubahan iklim global menyebabkan perkembangan nyamuk Anopheles sulit diprediksi. Oleh karena itu pemanfaatan tumbuhan sebagai larvasida hayati menjadi alternative penanggulangan populasi Anopheles. Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan mendapatkan kandungan golongan fitokimia ekstrak kasar Tagetes erecta L dan toksisitas ekstrak terhadap larva Anopheles sp. Bunga Tagetes erecta di peroleh dari Kota Tomohon Sulawesi Utara yang dikenal sebagai kota bunga. Larva nyamuk diperoleh dengan metode rearing di laboratorium Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Manado. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode eksperimen laboratorium. Lethal concentration 50 ditentukan dengan analisis probit menggunakan SPSS IBM 20. Penelitian terdiri atas tahap ekstraksi bunga Tegetes erecta dengan metode maserasi, analisis kandungan golongan fitokimia dan uji toksisitas ekstrak pada larva Anopheles sp. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa golongan fitokimia yang dominan adalah alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin dan tannin. LC 50 terbaik diperoleh pada ekstrak etanol yaitu 43,073 mg/L.Kata kunci : Toksisitas, Larva, Anopheles, Tagetes erecta L.
DNA Barcoding Dalugha (Cyrtosperma Merkusii) di Kepulauan Talaud dan Minahasa Selatan Berdasarkan Gen rbcL Taariwuan, Marlin Bernadet; Ngangi, Jantje; Mokosuli, Yermia; Gedoan, Sukmarayu
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35799/jbl.v11i2.34452


(Article History: Received June 28, 2021; Revised August 30, 2021; Accepted Sept 3, 2021) ABSTRAKDalugha (Cyrtospera merkusii (Hassk.)Schott) merupakan tanaman endemik Sulawesi Utara yang digunakan sebagai pangan alternatif (penganti beras). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan spesies daluga di Kepulauan Talaud dan Minahasa Selatan menggunakan DNA barcode gen rbcL (ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase large). Perbandingan barcode DNA yang dilakukan pada empat sampel yang berbeda lokasi tersebut keduanya menghasilkan tingkat kesamaan 100% (identik). Dengan demikian, tidak ada variasi intra spesies yang ditemukan dari semua sampel yang ada. Selanjutnya, kemiripan sampel-sampel ini telusuri kemiripannya dengan kerabat terdekat yang tercatat di GenBank menggunakan BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool).  Tanaman dalugha dalam penelitian ini memiliki kemiripan 99,82% dengan tumbuhan Anaphyllopsis americana (AM905753.1), dan kemiripannya 99,63% dengan Cyrtosperma macrotum (AM905750.1), Lasimorpha senegalensis (AM905755.1), Pycnospatha arietina (AM905751.1), dan Podolasia stipitata (AM905752.1). Belum ada rekor sekuens DNA gen rbcL dari spesies ini yang dibisa dibandingkan di GenBank.Kata Kunci: Dalugha; DNA barcoding; gen rbcL ABSTRACTDalugha (Cyrtospera merkusii (Hassk.) Schott) is an endemic plant in North Sulawesi that is used as alternative food (substitute for rice). This research aimed to compare the DNA barcode of dalugha in Talaud Islands and in South Minahasa using rbcL (ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase large) gene. The DNA barcoding comparison of all four samples in both area resulted in 100% similarity (identical). Therefore, there is no intraspecific variation found in all samples. Furthermore, the similarity of these samples were conducted with BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) to compare with its closest relatives in GenBank. The closest relatives of this plant, based on similarity information, are 99.82% with Anaphyllopsis americana (AM905753.1) and all 99.63% with Cyrtosperma macrotum (AM905750.1), Lasimorpha senegalensis (AM905755.1), Pycnospatha arietina (AM905751.1), and Podolasia stipitata (AM905752.1).  There is no record yet of rbcL gene sequence of C. merkusii in GenBank for comparison.Keywords: Dalugha; DNA barcoding; rbcL gene
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Introduksi Ayam Kampung Super Dibudidaya Semi Rens Mege, Revolson A.; Ngangi, Jantje; Maramis, Alfonds; Semuel, Mokosuli Yermia; Mansyur, Djailani
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 25, No 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v25i1.33750


Desa Laikit Kecamatan Dimembe Kabupaten Minahasa Utara merupakan salah satu desa potensial sebagai lumbung pangan nabati maupun hewani untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat di perkotaan maupun daerah kepulauan. Hal ini terlihat dari tingginya aktivitas masyarakat berusaha tani dan ternak. Salah satu usaha ternak yang banyak dikembangkan di desa Laikit dan sekitarnya adalah ternak ayam ras pedaging, petelur dan ayam kampung. Berdeda dengan usaha ayam ras pedaging dan petelur hampir tidak ada masalah prinsip karena pada umumnya dikelola secara intensif, sementara usaha budidaya ayam kampung pada umumnya masih dilakukan secara tradisional dengan produktivitas rendah akibat kurangnya asupan nutrisi dan terjadinya persilangan bebas (imbreeding) yang berimplikasi terjadinya degradasi mutu genetic ayam kampung lokal. Melalui program Deseminasi Produk Teknologi kepada Masyarakat (DPTM) telah dilaksanakan kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui introduksi ayam kampung super dengan budidaya semi intensif. Kegiatan ini menggunakan kombinasi metode PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) dengan pendekatan pembelajaran orang dewasa (Andragogik) sehingga lebih mudah memahami dan menciptakan kondisi masyarakat untuk mendukung terjadinya proses pemberdayaan dalam upaya memecahkan masalah secara bersama. Melalui kegiatan DPTM telah terfasilitasi: (1) peningkatan pengetahuan dan teknologi serta keterampilan budidaya ayam kampung super dan persilangannya dengan ayam kampung lokal. (2) peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan manajemen perkandangan ayam kampung dengan sistem semi rens, (3) peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pengolahan pakan berbasis bahan baku pakan lokal dan (4) peningkatan produksi daging dan telur hasil persilangan ayam kampung super dengan ayam kampung lokal.
Uji Efektifitas Ekstrak Daun Tapak Dara (Catharanthus roseus (L) G. Don) Sebagai Penurun Kadar Gula Darah Pada Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus L.) Budiarto Rahmat Taruh; Hariyadi Hariyadi; Yeremia S. Mokosuli; Anice I. Tuda; Yessie K. Kelly
Majalah INFO Sains Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Tomohon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.884 KB) | DOI: 10.55724/jis.v2i2.36


Salah satu khasiat dari tapak dara adalah sebagai penurun kadar glukosa dalam darah, tetapi khasiat dari tanaman tapak dara ini belum diketahui secara luas oleh semua kalangan masyarakat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas penurunan kadar glukosa dalam darah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen murni di laboratorium, dengan cara daun tapak dara dibuat ekstrak. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah tikus putih sebanyak 15 ekor yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok (kontrol negatif (-), kontrol positif (+), uji ekstrak 10%, uji ekstrak 30%, uji ekstrak 50% ). Semua tikus putih diberikan larutan glukosa 2 ml (mengandung 0,04 gram glukosa). Kenaikan dan penurunan kadar glukosa dalam darah pada tikus putih diukur dengan alat test glukosa darah/gluco meter (test accurentd strip).Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian sediaan ekstrak dengan konsentrasi 10%, 30%, 50%, menunjukan adanya perbedaan bermakna terhadap kelompok kontrol negatif (-) dan terhadap kontrol positif (+). Dari hasil ini dapat di simpulkan bahwa ekstrak daun tapak dara dapat memberikan efek penurunan kadar glukosa dalam darah.
Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) Ekstrak Sarang Lebah Madu (Apis dorsata Binghami Yermia Semuel Mokosuli
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi undiksha Vol. 8 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha

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Apis dorsata Binghami is a honey bee endemic to the Walacea Zone. Apis dorsata Binghami that has not been bred has a higher variety of feed sources than other honey bees. Apis dorsata Binghami's nest is made of different types of nectar, propolis and pollen than Apis mellifera. Research has been carried out to determine the toxicity of Apis dorsata Binghami honeycomb extract based on the BSLT (Brine Shrimp Lethality Test) test. Fresh Apis dorsata nests were obtained from the Minahasa forest, North Sulawesi. After being air-dried, the honeycomb was extracted using the maceration method with a ratio of 1:2 (w/v) simplicia nest and solvent. Ethanol extracts were examined for their toxicities to shrimp larvae Artemia salina Leach. The test concentrations used were 10 mg/L, 100 mg/L, 500 mg/L and 1000 mg/L. Each concentration was carried out in three replications. The results showed that the LC50 of the honeycomb ethanol extract was LC50 54,457 mg/L. Based on the LC50, the honeycomb of Apis dorsata Binghami can be consumed directly by humans and contains bioactives that have medicinal potential.
Media Pembelajaran Konsep Genetika Menggunakan Drosophila melanogaster Isolat Lokal Dengan Aplikasi Whatsapp Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Budaya Mapalus Herry Maurits Sumampouw; Mokosuli Yermia Semuel; Dewa Nyoman Oka; Orbanus Naharia; Masje Wurarah
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi undiksha Vol. 8 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha

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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the conventional learning structure. Learning media is a necessity for students in online learning so that learning objectives can be achieved maximally. The subject of genetics is one of the most difficult materials for students, partly because this field of biology is abstract. Research has been carried out that aims to obtain learning media for genetic concepts using the results of laboratory studies of local isolates of fruit flies. Learning media is packaged with a local wisdom approach, namely mapalus culture, and packaged for use in the what's app application. This study applies the research and development method of the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation). The test instrument used in this study is the product validity results from material experts and media experts. Research products are uploaded to the youtube channel for easy access and use through the WhatsApp application by students. The results showed that the learning media received an 85% assessment of the feasibility of the material, 83% of the feasibility of the media, and the responses of small group students included in the very good category. Learning media for the concept of genetics uses local isolate fruit flies with the WhatsApp application, based on mapalus culture, which is potential to be used as a medium for learning biology for the subject of genetics.
Molekul Vol 10, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (304.861 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/


Apis nigrocincta Smith is a species of honey bee cavity nesting, endemic to Sulawesi. Research that aims to find the composition of the bioactive content of peptides and antibacterial activity of honey bee venom A. nigrocincta Smith has been conducted. Honey bee venom composition was analyzed using Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) Method and Spectrophotometer UV-Vis Method. Analysis of antibacterial activity, was conducted using a modified agar diffusion method. The results showed that the venom of the honey bee Apis nigrocinctaSmith has five bands of molecules with a molecular weight i.e. 33.54kDa; 21 kDa and 15.43 kDa. The peptide detected were hyaluronidase, fosfolipase A, mellitin, lysofosfolipase or antigen 5. Antibacterial activity was higher than the control ampisilin and antibiotic streptomycin.
The bioactive contents and antioxidant activity of honey bee nest extract of Apis dorsata Binghami from the North Sulawesi Mokosuli Yermia Semuel; Eva Sherly Nonke Kaunang; Jacklin Stella Manopo
Molekul Vol 14, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.303 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/


Apis dorsata Binghami is a Sulawesi endemic honey bee. Apis dorsata Binghami cannot be bred, so it still lives wildlyin the forests of Sulawesi. However, Apis dorsata Binghami produces more honey, compared to all honey bee species. Furthermore, the diversity of plants as a source of nectar, pollen and plant resin, which is used in the formation of nests and honey is more, than all types of honey bees in the world. Ethnomedically, the Minahasa community has long used honeynest for degenerative diseases such as hyperlipidemia and cancer. Nevertheless, there have been no research reports on bioactive content and bioactivity of Apis dorsataBinghami nest extract.  This research wasaimed to determinethe bioactive content of honey bee nest and to obtain the inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50) antioxidant activity of honey bee nest extractofApis dorsata Binghami. Honey bee nest was obtained directly from the forest of Minahasa peninsula, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Extraction of fresh honey bee nest was conductedusingmaceration method. Bioactive content analysis was carried out by the Harborne method, followed by analysis using UV Vis spectrophotometer and High performance liquid chromatography. IC50antioxidant activity of honey bee nest extract was obtained using DPPH free radical reduction method. The results showed that Apis dorsata Binghami honey bee nest extract containedalkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, steroids and triterpenoids. Identified flavonoids displayed the highest phytochemical content. Based on the results of HPLC and UV Vis spectrophotometer analysis, there were 20 flavonoid derivatives found in honey bee nest samples in Minahasa. Ethanol extract and n-hexane extract showed high free radical reduction activity compared to vitamin C as a control treatment. However, ethanol extract produced the highest DPPH free radical reduction activity.
Menanamkan Jiwa Kewirausahaan melalui Percontohan Budidaya Tanaman Pangan pada Anak Usia Sekolah di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Verra E. J. Mawitjere; Revolson A. Mege; Julduz R. Paus; Jeane Mantiri; Mokosuli Y. Semuel
DEDIKASI Vol 21, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Dedikasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/dedikasi.v21i1.9422


A community service activity through the Community Empowerment program (KKN PPM) to improve school-age children's entrepreneurship skills and knowledge in Likupang Barat has been well implemented. The KKN PPM program aims to produce an action program for food crop cultivation by utilizing the schoolyard in an effort to instill the entrepreneurial spirit in school-age children and increase knowledge and skills in life skills through pilot projects of cultivation of food crops for school-age children in SMPN 1 Talise. The method used in the KKN PPM program was a combination of "application of science and technology appropriately" in cultivation of food crops with the "Pilot Project" learning approach or demonstration of farming by utilizing the schoolyard. Therefore, the children get life skill experience in the effort to characterize entrepreneurship. Moreover, this activity becomes a laboratory and learning resource for students of the Economic Education subjects as well as child character development. The results achieved in this program were the availability of the piloting food crops that can support the fulfillment of consumption needs. In addition, it can be used as a learning media for the Economic Education subject in an effort to instill an entrepreneurial spirit, as well as a source of school needs for school-aged children.