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Pengembangan Produk Bakso yang Berbahan Baku Tanaman Berantioksidan Wellyalina Wellyalina; Daimon Syukri
REACTOR: Journal of Research on Chemistry and Engineering Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Published in June 2020
Publisher : Politeknik ATI Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52759/reactor.v1i1.5


The development of functional food is increasing. Meatball is one of popular food product that can be developed to become more functional by adding antioxidant. Meatballs are processed products from small round meat. The aim of this study was to obtain the best formula for meat ball production with high antioxidant and also have good organoleptic characteristics. The addition of Moringa leaves, celery,cup leaves panax, and lime leaves to the original formula of meat ball production were used as the treatments in this study. The results indicated that the addition of cup leaves panax could produce the functional meat ball with the highest antioxidant and best organoleptic characteristics among all treatments.
PENYULUHAN, PELATIHAN, DAN PERAGAAN PROSES PENGOLAHAN KENTANG MENJADI BERBAGAI PRODUK PANGAN KOMERSIL Rini B; Fauzan Azima; Kesuma Sayuti; Novelina Novelina; Rina Yenrina; Novizar Nazir; Tuty Anggraini; Hasbullah Hasbullah; Aisman Aisman; Daimon Syukri; Diana Sylvi; Purnama Dini Hari; Ismed Ismed; Cesar Welya Refdi; Wellyalina Wellyalina; Felga Zulfia Rasdiana; Reni Koja
LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Andalas Kampus Limau Manis - Padang, Sumatera Barat Indonesia-25163

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/logista.5.1.248-252.2021


Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Andalas Padang ini bekerja sama dengan mitrayaitu Pondok Pesantren Dr M Natsir di Batu Bagiriak Alahan Panjang, Kabupaten Solok, Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Lokasi kegiatan pengabdian merupakan pondok pesantren yang mana di lingkungan sekitar kaya akan hasil pertanian dan perkebunan. Salah satu komoditi yang banyak dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat sekitaran pondok pesantren adalah kentang. Tanaman kentang ditanam masyarakat di pinggiran kebun atau di pekarangan rumah, tanaman ini tumbuh subur dan berproduksi cukup tinggi di daerah ini. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra adalah 1) Umumnya kentang hanya dijual dalam bentuk mentah, pengolahan yang umum dilakukan masyarakat setempat hanya sekedar direbus atau digoreng saja dengan campuran dengan cabe merah, 2) Kurangnya pengetahuan anggota kelompok dalam aspek pengolahan berbagai macam produk olahan. Kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh tim pengabdian masyarakat untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan mitra adalah 1) Mengevaluasi kegiatan budidaya pertanian dan perkebunan yang ada dilokasi mitra, 2) Kegiatan penyuluhan pengolahan produk olahan dari kentanguntuk meningkatkan nilai jual produk dan ekonomi petani 3) Diversifikasi produk olahan dari kentang untuk meningkatkan umur simpan produk dengan pembuatan berbagai macam produk yaitu donat frozen, stik frozen, es krim, kulit kebab, dan minuman fungsional. Kegiatan ini berlangsung dengan baik dan lancar serta tingginya antusias peserta dalam mengikuti kegiatan ini terutama pada kegiatan pengolahan produk. Kegiatan ini diharapkan meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas produksi usaha mitra,dan peningkatan pendapatan mitra. Kata Kunci: Batu Bagiriak Alahan Panjang, Pertanian, Kentang, Diversifikasi, Wirausaha
LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Andalas Kampus Limau Manis - Padang, Sumatera Barat Indonesia-25163

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1426.066 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/logista.3.2.199-205.2019


Kabupaten Dharmasraya yang terdapat hampir disepanjang jalan lintas Sumatera belum dikenal makanan khasnya. Makanan yang biasa dijadikan oleh-oleh hanya keripik tempe. Di Nagari Lubuk Besar terdapat produk olahan khas yang biasa disajikan pada acara-acara adat dan pernikahan, yaitu Atun. Sebagian ibu-ibu dari masyarakat Nagari Lubuk Besar hanya mampu menjual produk ini sesekali pada ‘hari pasa’ (jadwal pasar tradisional), karena permasalahan umur simpan produk yang singkat yaitu 1-2 hari. Hal ini juga yang menjadi kendala Atun dijadikan sebagai oleh-oleh khas Kabupaten Dharmasraya. Teknologi pengemasan vakum adalah sistem pengemasan hampa udara sehingga memperpanjang umur simpan, sehingga produk akan lebih bertahan 2-3 kali lebih lama daripada produk yang yang disimpan dengan nonvakum.Selain itu, pembuatan produk Atun Instan dapat bertahan lebih lama dan menjadi inovasi agar Atun dapat dikonsumsi oleh konsumen yang lebih jauh. Tujuan dari kegiatan IbDM ini secara umum adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, kemandirian dan semangat berwirausaha bagi anggota kelompok Wanita “Lubuk Besar Bersinar” yang tergabung dalam Kelompok PKK Nagari Lubuk Besar dengan aplikasi teknologi. Dalam pengembangan produk atun ini dilakukan transfer teknologi dalam bentuk pelatihan teknologi pengemasan hampa dan penyimpanan, pembuatan atun instan, serta penyuluhan pemasaran dan manajemen bisnis Atun dalam mengembangkan produk Atun sebagai oleh-oleh khas Nagari Lubuk Kabupaten Dharmasraya. Kata Kunci: Atun, Atun Instan, Pengemasan Vakum, Makanan Tradisional ABSTRACT Dharmasraya District, located almost along the trans-Sumatra road, is not yet known for its traditional food. Food that is used as gifts is only tempeh chips. At Lubuk Besar Village, a village of Dharmasraya, there are typically snack usually served at traditional events and weddings, namely Atun. Some woman from the community of Nagari Lubuk Besar are only able to occasionally sell this product on 'Pasa Day' (traditional market schedule) because of the short shelf life of the product, which is 1-2 days. It also became Atun's obstacle as a souvenir of the Dharmasraya District. Vacuum packaging technology is a packaging system without oxygen that extends shelf life so that products will last 2-3 times longer than non-vacuum stored products. Additionally, Instant Atun products' production can last longer and become an innovation so that more distant consumers can consume Atun. This IbDM program aims to increase knowledge, skills, independence, and an entrepreneurial spirit for members of the "Lubuk Besar Bersinar" Women group and the Lubuk Besar PKK Group with the application of technology. In developing Atun product, technology transfer is carried out in the form of training on vacuum packaging and storage technology, making instant Atun, and counseling on Atun's marketing and business management in developing Atun products as souvenirs from Dharmasraya District.ogy, making instant Atun, and counseling on Atun's marketing and business management in developing Atun products as souv Keywords: Atun, Instan Atun, Vacuum Packaging, Traditional Food
INTRODUKSI ALAT PENGERING DAN PRODUK OLAHAN JAGUNG DI NAGARI SIMPANG, KEC. SIMPANG ALAHAN MATI, KAB. PASAMAN Ismed Ismed; Daimon Syukri; Aisman Aisman; Cesar Welya Refdi; Wellyalina Wellyalina; Felga Zulfia Rasdiana; Kesuma Sayuti
LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Andalas Kampus Limau Manis - Padang, Sumatera Barat Indonesia-25163

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1752.563 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/logista.4.1.89-97.2020


Kecamatan Simpang Alahan Mati merupakan salah datu dari 12 Kecamatan yang ada di Kab. Pasaman, Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Usaha pertanian yang ada di Kecamatan Simpang Alahan Mati adalah pertanian jagung. Kabupaten Pasaman ditetapkan sebagai sentra tanaman jagung, produktifitas tanaman jagung setiap tahunnya semakin meningkat. Hasil panen jagung kebanyakan dijual oleh petani dalam kondisi basah tanpa melalui proses pengeringan meskipun harga jagung kering jauh lebih mahal dari pada jagung basah. Hal ini karena pengeringan jagung dilakukan hanya mengandalkan sinar matahari secara langsung sehingga akan menjadi kendala apabila musim hujan. Oleh karena itu introduksi atau pengenalan penggunaan mesin pengering melalui penyuluhan sangat diperlukan oleh petani. Jagung merupakan salah satu komoditas pertanian yang bersifat perishable atau mudah rusak baik karena kerusakan fisik maupun kontaminasi jamur. Selama ini, petani jagung belum mengolah jagung sebagai aneka produk olahan yang memberikan nilai tambah secara ekonomis. Pemanfaatan jagung diharapkan meningkat tidak hanya dijual sebagai bahan baku saja, tetapi dapat diolah menjadi berbagai produk pangan yang bernilai ekonomi seperti aneka camilan seperti tortila chips. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu penyuluhan tentang introduksi alat pengering dan pengolahan produk olahan jagung serta praktek pembuatan olahan jagung yaitu tortilla chips. Kegiatan ini diharapkan mampu memberdayakan masyarakat melalui peningkatan pengetahuan pasca panen dan kemampuan dalam pengolahan aneka produk jagung. Kegiatan ini diharapkan berkokontribusi dalam peningkatan pendapatan bagi keluarga dapat melalui unit-unit usaha rumah tangga yang mampu memproduksi produk olahan jagung untuk meningkatkan ekonomi petani jagung. Kata kunci: Jagung kering, Metode pengeringan, Pascapanen, Produk olahan ABSTRACT Simpang Alahan Mati sub-district is one of 12 sub-districts, Pasaman, West Sumatra Province. The existing farming in Simpang Alahan Mati District is corn farming. Pasaman as one of the center of corn plants, the productivity of corn plants increases every year. The corn crop is mostly sold by farmers in wet conditions without going through a drying process even though the price of dry corn is much more expensive than wet corn. This is because corn drying is done only by relying on direct sunlight so that it will become an obstacle when the rainy season. Therefore, the introduction or introduction of the use of drying machines through counseling is needed by farmers. Corn is one of the agricultural commodities that are perishable or easily damaged either due to physical damage or fungal contamination. During this time, corn farmers have not processed corn as a variety of processed products that provide added value economically. Utilization of corn is expected to increase not only as raw material, but can be processed into various food products of economic value such as various snacks such as tortilla chips. The results of this community service activity are counseling about the introduction of dryers and processing of processed corn products and the practice of making corn preparations, namely tortilla chips. This activity is expected to be able to empower the community through increased post-harvest knowledge and ability in processing various corn products. This activity is expected to contribute to increasing income for families through household business units that are able to produce corn processed products to improve the economy of corn farmers. Keywords: Dried corn, Drying method, Post-harvest, Processed product
Antibacterial Activity of Moringa Leaf Layer Cake Against S. aureus and E. coli I Ketut Budaraga; Dian Pramana Putra; Wellyalina Wellyalina
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Terapan Pertanian Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32530/jaast.v4i1.130


The layer cake is one of the traditional cakes that are very popular with the community. The addition of Moringa leafs is expected to extend the period of storage and the components of the nutrition can be increased. Moringa leaves indicate to contain an antibacterial compound that is the result of secondary metabolites. This compound consists of alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, and others. The purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterial properties of Moringa leaves added to layer cake against pathogenic bacteria S. aureus and E. coli. Research has been implemented on April - May 2019. The testing of antibacterial activity by using well method. The results showed that the layer cake with the addition of 4% Moringa leaves indicated the high inhibition zone on the bacteria E. coli by 10.7 mm and S. aureus by 9.7 mm when compared with the addition of 1%, 2%, and 3 % Moringa leaves. The result of bacterial pathogens that were tested in Moringa leaves showed that the bacteria E. Coli had resistance to more robust compared with S. Aureus. This is indicated by the inhibition zone of E. coli that is greater than S. aureus bacteria.
Pengolahan Minyak Jelantah Menjadi Sabun Cuci sebagai Upaya Pengurangan Limbah Dapur Rumah Tangga Wellyalina Wellyalina; Rozidateno Putri Hanida; Donny Eros; Rahmi Awalina
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 27 No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.27.3.219-225.2020


Using used cooking oil in culinary harms human health because this oil is carcinogenic due to being easily oxidized when it is isogenic. In addition, if used cooking oil becomes waste from household kitchens, it will hurt the earth in the form of the environment. The use of simple technology can help recycle used cooking oil into laundry or body soap, a product that can also be used for daily household needs by the community. The Andalas University community engagement team conducted the training through an online workshop based on the Zoom application on June 4, 2020, which 133 participants attended. The speaker processed used cooking oil with NaOH solution and natural dyes (according to the dose) directly in front of the participants. The participants practised it in their respective homes. Discussions between participants and speaker were conducted interactively, guided by a workshop moderator. At the end of the session, the speaker and participants could demonstrate the soaps recycled from used cooking oil in their respective kitchens. The follow-up to the activity was creating and managing WhatsApp groups as a forum for proactive communication with related topics. Creative participants produce soaps, which can be used for families, reducing daily expenses. It was recommended that the best-produced soaps could also be marketed to the public.
Pelatihan Budidaya Maggot Black Soldier Fly sebagai Pakan Alternatif dalam Upaya Pengolahan Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga Resti Rahayu; Eli Ratni; Henny Herwina; Robby Jannatan; Virtuous Setyaka; Wellyalina Wellyalina
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 28 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.28.2.91-98.2021


The city of Padang produces approximately 600 tons of waste daily, which includes the categories of recyclable and non-recyclable waste. However, the percentage of waste that can be recycled is only about 17% and the rest must be heaped into end landfill every day. The category of recycled waste is counted as much as 65% is organic waste that is made into compost and 35% is both plastic and paper waste that is processed into other products. Maggot, which is the larva of the Black Soldier Fly, is an organic matter-decomposing agent that has better decomposition capabilities than other organisms. Maggot has biomass with high protein and fat content. Maggot farming is the most appropriate effort needed by the community today, because in addition to processing daily organic waste, it will also produce feed for livestock such as chicken, duck, fish, and bird. The farming process only requires simple technology and low cost, but is able to reduce the earth's waste load. The Andalas University community service team provided training on maggot farming to process organic waste from community households. The training was carried out using the Hybrid method, which is a combination of offline and online techniques with the same goal. The activity began with counseling on theoretical explanations, followed by both the farming practices and further program assisting. It hopes that the activity will be improved by other trainings such as Maggot’s processing into more valuable products, so that it can be packaged in such a way as to be marketed to the target purchasers.
Pendampingan Usaha Bukik Nabu (UBUNA) dalam Budidaya Lebah Tanpa Sengat (Galo-Galo) dan Pengembangan Produk Turunannya di Limau Manis, Padang Henny Herwina; Eli Ratni; Wellyalina Wellyalina; Jasmi Jasmi; Virtuous Setyaka
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 28 No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.28.4.386-392.2021


Galo-galo is a stingless bee that has been cultivated for the last ten years because of its potential as a producer of very good quality of honey. In addition, galo-galo is also capable of producing bee pollen and propolis, which are used to healthy and cosmetics products. The stingless bee keeping, also known as meliponiculture, is a sustainable activity that does not harm the environment, moreover it helps to increase productivity of several crops. This community service activity was carried out to accompany Bukik Nabu (UBUNA) business partners to develop the meliponicuture in residential area in Limau Manis Padang. The program included as assisting partners in developing several processed products based on honey, bee pollen and propolis. The method used was direct mentoring which begins with discussions and providing a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with partners, residents and local government. Several agreements and work plans have been made, i.e. enrichment of knowledge in galo-galo cultivation techniques and continuous propagation of feed plants for the bees’ production, furthermore assisting in produce of the food products, improving the packaging and marketing system of downtream products from meliponiculture.
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Februari 2013
Publisher : Indonesian Food Technologists

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.473 KB)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan jumlah tepung maizena yang tepat sebagai bahan pengikat dalam pembuatan nugget tetelan merah tuna. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri dari lima perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Data pengamatan dianalisis dengan uji F kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey Honestly Significant Difference (Tukey-HSD) pada taraf nyata 5 %. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini adalah perbandingan tetelan merah tuna dengan tepung maizena dengan perlakuan adalah A= 95 : 5, B= 90 : 10, C= 85 : 15, D= 80 : 20, E= 75 : 25. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan tetelan merah tuna dengan tepung maizena berpengaruh nyata (p< 0,05) terhadap kadar air, lemak, protein, abu, karbohidrat, daya serap minyak, kekerasan sebelum digoreng, warna, dan tekstur. Perbandingan tetelan merah tuna dengan tepung maizena yang terbaik adalah dengan perbandingan 85:15, baik sebelum maupun setelah digoreng terhadap kadar air (56,43 % dan 44,53 %), kadar lemak (1,6 % dan 7,8 %), kadar protein (20,64 % dan 13,45 %), kadar abu (1,01 % dan 1,07 %), dan kadar karbohidrat (20,38 % dan 33,14 %), serta pengujian organoleptik terhadap warna, rasa, dan tekstur yang berada pada taraf biasa - suka, sedangkan terhadap aroma dengan penilaian biasa. Daya serap minyak sebesar 6,2 % , tingkat kekerasan (0,58 N/m2 dan 1,38 N/m2) dan analisa lempeng total 4,9 x 103 .
Andalasian International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Sciences (AIJANS) Vol. 1 No. 01 (2020): Andalasian International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences
Publisher : Institute of Research And Community Service, Andalas University / LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (235.457 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/aijans.v1.i01.9-17.2020


Tradisional food from Indonesian that is a layer cake. Layer cake is usually made in with many variant colour. Beside that a layer cake made by rice powder, wheat powder, and starch powder. The taste is chewy, legit, and sweet making this cake liked by all circles. The purpose is to know a quality of layer cake with adding moringa leaf powder and adding moringa leaf powder with treatmet 5 test and 3 times test. The resull of analysis using anova with test and continve test Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DMNRT). The resull showing if adding moringa leaf power have infiuence with a layer cake quality and adding moringa leaf power in organoleptik fase into a layer cake is two percent (2%).