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MOTIF TABUHAN DALAM RITUS LENGGANG PADA MASYARAKAT DAYAK KANAYATN Olendo, Yudhistira Oscar; Ramdani, Deden; Indrapraja, Diecky Kurniawan
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Pebruari 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan prosesi, motif tabuhan, dan fungsi musik dalam ritus Lenggang. Metode penelitian adalah metode deskriptif dan bentuk penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian adalah motif tabuhan dan pelaku ritus Lenggang, dan data penelitian adalah motif tabuhan, prosesi ritus Lenggang, dan alunan alat musik. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan data lapangan. Alat penelitian adalah peneliti sendiri sebagai instrumen utama, dilengkapi kamera foto, video, lembar observasi, dan catatan lapangan. Teknik analisis data dengan reduksi data, display data, dan penyimpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prosesi ritus Lenggang berlangsung dalam empat tahap yaitu, baduduk, lumpat, bajampi, dan nulak batakng taman. Motif tabuhan terdiri atas motif tabuhan Baduduk Nama’an Antu, Kamang Layo, Ka’ Bawakng, Jubata Masak, Male’en, dan Luang Gobang. Fungsi musik ritus Lenggang adalah sarana menuju keadaan trans bagi tukang Lenggang, membuat gerak tari tukang Lenggang semakin lincah, dan memanggil roh-roh leluhur. Kata Kunci : Motif Tabuhan, Ritus Lenggang, Dayak Kanayatn.   Abstract : The purpose of the study was to describe the procession, beat motive, and the function of music in the rites Lenggang. The method used is descriptive is designed in the form of qualitative research. The data source of this research is the motive and subject rite Lenggang, and this research data is the motive, the procession rite Lenggang, and rhythm instruments. Data was collected  through observation, interviews, and field data. Research tool is the researcher as the main instrument, equipped with photographic and video cameras, observation sheets, and field notes. The data analysis techniques with data reduction, data display, and conclusion of the data. The results indicate that the procession Lenggang rite takes place in four steps, like baduduk, lumpat, bajampi, and nulak batakng taman. Beat a Motive consists of Baduduk Nama'an Antu, Kamang Layo,Ka 'Bawakng, Jubata masak, Male'en, and  Luang Gobang. The function of music in every rite Lenggang comprises means to the state of trance for subject of Lenggang , handyman Lenggang make dance more agile, and summon ancestral spirits. Keywords : Beat Motive, Rite Lenggang, Dayak Kanayatn
Eduscience : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 6, No 2 (2021): EDUSCIENCE : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Esa Unggul

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AbstractThis study aims to analyze and describe the professional competence of cultural arts teacher alumni of the FKIP UNTAN Performing Arts Education Study Program in learning the art of music at SMP Bengkayang Regency. This research uses qualitative methods with the form of Interpretative Analytical research. The main data source in this study was a cultural arts teacher at SMP Untan Performing Arts Study Program, FKIP Untan in Bengkayang Regency. This research involved 2 cultural arts teachers from different schools. Learning Arts and Culture has a function and purpose to develop students' attitudes and abilities in work and appreciation. One aspect of the Cultural Arts subject is the art of music which includes the ability to master vocals, play music, and appreciate music. Music teaching is teaching about sound. Teaching music can provide meaningful understanding and understanding if students / students have lived the function of the musical elements themselves in the songs they are learning. In order to gain meaningful understanding, the musical elements must be provided through musical experience activities. Teacher competence can be seen from the quality of the teacher in the process of carrying out his role as a teacher according to his function, role and function, for example in the process of learning music. A teacher at least has professional competence, whether skilled at playing a musical instrument or being able to sing with tonal accuracy. The cultural arts teacher who is an alumni of the FKIP UNTAN Performing Arts Education Study Program has shown professional competence, namely at SMP Negeri 1 Bengkayang, the teacher is capable of playing musical instruments, giving good examples, and teaching material that is in accordance with KD. Furthermore, at SMP Borneo Bengkayang, the arts and culture teacher has also shown professional competence in singing, which is also related to unisono singing material. The teacher looks good at giving examples according to the material that has been made in the form of lesson plans. The ability of teachers of cultural arts (music arts) who are also alumni of the FKIP UNTAN Performing Arts Education Study Program in developing materials, delivering material, managing classes, the methods used, and the techniques used are optimal. Keywords: professional competence, music arts education, cultural arts teacher AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan kompetensi profesional guru seni budaya alumni Prodi Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan FKIP UNTAN dalam pembelajaran seni musik di SMP Kabupaten Bengkayang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan bentuk penelitian Analitik Interpretatif. Sumber data utama dalam penelitian ini adalah guru seni budaya SMP alumni Prodi Seni Pertunjukan FKIP Untan di Kabupaten Bengkayang  Penelitian ini melibatkan 2 orang guru seni budaya yang berasal berbagai sekolah yang berbeda. Pembelajaran Seni Budaya memiliki fungsi dan tujuan untuk mengembangkan sikap dan kemampuan siswa dalam berkarya dan berapresiasi. Salah satu aspek pada mata pelajaran Seni Budaya adalah seni musik yang mencakup kemampuan untuk menguasai vokal, memainkan aat musik, dan mengapresiasi karya musik. Pengajaran musik adalah pengajaran tentang bunyi. Pengajaran musik dapat memberikan pengertian dan pemahaman yang bermakna apabila peserta didik/siswa telah menghayati fungsi unsur-unsur musik itu sendiri dalam lagu yang dipelajarinya. Untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang bermakna, unsur-unsur musik itu harus diberikan melalui kegiatan pengalaman musik. Kompetensi guru dapat dilihat dari kualitas guru dalam proses menjalankan perannya menjadi seorang guru sesuai dengan fungsi, peran, dan fungsinya, misalnya dalam proses pembelajaran musik. Seorang guru paling tidak memiliki kompetensi profesional baik terampil memainkan alat musik ataupun dapat bernyanyi dengan ketepatan nada. Guru seni budaya yang merupakan alumni Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan FKIP UNTAN sudah menunjukan kompetensi profesionalnya yaitu di SMP Negeri 1 Bengkayang, guru sudah mumpuni memainkan alat musik, memberikan contoh dengan baik, dan mengajarkan materi yang sesuai dengan KD. Selanjutnya, di SMP Borneo Bengkayang, guru seni budaya juga telah menunjukkan kompetensi profesionalnya dalam hal menyanyi, yang juga terkait materi bernyanyi secara unisono. Guru terlihat piawai memberikan contoh sesuai dengan materi yang telah dibuat dalam bentuk RPP. Kemampuan guru mata pelajaran seni budaya (seni musik) yang juga sebagai alumni Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan FKIP UNTAN dalam mengembangkan materi, menyampaikan materi, mengelola kelas, metode yang digunakan, serta teknik yang digunakan sudah optimal. Kata kunci : Kompetensi Profesional, Pendidikan Seni Musik, Guru Seni Budaya
WATERFRONT SEBAGAI MODAL SOSIAL EKONOMI MASYARAKAT DI TEPIAN SUNGAI KAPUAS Iwan Ramadhan; Jagad Aditya Dewantara; Efriani Efriani; Yudhistira Oscar Olendo; Muhammad Fachrurrozi Bafadal
ETNOREFLIKA: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Vol 9 No 3 (2020): Volume 9 Nomor 3, Oktober 2020
Publisher : Laboratorium Jurusan Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/etnoreflika.v9i3.877


Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak pembangunan Waterfront City sebagai modal sosial ekonomi dalam fenomena perubahan yang signifikan terhadap masyarakat, terutama masyarakat sekitaran tepian Sungai Kapuas. Adapun metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi fenomenologis. Hasil yang didapat pada penelitian ini adalah, upaya yang dilakukan untuk merespon kerja sama dan partisipasi adalah bentuk kemampuan adaptasi masyakarat sekitaran Waterfront City. Kemudian dikembangkan lebih lanjut dengan upaya memobilisasi sumber daya yang menjadi tambahan pendapatan masyarakat sekitar. Adanya jaringan informal yang semakin meningkat di Kawasan Waterfront City yaitu jaringan kekeluargaan, ditandai dengan adanya prinsip saling gotong royong atau tolong menolong diantara sesama masyarakat, norma yang berlaku pada masyarakat sekitaran Sungai Kapuas khususnya di Kawasan Waterfront City banyak yang bersifat lisan, saling bertoleransi diantara sesama dan mudah untuk saling membantu, karena tidak ada yang menjadi penguasa bagi masyarakat di sana. Solidaritas sangat tinggi, mereka sudah mulai memahami bagaimana rasa persatuan dan kesatuan berjalan dengan baik dan saling menguntungkan antar sesama, serta harmonis dan solid. Sebelum pembangunan Waterfront City, kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat sekitar masih dikatakan cukup rendah dan hanya biasa-biasa saja. Sesudah pembangunan Waterfront City, kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat sekitar mengalami perubahan akibat pembangunan tersebut, baik di bidang sosial maupun ekonominya. Dampak setelah pembangunan ini tidak hanya dampak positif, tetapi juga berdampak negatif. Adapun dampak positifnya yaitu meningkatnya penghasilan masyarakat sekitar tepian Sungai Kapuas dari usaha berjualan, sedangkan dampak negatifnya yaitu banyaknya sampah yang berserakan meskipun sudah disediakan tempat pembuangan sampah.
Handep: Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya Volume 3, No. 2, June 2020
Publisher : Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Kalimantan Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33652/handep.v3i2.93


Traditional music in baliatn ritual has a composition or structure of special music presentation which can influence pamaliatn or tukang liatn (the ritual leader) to experience the transcendental period. Besides, the music played can incur the magical power, it indicates how strong the effect of the sound or voice of gongs, dau, and gadobokng that were played during baliatn ritual. The research problem was how does the structure of music presentation in baliatn ritual of Dayak Kanayatn? Thus, the purpose of this research was to describe and analyze the problem in the structure of music presentation of baliatn ritual. The research used descriptive method in qualitative research design. The study has found that the structure of music presentation in baliatn ritual held in three steps; the beginning part is guntur mandayu beating motif, the main part is ka ‘bawakng beating motif, and the final part is ne’ unte beating motif. In this research, the researcher also made the notation of Dayak Kanayatn music in special and simple way.
The Transition of Limited Face-to-Face Learning After Covid-19 Pandemic at Islamic Private Junior High Schools Pontianak Husni Syahrudin; Iwan Ramadhan; Nur Meily Adlika; Muhammad Agus Hardiansyah; Yudhistira Oscar Olendo; Fitria Arifiyanti
Jurnal Iqra' : Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Iqra' : Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25217/ji.v7i2.1802


The article aimed to analyze the limited face-to-face learning strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic at Islamic Private Junior High Schools Pontianak. With the limited implementation of face-to-face learning, schools were required to design learning strategies that in accordance with the conditions of learning implementation during the Covid-19 pandemic. As has been applied at this school from the results of this study, both in the school environment, teaching and learning activities and the availability of various health protocol facilities as a strategy for implementing face-to-face learning during the pandemic. The research used descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques incuded observation, interviews and documentation. The limitations of face-to-face learning at Islamic Private Junior High Schools Pontianak were the number of years of study at school, the lack of interaction and the implementation of assessments which had better transformation. Meanwhile, Islamic Private Junior High Schools Pontianak had merely once a week for learning implementation, so schools must maximize learning strategies. Keywords: Limited Face-to-Face Learning, Learning After Covid 19, Transition Learning Online
GLOKALITAS SAPE’ SEBAGAI KEARIFAN LOKAL KALIMANTAN BARAT Yudhistira Oscar Olendo; Zakarias Aria Widyatama Putra; Mastri Dihita Sagala; Christanto Syam; Imam Ghozali
Jurnal Kajian Pembelajaran dan Keilmuan Vol 7, No 1 (2023): APRIL 2023
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jurnalkpk.v7i1.63992


Local ethnic culture like sape’ provides solid local wisdom value for West Kalimantan people. Hence, in the rapid development of smart society 5.0, sape’ as local wisdom faces stagnant situation as it is urged to view it as culture glocalization. The purpose of this study was to identify sape’ in the landscape of West Kalimantan’s local wisdom. In addition, this study aimed to explain sape’ glocalization from the view of digitalization. This study was conducted through qualitative approach. The method of this study was existential phenomenology. The instrument of this study were unstructured observations and depth interview. The participant were practitioner, artist, and 5 sape’ musicians. Data analysis technique was conducted through Van Kaam phenomenology: 1) grouping; 2) elimination; 3) thematic portray; 4) validation; 5) textural description; 6) structural description and; 7) textural-structural phenomenon description. This study found that the phenomenon of sape’ as local ethnic culture had influenced local wisdom to glocalization. This means that sape’ excitement was created by local cultural performance from the visual landscape of digitalization (glocalization). Sape’ glocalization as West Kalimantan local wisdom became new concept of Indonesia heritage as it needs to be considered as UNESCO recognition. Moreover, this considers as the future work for researchers, reviewers, and sape’ musicians to conduct more studies about local culture and global culture.
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Humaniora Vol 14, No 1 (2023): Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/j-psh.v14i1.63676


Jonggan is a popular performance art in the Kanayatn Dayak community in West Kalimantan. Jonggan is a traditional art form that has been passed down from generation to generation within the Kanayatn Dayak community. The performance combines music, dance, and poetic recitation to provide entertainment. With the rapid development of technology, the role of musicians in a performance has diminished. The contemporary Jonggan performance has changed in terms of (1) dance movements, (2) costumes, (3) the presence of whistle blowers, and (4) the use of a curtain. In the 1960s and 1970s, Jonggan was still present, but since the 1980s, it has almost disappeared, especially among millennial, and when it is performed, it has undergone transformations. Nowadays, there is a term called Jongset (Jonggan Kaset), which refers to Jonggan performed using cassette tapes (cassette tapes = CD, DVD, or music files on a flash drive), which has eliminated the essence of traditional musical instruments. This raises the question of how the musical structure of the pantun accompaniment, including melody and rhythm, is incorporated into the Jonggan performance art. The research method employed in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach with a musicological perspective. Data can be directly observed from the current existence of Jonggan. The results of the research on the musical structure of the pantun accompaniment in the Jonggan performance aim to preserve and document traditional music materials in a more organized manner. Jonggan can become a cultural-based performance industry with economic impacts (creative economy). The musical structure of Jonggan uses instruments such as agukng, dau, gadobokng, and soling.
Kajian Kritik Seni: Transformasi Bentuk Penyajian Musik Tradisional Krumpyung Kulon Progo di Era Multimedia Zakarias Aria Widyatama Putra; Yudhistira Oscar Olendo; Mastri Dihita Sagala
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 12, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : FBS Padang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/js.v12i2.121501


Traditional music, especially Krumpyung Kulon Progo, presents a different performance in the multimedia era. These differences need to be studied in the form of art criticism so that a work of art can be seen objectively. The purpose of this study is to provide a critical review of the results of the transformation of Krumpyung Kulon Progo. The method of this research study uses qualitative with an in-depth analysis approach from Edward Felman's art criticism theory, namely based on description, formal analysis, interpretation, and evaluation. The data collection stages used observation, in-depth interviews with Kulon Progo artists on krumpyung music, and written documentation. Data reliability technique using source triangulation. Data analysis uses four stages starting from data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data conclusion. The art criticism study obtained is related to the results of the transformation in the form of Krumpyung presentation, which is a genre that changes the conception of instruments, songs, and tone systems. The instruments used by adding modern musical instruments such as electric guitar, electric bass, and drum set. Meanwhile, the songs performed are contemporary songs with changes in the nuances of the dangdut genre coupled with a diatonic tonal system. The purpose of the transformation is not to change the authenticity of Krumpyung's traditional music, but to be a persuasive step in regeneration and community support for traditional music.
Aktivitas Reseptif Dalam Pembelajaran Mengidentifikasi Teks Prosedur Di Kelas VII SMP Negeri 10 Kota Pontianak Christanto Syam; Yudhistira Oscar Olendo
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research (Special Issue)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i2.1515


Target khusus yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah, aktivitas reseptif dalam pembelajaran mengidentifikasi teks prosedur yang dilakukan oleh peserta didik dengan arahan dari guru apabila dilakukan dengan benar sesuai dengan tahapan atau langkah-langkah aktivitas reseptif, dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam proses pembelajaran mengidentifikasi teks prosedur dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di sekolah tingkat SMP. Aktivitas reseptif yang dideskripsikan di dalam penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai model pembelajaran mengidentifikasi teks dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di sekolah. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa daftar observasi, catatan lapangan, dan kamera foto. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, peserta didik melaksanakan aktivitas reseptif dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di kelas VII SMP Negeri 10 Kota Pontianak dengan melaksanakan langkah-langkah survey, question, read, recite, dan review. Aktivitas reseptif itu dilaksanakan oleh peserta didik sesuai dengan arahan dan konsep reseptif yang disampaikan oleh guru bahasa Indonesia.
Tradition, ritual, and art of the <i>Baliatn</i>; The conceptualization of philosophy and the manifestation of spirituality among the Dayak Kanayatn Olendo, Yudhistira Oscar; Dewantara, Jagad Aditya; Efriani, Efriani
Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia Vol. 23, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Rapid globalization has slowly eroded the survival of the Baliatn ritual of the Dayak Kanayatn. Nowadays, the locals only rarely perform this ritual which is a manifestation of their culture. This study describes the Baliatn ritual pointing out it is pregnant with the meaningful philosophy of the ancestors. This tradition sets out the relationship between the people and nature; an example of gratitude and spirituality in this modern era. It also discusses the importance of cultural conceptualization through philosophy, art, and spirituality. Importantly, the Baliatn is an expression of the Dayak Kanayatn idea of how to live and appreciate life. They believe their closeness to nature allows them to create a harmonious relationship with God. This culture is founded on ancestral traditions, including literature, art, music, and incantations. The writers claim that a good description of the Baliatn is essential because it is nearly extinct. They are continuing their research on the Baliatn ritual