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Journal : Journal of Nonformal Education

Needs Assessment Knowledge from Facilitator of Community Empowerment Program in the Digital Era Purnomo, Purnomo; Hufad, Achmad; Wahyudin, Uyu; Akhyadi, Ade Sadikin; Lutfiansyah, Dadang Yunus
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 6, No 2 (2020): August 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v6i2.25309


Cadres of Kampung KB as facilitators of community empowerment programs are required to have good knowledge in implementing needs assessment with adaptive data management with the industrial era 4.0. The needs assessment technique is not only done manually but can use digital technology to facilitate data collection and data access. However, the use of technology needs to be supported by the facilitator's knowledge of the need’s assessment, because it is the basis for understanding the meaning of data tracing. This study uses a quantitative approach, in the form of descriptive statistics, namely interpreting the percentage data from the answers given by the respondents. From the results of the study, it was found that the cadres' needs assessment ability was included in the “Enough” category, while the competence that needed to be improved was knowledge about setting priority needs. So that the researchers suggest, it is necessary to hold competency training for KB cadres or village administrators which aims to provide understanding and skills in conducting needs assessment. 
Co-Authors . Zulfan Achmad Hufad Agnes Kurniawan Agus Budiman Agus Muhammad Hariri, Agus Muhammad Akhmad Endang Zainal Hasan Akhyadi, Ade Sadikin Alin Liana Amalia, Lathifah Ana Hidayati Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Bintari Rukmono BUDI SETIADI DARYONO Dad Resiworo Sembodo, Dad Resiworo Dadang Yunus Lutfiansyah, Dadang Yunus Dewi Puspitasari Dwi Sulistyaningsih E. Suharyanto Edy Setiti Wida Utami Eko Suroso Elda Nazriati Endang Dwiyanti Endang Purwaningsih Endang S. Wardhani Erma Handarsari Erwin Yuliadi Fatmasari Sukesti Felix Partono Franciscus Xaverius Susilo, Franciscus Xaverius Hadi, M Syamsoel Heny Herawati I GEDE SWIBAWA, I GEDE I Ketut Suada Indah Pratiwi Indarto Indarto Indriyati . Issirep Sumardi Iwan Nugroho Izzaturrijal, Izzaturrijal Jamalam Lumbanraja Juhana Suhanda, Juhana Junairiah Junairiah Khasani Khasani Kirana, Tjandra Lestari Wibowo Lientje Setyawati Lilis Sulistyorini Linda Oktavianingsih M.Nurdin Merdiana, Eryka MUSLIMIN IBRAHIM Nadhif, RM Ulin Natasha, Felisitas Ni’matuzahroh, Ni’matuzahroh Nugraheni, Trianti P Purwanto Pasyah, A. Chalid Pradani, Merinda Sintya Prajitno Prajitno PUJI LESTARI Purnamawati Purnamawati Putrianto, Novenda Radix Suharjo Rahayu Astuti Rini Dharmastiti Rita Ekarina Rosma Hasibuan, Rosma Rugayah Rugayah Ruruh Anjar Rwandini, Ruruh Anjar Setyo Dwi Utomo Sigit Dwi Maryanto Solikhah, Putri Irma Solikhin ., Solikhin Sudarja Sudarja, Sudarja Sukamta Sukamta Sunday Noya Suputa Suputa Susilo, F X Suskandini Ratih Dirmawati Taniawati Supali Teguh Oktiarso, Teguh Titik Nur Aeny Tjahaya Haerani Tri Agung Rohmat Tri Agung Rokhmat, Tri Agung Triyono Triyono Uyu Wahyudin Wahyu Hidayat Yasir Sidiq YURIDA EKAWATI, YURIDA Yuswono Hadi Yuyun Fitriana