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Journal : Journal of Mathematics, Computation and Statistics (JMATHCOS)

Penerapan Regresi Logistik Biner terhadap Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi UMKM dalam Penerapan Digital Marketing : Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar Wahidah Sanusi; Hisyam Ihsan; Reski Andini
Journal of Mathematics, Computations and Statistics Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): Volume 07 Nomor 01 (April 2024)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35580/jmathcos.v7i1.1947


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian terapan dengan menggunakan regresi logistik biner dalam melihat hubungan antara faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap penerapan digital marketing pada pelaku UMKM melalui media sosial atau online. Regresi logistik merupakan analisis statistika guna mendeskripsikan hubungan antara variabel respon yang bersifat kategori dengan variabel prediktor berskala kategori atau kontinu. Dalam menentukan model regresi logistik biner yang paling sesuai maka dilakukan analisis regresi logistik biner dengan menggunakan Uji G dan Uji Wald untuk menguji masing-masing koefisien parameter dan memaparkan deskriptifnya. Data diambil pada bulan November 2022 menggunakan bantuan kuesioner dengan jumlah responden 113 pelaku UMKM. Sebanyak 87,61% dari jumlah pelaku UMKM di Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar yang menerapkan digital marketing. Mayoritas pelaku UMKM yang menerapkan digital marketing, memiliki pendidikan terakhir perguruan tinggi, usia 35-50 tahun, penggunaan jaringan internet yang berlangganan Wi-Fi, tidak pernah mengikuti pelatihan teknologi informasi dan memiliki jenis usaha yaitu jasa. Model regresi logistik yang mempunyai nilai statistik G terkecil adalah model yang terbaik yaitu dengan statistik uji G sebesar 65,950. Berdasarkan uji kesignifikan parameter dengan menggunakan uji Wald, bahwa variabel pendidikan memiliki pengaruh signifikan yang lebih besar terhadap penerapan digital marketing pada pelaku UMKM.
Metode Runge-Kutta dalam Menentukan Solusi Numerik Model SEIR Penyebaran Penyakit Hepatitis B di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Maya Sari Wahyuni; Wahidah Sanusi; Anugrah Janide
Journal of Mathematics, Computations and Statistics Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): Volume 07 Nomor 01 (April 2024)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35580/jmathcos.v7i1.1956


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari solusi numerik model matematika penyakit Hepatitis B di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan menggunakan metode Runge-Kutta orde empat dan orde lima. Model matematika penyakit Hepatitis B berbentuk persamaan differensial model SEIR yang diselesaikan secara numerik menggunakan metode Runge-Kutta orde empat dan metode Runge-Kutta orde lima yang dilakukan sebanyak 500 iterasi dengan waktu interval h = 0,01 bulan. Nilai awal dan nilai parameter disubtitusi ke dalam solusi numerik terhadap model disimulasikan menggunakan Maple. Hasil yang didapat Metode Runge-Kutta Orde Empat menunjukkan bahwa nilai laju setiap kelas untuk 5 bulan ke depan saat t = 5 untuk laju kelas individu rentan (S) sebesar 670822, untuk kelas individu terekspose (E) sebesar 178983, untuk kelas individu terinveksi (I) sebesar 77 dan kelas individu sembuh (R) sebesar 51327. Hasil yang didapat Metode Runge-Kutta Orde Lima menunjukkan bahwa nilai laju setiap kelas untuk 5 bulan ke depan saat t = 5 untuk laju kelas individu rentan (S) sebesar 670551, untuk kelas individu terekspose (E) sebesar 181380, untuk kelas individu terinveksi (I) sebesar 0 dan kelas individu sembuh (R) sebesar 56539. Ini berarti diantara penggunanaan metode Runge-kutta Orde Empat dan Metode Runge-Kutta Orde Lima, Penggunaan metode Runge-Kutta Orde Lima Merupakan metode yang lebih baik.
Perbandingan Analisis Cluster Metode Complete Linkage dan Metode Ward dalam Pengelompokkan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia di Sulawesi Selatan Irwan Irwan; Wahidah Sanusi; Afifatun Hasanah
Journal of Mathematics, Computations and Statistics Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): Volume 07 Nomor 01 (April 2024)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35580/jmathcos.v7i1.2089


Penelitian ini adalah penelitian terapan yang menerapkan teori-teori analisis cluster metode complete linkage dan metode ward dalam mengelompokkan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan berdasarkan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia pada tahun 2022. Analisis cluster merupakan cabang ilmu statistik analisis multivariat yang bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan objek-objek berdasarkan kemiripan karakteristik di antara objek-objek tersebut. Metode complete linkage ditentukan dari jarak terjauh antara dua objek pada cluster yang berbeda. Metode ward merupakan pengelompokkan yang mampu meminimumkan Sum of Square (SSE). IPM merupakan indikator penting yang menunjukkan perkembangan dalam pembangunan sumber daya manusia dan kesejahterannya. Data penelitian bersumber dari BPS tahun 2022 dan variabel yang digunakan yaitu umur harapan hidup, harapan lama sekolah, rata-rata lama sekolah, dan pengeluaran per kapita yang disesuaikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengelompokkan terbaik berdasarkan rasio simpangan baku terkecil dengan nilai 0,282 menggunakan metode Ward dengan 5 cluster. Cluster 1: Kepulauan Selayar, Jeneponto, Takalar, Sinjai, Pangkajene dan Kepulauan, Bone, Wajo, dan Luwu Utara. Cluster 2: Bulukumba, Gowa, Maros, Barru, Soppeng, Enrekang, dan Luwu. Cluster 3: Bantaeng, Sidenreng Rappang, dan Pinrang. Cluster 4: Tana Toraja dan Toraja Utara. Cluster 5: Makassar, Pare-pare, dan Palopo.
Model Rantai Markov dan Model ARIMA serta Kombinasinya dalam Memprediksi Curah Hujan di Kota Makassar Ahmad Zaki; Wahidah Sanusi; Saiful Bahri
Journal of Mathematics, Computations and Statistics Vol. 1 No. 01 (2018): Volume 01 Nomor 01 (April 2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

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Rainfall is a time series data that is continuous, but can also be formulated as a discrete variable that is by classifying one day as rainy and not rainy. Rainfall recorded by rain posts can be used to predict rainfall in the future through seasonal ARIMA time series modeling, Markov Chain or with a mixture of both. The Markov process is a stochastic system in which future events depend on the events of the previous moment. The time series is a series of data arranged in time sequence. The purpose of this study is to model and predict rainfall with a mixture of Markov Chains and time series models. The data used in this study is the monthly rainfall of Makassar city in 2007 to 2017. A mixture of time series models is more suitable to be used to predict monthly rainfall compared to modeling time series. This can be seen from the MSE value.
Estimasi Parameter Regresi Linear Pada Kasus Data Outlier Menggunakan Metode Estimasi Method Of Moment Hisyam Ihsan; Wahidah Sanusi; Nurfadillah
Journal of Mathematics, Computations and Statistics Vol. 1 No. 01 (2018): Volume 01 Nomor 01 (April 2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

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This research examined one of a robust regression method which was Moment of Moment estimation method. Robust regression is a regression method used when there is an outlier on the model. The purpose of this research was to determine the model of robust regression equation using Method of Moment estimation method. Before estimating the parameters by Method of Moment method, firstly the data was identified using the DfFITS to determine whether the data contains an outlier. After the data was analyzed and the outlier was detected, the researcher estimated the parameter using Method of Moment estimation method to get the regression model that was not affected by the outlier data. Based on the analysis result, the equation of regression model of Method of Moment estimation method was Y = -34305 + 5 X1 + 634 X2 with the value of R 2 = 0.923. Thus, the effect of harvested area and productivity on the amount of corn production was 92.3% while the rest was affected by other variables.
Model Regresi Cox Non Proporsional Hazard dan Aplikasinya pada Data Ketahanan Hidup Pasien Penderita Tuberkulosis di Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat Makassar Wahidah Sanusi; Alimuddin; Diki Nurbaldatun Islam
Journal of Mathematics, Computations and Statistics Vol. 1 No. 01 (2018): Volume 01 Nomor 01 (April 2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

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This type of research is applied research with a quantitative approach that is to take or collect the necessary data and analyze it by using a model of cox regression models with nonproportional hazard to determine the factors that affect the rate of recovery of tuberculosis patients in Large Hall of Pulmonary Health Makassar Society. Long treatment of patients tuberculosis is the time of survival. In accordance with the Anderson Darling test using the software Minitab 15, the test results on the distribution of survival time of tuberculosis patients is Logistic Distribution. There are many factors that will affect the rate of recovery of patients such as age of the patients, gender of the patients, smoking status of the patients, body temperature of the patients, sputum of the patients, breath of the patients, sweat of the patients, stamina of the patients, appetite of the patients, and weight of the patients. Therefore, it is important to know what the factors most affect the rate of recovery of tuberculosis patients. From the results of the research using software SPSS 20, give conclusion that factors affecting of time recovery of tuberculosis patients in Large Hall of Pulmonary Helath Makassar Society are breath of the patients, stamina of the patients, and appetite of the patients.
Model Space Time Autoregressive (STAR) dan Aplikasinya Terhadap Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat Wahidah Sanusi; Maya Sari Wahyuni; Rahmat Setiawan
Journal of Mathematics, Computations and Statistics Vol. 1 No. 02 (2018): Volume 01 Nomor 02 (Oktober 2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

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The Space Time Autoregressive (STAR) model is a time series data that has a link between locations (space time). The purpose of this study was to obtain a STAR model that was in accordance with the data on the number of dengue fever patients in West Sulawesi Province and also the forecast data for the next few months. Data in the form of DHF data in five locations, namely Mamuju City, Majene Regency, Polmas District, Central Mamuju Regency, and North Mamuju Regency from January 2014 to July 2016. STAR Estimation parameter model uses vertical squares (MKT) method. The STAR model that matches the data on the number of DHF patients in West Sulawesi Province is the STAR5 model (11). The weighting is a uniform location. In the estimator checking results using uniform location weight of three models. Things that happen between others. Forecast results with the STAR5 (11) model on the number of dengue fever patients in West Sulawesi Province for the next two months, namely August to September 2016, namely 9 people for Mamuju City and 12 people for Polman Regency.
Peramalan Pola Curah Hujan Di Kota Makassar Menggunakan Model Rantai Markov Hisyam Ihsan; Wahidah Sanusi; Hasriani
Journal of Mathematics, Computations and Statistics Vol. 2 No. 01 (2019): Volume 02 Nomor 01 (April 2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

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Markov chain is a method that studies the properties of a variable at the present time based on the nature of the properties in the past in an effort to estimate the properties of the same variable in the future. One of the methods commonly used in predicting the events that will be coming is the method of markov chain discrete. The purpose of this study is: (1) determine the order of the markov chain used in predicting the precipitation; (2) form the model of the markov chain each station in the predicted precipitation is in the City of Makassar; (3) know the results of the prediction of rainfall of each station using a markov chain. By using the method of markov chain discrete then it can be obtained the prediction results of the steady state Station Panaikang in the period of the 10th with a chance to 0.35 months experiencing dry conditions, of 0.11 months experience humid conditions and 0.55 months experience wet conditions. Station Biring Romang in the period of to-15 with a chance of 0.33 months experiencing dry conditions, of 0.08 months experience humid conditions and of 0.59 month is experiencing wet conditions. While on the station of Paotere in the period to 12 with opportunities to 0.39 months experiencing dry conditions, of 0.06 months experiencing the condition moist and 0.55 months experience wet conditions.
Analisis Fuzzy C-Means dan Penerapannya Dalam Pengelompokan Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Berdasarkan Faktor-faktor Penyebab Gizi Buruk Wahidah Sanusi; Ahmad Zaki; Besse Nur Afni
Journal of Mathematics, Computations and Statistics Vol. 2 No. 01 (2019): Volume 02 Nomor 01 (April 2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

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In the analysis of clustering, many groups became an issue. Some researchers chose many groups that match the needs of their research. FCM performs grouping with the principle of minimising its categorization function where one of the parameters is a membership function in fuzzy (as weighing), also known as with fuzzier .This research aimed to study the methods of grouping with Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and its application in the classification of grouping at Regency/City of South Sulawesi based on factors of Causes of Malnutrition i.e. in terms of facilities and health workers, population, economy, and low nutrient intake that is low. From the results of the analysis of the classification with Fuzzy C-Means with 2 clusters with the objective function respectively is 1079141921.2224. When the first group of 18 district while the second group consists of 6 counties.
Model Regresi Nonparametrik dengan Pendekatan Spline (Studi Kasus: Berat Badan Lahir Rendah di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Siti Fatimah Makassar) Wahidah Sanusi; Rahmat Syam; Rabiatul Adawiyah
Journal of Mathematics, Computations and Statistics Vol. 2 No. 01 (2019): Volume 02 Nomor 01 (April 2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

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The non-parametric approach is an approach that is used if the form of the relationship between the response variable and the predictor variable is unknown or the absence of information about the shapes of regression functions. The Spline is a technique performed to estimate the parameters in the nonparametric regression. This study aims to determine the model of the relationship between low birth weight and the factors that affect the based on the spline model. Such factors are maternal age, gestational age, and pregnancy distance. The Data is obtained from the mother and child hospital siti Fatimah Makassar 2017. Where to get a spline model best the initial step is to determine the knots with the value of the Generalized Cross Validation (GCV) which is a minimum. Based on the research that has been done, the two variables stated effect against low birth weight, namely age of mother, and gestational age. Nonparametric regression Model with the approach of the Spline that is formed has a coefficient of determination of 78.19 to%, as well as the value of the GCV with a three-point knot that is 0.0117.
Co-Authors A. Armansyah Afifatun Hasanah AHMAD FAUZAN RIDHA SUJIONO Ahmad Talib Ahmad Yani Ahmad Yani Ahmad Zaki Ahmad Zaki Ahmad Zaki Ahmad Zaky Alimuddin Alimuddin Tampa Amal Amal Amal Amal Amal Arfan, Amal Amaliah Nurul Arkas Amni Rasyidah Andi Abidah Andi Diki Nurbaldatun Islam Anggi Ananda Putri Annas, Suwardi Anugrah Janide Asdar Asriani Arsita Asni Asriani Arsita Asni Aswi, Aswi Awi Dassa Beby Fitriani Besse Nur Afni Besse Nur Afni Bohari, Nurul Aulia Diki Nurbaldatun Islam Dwi Wahyuliani Elma Selviana Darwis Elma Selviana Darwis Febriyanto Saman Febriyanto Saman Fitriyani Fitriyani Fitriyani H. Hasriani Hafilah Hardiono Hafilah. H Hasan Basri Hasnawiyah Hasnawiyah Hasnawiyah, Hasnawiyah Hasriani Hikma Aulia Hisyam Ihsan Ilham Minggi Irham Aryandi Basir Irham Aryandi Basir Irma Aswani Ahmad, Irma Aswani Irwan Irwan Irwan Irwan Irwan Irwan Irwan Irwan Kahvi Nurani Katrina Pareallo Lisca Palerina Maya Sari Wahyuni Mudinillah, Adam Muhammad Abdy Muhammad Abdy Muhammad Abdy Muhammad Abdy Muhammad Abdy Muhammad Abdy Muhammad Abdy Muhammad Arif Tiro, Muhammad Arif Muhammad Danial Muhammad Danial Muhammad Danial Muhammad Farhan Muhammad Isbar Pratama Muhammad Rakib Muhammad Rakib Muhammad Syahrir Mukarram, Trys Musliati Musliati Mustati'atul Waidah Maksum N Nurfadillah N Nurwakia Nasrullah Nasrullah Nirwana, St. Risma Ayu Nur Anny S. Taufieq Nur Anny S. Taufieq Nur Anny S. Taufieq Nur Anny Suryaningsih Taufieq Nur Fajri Setiawan Nur Hikmayanti Syam Nur Izzah Nurdin Nur Khaerati Rustan Nur Khaerati Rustan Nur Ridiawati Nur Ridiawati Nurfadillah Nurhilaliyah Nurhilaliyah Nurul Aulia Bohari Nurul Aulia Bohari Nurul Fadilah Syahrul Pince Salempa Rabiatul Adawiyah Rabiatul Adawiyah Rahmat Setiawan Rahmat Setiawan Rahmat Syam Rahmat Syam Rahmawati Rahmawati Reski Andini Reski Andini Risna Ulfadwiyanti Risna Ulfadwiyanti Rosidah Rosidah Ruliana Rustan, Nur Khaerati S Sukmawati Sahlan Sidjara Sahlan Sidjara Sahlan Sidjara Saiful Bahri Saiful Bahri Serly Diliyanti Restu Ningsih Serly Diliyanti Restu Ningsih Setiawan, Nur Fajri Sidjara, Sahlan Sudarmin Sudarmin Sukarna Sukarna Sukarna Sukarna Sukarna Sulaiman Sulaiman Syafruddin Side Syafruddin Side Taty Sulastri Taty Sulastri Trys Mukarram Utami Priono Wahyuliani, Dwi Wahyuni, Maya Sari Wulandari, Natalia Puspita