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Jurnal Kawistara Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.655 KB)


The Jogja Fashion Week Carnival (JFWC) is related to various agendas of the local government in Yogyakarta, particularly in industrial and tourism sectors. The JFWC event is correlated to the domestic industries in which one of them has a positive impact upon the progress and the existence of this industry in order to reduce the rate of import from outside Yogyakarta. In another domain, the use of public space, which is often done by JFWC event, gives entertainment and cultural education to the people, thus this event is useful and appropriate if it is held as a routine agenda for the existence of the tourism industry in Yogyakarta. The education given to the people includes the global warming issue, the treatment and utilization of hazardous waste, and the important role of JFWC event in an attempt to create clothing trend centre in Yogyakarta. The dialectics of JFWC clothes can be seen as a process of cultural diplomacy locally, nationally, and internationally. In addition, the existence of JFWC clothes can be viewed as a sustainability phenomenon of contemporary artworks in Indonesia.
Jogja Fashion Week Carnival Costume in The Context of Locality Setiawan, Deni
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education Vol 15, No 2 (2015): (EBSCO, DOAJ & DOI Indexed, December 2015)
Publisher : Department of Drama, Dance, and Musik (Sendratasik), Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v15i2.4567


Jogja Fashion Week Carnival (JFWC) is held in order to promote the development of costume creative industry in Indonesia, especially in Yogyakarta. Woven and batik (Javanese traditional fabric) as products of Indonesia is reproduced into art costumes. It may add the value of both the product and the price of the product itself as the core of the continuity of the creative industry economy in Indonesia. The eastern value of the costume design worn during the carnival may reflect the traditional value of society. The concept of the costume making is rooted from Indonesia folklores, legends and myths that are still being developed in present society. Throughout the event, exploration done by the artists is seen as a genuine attempt to support the Government in promoting costume industry both in national and international scale. Costumes worn in JFWC were analysed using aesthetic theory by adopting the point of view of DeWitt Henry Parker. The point of view comprises three main aesthetic principles, i.e.: an intact unity, thematic principle, as well as balance principle. Those three concepts can be used to find out the basic locality value of a costume that later can be used as the art education’s source of material. Finally, it is concluded that the theme of JFWC costume creation concept is sourced from the rich tradition of Indonesian society. 
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 25, No 2 (2015): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v25i2.5139


Costume exhibition show, Jogja Fashion Week Carnival, was intended to progress clothing industry, to lessen the imported clothes, and to raise the selling value of the traditional clothes in Indonesia. Throughout 2007-2014, the costume exhibition show was adequately effective to introduce the products of traditional culture becoming local characteristics to public. The research on carnival costume was made to find out the periods of the clothing style by applying art historic approach, to explain the issue of interpretation and social interaction, I used art sociological approach. The resulted conclusion was that every style of carnival costumes reflected several meanings, such as: clothing imagery, designer, and trademark. The costume structure consists of physical and non-physical ones. The physical structure was related to the issues of style, shape, and visual appearance; while the non-physical one comprised interpretation regarding the concepts of creation, social conditions, and history. The creation of carnival costumes was influenced by social condition referring to legends, fairy tales, and the myths. In addition, the designer played essential parts, i.e. creating and constructing new fashion of carnival costume in Yogyakarta. Acara pameran pakaian Karnaval Jogja Fashion Week, dimaksudkan untuk memajukan industri pakaian menekan jumlah impor pakaian asing, dan meningkatkan nilai jual kain-kain tradisi-onal di Indonesia. Sepanjang tahun 2007-2014, acara pameran pakaian cukup efektif memperkenalkan produk budaya tradisional yang menjadi ciri khas daerah kepada masyarakat. Penelitian pakaian karnaval dilakukan untuk mengetahui periodisasi gaya pakaian dengan menggunakan pendekatan sejarah seni; untuk menguraikan persoalan pemaknaan dan interaksi sosial masyarakat, digunakan pendekatan sosiologi seni. Kesimpulan yang dihasilkan adalah setiap gaya pakaian karnaval mencerminkan beberapa makna, seperti: pencitraan kain, perancang, dan merk dagang. Struktur pakaian terdiri atas fisik dan nonfisik, struktur fisik menyangkut persoalan gaya, bentuk, dan tampilan visual, sedangkan nonfisik meliputi pemaknaan yang terkait dengan konsep penciptaan, kondisi sosial, dan sejarah. Penciptaan pakaian karnaval dipengaruhi oleh kondisi sosial yang mengacu pada legenda, dongeng, dan mitos-mitos. Selain itu terdapat peran perancang yang menciptakan dan mengkreasikan bentuk baru pakaian karnaval di Yogyakarta. 
Prinsip Estetika Pakaian Cosplay Yogyakarta: Fantasi dan Ekspresi Desain Masa Kini Setiawan, Deni; Haryono, Timbul; Burhan, M. Agus
PANGGUNG Vol 24, No 1 (2014): Fenomena dan Estetika Seni
Publisher : LP2M ISBI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26742/panggung.v24i1.103


ABSTRACTCostume, dress code, animation, comics, legends, and manga, are inseparable parts of the cosplay costume. Those parts give fantasy and digital world discourse through costume style. Its spiritual domain stands on Japanese culture by being cultured through clothing. One of them, cosplay ideo- logy, reflects the self-imaging through social communities, as an e?ort for group and self-existence. Cosplay entity bridges fantasy and real world, presents designers’ expressions through the costume designs to show. This writing will be analyzed by using the main theories based on Dewitt H. Parker point of view, in The Principles of Aesthetics, which divides principles of aesthetics into three, they are: Principle of Organic Unity, Principle of Dominant Element, and Principle of Balance. Principle of organic unity indicates that cosplay clothing is an accumulation of design elements, to refer and mark a figure. Principle of dominant element, is accentuation, or the center of interest of a cosplay clothing design. Principle of balance, see placement and setting ornamentation applied to cosplay clothing.Keywords: cosplay clothing, principles of aesthetics, costume style, YogyakartaABSTRAKPakaian, dress code, animasi, dan manga, merupakan unsur yang tidak terpisahkan dalam pakaian cosplay. Unsur-unsur tersebut merupakan wacana dunia digital dan fantasi pada dunia pakaian. Ranah spiritualnya berp?ak pada kebudayaan Jepang yang dibudayakan melalui pakaian. Ideologi cosplay salah satunya menggambarkan pencitraan diri komuni- tas sosial, sebagai usaha untuk aktualisasi diri. Entitas cosplay mampu menjembatani du- nia fantasi dan realita, yang membelenggu keinginan manusia untuk bergaya. Tulisan ini akan dianalisis dengan teori pokok berdasarkan pandangan Dewitt H. Parker, dalam The Principles of Aesthetics, yang membagi prinsip estetika menjadi tiga, yaitu: prinsip kesatu- an organik, prinsip unsur dominan, dan prinsip keseimbangan. Prinsip kesatuan organik menunjukkan, bahwa pakaian cosplay merupakan akumulasi dari unsur-unsur desain, un- tuk merujuk dan menandai tokoh. Prinsip unsur dominan, merupakan aksentuasi, atau pusat perhatian dari sebuah desain pakaian cosplay. Prinsip keseimbangan, melihat penem- patan dan pengaturan ornamentasi yang diaplikasikan pada pakaian cosplay.Kata kunci: pakaian cosplay, prinsip estetika, gaya pakaian, Yogyakarta
The Public Space of “Jogja Fashion Week Carnival” and Cosplay Clothing in Yogyakarta Setiawan, Deni; Haryono, Timbul; Burhan, Agus
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 6, No 2 (2014): Komunitas, September 2014
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v6i2.3303


The concept of an ideal public space does not just focus on the interests of a particular group or community, but rather focus on the space of social activities that represent each audience or spectator in that society. Arts and cultural activities are part of it; although the concept of public space is still abstract to represent every social individual. However, the presence of public space has created a mediation space for all forms of communication. Mediation space is considered as a crucial feature, not only as a promotional sphere but also as a place to exchange and communicate all forms of ideology, art, and culture. Art activities such as Jogja Fashion Week Carnival and Cosplay clothing performance in public spaces provide opportunities for communities or individuals, to make this activity as a public performance and part of public art. Public art tends to be creative, free, and sometimes not accompanied by a theoretical perspective, as other arts are. Art activities in public spaces which are part of the social and cultural activities are essentially standing on the ideology that have been set up for a particular interest. The interest is disseminated using mass media and advertisment. Audience or public art connoisseur in public spaces should be more intelligent and critical to accept all kinds of art activities and performances. Therefore the performance will have a balanced communication.AbstrakKonsep ruang publik yang ideal tidak saja berbicara kepentingan golongan atau komunitas tertentu, tetapi lebih fokus pada wadah aktivitas sosial yang mewakili setiap pendatang atau penonton. Termasuk didalamnya adalah aktivitas seni dan budaya, walaupun konsep ruang publik masih dapat dikatakan abstrak untuk mewakili setiap individu sosial. Akan tetapi dengan adanya ruang publik telah menciptakan ruang mediasi bagi segala macam bentuk komunikasi. Ruang mediasi ini dipandang penting, tidak saja dijadikan ranah promosi, lebih mendalam adalah untuk bertukar dan tempat komunikasi segala macam bentuk ideologi, kesenian, dan kebudayaan. Aktivitas seni semacam Jogja Fashion Week Carnival dan pagelaran pakaian cosplay pada ruang publik memberikan kesempatan bagi komunitas atau individu, untuk menjadikan aktivitas ini sebagai tontonan dan bagian seni publik. Seni publik ini tentu saja lebih cenderung lebih kreatif, bebas, dan terkadang tidak diiringi dengan perspektif teoretis, seperti yang dilakukan seni lainnya. Aktivitas seni pada ruang publik, merupakan bagian dari aktivitas sosial dan budaya, hakikatnya berdiri pada ideologi yang telah diatur untuk satu kepentingan, yang disebarluaskan menggunakan media massa dan iklan. Penonton atau masyarakat penikmat seni pada ruang publik, harus lebih cerdas dan kritis untuk menerima segala macam bentuk sajian aktivitas seni, sehingga sajian tersebut memiliki komunikasi yang seimbang.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Limbah Baja Terhadap Kuat Karakteristik Beton Simatupang, Ronald; Pattipawaej, Olga; Ing, Tan Lie; Setiawan, Deni
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 9 No 1 (2013): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.253 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/jts.v9i1.1370


Beton merupakan salah satu material konstruksi yang banyak digunakan pada berbagai macamelemen struktur bangunan seperti kolom, balok, pelat, dan lain sebagainya. Kuat tekan tinggi,kaku, dan penghantar listrik yang rendah, merupakan karakteristik yang dimiliki beton, sehinggabeton banyak digunakan dalam perencanaan elemen struktur. PS Ball sebagai produk akhir sangatseragam (koefisien keseragaman: 1,22 dibandingkan dengan pasir: 1,64) dengan kekuatan tekanyang lebih besar (161% lebih tinggi dari pasir), tingkat kekerasan 740 Vickers (62 Rockwell). PSBall dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti garnet atau copper slag dan terkadang sebagai penggantisteel ball / steel shot. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari dan membandingkan perilakumaterial beton dengan menggunakan PS Ball dan material beton tanpa menggunakan PS Ball.Berdasarkan hasil pengujian kuat tekan beton yang menggunakan PS Ball dan beton yang tanpamenggunakan PS Ball diperoleh bahwa PS Ball bisa digunakan dalam campuran beton. Hal inibisa terlihat dengan meningkatnya kuat tekan beton yang menggunakan PS Bal .
Model Direct Instruction Dalam Pembelajaran Batik Jumput Kelas V Di Semarang Rudiyanto, A. Syaiful; Setiawan, Deni
Nuansa Journal of Arts and Design Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/njad.v1i2.6665


Materi SBK di kelas V SDN Bojong Salaman 02 Semarang belum disampaikan secara optimal, salah satunya materi membuat batik jumput. Sarana prasarana yang tidak tersedia dan pengetahuan guru yang terbatas menjadi alasan materi belum tersampaikan sepenuhnya. Masalah muncul ketika ada hambatan dalam mengerjakan tugas, semangat siswa berkurang sehingga tugas tidak terselesaikan dengan baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan Quasi Experimental Design dengan bentuk Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Populasi penelitian yaitu siswa kelas V SDN Bojong Salaman 02 Semarang. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, tes dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data meliputi uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, uji N-gain dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan data kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen berdistribusi normal dan homogen karena nilai signifikansi > 0,05. Rata-rata persentase aktivitas siswa kelas kontrol sebesar 64,9 % dan rata-rata kelas eksperimen sebesar 70,4 % Hasil uji gain diketahui indeks gain kelas kontrol sebesar 0,388 dengan kategori sedang, indeks gain kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,397 dengan kategori sedang. Harga t hitung berada diantara – 2,0058 dan 2,0058 yaitu sebesar 0,1367 dengan dk = 53, sehinga Ho diterima yang berarti ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara hasil belajar kelas eksperimen menggunakan model direct instruction. Simpulan penelitian ini yaitu  model direct instruction memberikan pengaruh terhadap aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa dalam materi membuat batik jumput pembelajaran SBK.
The Effectiveness of Role Playing Based Entrepreneurial Pedagogy Approach on The Values of Entrepreneurship in Elementary School Wardani, Eva Kusuma; Suharini, Erni; Setiawan, Deni
Journal of Primary Education Vol 8 No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Journal of Primary Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (618.478 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpe.v8i1.19644


The purpose of this research was to analyze the effectiveness of role playing based entrepreneurial pedagogy approach on the values of entrepreneurship. The research method applied in this research was quantitative method of quasi-experimental with Nonequivalent Control Group Design model. Supported by observations conducted during the learning process by using role playing entrepreneurial pedagogy approach. Samples of this research were students of grade V of SDN Pelemkerep 1 and SDN Pelemkerep 2 in Jepara City. They were then divided into two groups of experimental design. SDN Pelemkerep 1 was taken as the experimental group using a role playing based on entrepreneurship pedagogy approach and SDN Pelemkerep 2 was taken as the control group using the expository method. The total number of sampel taken were 80 students. The technique of collecting data was done by using questionnaires and observation using indicators of creative, cooperative and independent. The results of the research showed that role playing based entrepreneurial pedagogy approach is effective in fostering the entrepreneurial values. It is indicated by the test results of independent sample t-test with (Sig. 0.000) smaller than 0.005. To support the data of questionnaire, the score acquire from the observation data showed a significant improvement with an excellent category for the experimental class in the 1st meeting at 38.95, 2nd meeting at 63.59, 3rd at 93.85. Role playing based entrepreneurial pedagogy approach can be using by teachers to inculcate entrepreneurial values implicitly in the learning process in the classroom in order to create fun and effective learning.
The Effect of Project-Based Learning Integrated STEM Toward Critical Thinking Skill Gandi, Apriati Sri Kuwita; Haryani, Sri; Setiawan, Deni
Journal of Primary Education Articles in Press
Publisher : Journal of Primary Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (384.731 KB)


The global challenge needs people who can solve the problem in everything. Students can't solve the problem well. It caused by the lesson only for memorizing, so student’s critical thinking skill is not yet maximum. This study aims to identify the effect of project-based learning integrated STEM toward critical thinking skill of students. The method of this study was quasi-experimental with pre-test – post-test control group design. Sampling technique was used nonprobability sampling. Data collection technique used description test critical thinking skill. Data analysis used N-gain score test and t-test. The result of t-test student’s critical thinking skill showed sig (2-tailed) 0.002 it means there was a different average in critical thinking skill between experiment class and control class. The average of experiment class was higher than the control class. It showed that the implementation of project-based learning lesson integrated STEM affected towards student’s critical thinking skill.
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 25, No 2 (2015): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v25i2.5139


Costume exhibition show, Jogja Fashion Week Carnival, was intended to progress clothing industry, to lessen the imported clothes, and to raise the selling value of the traditional clothes in Indonesia. Throughout 2007-2014, the costume exhibition show was adequately effective to introduce the products of traditional culture becoming local characteristics to public. The research on carnival costume was made to find out the periods of the clothing style by applying art historic approach, to explain the issue of interpretation and social interaction, I used art sociological approach. The resulted conclusion was that every style of carnival costumes reflected several meanings, such as: clothing imagery, designer, and trademark. The costume structure consists of physical and non-physical ones. The physical structure was related to the issues of style, shape, and visual appearance; while the non-physical one comprised interpretation regarding the concepts of creation, social conditions, and history. The creation of carnival costumes was influenced by social condition referring to legends, fairy tales, and the myths. In addition, the designer played essential parts, i.e. creating and constructing new fashion of carnival costume in Yogyakarta. Acara pameran pakaian Karnaval Jogja Fashion Week, dimaksudkan untuk memajukan industri pakaian menekan jumlah impor pakaian asing, dan meningkatkan nilai jual kain-kain tradisi-onal di Indonesia. Sepanjang tahun 2007-2014, acara pameran pakaian cukup efektif memperkenalkan produk budaya tradisional yang menjadi ciri khas daerah kepada masyarakat. Penelitian pakaian karnaval dilakukan untuk mengetahui periodisasi gaya pakaian dengan menggunakan pendekatan sejarah seni; untuk menguraikan persoalan pemaknaan dan interaksi sosial masyarakat, digunakan pendekatan sosiologi seni. Kesimpulan yang dihasilkan adalah setiap gaya pakaian karnaval mencerminkan beberapa makna, seperti: pencitraan kain, perancang, dan merk dagang. Struktur pakaian terdiri atas fisik dan nonfisik, struktur fisik menyangkut persoalan gaya, bentuk, dan tampilan visual, sedangkan nonfisik meliputi pemaknaan yang terkait dengan konsep penciptaan, kondisi sosial, dan sejarah. Penciptaan pakaian karnaval dipengaruhi oleh kondisi sosial yang mengacu pada legenda, dongeng, dan mitos-mitos. Selain itu terdapat peran perancang yang menciptakan dan mengkreasikan bentuk baru pakaian karnaval di Yogyakarta. 
Co-Authors A.A. Bagus Tri Rama Antara Abdul Hafiz Fajri Abdul Syakur Achmad Nur Mustofa Afi Zumrotul Fikria Afi Zumrotul Fikria Aguswan Khotibul Umam Agvely Aulia Ahadia Irawati, Fenia Aisya Puspa Anggita Aisyah Durrotun Nafisah Ajmaja, Hamdan Tri AKHMAD NOOR Ali Formen Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Ananda Aisyah Andi Prastowo Anisa Nurul Izzah Ansori, Isa Aprianus Umbu Zogara Ariesta Dwi Wulandari Arif Hidayat ARIF HIDAYAT Arif Hidayat Arif Hidayat Arsya Rine Pratami BASA, FLORIANA LALI Berlian Hariratul Mahya Bhertia Annisa Rahma Bowo, Ferdian Arie Cucu Hidayat David Moto Lele Dewi Nilam Tyas Di ana Dian Eka Priyantoro Diana Diana Diana Diana Diana Diana Dwitirta Mayasari Edi Waluyo Edi Waluyo Erika Wahyu Nurani Erna Rokhimiya Putri Erni Suharini Febriane, Tiara Vera Fifi Angguntriani Fikriyah Fikriyah Fistaningrum️, Riski Maulida Fitria Tahta Alfina Galih Cahya Pratama Gandi, Apriati Sri Kuwita Gufroni, Ulya Hairunisa Nisa Hairunisa Nisa Hasanah Febriyanni Rahayuningsih Hasanah, Neni Niswatun Helmi Auliya Ilmi Amalia Imro'atus Syafiqoh Indah Anggraini Indy Ilmi Khasanah Isa Ansori Ita Kris Hardiyani Joko Sutarto Kurnia Selvyana Kustiono Kustiono Laila Silmi Kaffah Lele, David Moto Leli Anggreni Br Tarigan M Agus Burhan Maisah Kholis Marjuni Marjuni Martini Asmoro Minarti Moh. Fathurrahman Moh. Fathurrahman Mulyana, Defri Neindea Angelika Neneng Tasu’ah, Neneng Ni Kadek Aris Rahmadani Novita Puspa Dewi Novitasari M Nugroho, Agung Nur Faridatus Solehah Nur Khotimah Nurul Farhin Nurul Farhin Arif Nurul Hayati Odile Santya Lovanti Olga Catherina Pattipawaej Panggah Adi Putranto R. Agustinus Arum Eka Nugroho Ratu Neneng Rozbiati Ria Budi Ashari Rizka Agunging Azri Ro'i Khatul Jannah Ronald Simatupang Rudiyanto, A. Syaiful S Sulhadi Sadiyah, Khotimatus Sakila Nurkhofifah Samsiah Samsiah Selviana Selviana Siti Maryatul Kiptiyah Sri Haryani Sri Rejeki Setiyorini SRI WARDANI Sudarmin Sudarmin Sugianto Sugianto Sukarjo Sukarjo, Sukarjo Sulhadi - Suratno Suratno Suwito Eko Pramono Tan Lie Ing Teguh Supriyanto Timbul Haryono Tri Suminar Tyastya Chaeruna Utami, Ugi Vina Nazilatul Fadlillah Wardani, Eva Kusuma Yuli Utanto Yuli Witanto Yustina Dwi Yuniarti Zaim Elmubarok