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Journal : JITRO (Jurnal Ilmiah dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis)

Prevalensi Resistensi Escherichia Coli Terhadap Tetrasiklin yang Diisolasi dari Hati Ayam Broiler Siti Ananda Hardita Syahputri; Enny Suswati; Yudha Nurdian; Supangat Supangat; Dini Agustina
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 8, No 3 (2021): JITRO, September 2021
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (180.333 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jitro.v8i3.17584


ABSTRAK Antibiotik berguna untuk kesehatan manusia maupun hewan. Tetrasiklin salah satu jenis antibiotiik yang paling sering digunakan di peternakan ayam untuk tujuan pengobatan, pencegahan maupun perangsang pertumbuhan (Antibiotic Growth promoter/AGP) dalam pakan ayam broiler. Bakteri Escherichia coli (E. coli) banyak ditemukan di lingkungan peternakan dan dapat mencemari hati ayam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui resistensi bakteri E. coli yang diisolasi dari hati ayam broiler terhadap tetrasiklin. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Sampel yang digunakan bakteri E. coli pada hati ayam broiler. Ayam broiler diambil berasal dari PT X yang berada pada 6 desa di Kecamatan Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember. Uji resistensi bakteri dilakukan dengan Metode Kirby Bauer. Data dianalisis dengan metode Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bakteri yang ditemukan dari hati ayam 100% adalah golongan bakteri Gram negatif. Berdasarkan hasil kultu rpada media EMB dan pengecatan Gram sebanyak 67% sampel teridentifikasi positif bakteri E. coli. Pada uji resistensi antibiotik didapatkan 50% sensitif, 25% intermediet dan 25% resistensi terhadap tetrasiklin. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini bakteri E. coli yang diisolasi dari hati ayam broiler 25% resisten terhadap tetrasiklinKata kunci: Eschecicia coli, tetrasiklin, hati ayam, resistancePrevalence of Escherichia Coli Resistance to Tetracyclin Isolated from Broiler Chicken LiverABSTRACT Antibiotics are useful for human and animal health. Tetracyclines are one of the most commonly used antibiotics in chicken farms for medicinal purposes, prevention, and growth stimulants (Antibiotic Growth promoter / AGP) in broiler feed. Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria are found in many livestock environments and can contaminate chicken livers. The purpose of this study was to determine the resistance of E. coli isolated from broiler chicken livers to tetracyclines. This research is descriptive. The samples used were E. coli bacteria in the broiler liver. Broiler chickens were taken from PT X in 6 villages in Sumbersari District, Jember Regency. The test for bacterial resistance was carried out using the Kirby Bauer method. Data were analyzed using the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute method. The results of this study indicated that the bacteria found from 100% chicken liver were gram-negative bacteria. Based on the results of culture on EMB media and Gram staining, 67% of the samples were identified as positive for E. coli bacteria. In the antibiotic resistance test, it was found that 50% sensitivity, 25% intermediates, and 25% resistance to tetracyclines were found. The conclusion in this study was that E. coli bacteria isolated from 25% broiler chicken liver was resistant to tetracyclines.Keywords: Eschecicia coli, tetracyclines, chicken liver, resistance
Analysis of Pathogenic Bacteria in Ready-to-eat Fried Chicken in the Jember University Campus Area Enny Suswati; Supangat Supangat; Indra Samudra Rahmat; Laylatul Fitriyah Mukarromah
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 9, No 2 (2022): JITRO, May 2022
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jitro.v9i2.22092


Poultry meat is a food that is widely consumed in various forms, but it is also a reservoir of bacteria. This study aims to isolate and identify the type of contaminant bacteria in fried chicken sold in the Jember University campus area. This research is a laboratory epidemiological survey research, in January - March 2021. 79 fried chicken samples came from 27 stalls along Jalan Kalimantan, Jalan Jawa, Jalan Riau and Jalan Mastrip Jember. Isolation and identification of bacteria using chromogenic media, namely Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA) and Salmonella Chromogenic Agar (SCA). The identification of bacteria based on the color of the growing bacterial colonies was then confirmed with API E 20 media. The results showed that 98.7 % of fried chicken samples contained at least 1 type of bacteria. The types of bacteria that contaminate fried chicken are Escherichia coli (98.8 %), Staphylococcus aureus (94.9 %), Salmonella typhimurium (26.5 %), Salmonella typhi (8.8 %), and Proteus spp. (2.5 %). Thus, consumers' proper hygiene and safety practices have been suggested as the main intervention and need to be followed up with regular surveys to assess behavioral changes and reduce knowledge gaps.Keywords: ready to eat, fried chicken, foodborne diseases
The Effect of Milking Techniques on Escherichia coli Contamination in Cow's Milk in Jember Enny Suswati; Alvien Zahrotun Nadhiva; Nindya Shinta Rumastika
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 9, No 3 (2022): JITRO, September 2022
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jitro.v9i3.26180


Milk is a highly nutritious food but easily contaminated by bacteria. Those bacterias could be pathogenic. Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella sp. are pathogenic microorganisms. Milk contamination which occurs during the milking process can come from various sources such as cow skin, udder, water, soil, dust, humans, equipment, and air. Escherichia coli is a fecal contamination indication. and the possibility of enteropathogenic or toxigenic microorganisms so E. coli is known as a causative agent for diarrhea and foodborne illness. Milking machine usage can reduce the total plate count, maintain udder health, and cow nipples, and improve milk yield, milk quality, and udder health. Indonesian dairy farming still does a lot of milking by hand. The aim of the study was to determine the differences in E. coli contamination in cow milk because of modern milking and traditional milking techniques in Jember Regency. This is observational analytic research using a cross-sectional design with a total sample of 26. The study was conducted in December 2018. Contamination of E. coli in milk was tested using the MPN method, confirmation test using EMB, and Gram staining. Data analysis using bivariate analysis with chi-square test. The results of the study found E. coli contamination in 84.6% of modern milking techniques and 100% of traditional techniques. The conclusion of the study was that E. coli contamination in cow's milk because of traditional milking techniques was greater than that of modern milking techniques, but the results were not significantly different.
Co-Authors Abu Khoiri Aditya Oktavianto Ahmad Hasbi Al-Muzaky Ahmad Hasbi Al-Muzaky Alvien Zahrotun Nadhiva Angga M Raharjo Angga Mardro Raharjo Anisa Rizca Putri APRI KUNTARININGSIH Arifah Nur Hasanah Ariska Nur Aida asihanti rosita ferdiana Azham Purwandhono Bagus Hermansyah Bagus Hermansyah Bagus Hermansyah Bagus Satrio Pambudi Bagus Satrio Pambudi, Bagus Satrio Bima Setia Sandya Nugraha Cholis Abrori, Cholis Desie D. Wisudanti Desie Dwi Wisudanti, Desie Dwi Devi Chintya Kumalasari Dian H. Purnamasari Diana C Diana C Mufida Diana C. Mufida Diana Chusna Mufida Dini Agustina Dwita Aryadina Dwita Aryadina Rachmawati Elly N Sakinah Elly Nurus Sakinah, Elly Nurus Elvia Rahmi Marga Putri Erfan Efendi Habib Mustofa Hanifah S Haq I Ketut Sudiana Ika Rahmawati Sutejo Indra Samudra Rahmat Indra Samudra Rahmat Jauhar Firdaus Joko Mariyono Kirana Nadyatara Kristianningrum Dian Sofiana Lailatis Shofia Laksmi Indreswari Laylatul Fitriyah Mukarromah M. Ali Shodikin Misnawi Misnawi Misnawi Misnawi Mufida Mufida Muhammad A. Shodikin Muhammad Alif Taryafi Nexia Nevarachell Onny Amirsyah Nindya Shinta Rumastika Nisrina Salsabila Firmansyah Nita Alfianti NUR K. AGUSTIN Nurhayati Nurhayati Prayoga Adinawer Sirait Probosutiksna, Nuno Febrian Probosutiksna, Nuno Febrian Putu Ayu Laksmi Lestari Regina Finka Risty Pradana Linggan Wangi Salsabila, Yuna Annisa Saskia Mediawati septa surya wahyudi, septa surya Shofia, Lailatis Siti Ananda Hardita Syahputri Supangat Supangat Supangat Supangat Suryono Suryono Ulfa Elfiah Wahyuning Ati Ashari Wiwien Sugih Utami Wiwin Sugih Utami Yudha Nurdian Yudha Nurdian Yuna Annisa Salsabila Yunita Armiyanti Yunita Armiyanti Yunita Wulansari