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Journal : Jurnal Penelitian Saintek

Jurnal Penelitian Saintek Vol 25, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Services, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (954.098 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jps.v25i1.28208


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produksi pigmen dan GABA oleh M. purpureus dengan konsentrasi inokulum dan waktu inkubasi yang berbeda. Fermentasi dilakukan menggunakan metode fermentasi cair dengan konsentrasi inokulum serta waktu inkubasi yang berbeda. Pengukuran pigmen intraselular dilakukan dengan mengekstraksi pelet sel menggunakan etanol 95%. Produksi GABA ditentukan menggunakan metode ninhidrin. Spektrofotometer digunakan untuk mengukur pigmen pada panjang gelombang 500, 470, dan 400 nm, sementara GABA pada panjang gelombang 401 nm. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial dengan dua faktor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata nilai pigmen merah, jingga dan kuning tertinggi pada pigmen ekstraseluler (P0,05) terjadi pada perlakuan C3, sementara pigmen intraseluler (P0,05) pada perlakuan C1, dengan perlakuan waktu inkubasi (P0,05) W14. Interaksi antar kedua perlakuan (C*W) terjadi pada pigmen ekstraseluler merah dan jingga (P0,05). Produksi GABA tidak berbeda secara signifikan pada pada perlakuan konsentrasi inokulum (P0,05), tetapi berbeda secara signifikan pada perlakuan waktu inkubasi (P0,05) dan perlakuan W14 menunjukkan produksi tertinggi (6,1085 mg/ml). Tidak adanya interaksi antardua perlakuan dalam produksi GABA (P0,05).PRODUCTION OF PIGMENTS AND γ-AMINOBUTYRIC ACID (GABA) BY Monascus purpureusThis study was aimed at examining the production of pigments and GABA by M. purpureus in varied inoculum concentration and incubation time. The fermentation was carried out by submerged fermentation method with inoculum concentration and varied incubation time. Cell pellet was extracted using 95% ethanol for intracellular pigment measurement. GABA production was determined by ninhydrin method. Pigments were measured at 500, 470, and 400 nm wavelength by spectrophotometry, and GABA was measured at 401 nm wavelength. The experimental design was Completely Randomize Design (CRD) factorial with two factors. The higher colour value of extracellular (P0,05) red, orange and yellow pigments showed at C3 while intracellular (P0,05) showed at C1 with incubation time at W14. There are some interactions between two factors (C*W) for red and orange extracellular pigments (P0,05). It was observed that inoculum concentrations have no significant difference (P0,05) for GABA production. In other hand, there is significant difference for incubation time factors (P0,05) with the highest production at W14 (6,1085 mg/ml). There is no interaction between two factors for GABA production (P0,05).
Uji dan identifikasi aktivitas antioksidan isolat BAL CIN-2 hasil isolasi cincalok Ihdina Isfara Suteja; Wijanarka Wijanarka; Endang Kusdiyantini
Jurnal Penelitian Saintek Vol 27, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Services, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jps.v1i1.44187


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji antioksidan yang dihasilkan oleh isolat BAL CIN-2 dengan metode (α,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl) (DPPH) dan fosfomolibdenum, melakukan identifikasi senyawa antioksidan yang dihasilkan isolat BAL CIN-2 menggunakan metode TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) dan spektrofotometer UV-Vis, serta menganalisis gugus fungsional antioksidan isolat BAL CIN-2 menggunakan metode Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Kultur ditumbuhkan pada media MRSA dan diamati pertumbuhannya pada media MRSB selama 72 jam, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan metode yang telah ditentukan. Hasil uji TLC untuk isolat BAL CIN-2 menghasilkan empat noda dengan nilai Rf 0,98; 0,91; 0,73; dan 0,6. Uji DPPH menunjukkan sifat antioksidan supernatan isolat BAL CIN-2 sangat lemah. Metode fosfomolibdenum menunjukkan kadar antioksidan dari supernatan isolat BAL CIN-2 sebesar 1,906 mgAAE/ml. Pengujian menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis menghasilkan 4 serapan gelombang dengan absorbansi maksimum 3,943 pada panjang gelombang 290 nm. Diduga senyawa yang terkandung di dalamnya adalah senyawa flavonoid golongan flavanon atau dihidroflavonol. Supernatan isolat BAL CIN-2 diduga mengandung senyawa flavonoid dengan gugus fungsi antioksidan O-H dan C=C aromatik dari analisis menggunakan FTIR. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa di dalam supernatan isolat BAL CIN-2 mengandung senyawa antioksidan golongan flavonoid.Test and identification of antioxidant activity of isolates LAB CIN-2 isolated from cincalokThis study aimed to test the antioxidants produced by LAB CIN-2 isolates using α,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and phosphomolybdenum methods, to identify antioxidant compounds produced by LAB CIN-2 isolates using the Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and UV-Vis spectrophotometer, as well as to analyse the antioxidant functional groups of LAB CIN-2 isolate using the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) method. The culture was grown on MRSA media and then the growth was observed on MRSB media for 72 hours, then analyzed using the specified method. TLC test results showed that LAB isolate CIN-2 produced four spots with an Rf value of 0.98; 0.91; 0.73; and 0.6. The DPPH test showed that the antioxidant properties of the supernatant isolates of LAB CIN-2 were very weak. The phosphomolybdenum method showed that the antioxidant content of the supernatant of LAB CIN-2 isolate was 1.906 mgAAE/ml. Analysis using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer produces 4 absorption waves with a maximum absorbance 3,943 at a wavelength of 290 nm. The test is suspected that the compounds contained in it are flavonoid compounds of the flavanone or dihydroflavonol group. Analysis using FTIR showed that antioxidant from supernatant of LAB isolate CIN-2 was suspected to contain flavonoid compounds with aromatic O-H and C=C functional groups. It can be concluded that supernatant from LAB CIN-2 isolates contains weak antioxidants in the form of compounds from the flavonoids group.