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Biolitik Enzim Bekicot (Achatina fulica) Sebagai Agen Fusi Protoplas Pichia manshurica Intraspecifik Wijanarka, Wijanarka
Prosiding KPSDA Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Prosiding KPSDA 2015
Publisher : Prosiding KPSDA

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Enzymes were an important role both in the food or beverage industry, but there is also an enzyme that acts as a breaker of the organism or cell wall of microorganisms. The enzyme known as biolytic enzyme. Extraction enzyme taken from the snail (Achatina fulica), especially in the abdomen, as in this section contains compounds glukorononidase β, and beta-glucanase and endo arylsulphatase (Ezeronye and Okerentugba, 2001). This enzyme was an important role before the fusion process takes place, namely for protoplast isolation. Furthermore, the enzyme used to break down the cell wall of the yeast Pichia manshurica. The yeasts are indigenus located around dahlia tubers and has the ability to produce inulinase (EC Protoplast fusion is one way to improve the strain, so hopefully we will get a new strain and superior compared to its parent. The purpose of this research was using enzymes from snail to break the cell walls of yeast (protoplast isolation) and to obtain new fusan. Protoplast isolation performed enzymatically by using enzyme biolytic  of snail. Fusion process was done by mixing the two parental pellets in solution osmotic stabilizer sorbitol solution of 1.0 mol / L containing 30% PEG 6000 (polyethylene glycol) and 10 mM CaCl2 for 20 minutes. The results showed that the concentration of biolytic 100% can be utilized as an agent biolytic enzyme and capable of producing protoplasts of 8.1 x 109 and it has been found that 3 fusan  namely were Fusan D F1, F4 and F7 D.
Pemurnian Parsial dan Karakterisasi Amilase dari Bakteri Laut Arthrobacter arilaitensis LBF-003 Rahmasari, Dianti; Wijanarka, Wijanarka; Pujiyanto, Sri; Rahmani, Nanik; Yopi, Yopi
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v12i1.2323


Starch is an abundant carbon source in nature, and ?-amylase (1, 4-?-D-glucanohydrolase; EC, which hydrolyzes ?-1, 4-glucosidic linkage in starch-related molecules. Microbe ?-amylase production is a hydrolytic enzyme and one ofinterest in its microbial production has increased dramatically due to its wide spread use in food, textile, baking anddetergent industries in recent years. Here we report ?-amylase from marine bacterium which was purified andcharacterized, as well as analyzed its hydrolysis product on starch. The enzyme of Arthrobacter arilaitensis partiallypurified by acetone precipitation with 90% and ion exchange chromatography produced specific activity 0.25 U/mg and0.38 U/mg, and it’s purity rate increased until 1.14 fold compared with former crude extract. Purifed extracelluler amilasehad an optimum activity at temperature 50°C and pH 9.0. An apparent molecular mass was between 50-75 kDa, asestimated by zimogram electrophoresis. Hydrolysis products of this enzyme on starch were maltose, maltotriose andmaltoheptaose.Keywords: alfa amylase, marine bacterium, Arthrobacter arilaitensis, purification, charaterization
Screening Cellulolytic Bacteria from the Digestive Tract Snail (Achatina fulica) and Test the Ability of Cellulase Activity Wijanarka, Wijanarka; Kusdiyantini, Endang; Parman, Sarjana
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 8, No 3 (2016): December 2016
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v8i3.7263


On the research of enzyme production levels observed cellulase produced by bacteria in the digestive tract of the isolation of the Snail (Achatina fulica). Isolation of bacteria based on the ability of bacteria to grow on CMC media. The purpose of this study was to determine cellulase activity by cellulolytic bacteria. Some bacterial isolates were identified as cellulolytic bacteria, they were KE-B1, KE-B2, KE-B3, KE-B4, KE-B5, and KE-B6. Isolates KE-B6 was the best isolates. Furthermore KE-B6 isolates were grown on media production to determine the pattern of growth and enzyme activity. Measurement of cell growth was conducted by inoculating starter aged 22 hours at CMC production of liquid medium. Cellulase enzyme activity measurements was performed by the DNS method. The results showed that the highest activity by new isolate bacteria KE-B6 and its value of the activity of 0.4539 U/mL, growth rate () 0.377/hour and generation time (g) 1.84 hour. This research expected cellulase of producing bacteria were easy, inexpensive and efficient. This enzyme can be used as an enzyme biolytic once expected to replace expensive commercial enzyme. The biotylic enzyme can be applied to strains improvement (protoplast fusion).How to CiteWijanarka, W., Kusdiyantini, E. & Parman, S. (2016). Screening Cellulolytic Bacteria from the Digestive Tract Snail (Achatina fulica) and Test the Ability of Cellulase Activity. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education, 8(3), 386-392.
Jurnal PROTEKSI (Proyeksi Teknik Sipil) Vol 3, No 1: Edisi Januari 2017
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Palangka Raya

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan desain pondasi alternatif untuk rumah yang mampu beradaptasi terhadap banjir di lahan basah atau dataran banjir. Ada banyak konsep desain pondasi untuk rumah berbasis air di Kalimantan dan Indonesia. Metodologi pada makalah ini terbagi menjadi 6 tahapan. Tahap pertama adalah memetakan kondisi secara umum lahan basah dan kondisi khusus saat banjir yang ada di Kalimantan Tengah dan Palangka Raya. Tahap kedua adalah mengidentifikasi masalah-masalah yang muncul sebagai dampak dari banjir dan merumuskannya menjadi tujuan. Tahap ketiga adalah mengkaji desain-desain pondasi yang ada di lahan basah dengan memperhatikan kearifan lokal. Tahap keempat adalah mengkaji dan membuat desain alternatif untuk rumah yang mampu beradaptasi terhadap banjir di lahan basah atau dataran banjir. Tahap kelima adalah kesimpulan. Hasil kajian menemukan fondasi ark’a modulam sebagai alternatif pemecahan. Dengan Ark’a Modulam ini, diharapkan rumah-rumah panggung di lahan basah perkotaan Kalimantan yang telah terendam air banjir maksimal, tak lagi menambah ketinggian tonggak rumah panggung atau mengurug lahannya, melainkan merubah bentuk rumah panggung tersebut menjadi rumah amfibi. Selain itu, dengan Rumah Amfibi, diharapkan akan tercipta arsitektur yang bersahabat dengan air yang mana kehadirannya tak mencemari lingkungan dan mampu beradaptasi terhadap kenaikan muka air banjir.Kata kunci: Dataran banjir, Rumah Amfibi, Fondasi Ark’a Modulam
Produksi Inulinase Pichia alni DUCC-W4 pada Tepung Umbi Dahlia (Dahlia variabilis Willd) dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Ammonium Nitrat dan Waktu Inkubasi Wijanarka, Wijanarka; Ferniah, Rejeki Siti; Salamah, Salamah
Bioma : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Vol. 10, No. 2, Tahun 2008
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (74.151 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/bioma.10.2.58-64


Inulinase (E.C. merupakan kelompok enzim hidrolase yang mampu menghidrolisis inulin menjadi fruktosa. Produksi fruktosa secara langsung dari inulin oleh enzim inulinase hanya memerlukan satu tahap reaksi enzimatis dan menghasilkan 90% fruktosa sehingga lebih efisien. Optimasi perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produksi inulinase, antara lain dengan penambahan sumber nitrogen dan optimasi waktu inkubasi. Khamir merupakan salah satu mikroba yang dapat memproduksi enzim. Salah satu khamir inulinolitik yang berhasil diisolasi dari umbi dahlia yaitu Pichia alni DUCC-W4. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui variasi konsentrasi NH4NO3 dan waktu inkubasi Pichia alni DUCC-W4 dalam memproduksi inulinase pada tepung umbi dahlia. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di laboratorium mikrobiologi, Jurusan Biologi Fakultas MIPA Universitas Diponegoro. Penentuan aktivitas inulinase dilakukan dengan metode DNS. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan 2 faktor. Faktor I (P0, P1, P2, dan P3) berupa konsentrasi NH4NO3 yang berbeda yaitu 0,029mM; 0,05 mM; 0,1 mM; 0,15 mM dan faktor II (H1, H2, dan H3) berupa waktu inkubasi (12 jam,18 jam, dan 24 jam). Masing – masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode ANOVA. Aktivitas inulinase masing – masing perlakuan pada waktu inkubasi 12 jam yaitu 0,567 U/mL, 0,407 U/mL, 0,304 U/mL, 0,486 U/mL, pada waktu inkubasi18 jam yaitu 0,761 U/mL, 0,644 U/mL, 0,543 U/mL, 0,554 U/mL, sedangkan waktu inkubasi 24 jam yaitu 0,564U/mL, 0,567 U/mL, 0,529U/mL, 0,612 U/mL. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan konsentrasi NH4NO3 pada medium produksi dan perbedaan waktu inkubasi tidak meningkatkan aktivitas inulinase Pichia alni DUCC-W4.
Pengaruh Pepton dan Waktu Inkubasi terhadap Produksi Inulinase oleh Pichia alni DUCC-W4 Berbahan Dasar Tepung Umbi Dahlia (Dahlia variabilis Willd.) Wijanarka, Wijanarka; Rukmi, MG Isworo; Sutrisna, Lynda -
Bioma : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Vol. 09, No. 2, Tahun 2007
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/bioma.9.2.52-57


Sumber pemanis alami alternatif yang aman bagi kesehatan dapat diproduksi dari inulin dalam umbi dahlia (Dahlia variabilis Willd.) dan dapat dihidrolisis dengan inulinase dari Pichia alni DUCC-W4. Peningkatan produksi inulinase dapat dilakukan dengan menambahkan sumber nitrogen organik berupa pepton ke dalam medium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas inulinase tertinggi sebesar 1,237 IU/mL (P2T3), aktivitas invertase tertinggi sebesar 1,568 IU/mL (P2T3) dan aktivitas katalitik inulinase sebesar 0,824 IU/mL (P2T2) diperoleh melalui rasio S/I dengan membandingkan aktivitas invertase (S) dan aktivitas inulinase (I). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penambahan pepton dengan berbagai konsentrasi (0%; 0,5% dan 1%) dan lama waktu inkubasi (12 jam, 18 jam dan 24 jam) tidak meningkatkan produksi inulinase Pichia alni DUCC-W4.
Optimasi Produksi Inulinase oleh Khamir Pichia manshurica DUCC Y-015 pada Tepung Umbi Dahlia (Dahlia variabilis Willd.) dengan Variasi Konsentrasi K2HPO4 dan Waktu Inkubasi Amedia, Inggrit; Wijanarka, Wijanarka; Purwantisari, Susiana
Bioma : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Vol. 18, No.1, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (152.252 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/bioma.18.2.48-55


Sugar national supply more and more decreases and can not meet the market needs. The research has been done to find alternative natural sweeteners including inulin from dahlia tubers (D. variabilis Willd). Dahlia tuber can produce 95% of yield of fructose syrup in an enzimatic reaction by inulinase (E.C. Inulinase is inductive enzyme that can be produce by P. manshurica. The production of fructose needs to be optimized to get optimum product. The optimization can be done by modifying the nutrient content in the medium such as K2HPO4 and variation of incubation time. The purpose of this study is to determine the concentration of K2HPO4 and optimum incubation time for P. manshurica. This research was conducted in Microbiology Laboratory, Biology Department, Faculty of Science and Mathematics Undip. The examined variable is the growth of yeast cell, inulinase activity, invertase, and the I/S ratio. This research was conducted experimentally using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) factorial pattern with 2 factors, the first factor was the concentration of K2HPO4 (P), with concentration  level (g/L) of 0.5 (P1), 1.0 (P2), and 1.5 (P3). The second factor was incubation time (W) with 12 hours (W12), 18 hours (W18), and 24 hours (W24). Every treatment was repeated three times. The collected data were analyzed using ANOVA. If there was a treatment effect, it will be continued with Duncan test on 5% significance level. The result of analysis show that the highest cell growth and the maximum production of inulinase enzyme was in P3W24 occurs in P3W24 (K2HPO4 1.5 g/L and 24 hours incubation time) treatment at 0.428 IU, but efficient in P1W12 treatment as much as 0.365 IU. Keywords: Dahlia variabilis Willd., Inulinase, K2HPO4, Pichia manshurica DUCC Y-015, incubation time
Optimasi Produksi Inulinase isolat P 12 pada Tepung Umbi Dahlia ( Dahlia variabilis Wild ) dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Nitrogen Organik dan Waktu Inkubasi Lunggani, Arina Tri; Wijanarka, Wijanarka; Kusdiyantini, Endang
Bioma : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Vol. 12, No. 1, Tahun 2010
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (49.893 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/bioma.12.1.20-23


Efforts to address health problems mainly related to the digestive tract is by consuming one prebiotic, eg fruktooligosakarida (FOS). FOS is a prebiotic that one species can be produced from the hydrolysis of inulin using inulinase enzyme. Isolate P12 is an isolate that has been proven to have high inulinase activity on standard medium inulin production. Inulinase production increase can be done by adding a source of organic nitrogen in the form of yeast extract in medium. The results indicate that the best on the concentration of nitrogen concentration P2 (Yeast extract 0.25%) with the activity of 0.7983 IU, while the best 12-hour incubation time with the activity of 0.7899 IU. Likewise for the best interaction P2 T2 treatment with inulinase activity of 0.9025 IU.
Kinetika Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Inulinase Fusan F7 Wijanarka, Wijanarka; Soetarto, Endang Sutariningsih; Dewi, Kumala; Indrianto, Ari
Bioma : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Vol. 15, No.2, Tahun 2013
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (74.963 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/bioma.15.2.53-57


Pertumbuhan dapat diartikan sebagai suatu pertambahan bagian-bagian sel. Adanya     pertumbuhan sel biasanya dapat diketahui dengan adanya pertambahan ukuran dan     pembelahan sel. Populasi sel khususnya mikroba  secara kuantitatif atau kualitatif dapat digunakan untuk memantau atau mengkaji fenomena pertumbuhan.Enzim inulinase (E.C. adalah enzim yang mampu merombak substrat inulin menjadi monomer fruktosa. Fruktosa merupakan bahan baku (doctoring agent) untuk proses  pembuatan FOS, IOS, pulullan, aseton dan sorbitol.Tujuan  penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinetika kecepatan pertumbuhan specifik (µ), waktu generasi (g) dan aktivitas inulinase yang dihasilkan oleh fusan F7.  Fusan F7 merupakan hasil fusi antara Pichia manshurica dan Rhodosporidium paludigenum.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Fusan F7 mempunyai kecepatan pertumbuhan specific (µ)  sebesar 0.3299 jam dengan waktu generasi (g) 2.1012 jam dan aktivitas enzim inulinase yang dihasilkan sebesar  0.5337 IU. Hasil tersebut  terletak diantara kedua parentalnya yaitu P. manshurica (µ= 0.27935 jam; g = 2.4815 jam dan aktivitas = 0.557 IU) dan Rh. paludigenum (µ= 0.3787 jam; g = 1.8304 jam dan aktivitas = 0.3263 IU). Kata kunci : Pertumbuhan;  fusan F7; inulinase ; umbi dahlia
Kemampuan Fusan F1 Dalam Memproduksi Inulinase Wijanarka, Wijanarka; Soetarto, Endang Sutariningsih; Dewi, Kumala; Indrianto, Ari
Bioma : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Vol. 16, No.2, Tahun 2014
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (75.57 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/bioma.16.2.114-118


Fusan F1 was the result of the fusion of the Pichia manshurica and Rhodosporidium paludigenum. The second type of yeast has the ability to produce inulinase.  Inulinase (EC. is an enzyme that is classified as a hydrolase enzyme, this enzyme has the ability to break down complex inulin into simpler components that fructose. Fructose was a monosaccharide with huge potential for the manufacture of butanol, iOS, pullan, FOS and ethanol. The purpose of research to determine the ability fusan F1 in producing inulinase and to determine the specific growth rate (μ), as well as the generation time (g) fusan F1.The results showed that fusan F1 at the 18 thhour was able to produce inulinase of 0.61 mol / min. These results are higher than the parental namely P. manshurica (0.56 mol / min) and Rh. paludigenum (0.33 mol / min). While The specific growth rate (μ) and generation time (g) fusan F1 respecly 0.25 h and 2.7/ h. Keywords: Fusan F1; inulinase; the specific growth; generation time