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Analysis of Accounting Information System on Cash Receiving Function (Case Study on CV. Abers Jaya Mandiri Tanjung Selor) *Novitasari Agus Saputri; Andi Ramdhani; Siti Zubaidah
Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus 2022, History, Learning Strategy, Economic History and Social Knowledge
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jr.v5i2.28867


This study aims to explain the accounting information system on the cash receipts function carried out by CV. Abers Jaya Mandiri Tanjung Selor, this research is a qualitative descriptive research which is a study to investigate, analyze, explain, and describe the quality of social influence in order to determine the application of accounting information systems to the cash receipts function of CV. Abers Jaya Mandiri Tanjung Selor. In this study, the research results obtained by researchers in the input section are seen from some of the documents used, there is no authority from the company, other than that the form belongs to CV. Abers Jaya Mandiri Tanjung Selor not all have detailed serial numbers. In the process section, the company does not carry out inventory recording and bank reconciliation, besides that the procedure for receiving cash from credit sales is not adequate with the procedure for granting credit and in the financial statements as the company's output still has shortcomings, namely the financial statements do not have information and explanations, so for the layman difficult to understand from the reports issued by the company. This study aims to explain the accounting information system on the cash receipts function carried out by CV. Abers Jaya Mandiri Tanjung Selor, this research is a qualitative descriptive research which is a study to investigate, analyze, explain, and describe the quality of social influence in order to determine the application of accounting information systems to the cash receipts function of CV. Abers Jaya Mandiri Tanjung Selor. In this study, the research results obtained by researchers in the input section are seen from some of the documents used there is no authority from the company. In the process section the company does not carry out inventory recording and bank reconciliation and in the financial statements as output the company still has shortcomings, namely financial statements has no description and explanation.
Publisher : LPPM ITB AAS Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29040/budimas.v4i2.3530


Tujuan Pengabdian ini adalah membentuk/mengembangkan sekelompok masyarakat dengan target khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah memberikan pendampingan dalam pelaporan keuangan. Mitra dalam pengabdian ini adalah Koperasi Bueka As-Sakinah yang berada dalam naungan PDA (Pimpinan Daerah Aisyiyah) Kota Malang. Sampai saat ini Mitra merupakan koperasi yang dikelola secara konvensional. Berdasarkan hasil Rapat Anggota Tahunan (RAT) Mitra yang dilaksanakan pada hari Ahad, tanggal 11 Januari 2021 disepakati untuk secara bertahap bermetamorfosa menjadi Koperasi Syariah. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Mitra adalah adanya keterbatasan sumber daya manusia (SDM) untuk menyusun pelaporan keuangan yang terintegrasi dan terkini, sehingga yang terjadi masih menggunakan microsoft excel. Metode yang dipakai dalam menyelesaikan masalah Mitra adalah memberikan pendampingan dan tutorial dalam pelaporan keuangan. Program keuangan accurate digunakan dalam proses pendampingan pelaporan keuangan Syariah
Upaya Meningkatkan Pemahaman Pendidikan Agama Islam Peserta Didik Kelas Atas SD Negeri 1 Widoro Yang Mengalami Disleksia Menggunakan Media Flashcard Siti Zubaidah; Siti Fatimah; Atim Rinawati
Tarbi: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Vol 2 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : IAINU Kebumen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33507/tarbi.v2i2.1157


The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of instructional media using flashcards on the beginning reading ability of students who experience dyslexia to increase their understanding of PAI in SD Negeri 1 Widoro Kec. Karangconnected District. Kebumen. Class action research consists of 2 cycles, there are 2 learning meetings. As for the implementation of classroom action research, it consists of 4 stages, namely the first is the planning stage which includes activities to develop an action plan, which contains an explanation of what (who) and why (why). When (when), where (where), who (by whom), and how (how) to conduct classroom action research. This observation was carried out four times face to face with two cycles. Based on the results of observations of researchers using observation sheets, tests, and interviews. The results of the study showed that through flashcard media it was proven to be able to increase the understanding of PAI in dyslexic elementary school students.