Wiwid Noor Rakhmad
Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP UNDIP

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Journal : Interaksi Online

Penerimaan Khalayak Terhadap Pertukaran Peran Gender antara Laki-laki dan Perempuan dalam Sinetron Dunia Terbalik di RCTI Ratnasari, Hesti; Noor Rakhmad, Wiwid
Interaksi Online Vol 6, No 2: April 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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This research is conducted based on the new idea of cultural contstruction regarding gender’s role between man and woman constructed into a soap opera entitled Dunia Terbalik where the role of both genders are switched, and thus very different from the dominant idea believed by Indonesian society which is patriarchy. The objective of the research is to describe the difference between media text meaning found in Dunia Terbalik soap opera and the meaning conceived by the audience. The researcher has to determine the dominan meaning by using textual analysis. The society acceptance while doing media text reading based on reception analysis argued by Stuart Hall. The finding of the research shows that all informant did the negotiated position regarding the exchanged role which is contructed in Dunia Terbalik soap opera. In the specific part they agreed about the switched role found in the soap opera, but in the some parts they disagreed. So, the gender’s role between man and woman which has been constructed all this time has been reshuffled because of the people’s acceptance about the switched gender’s role acceptance has slightly changed positively. Eventhough in this research female informant tend to respond toward the gender’s role switch more rigidly than the male informant. The female informant is still holding on the idea of man as breadwinner. The male informant is more openly accepting the idea of gender’s role switch and woman as breadwinner than woman did. Some informants also argued that there should be an equality of both genders so one does not become a burden to the other. Furthermore, the society background has become one sigificant factor that influencing the way the audience conceive and contruct the media text discourse.
Pengelolaan Hubungan Antarpribadi Pada Pasangan Berpacaran Long Distance Relationship (LDR) Untuk Pengembangan Hubungan Berkomitmen Serius Fatraya, Denisa; Noor Rakhmad, M.I.KOm, Wiwid
Interaksi Online Vol 6, No 3: Juli 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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LDR relationship is prone to conflict and separation. Frequent conflicts due to poor communication such as low intensity and frequency of communication, misunderstandings, unresolved conflicts, high suspicion, spouse bustling, low confidence in spouses, fewer meetings with partners. But there is a long-distance relationship and stay afloat until so long can even commit seriously with his partner. This study uses the theory of relational dialectics theory (RDT) or dialectical theory of relationship as the main theory, as well as privacy management theory, social penetration theory and model of relationship development as a supporting theory. These theories to explain the management of communication on long-distance relationships to be able to commit seriously. The results of research that is managed in the development of interpersonal communication relationship is the feeling of mutual love and love that underlies them to continue to survive long distance relationships that are vulnerable by conflict and the breakdown of relationships. it is marked by how often they express their feelings to their partner. And the mutual trust and understanding of each other and open to the couple to be a supporting factor to deliver the relationship to a serious stage. The next result is how the management of communication in interpersonal communication to develop the relationship to the stage of serious commitment is the existence of self-disclosure of the couple as told about the problems experienced even the privacy of the couple, find out the things favored and disliked partner, explain to the couple what is meant when misunderstanding occurs. Informants share private information with a partner who is a higher stage in the relationship because they already trust and comfortably share the story with their partner. These are the ways in which they manage communication so that relationships can develop more intimately.
Efektifitas Gaya Kepemimpinan Dan Iklim Komunikasi Kepegawaian Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Pegawai Kepolisian Bidhumas Polda Jawa Tengah Roseana, Brilianti; Noor Rakhmad, Wiwid
Interaksi Online Vol 6, No 3: Juli 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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This research was conducted to know the effectiveness of leadership style and climate of employee communication to work motivation of police officer of bidhumas of Central Java Police. Definition of theory of X-efficiency by Leibenstein a good leadership style is a leadership style that can control their subordinates by adjusting to the situation. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview to the agency and become input for Bidhumas Polda Central Java, to keep motivating its members in carrying out the tasks in order to achieve maximum results. Sampling in this research is total sampling. The population in the study were all employees of BidHumas Polda Central Java. The number of samples studied were 34 respondents.Based on the hypothesis test conducted using multiple linear regression analysis. There is influence of leadership style and climate of employee communication to work motivation of BidHumas Polda Jateng staff. This is indicated by multiple linear regression test conducted on leadership style (X1) variable, and employee communication climate (X2) on employee work motivation (Y) got significance value 0,000 (<0,05) variable Y. In the hypothesis test obtained coefficient value direction regression leadership style of 0.368, communications climate of 0.207. Suggestion given that is expected able to give description to institution and become input for Bidhumas Polda Central Java, to keep motivating its member in carrying out duty in order to achieve maximum work result.This research was conducted to know the effectiveness of leadership style and climate of employee communication to work motivation of police officer of bidhumas of Central Java Police. Definition of theory of X-efficiency by Leibenstein a good leadership style is a leadership style that can control their subordinates by adjusting to the situation. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview to the agency and become input for Bidhumas Polda Central Java, to keep motivating its members in carrying out the tasks in order to achieve maximum results. Sampling in this research is total sampling. The population in the study were all employees of BidHumas Polda Central Java. The number of samples studied were 34 respondents.Based on the hypothesis test conducted using multiple linear regression analysis. There is influence of leadership style and climate of employee communication to work motivation of BidHumas Polda Jateng staff. This is indicated by multiple linear regression test conducted on leadership style (X1) variable, and employee communication climate (X2) on employee work motivation (Y) got significance value 0,000 (<0,05) variable Y. In the hypothesis test obtained coefficient value direction regression leadership style of 0.368, communications climate of 0.207. Suggestion given that is expected able to give description to institution and become input for Bidhumas Polda Central Java, to keep motivating its member in carrying out duty in order to achieve maximum work result.
Konstruksi Pemberitaan SMS Ancaman Hary Tanoe kepada Jaksa Yuliyanto di Media Online Sindonews.com dan Kompas.com Dika Okta Fianto, Ferdian; Noor Rakhmad, Wiwid
Interaksi Online Vol 6, No 4: Oktober 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Bulan Januari 2017 ini banyak media massa cetak maupun elektronik yang memberitakan CEO MNC Group Hary Tanoesoedibjo yang juga merupakan pendiri sekaligus Ketua DPP Partai Perindo terjerat kasus SMS ancaman kepada Kepala Subdirektorat Penyidik Jaksa Agung Muda Pidana Khusus Yulianto. Karena memiliki pengaruh di dalam menciptakan opini publik, media online dituntut harus selalu objektif dalam memberitakan suatu peristiwa. Namun, tidak semua media bersikap objektif terhadap suatu peristiwa karena faktor ideologi, pemilik media, keberpihakan wartawan dan lain sebagainya.Hal yang sama juga pada Sindonews.com dan Kompas.com. Sindonews.com cenderung lebih memihak Hary Tanoe selaku pemilik media online di dalam penulisan berita sedangkan Kompas.com menampilkan objektifitas dari suatu peristiwa Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis framing. Objek dari penelitian ini adalahSindonews.com dan Kompas.com. Model yang digunakan yaitu framing model milik Zhongdang Pan dan Gerald M Kosicky. Data yang digunakan yaitu berita dari media online Sindonews.com dan Kompas.com dari bulan Januari 2106 sampai Agustus 2017 sebanyak 10 berita dari masing-masing media online. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Kompas.com berusaha lebih objektif di bandingkan Sindonews.com di dalam menampilkan berita. Di dalam analisis sintaksis, Kompas.com cenderung menyajikan berita yang berimbang dan tidak mengambil sikap, Kompas.com berusaha menampilkan 2 pihak yang bermasalah tanpa adanya sikap terhadap kedua belah pihak tersebut Sedangkan Sindonews.com sebagian besar dari pemberitaan yang muncul selalu melakukan pembelaan kepada Hary Tanoe. Berdasarkan analisis skrip, Kompas.com menampilkan 5W+1H secara lebih lengkap dibandingkan Sindonews.com walaupun kedua media tersebut cenderung menekankan pada what dan who di dalam pemberitaan yang diberitakan. Berdasarkan analisis tematik, tema-tema yang ditampilkan berbeda sudut pandang, Kompas.com cenderung informatif, sedangkan Sindonews.com cenderung mengarahkan opini bahwa Hary Tanoe tidak melakukan SMS ancaman. Berdasarkan analisis retoris, Kompas.com cenderung menampilkan gambar yang sesuai dengan peristiwa langsung, sedangkan Sindonews.com cenderung menggiring opini tertentu
Negosiasi Identitas Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) dalam Mengkomunikasikan Gagasan Alternatifnya kepada Kelompok Mayoritas Sicca, Shintaloka Pradita; Rakhmad, Wiwid Noor; Sunarto, Dr; Yulianto, M
Interaksi Online Vol 4, No 1: Januari 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Jika masing-masing elemen bangsa (kelompok kebudayaan) melihat kepentingangolongan atau pribadinya sendiri, maka Indonesia akan mengalami disintegrasisosial yang berujung pada keruntuhan bangsa dan negara (Moesa, 2007: 231).HTI muncul dengan gagasan alternatif yang beranggapan tujuan ideal kehidupanterkait erat dengan religiositas di berbagai aspek. Tujuan HTI adalahmengembalikan kehidupan berasas hukum-hukum syara’ dengan khilafah sebagaiinstitusi yang menaungi dan khalifah sebagai pemimpin peradaban. Serta mertahistorisitas mengenai kejayaan masa kekhilafahan terdahulu menjadi kiblatoptimisme HTI mencapai tujuannya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara HTI mengkomunikasikangagasan alternatifnya kepada kelompok masyarakat mayoritas yang memilikigagasan dominan mengenai konsep kebangsaan dan kenegaraan. Metodelogipenelitian yang digunakan adalah tipe kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologiyang berupaya menjelaskan proses pengalaman aktivis dakwah HTI dalammengkomunikasikan gagasan alternatifnya kepada anggota kelompok mayoritas.Penelitian ini didukung dengan Teori Negosiasi Identitas dari Stella Ting-Toomeydan Teori Kelompok Pendamping (Co-Cultural Theory) dari Mark Orbe. Selainitu, terdapat penambahan konsep mengenai identitas dan pembentukan persepsi.Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah aktivis dakwah HTI yang memiliki statusstruktural yang berbeda.Hasil penelitin menunjukkan bahwa interaksi komunikasi yang dilakukanpara aktivis HTI kepada kelompok mayoritas terhadap gagasan alternatif HTImerupakan bentuk negosiasi identitas kultural yang dipengurahi oleh tujuanseparasi dalam berkomunikasi. Secara spesifik aksi separasi yang dilakukan HTImeliputi sifat tegas (assertive), agresif (aggressive), dan ketidaktegasan(nonassertive). Interaksi komunikasi negosiasi identitas dengan tujuan tersebutdilakukan para aktivis dilandasi oleh pengetahuan (knowledge), kecakapan (skill),dan kesadaran (mindfulness) terhadap identitas kebudayaan HTI yang diperolehsejak menjadi murid (daris/ darisah) HTI. Ketiga komponen negosiasi identitastersebut digunakan oleh para aktivis untuk pembentukan persepsi baru anggotakelompok mayoritas.
Interaksi Online Vol 8, No 1: Januari 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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The issuance of the Presidential Regulation on Foreign Workers has drawn protests from labor groups because there are three articles that are considered detrimental to Indonesian workers. These articles are considered not in accordance with Labor Law No. 13/2003 . This regulation is also considered to simplify blue collar foreign workers entering Indonesia. This argument arises because the data showed an increase in the number of blue collar foreign workers in Indonesia in 2017. Kompas, one of daily newspaper in Indonesia, also reports this issue. Mass media should carry out its function as social control and provide spaces for all groups of people. However, Kompas tends to provide more spaces for the government as the informants. The choice of informants has influenced Kompas' news. Thus, this research aims to explain how Kompas constructs the news about Presidential Regulation on Foreign Workers. This study uses the Social Construction of Reality Theory which was introduced by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. This research is a qualitative descriptive study and uses framing analysis developed by Robert Entman. The results of this research indicate that Kompas uses economic frame in reporting on the Presidential Regulation on the Foreign Workers. Economic news is important because it has a big influence on the human life which is preoccupied by making a living to fulfill their needs. Kompas uses economic frame because the issue of the Presidential Regulation on Foreign Workers intersects with the issue of labor and foreign investment. The economic frame is indicated by the selection of issues and emphasis on certain aspects. Kompas Daily Newspaper chose to present the issue of procedure arrangement to increase Indonesian investment. Another issue presented by Kompas was that public considered the issuance of Perpres No. 20/2018 reduced job opportunities for local workers. Kompas makes certain aspects of an event stand out using positive titles related to the Presidential Regulation on the Foreign Workers. Kompas also displays certain phrases that support the selection of issues. They then highlighted through the selection of positive titles regarding the Presidential Regulation on Foreign Workers as well as the selection of informants who mostly feature government.
Hubungan Persepsi Konsumen tentang Kehalalan Produk Samyang dan Terpaan Persuasi Reference Group terhadap Minat Beli Produk Samyang Teguh Kurniawan, Petrus; Noor Rakhmad, Wiwid
Interaksi Online Vol 6, No 1: Januari 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Berawal dari pemberitaan bahwa terdapat varian produk Samyang yang dinyatakan tidak halal oleh BPOM, membuat peneliti tertarik untuk mengkaji hubungan persepsi konsumen tentang kehalalan produk Samyang (X1) dan terpaan persuasi reference group (X2) terhadap minat beli produk Samyang (Y). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksplanatif kuantitatif. Teknik penarikan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling dengan jumlah responden 50 orang. Peneliti menggunakan kuesioner untuk mengumpulkan data. Untuk menguji hipotesis, peneliti menggunakan uji analisis korelasi Kendall dengan bantuan aplikasi Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS). Temuan penelitian menunjukkan 42% responden memiliki persepsi yang sangat baik, dan 34% memiliki persepsi yang cukup baik tentang kehalalan produk Samyang. Artinya konsumen masih beranggapan bahwa Samyang adalah produk yang halal. Kemudian 48% responden mendapat terpaan persuasi reference group pada kategori yang cukup tinggi, dan 10% responden mendapat terpaan persuasi reference group pada kategori yang sangat tinggi. Ini menunjukan kecenderungan konsumen untuk menjadikan reference group nya sebagai salah satu sumber informasi yang dapat dipercaya. Selanjutnya 30% responden memiliki minat beli yang cukup tinggi terhadap produk Samyang, dan 26% responden memiliki minat beli yang sangat tinggi terhadap produk Samyang. Meski telah diisukan tidak halal, namun ternyata Samyang masih menjadi produk yang diminati oleh konsumennya. Melalui hasil uji hipotesis, variabel X1 memiliki hubungan yang positif dengan nilai koefisien korelasi yang kuat terhadap variabel Y. Kemudian variabel X2 juga memiliki hubungan yang positif dengan nilai koefisien korelasi yang kuat terhadap variabel Y. Kesimpulan yang didapat antara lain hubungan positif antara persepsi konsumen tentang kehalalan produk Samyang terhadap minat beli produk Samyang menjadi indikasi bahwa semakin baik persepsi konsumen maka minat belinya akan semakin tinggi. Hal yang sama berlaku pada variabel terpaan persuasi reference group terhadap minat beli produk Samyang. Semakin tinggi terpaan persuasi reference group maka minat belinya juga akan semakin tinggi
Interaksi Online Vol 3, No 1: Januari 2015
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Penyandang disabilitas intelektual menjelaskan kondisi anak yang kecerdasannya jauh dibawah rata-rata normal yang menyebabkan kemampuan anak terbatas dalam hal perilaku adaptif, perkembangan bahasa, dan kemampuan dalam interaksi sosial. Pada dasarnya penyandang disabilitas intelektual juga mengalami masa puber ketika menginjak usia remaja sehingga memiliki hasrat untuk mengenal lawan jenis dan menjalin hubungan asmara. Dengan keterbatasan intelektualnya, pasangan disabilitas intelektual sering mengalami inkonsistensi antara pesan verbal dan nonverbal yang memicu konflik dalam hubungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pemeliharaan hubungan pasangan disabilitas intelektual ringan melalui penggunaan simbol verbal dan nonverbal. Teori Interaksi Simbolik, Teori Pemeliharaan Hubungan, Teori Dialektika Relasional dan Teori Manajemen Privasi Komunikasi menjadi landasan yang digunakan untuk menjawab permasalahan dan tujuan penelitian. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan fenomenologiuntuk mengungkapkan pengalaman unik subyek penelitian, yaitu 1 pasangan disabilitas intelektual yang menjalin hubungan asmara. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu observasi pastisipatif dan wawancara mendalam.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan asmara pasangan disabilitas intelektual dibatasi oleh aturan di lingkungan mereka yang memberikan pengaruh terhadap setiap perilaku komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal antar pasangan. Pemeliharaan hubungan pasangan disabilitas intelektual ringan dilakukan dengan cara menjaga komunikasi, komitmen dan kepuasan hubungan. Komitmen di dalam hubungan dijaga melalui komunikasi yang konsisten, baik secara verbal saat bertatap muka maupun nonverbal seperti sentuhan fisik, gerakan dan ekspresi wajah, serta kontak mata. Pasangan disabilitas intelektual ini juga saling merasakan kepuasan selama menjalin hubungan asmara dan terbuka satu sama lain mengenai hal-hal umum yang dialami pasangan. Pasangan disabilitas intelektual mengelola konflik dengan cara menghindari hal-hal yang memicu konflik, menghindar dari pasangan saat terjadi konflik, secara alamiah melupakan konflik, dan menghadirkan pihak ketiga. Pasangan disabilitas intelektual pun mampu mengelola informasi privat dan publik untuk menghindari konflik. Pasangan disabilitas intelektual bertindak sesuai dengan keinginan dari dalam dirinya sesuai dengan karakter keterbelakangannya. Kata Kunci : Disabilitas, Pemeliharaan Hubungan, Hubungan Asmara
Interaksi Online Vol 5, No 1: Januari 2017
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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This research starts from phenomenon of Zoya, the company uploaded advertising about halal certified veil in their official Instagram account on February 2016. The purpose of this study is to reveal the myth of halal symbols in the Zoya veil ads which certified halal. This study used a qualitative approach with a version of Roland Barthes semiotic analysis through the analysis stage denotation and connotation. Through these stages at the level of denotation, sign was analyzed both verbally and non-verbally, then at the level of connotative, sign was classified in the linguistic message, which was encoded iconic message, and the message was not encoded iconic. The results of this study indicate that the halal symbol in this ad contains a mythical value of goodness and blessing that consumers will get more than the usual veil or headscarf from other brands who did not use the halal label. Halal symbol in this ad can be said contain commoditization, assuming the manufacturer has changed used value into exchange economic value. The purpose of manufacturers uses halal symbol on its products leads to consumerism, the manufacturer wants to earn the trust of Muslim consumers that are attached to the halal symbol, and ends on the consumer's decision to purchase the product Zoya.
Information Seeking Pattern Relating to Football (A Case Study of Information Seeking of Football News As a Result of Unpublished Soccer Tabloid) Mabchut Nahdi, Faris; Noor Rakhmad, M.I.Kom, Drs. Wiwid
Interaksi Online Vol 5, No 3: Agustus 2017
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Soccer Tabloid is a football media that stopped its publishing in October, 2014. Based on the data of Kominfo and APJII, the unpublished Soccer Tabloid was concured with the increasing consumption of online media in Indonesia. Soccer Tabloid stopped its production due to the declining of selling circulation per year. As a result of the failed production of Soccer Tabloid, the readers are forced to seek the information from other media The purpose of this study is to describe the orientation of information seeking pattern perpetrated by the Soccer Tabloid readers after failing in production since 2014. This research uses Descriptive Case Study Approach along with Post-Positivist Paradigm. It also applies Information Seeking Theory and Uses and Gratification Theory. The technique of data analysis in this study requires the analytic technique of pattern-matching by Robert K. Yin. This study acknowledges the result that matches with the predicted pattern in which the information seeking pattern alteration is solely addressed to certain age categories. It can be seen from the research subjects with age category of 18 to 25 and age category of 26 to 35, they switch to use online media in fulfilling their information needs, contrasting with age category of 36 to 45 who still uses mass media In conclusion, information understanding recognized by each informant relating to football news from the media they consume results in activity, namely media preference in fulfilling information needs about football. The motives of each informant are various as well in consuming Socccer Tabloid due to their own needs. After Soccer Tabloid bankruptcy, informants apply the broad and narrow strategy selections in media preference to fulfill the needs of football information.
Co-Authors Adelya Putri Ayu Felita Adham Helian Wicaksana Adi Nugroho Adi Nugroho Aditya Putra, Mochammad Afifah Azzahra Agus Naryoso S.Sos, M.Si, Agus Naryoso Al Afifka Ma’rifatul Qomari Zaman Alifati Hanifah Amida Yusriana Anggita Pratita Sandya Annisya Winarni Putri Anugrah Beta Familio Anzilna Mubaroka Aprilla Agung Yunarto Ayu Saraswati Ayu Sri Purnama, Ayu Sri Bening Shabilla Utami Bhaswarani Oktadianisty Chrisintya Mauli Sitorus Chykla Azalika DANIEL EDI KURNIAWAN Destika Fajarsylva Anggraini Devi Yuhanita Qorina, Devi Yuhanita Devy Widya Cahyani Dika Okta Fianto, Ferdian Diyan Krissetyoningrum Djoko Setyabudi Djoko Setyabudi Dody Pradana Eryanto DR Sunarto Dr. Sunarto Dwi Purba ningrum Dwi Ratna Setyorini Elsa Septiana Pertiwi Endang Retnowati Erisa Dwi Syafira Eva Wijiyanti Hidayat Fani Adhiti Farrah Alfarani Nur Hidayat Fatraya, Denisa Fikri Onasis Fitri Nur Hidayat Fitriana Nur Indah S Gusti Restu Kinanti Hapsari Dwiningtyas Hapsari Dwiningtyas Sulistyani Hesti Ratnasari, Hesti Hizarani Lailan Saadah Sihombing Ignatia Endra Kristianti Ika Putri Hanafi Ilham Futaki Ilvani Fylandita Vristiandaniva Imam Dwi Nugroho Indra Prayoga Intan Mashitasari Intan Maylani S.D. Iswara Pramusita, Regina Joyo NS Gono Joyo NS Gono Kholita Putri Arifiana M Bayu Widagdo M Yulianto Mabchut Nahdi, Faris Maerel Dhalia Arumnisa Mar&#039;atul Hanifah Marwah Gayatri Purnado MERCYANA MAJESTY YULION Mila Candra Novianti Mira Adinia Much. Yulianto Muhammad Bayu Widagdo Muhammad Rofiuddin Naura Kamila Prasetyanti Neazar Astina Prabawani Nico Ariowibowo Niki Hapsari Fatimah Nugroho Adhi Santoso, Ixnatius Nur Mustika, Ratu Nurist Surayya Ulfa Nurriyatul Lailiyah M.I.Kom Nurul Hasfi Nurul Istiqomah Olivia Anjani Paskah M Pakpahan Pingki Setiyo Anggraeni Primada Qurrota Ayun Pua Ayu Wardhani Putri Ramadhini Putty Elvia Nusdalita R. Sigit Pandhu Kusumawardana Raden Mas Muhammad Ridha Prasetya Ramadhani Zahra Rizki Kurnia Yuniasti Rosada Fitrianum, Febia Roseana, Brilianti Roy Bagus Royyani Rwanda Zwazdianza Azwar S. Rouli Manalu Selo Pangestu Imawan Setyo Eka Rofi Shintaloka Pradita Sicca, Shintaloka Pradita Silvia Kartika C Dewi Sri Budi Lestari Sri Budi Lestari Sri Widowati Sri Widowati Herieningsih Sri Widowati Herieningsih Sunarto Sunarto Tandiyo Pradekso Taufik Suprihartini Taufik Suprihatini Teguh Kurniawan, Petrus Teresia Kinta Wuryandini Tita Adi Tiyawati Triyono Lukmantoro Triyono Lukmantoro Turnomo Rahardjo Turnomo Rahardjo Uci Andriani Ulya Saida Usaid Abdullah Dzikri Velina Prismayanti Susanto Venansius DavyGian A Vicho Whisnurangga Vincentius Raditya Kristiawan Vinna Dewi Haryanti Wening Jiwandaru Pradanari Yanuar Luqman Yuanita Putri Melati Zefa Alinda Fitria