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Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
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Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education is a journal which is managed by Research and Scientific Publication Unit collaborate with Physics Education Department of UIN Raden Intan Lampung. Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education is a medium of communication used by researchers, lecturers, teachers, practitioners, and University student for submitting result of studies and prioritized result of research in the field of science and mathematics education, include: development of instruments of evaluation science and mathematics, development of instructional media science and mathematics, and the development of learning model of science and mathematics. First published in 2018 and regularly published three (3) times a year, in March, July and November.
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Articles 10 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education" : 10 Documents clear
Augmented Reality (AR) in Physics Learning: Opportunities to Improve Teacher and Student Interaction in Online Learning Siti Nurhasanah; Abdurrahman Abdurrahman; Doni Andra; Kartini Herlina
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.299 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ijsme.v4i2.8486


This study aims to describe the views of teachers and students in Islamic schools regarding Augmented Reality (AR) assisted learning to facilitate student involvement in learning, as well as increase teacher-student interactions in the learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a mixed method with a qualitative-quantitative explanatory design. The data collection technique used a questionnaire involving 31 respondents, 3 teachers, and 3 students as resource persons in three Islamic high schools in Lampung Province. The results of the study show that AR-assisted methods have the potential to increase teacher-student interaction by implementing a Learning Management System (LMS) that suits their needs and learning facilities. The results also show that AR provides an effective learning experience, because it displays 3D images so that it is easily accepted by students and makes students interested in learning during online learning. Therefore, the use of AR in learning has the opportunity to increase learning interactions between teachers and students.
Analysis of Students’ Problem Solving Ability Based on Metacognition Ability in Set Topic Riko Pardiansyah; Kamid Kamid; Bambang Hariyadi
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (508.248 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ijsme.v4i2.8668


This mixed method research was conducted to find out how students' problem-solving abilities were seen from the metacognition ability on the topic set. The population in this study were class XII students of MAN 2 Jambi City in the 2020/2021 academic year. The sample in this study was selected using the simple random sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that students' problem solving abilities based on students' metacognitive abilities on the topic of the set are in the good category. Metacognition ability can make it easier for students to solve mathematical problems that have been given. Metacognition indicators that seem to have been mastered by students in this study are awareness, regulation, and evaluation.
Augmented Reality-Based Student Worksheet to Stimulate Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Romy Desmara Fendi; Agus Suyatna; Abdurrahman Abdurrahman
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1090.366 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ijsme.v4i2.9017


Critical thinking skill which is one of the important abilities in the 21st century is important to be trained in learning. The purpose of this research is to develop an AR-based worksheet on dynamic electrical material that is valid, practical, and effective to stimulate students’ critical thinking. The development model used the ADDIE model which consists of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation steps. The product developed was tested for validation, practicality test, and effectiveness test. The results of the validity test obtained a value of 81.80% with a valid category. The results of the practicality test obtained a percentage of 80.85% with good criteria. The results of the effectiveness test showed an N-Gain value of 0.67 with the moderately effective category. From the average pretest and posttest scores, it can be seen that the posttest average score increased by 39.04 which indicates that the use of AR-based worksheets can improve students’ critical thinking. It can be concluded that AR-based worksheets on the concept of dynamic electricity developed are valid, practical, and effective to stimulate students’ critical thinking.
Green Chemistry-Based Reaction Rate Practice Through Online Media: An Analysis of Teachers' and Students' Responses Afifah Nur Chamidah; Sri Mulyanti
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.561 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ijsme.v4i2.8425


Reaction rate is one of the subjects in chemistry that students must fully understand, both theoretically and skillfully. However, current conditions require learning to be carried out online, including practicum on reaction rates. The research team tried to design an online practicum on the topic of determining the order of a reaction by using methods, tools, and materials that are cheap and easy to obtain, this practicum as an alternative solution in learning chemistry practicum during the pandemic. The practicum was recorded in the form of a video to be uploaded on Youtube, then the video was distributed to get responses from respondents who watched it. Based on the survey results from 30 respondents, the practicum was stated to be very good and applicable, as seen from the average value of the responses that were close to perfect. So it can be concluded that this practicum is highly recommended for teachers to apply to their students.
How to Improve Students’ Cognitive Ability?: The Influence of Two Stay Two Stray Type Cooperative Model Assisted by Innovative Module Farralia Ramadhani; Yetri Yetri; Irwandani Irwandani
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (284.829 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ijsme.v4i2.8661


This study aims to see the effect of using the two stay two stray learning model assisted by an innovative module on the cognitive learning outcomes of students on the topic of simple machines. This quantitative study used a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design. This study consisted of 2 classes, class VIII A as the experimental class and class VIII B as the control class. The results showed that the average of the cognitive test of the experimental class was 80.00 and the control class was 72.67. The results of data processing using the Mann Whitney test with a sig level of 0.05 revealed that the results of sig.2 tailed were 0.000, less than 0.05, which means that there is a difference in the posttest average value of students’ cognitive learning outcomes in the control and experimental classes.
Elaboration of High School Student’s Metacognition Awareness on Heat and Temperature Material: Wright Map in Rasch Model Fitri Nur Hikmah; Moh. Irma Sukarelawan; Tri Nurjannah; Jamaludin Djumati
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (371.942 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ijsme.v4i2.9488


This study aims to elaborate on the interaction between students’ metacognitive awareness and the difficulty level of items in Heat and Temperature Metacognition Awareness Inventory (HeTMAI). This study uses a quantitative research method with the type of survey research. The respondents involved were 30 students and came from one the public high schools in eastern Indonesia. Metacognitive awareness was evaluated using the 26-item HeTMAI.  Student responses are administered online, are voluntary and anonymous. The interaction between students’ metacognitive awareness and items in HeTMAI was analyzed using the Wright map based on the Rasch model. The analysis results show that the student’s average ability is 1.00 logit higher than the item difficulty level. The students’ abilities ranged from -1.34 to 5.98 logit, and the item difficulty level ranged from -0.51 to 0.70. In general, it appears that most students tend to agree more easily with the statements in HeTMAI. 
Flipped Classroom Model: Empowering Digital Literacy for Mathematics Learning in Society 5.0 Wanda Nugroho Yanuarto; Anton Jaelani; Joko Purwanto
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (447.017 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ijsme.v4i2.9638


In the era of society 5.0, technology and education are likely two side of coin. Teachers can use technology in the classroom. Also, teachers play a role in maximizing the quality of learning. This study employed descriptive qualitative research. This study aimed produced an overview of flipped classroom used in learning activities, particularly in learning mathematics. The research data in this study were observations, semi-structure interviews, and documentation of flipped classroom learning activities. The research subjects were 37 seventh-grade students of one of junior high school in Purwokerto, Indonesia. The data analysis technique in this study consisted of four stages:1) data collection, 2) data reduction, 3) data presentation and 4) drawing conclusions. The results of this study are: 1) flipped classroom improves teachers and students digital literacy; 2) flipped classroom as one alternative learning model; 3) flipped classroom expressed students’ positive activities with technology; and 4) flipped classroom provide opportunities for parents interact with students in home activities.
Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model: Its Effect in Improving Students’ Critical Thinking Skill Dora Aini; Sri Latifah; Abdul Hamid
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (327.18 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ijsme.v4i2.8660


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model on the critical thinking skills of 7th-grade students of SMP Negeri 34 Bandarlampung (Public Senior High School 34 Bandarlampung). This quasi-experiment involved 2 groups of students, totaling 28 students for the Experimental class and 26 students for the Control class. Data collection was obtained by using an essay test instrument which was presented in the pretest and posttest. Based on the research results, it is known that the posttest results of the experimental class are 78.82, and the results of the control class are 74.07. The data were then analyzed by independent sample t-test and obtained tcount (2.213) greater than ttable (2.007). The effectiveness of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model was tested with the effect size test, the results showed a number of 0.2 with a low category. So, it can be concluded that the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model has an effect on increasing students’ critical thinking skills but with low effectiveness.
Web-Based Inquiry in Science Learning: Bibliometric Analysis Pramita Sylvia Dewi; Ari Widodo; Diana Rochintaniawati; Eka Cahya Prima
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (538.178 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ijsme.v4i2.9576


Web-based inquiry is an intermediary medium that supports broad sharing of data and ideas, in visualizing, analyzing, and offering knowledge integration. This study aims to analyze the scope of scientific research related to web-based inquiry using bibliometric studies starting from the last 10 years. Database information is obtained from Scopus indexed papers, via the Publish or Perish application. Based on the search and selection results, 65 articles were obtained which were then reviewed with Zotero and processed with the VOS viewer. The analysis used is based on the title area, according to web-based inquiry in supporting science education research. Overall, this study provides information regarding research opportunities in science learning with web-based inquiry, especially during this pandemic. This research also illustrates the publication opportunities in various countries that have a high interest in the topic of inquiry. The mapping of the bibliometric results also supports the scientific explanation between the theory and the evidence of probability. Therefore, the literature is expected to be a reference for further science research.
Development of Mixed Learning Media (MLM) Assisted by Student Worksheet on The Topic of The Effect of Molarity on Light Index Ekri Pranata Ferdinand Baifeto; Maghfira Aulia; Julia Edwina Hasbi; Resti Sundari; Dadi Rusdiana
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.479 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ijsme.v4i2.9124


The purpose of this study was to develop mixed learning media (MLM) and test the feasibility of learning media. The study was conducted using the research and development method which refers to the ADDIE model with four main steps, analysis, design, development, and implementation. The instrument used is a questionnaire consisting of a learning media questionnaire, student worksheet questionnaire, and student response questionnaire. Respondents in this study were 4 eleventh grade students. The results showed the feasibility of learning media with a score of 92.5%; in the aspect of serving by 93.3%; on the aspect of the feasibility of the content of 91.6%; on the language aspect by 91.5%; 95.8% on the concept and task aspects. Based on the results of the validation score, the student worksheet was declared very valid. Based on the results of student questionnaire data, an average score of 94.9%. The results showed that the learning media were valid and practical to use for virtual experiments.

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