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Muh. Isbar Pratama
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Kampus UNM Parangtambung Jl. Daeng Tata Raya, Parang Tambung, 90224 Makassar, Indonesia
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Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (JHP2M)
ISSN : 29628776     EISSN : -     DOI : -
The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services. This journal focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of community services areas as follows: Education for Sustainable Development. Community Services, People, Local Food Security, Nutrition and Public Health; Training, Marketing, Appropriate Technology, Design; Community Empowerment, Social Access; Student Community Services; Border Region, Less Developed Region.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 73 Documents
Peningkatan Kemampuan Desain Media Pembelajaran Bagi Guru SD Gugus 3 Kecamatan Pallangga Kabupaten Gowa Rosdiana Ngintung; Nani Kurnia; Dewi Puspitasari; Anto Sukamto; Ilma Wulansari; Evi Ristiana
Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 02 Nomor 01 (April 2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

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Elementary school teachers as professional educators who act as facilitators in learning are required to be creative in exploring the potential of learning resources and media in their environment so that they can teach their students in a quality manner. It is necessary to increase the ability of teachers in designing media, elementary school teachers in cluster 3 in general already mastered Canva, but needs further improvement by adding Canva's Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chat GPT. This community service aims to improve the learning media design skills of training elementary school teachers through the design of learning media with AI and GPT chat. As many as 25 teachers with different teaching backgrounds received material on how to design instructional media and carried out independent practice accompanied by a service team. Evaluation was carried out by means of observation, interviews, and giving questionnaires. The evaluation results show that this training succeeded in increasing the participants' design skills with a proportion of 88%, and the potential for using Canva to design learning media by 90%.
Pelatihan Penulisan Instrumen Psikologi sebagai Dasar Penelitian Guru di SMP Negeri 3 Patalassang Kabupaten Gowa Dwi Rezky Anandari Sulaiman; Shabrina Syntha Dewi; Ninik Rahayu Ashadi; Nurul Mukhlisa Abdal; Wirawan Setialaksana; Irwansyah Suwahyu; Muhammad Asriadi
Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 02 Nomor 01 (April 2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

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The Psychological Instrument Writing Training for Research Foundation aims to increase the understanding and interest of teachers at SMP Negeri 3 Patalassang in conducting psychological research and being able to publish it in journals. Psychological research can help teachers become more effective in teaching and help students achieve their learning potential. The problems faced by teachers at SMP Negeri 3 Patalassang are (1) limited information on how to conduct psychological research, and (2) the need for guidance from competent parties in developing psychological variable instrument. The solution offered is to provide material on writing psychological instruments as a research foundation. The speaker provides material that suits the problems in the partner school, but also motivates teachers to develop the great potential that the school and teachers have. The implementation stage consists of two stages. The first stage is divided into two sessions, the first session is about delivering research materials and psychological variable instruments. The second session is a question and answer session. The second stage is the training session for developing psychological variable instruments. The training method used is through lecture, discussion, and simulation.
Pengenalan Manfaat dan Pengolahan Moringa olifera pada Anak di BTN Kasumberang Kabupaten Gowa Dewi Puspitasari; Sitti Masyitah Meliyana R; Yadi Jayadilaga; Muhammad Rhesa; Andi Rahmat Saleh
Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 02 Nomor 01 (April 2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

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The community service carried out aims to provide experience for children to know Moringa-based foods. Children are given an introduction to like to consume vegetables. The community service carried out was training in making moringa fried rice using the demonstration method. A total of 12 panelists participated to assess the level of preference for Moringa fried rice which included color, taste, aroma and texture that the panelists liked. It can be concluded that the results of the dedication show that Moringa fried rice is accepted/liked by the panelists and can be used as an alternative for daily consumption of highly nutritious children
PKM Kegiatan Bakti Sosial “Delapan” (Delta Peduli Lingkungan) sebagai Wujud Kepedulian dan Cinta Lingkungan Bersama Masyarakat Desa Lerang, Kecamatan Lanrisang, Kabupaten Pinrang Fajar Arwadi; Sahlan Sidjara; Fanny Armasari; Nurwati Djam'an; Muhammad Fatur Rahman; Novi Safitri N.N; Luthfiah Mutmainnah MR; Sutamrin; Ahmad Zaki
Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 02 Nomor 01 (April 2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

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Real Work Lecture (KKN) is one form of community service activities by universities carried out by students under the guidance of lecturers and local government leaders. Through KKN, students can apply the knowledge they have acquired in college into real life. KKN-T students who have the post in Lerang Village made a work program in the form of “Eight” Social Service activities (Delta Cares for the Environment). Social service is an activity carried out by individuals or groups as a form of concern for the surrounding environment. Social service is carried out by cleaning the environment. The targets of social service activities are mosques, village offices, fields and the surrounding environment. In general, the “eight” social service activities (Delta Cares for the Environment) went well and smoothly. and get full support from the community and with this social service activity, it is hoped that the community will have the motivation to keep the environment clean.
PKM Penggunaan Teknologi dalam Mendorong Jiwa Berwirausaha di Era Society 5.0 Sahlan Sidjara; Nurwati Djam'an; Hasnawi Haris; Akbar Waliyullah; Nur Risma Rusdi; Elza Rahayu Ashari; Nita Madinatul Munawwarah; Darmawang Darmawang; Hisyam Ihsan
Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 02 Nomor 01 (April 2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

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Perkembangan teknologi informasi sangat pesat, termasuk internet memberikan dampak yang besar pada semua aspek, termasuk dalam dunia bisnis dan pemasaran. Saat ini sudah banyak perusahaan atau individu yang menggunakan internet sebagai media pemasaran dan bisnis. Hal ini tentunya akan berdampak pada perilaku orang-orang di masyarakat membeli barang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan barang dan jasa. Tim KKNT UNM Desa Lerang melalui salah satu program kerjanya yaitu Seminar Kewirausahaan memberitahukan pentingnya berwirausaha pada anak muda dan orang tua. Seminar Kewirausahaan yang ditujukan untuk masyarakat Desa Lerang. Seminar Kewirausahaan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan yaitu sebagai saran untuk menalin serta meningkatkan komunikasi dan silaturahmi antara semua masyarakat dengan Tim KKNT UNM Desa Lerang sebagai wadah untuk mendorong semangat jiwa berwirausaha dalam Era Society 5.0 Seminar Kewirausahaan mengusung konsep dengan tema Penggunaan Teknologi untuk Menumbuhkan Jiwa Berwirausaha yang dilaksanakan di MI DDI Kaloang yang dapat memuat banyak masyarakat agar kegiatan ini dapat berjalan dengan baik. Selain itu, kegiatan ini diikuti oleh masyarakat Desa Lerang dominan diikuti oleh anak muda dan orang tua.
Sosialisasi Pentingnya Keamanan Data Digital Bagi Perempuan Penyandang Disabilitas Di Kota Makassar Nurul Mukhlisa Abdal; Shabrina Syntha Dewi; Ninik Rahayu Ashadi; Dwi Rezky Anandari; Syahrul; Labusab; Andi Zulfikar Yusuf
Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 02 Nomor 01 (April 2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

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This community service activity focuses on raising awareness about the importance of digital security for women with disabilities in the city of Makassar. It addresses the following issues: 1) Some women with disabilities have experienced being victims of digital crime. 2) Lack of understanding about digital data security makes it difficult for them to identify fraud and protect their personal information on digital devices. 3) Limited knowledge on maintaining data security while using digital devices, resulting in a lack of strategies to stay vigilant against digital crime threats. The objective of this activity is to enhance the understanding of digital security among women with disabilities, enabling them to use digital devices correctly and safely. By doing so, we aim to empower women with disabilities to become less susceptible to digital crimes. This socialization initiative employs various methods such as lectures, discussions, tutorials, and demonstrations. These sessions focus on improving data security and prevention techniques, addressing the prevalent digital crimes occurring in today's world. The outcome of this community service activity is an increased understanding and awareness among participants regarding the evolving digital era and the need to be vigilant when using digital devices. Consequently, we anticipate participants to be capable of enhancing data security on their respective digital devices. Furthermore, this socialization effort also nurtures participants' interest and skills in promoting the use of digital technology to enhance digital data security for women with disabilities, particularly in the city of Makassar.
Aplikasi SiCekN Untuk Pengecekan Nilai Siswa SMP Tonasa 1 Kabupaten Pangkep Sutamrin; Khadijah; Ahmad Zaki; Sahid; Hisyam Ihsan; Bernard; Ilham Minggi
Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 02 Nomor 01 (April 2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

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To apply an assessment, all assessment data must be able to be recorded properly and easily traced back so that students who need special attention can be easily found and acted upon immediately. To facilitate the recording and tracing of values, the use of technological media is indispensable, such as the use of applications in assessments. SMP Tonasa 1 Kabupaten Pangkep is one of the campus partners experiencing problems, namely not being able to utilize information system technology as a medium for accessing and analyzing student grades. The purpose of this Community Service activity (PkM) is to have a PkM product in the form of the SiCekN application for SMP Tonasa 1 Kabupaten Pangkep, and to be able to increase partners' knowledge and skills in using the learning assessment information system application. The method used is in the form of making a Value Checking Information System (SiCekN) application with good communication and discussion with partners so that the application is in accordance with partner needs, preparing a manual for using the application, and training in the use of the Value Checking Information System (SiCekN) application. The result obtained was the realization of the Value Checking Information System (SiCekN) application for SMP Tonasa 1 Kabupaten Pangkep. The use of the application has been tested, developed and used properly since 2019 until now in 2023. Teachers have responded positively to the ease of inputting grades and the ease of access to the intranet network so they don't have to gather in a certain place. The use of the application consists of steps for students who will check grades and steps for teachers to input value data into the application.
PKM Pelatihan Integrating Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, dan Ms. PowerPoint for Office Management Bagi Guru SMP Di Kabupaten Takalar: PKM Pelatihan Integrating Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, dan Ms. PowerPoint for Office Management Bagi Guru SMP Di Kabupaten Takalar Ruslan; Nurwati Djam'an; Sahid
Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Volume 02 Nomor 02 (Oktober 2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35580/jhp2m.v2i2.346


This Integrating Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, and Ms. PowerPoint for Office Management training aims to train junior high school teachers in Takalar to optimize Office Management. Solutions to problems that have been achieved in this training are: (1) Introducing Office Management features; (2) Improving teachers' ability to apply Office Management features; (3) Increasing confidence in teachers in implementing Office Management in their work activities; (4) Improve teachers' knowledge and skills using application programs such as Automatic Table of Contents, Fun with Pictures, Page numbering, Design Template, Embedding video, hyperlinks, running text with music, and Calculations in Excel. Furthermore, this training can increase the participant’s knowledge in terms of creating automatic attendance in Microsoft Excel
Membangun Desa Mallongi-Longi Melalui Program Prisma (Proyek Mini Infrastruktur Matematika) Syafruddin Side; Irwan; Fitrah Mallolongeng; Nora Auliya Zahra; Syarif Hidayat
Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Volume 02 Nomor 02 (Oktober 2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35580/jhp2m.v2i2.534


Mallong-Longi Village, Lanrisang District, Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi Province is the location for the 2022 UNM KKNT team from the 2019 Mathematics study program. The people of Mallongi-Longi Village are mostly farmers/planters. The problem that is still faced by the village community is that the healthy environment in their homes and surroundings has not been maximized. The solution to this problem is to implement the Building Mallongi-longi village through the PRISMA Program to carry out cleaning and mutual cooperation activities for community service activities so that a Clean village environment is obtained. Furthermore, from the solution above, a work program was formed in the form of PRISMA Day, then the method of activity used by the work program was to carry out a Mathematical Infrastructure Mini Project. The results obtained during the implementation of the work program were Making a Vision-Mission Board for the Mallongi-Longi Village Office, Doing Community Service, Painting Village Boundaries, and Making Garbage Board Warnings.
Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Volume 02 Nomor 02 (Oktober 2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35580/jhp2m.v2i2.553


Literacy and numeracy are fundamental skills that academic staff members need to analyze any text or image in a variety of contexts. It is understandable that both literacy and student enrollment rates in Indonesia are very low. The Ministry of Education and Culture as a result introduced a program called Teaching Campus through the Merdeka Learning Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) initiative. This program motivates students to contribute in improving the education of students who are literate and numerate, Elementary Schools. Students continue to work tirelessly to support schools, teachers and students based on current circumstances and needs. Expanding literacy and numeracy education can connect more effectively. As a result, numeracy literacy instruction is very important to improve reading and arithmetic learning in elementary schools, as has been done at the Teaching Campus Batch 5. Carrying out literacy using letter cards, implementing the Quizizz application, and implementing numeracy using smart ladder media, numeration trees, and crossword puzzles can improve skills. Focusing on literacy and numeracy guidance activities, student use of technology, emotional intelligence, and the ability to create cool class characters for students. Keywords: Literation, Numeration, Freedom of Learning Independent Campus