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Pengaruh motivasi, penilaian kinerja, kompensasi terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan PT. Bank Riau Kepri Cabang Pasar Pusat Pekanbaru Elvi Sefriani; Nuryanti '; Taufiqurrahman '
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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This study aimed to determine the effect of motivation, performance appraisal and compensation together on employee job satisfaction PT. Bank Riau Kepri Cabang Pasar Pusat Pekanbaru. To determine the effect of motivation on employee job satisfaction PT. Bank Riau Kepri Cabang Pasar Pusat Pekanbaru. To determine the effect of performance on job satisfaction PT. Bank Riau Kepri Cabang Pasar Pusat Pekanbaru. To find partial compensation effect on employee job satisfaction PT. Bank Riau Kepri Cabang Pasar Pusat Pekanbaru. Research method used is multiple linear regression. The population of this study were employees of PT. Bank Riau Kepri Cabang Pasar Pusat Pekanbaru Riau with Capem its existing underlying numbering as many as 186 people overall. Because the population is large enough, then the selected samples by using Slovin and obtained a sample of 65 respondents by simple random sampling. The results show that of respondents with respect to motivation PT. Bank Riau Kepri Cabang Pasar Pusat Pekanbaru, motivation of employees at PT. Bank Riau Kepri Cabang Pasar Pusat Pekanbaru rated as good. The results for the variable motivation partially significant effect on employee job satisfaction. Respondents about performance appraisal in PT. Bank Riau Kepri Cabang Pasar Pusat Pekanbaru rated as good. Performance appraisals are partially significant effect on job satisfaction. Of the total respondents about the compensation of employees at PT. Bank Riau Kepri Cabang Pasar Pusat Pekanbaru considered quite good. Respondents about the job satisfaction of employees at PT. Bank Riau Kepri Cabang Pasar Pusat Pekanbaru rated as good. The results for the variable compensation partially significant effect on employee job satisfaction.Keywords: Motivation, Performance Assessment, and Compensation Against Job Satisfaction
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The purpose of this research is to examine direct and indirect effect ofinvestment decision and dividend policy, business risk and firm value.Furthermore inderect effect on examined with testing investment decision and dividend policyon firm value mediated by business risk. Purposive sampling is use to get our samples from fifty-four firms population that include in miscellaneous industry. We get twenty-one firms that used as our samples to analysis the data we use path analysis. The results of this study indicate that direct investment decision no significant effect on the business risk, dividend policy no significant effect on business risk directly. Direct investment decision no significant effect on the firm value, dividend policy directly significant effect on firm value. Direct business risk had significant effect on firm value. This means that the business risk is not able to mediate the relationship between investment decision on firm value And business risk are also not able to mediate relationship between the dividend policy condition on the firm value.Keywords:Investment Decision, Dividend Policy, Business Risk, and Firm Value
Analysis The Influence of Retailing Mix Towards Consumer Purchase Decision at Kinibalu Swalayan in Pekanbaru Feli Fahlevi; Jushermi '; Rio Marpaung
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The research was conducted at Kinibalu Swalayan No. 3 in Pekanbarucity of Riau Province. The research objectives was to determine the variables retailing mix (product, price, location, promotion, service, and physical environment) influence simultaneously and partially. And to determine which variables are the most dominant influence towards purchase decision at Kinibalu Swalayan in Pekanbaru. To achieve these objectives the research carried out by using a sample of 115 respondent, with accidental sampling method. Methods of data analysis using simultaneously and partially test (multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS Windows version 17). Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it is found that the variables of retailing mix (product, price, location, promotion, service and physical environment), proved to have a significant influence towards consumer purchase decisions at Kinibalu Swalayan in Pekanbaru. Recommendations that authors propose is Kinibalu Swalayan should be able to improve services to consumers. By providing services to customers in any way concerned service at the time of the transaction, simplifying payments. Avoid long queues which will reduce customer satisfaction will make a visit to the Kinibalu Swalayan in pekanbaru.Keywords: Retailing Mix (product, price, location, promotion, service andphysical environmant), purchase decision.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The research was conducted at the offices of the Bureau of Economics Faculty, University of Riau, Pekanbaru. The study took place from December 2012. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of labor discipline and leadership to employee performance Administration Faculty of Economics, University of Riau. In collecting the data, the population in this study were all employees of Administration Faculty of Economics, University of Riau are working actively in 2012 which amounted to 65 people, in this study the sampling method using sensus. The statistical data analysis using SPSS (statistical program for social) is multiple linear regression. The results showed that labor discipline, and leadership either simultaneously or partial effect on employee performance. The most dominant variable in affecting the performance of the employee is working discipline, and leadership.Keywords : Job Discipline, Leadership, and Performance.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The purpose of this study is to know the effect of the quality of service on customer satisfaction of PT Bank Riau Kepri Syariah Pekanbaru and to know the effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty of PT Bank Riau Kepri Syariah Pekanbaru. The population in this study were customers of Bank Riau Kepri Syariah Pekanbaru. The samples in this study were 100 people by using accidental technique sampling. Analysis of this research was path analysis method (Two Step Regression) by using SPSS Version 20. Based on testing results that has been done, the first track test result is quality of service has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. And the second track test result is customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customer loyalty.Keywords: Quality of service, Satisfaction and loyalty
Pengaruh Disiplin dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan PT. Oto Multi Artha Cabang Pekanbaru Wahyuni, Wan Zuria; ', Machasin; ', Nuryanti
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The research was conducted at PT. Oto Multiartha pekanbaru branch roadTambusai Pekabaru lord, this study aimed to determine the effect of discipline and work environment variables simultaneously or partially on work performance of employees of PT. Auto Multi Artha Pekanbaru Branch. The sampling method using census method with a sample size of 62 people. Data collection methods used were interviews directly to parties - parties involved with the issues that are being discussed and gave questionnaires to employees in accordance with the research conducted. Data were analyzed using Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Methods that use that formula Descriptive Statistics, Test Data Quality, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Hypothesis Testing, with the help of software SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions). The results showed that simultaneous Discipline of Work and Work workplace significant effect on Employee Job Performance in PT. Oto Multiartha Pekanbaru Branch, partially Variable work Discipline and Working Environment significant effect on employee performance PT. Oto Multiartha Pekanbaru Branch. regression coefficient is positive ( + ) indicates a unidirectional relationship, in other words Discipline and work environment will improve employee work performance at PT. Auto Multi Artha Pekanbaru Branch. Correlation or relationship between the discipline and the work environment Work with employees at PT. Auto Multi Artha Pekanbaru Branch is strong at ( r = 0.743 ) and the coefficient of determination or R square figures amounted to 0.553Keywords: job Discipline, Work Environment and Job Performance
Analisis Kredibilitas Endorser, Kreativitas Iklan terhadap Efektivitas Iklan AXIS Siap Kaya Mendadak versi Tukang Ojek dan Brand Awareness AXIS di Pekanbaru Rahmat Setiawan; Jushermi '; Henni Noviasari
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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This research is conducted to analyze comprehensive influences between Endorser Credibility and Advertising Creativity as exogenous constructs towards Advertising Effectiveness of “AXIS Siap Kaya Mendadak versi Tukang Ojek” and Brand Awareness of AXIS in Pekanbaru as endogenous construcs. There are four latent variables in this research such as Endorser Credibility (X1), Advertising Creativity (X2), Advertising Effectiveness (Y1) and Brand Awareness (Y2). There are 237 respondents in this study which are chosen by quota-area sampling from all Pekanbaru citizens as total population and data are taken by giving them structural questionaires. Meanwhile, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method are chosen for data analysis by AMOS version 21. The result of this research shows that Advertising Creativity and Effectiveness of “AXIS Siap Kaya Mendadak versi Tukang Ojek” affect both positively and significantly towards Brand Awareness of AXIS in Pekanbaru. On the context of affecting Brand Awareness, Advertising Creativity takes greater effect than its Effectiveness. Moreover, Advertising Creativity is also affecting Advertising Effectiveness of “AXIS Siap Kaya Mendadak versi Tukang Ojek” both positively and significantly. Meanwhile, Endorser Credibility is the only affecting variable to Advertising Creativity, but it doesn’t affect either Advertising Effectiveness of “AXIS Siap Kaya Mendadak versi Tukang Ojek” or Brand Awareness of AXIS in Pekanbaru.Keywords: Endorser Credibility, Advertising Creativity, Advertising Effectiveness, Brand Awareness
Pengaruh motivasi dan lingkungan kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan pada PT. Jalurpusaka Saktikumala Pangkalan Kerinci Kabupaten Pelalawan Susi Susanti; Dewita Suryati Ningsih; Rendra Wasnury
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The purpose of this study was to determine the Influence of motivation and work environment simultaneously and partially on employee productivity at PT. Jalurpusaka Saktikumala Pangkalan Kerinci Kabupaten Pelalawan. In conducting this study the authors take the population of the entire production employees and as many as 79 people in the study population were sampled using census method. Data collection techniques in this study was through a questionnaire (questionnaire) and interviews (interviews). Analyze the data in this study using a descriptive method, also using multiple linear regression analysis. From the results of this study concluded that the motivation and the work environment influence on labor productivity at PT. Jalurpusaka Pangkalan Kerinci Saktikumala Pelalawan by 75%. The results of the simultaneous test (F test) showed that motivation and work environment simultaneously influence on employee productivity.While the partial test results (t test) showed that motivation and work environment have a significant effect on the productivity of labor at. Jalurpusaka Saktikumala Pangkalan Kerinci Kabupaten PelalawanKeywords : Motivation, Work Environment and Employee Productivity
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The aims of this reseacrh is to examine the effect of compensation and employability on productivity. The population of this reseach is taken from employes of the production of PT. Duta Palma Nusantara. Accidental sampling method is used to get the samples, and from 405 peoples that we observed, we get 80 peoples as the samples. To analyze the data Multiple Linier Regression, F- test, and t- test analysis with using SPSS 17. The result shows that all variables simultaneously and significanly affected toward productivity in PT. Duta Palma Nusantara. The result shows t- test analysis indicates that compensation and employability that has significant effect on productivity. Suggestion of this research is a necessary balance between the compensation awarded by the company employee capabilities, management companies need to consider compensation to be applied, so that the salary system implemented based on the productivity of employees. The management company also needs to consider in order to observe the ability of management employees in the work stamina and health, especially for work in the plantation requires good stamina employees in order to increase productivity.Keywords : Compensation, Ability, and Work Productivity
Pengaruh Stres dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Perawat Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Eria Bunda Pekanbaru Chairizal, Tedy Novianto; Ningsih, Dewita Suryati; ', Nuryanti
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The research was conducted on Ibu dan Anak Hospital in Pekanbaru that aims to determine the influences of Sress and Work Satisfaction either simultaneously or partially on Performance of Nurses in Ibu dan Anak Hospital in Pekanbaru. The methodology in this study is: Stress and job satisfaction significant influence on Nurses performance in Ibu dan Anak Hospital in Pekanbaru and the dominant factor affecting the performance of Nurses is Job Statisfaction. While the population in this study is the Nurses on Ibu dan Anak Hospital which amounted to 69 people, with a total sample of 96 respondents. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis method by using SPSS version 17. Simultaneous regression (F test) showed that the independent variables studied (Sress and Job Satisfaction) together (simultaneously) have a significant influence on the dependent variable (Nurse performance). The magnitude of the effect that (R2) by the two independent variables together against the dependent variable, while the remaining is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. The results of the testing that has been done, the partial regression test (t test) showed that each of the independent variables studied (Stress and Job Satisfaction) has a significant effect on Ibu dan Anak Hospital the dependent variable (Nurse performance). Dominant variables affecting nurse performance in ibu dan anak Hospital in Pekanbaru is Sress where the value of t-counted highest compared with other independent variables.Keywords: Stress, Job Satisfaction and Nurse Performance

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