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Journal : Buana Ilmu

BUANA ILMU Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Buana Ilmu
Publisher : Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36805/bi.v3i1.464


ABSTRAK Hak mendahului (hak preferen) upah pekerja dalam perkara kepailitan perusahaan sebaiknya dilakukan dengan penerapan asas kepastian hukum dan keadilan serta manfaat, hal ini dimaksudkan agar efektivitas penerapan dan pelaksanaan dari putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi(MK) No. 67/PUU-XI/2013 yang menyatakan upah pekerja harus didahulukan dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Terdapat benturan kepentingan antara kreditor saat terjadi kepailitan dan mudahnya syarat kepailitan. Putusan MK pertama lebih mengedepankan asas kepastian hukum daripada asas keadilan dan sependapat dengan pemerintah lebih melindungi investor daripada pekerja. MK menolak permohonan para Pemohon. Putusan MK kedua Majelis hakim bersifat responsif dalam memutus permohonan, menjunjung tinggi nilai keadilan berdasarkan pada nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dengan mempertimbangkan subjek hukum, objek hukum dan risiko yang timbul akibat kepilitan. MK menerima permohonan para Pemohon sebagian. Inkonsistensi penegakkan hukum bertentangan dengan konsep negara kesejahteraan dimana tugas negara memikul tanggungjawab mewujudkan keadilan sosial, kesejahteraan umum dan sebesar-besarnya untuk kemakmuran rakyat. Keadilan terhadap kedudukan pekerja dengan kreditor lainnya dapat terwujud apabila masyarakat menganut prinsip keadilan yang sama atau mempunyai pokok pikiran yang sama dalam perkara kepailitan. Kata Kunci : “ Hak Preferen, Upah Pekerja, Kepailitan”. ABSTRACT Preemptive rights (preferential rights) of workers' wages in the case of corporate bankruptcy should be carried out with the application of the principle of legal certainty and justice and benefits, this is intended so that the effectiveness of the implementation and implementation of the Constitutional Court decision No. 67 / PUU-XI / 2013 which states that workers' wages must take precedence can be carried out well. There is a conflict of interest between creditors when bankruptcy occurs and easy bankruptcy requirements. The first decision of the Constitutional Court to prioritize the principle of legal certainty over the principle of justice and agree with the government to protect investors more than workers. The Court rejected the Petitioners' petition. The second Constitutional Court verdict The panel of judges is responsive in deciding the petition, upholding the value of justice based on human values by considering legal subjects, legal objects and risks arising from constriction. The Court accepted the request of the Petitioners in part. The inconsistency in enforcing the law contradicts the concept of a welfare state where the duty of the state to assume responsibility is to realize social justice, public welfare and as much as possible for the prosperity of the people. Justice towards the position of workers with other creditors can be realized if the community adheres to the same principle of justice or has the same subject matter in bankruptcy cases. Keywords: "Preferential Rights, Workers' Wages, Bankruptcy".
Co-Authors Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abdul Kholik Ade Ahmad Fauzan Adyan Lubis Adyan Lubis Agusra Ahmad Sopian Sauri Andri Susanto Anwar Hidayat Anwar Hidayat Anwar Hidayat Arif Wicaksono Astri Safitri Nurdin Dahrul Manalu Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara deny guntara Deny Guntara Destia Ayuning Thias Desyifa Nurhidayah Farhan Asyahadi Farhan Asyahadi Firman Aji Pamungkas Hendri Gunawan Imam Budi Santoso Imam Budi Santoso Imam Sofii Toha Ina Malia Putri Insan Supriyatin Irma Garwan Jannus Manurung Jihan Alfadia Khoirul Ummam Lia Amaliya Lia Amaliya Lia Amaliya Lilis Setiani Listiono listiono M. Gary Gagarin Akbar Mochamad Agus Antoni Moh. Shofi Anan Muhamad Jiia Fauzi Muhammad Gary Gagarin Akbar Muhammad Shidqi Mubarok Nadia Syahida Nanik Narya Suryadi Narya Suryadi Narya Nova Desi Ratnasari Nurdin Nurdin Nuryanah Tirostiah Meidah Raden Lita Nur Elita Rr. Winarti Pudji Lestari Rr. Winarti Pudji Lestari Sartika Dewi Sartika Dewi Sartika Dewi Siska Mariza Siti Dhiafajaazka Sopyan Sopyan Sopyan Sopyan Sri Wahyuni Sutras Budi Prayogo Suyono Sanjaya Tanti Alfareza Herdianti Tatang Targana Tatang Targana Taufik Caniago Taufiqoh Bina Ariani Tri Setiady Wahyu Hidayat Wahyu Koswara Wahyu Mulyandaru Wawan Indra R. Wike Nopianti Wike Nopianti Wike Nopianti Wulan Cahya Ningrum Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yustya Laraswati Yusuf Rizki Zarisnov Arafat Zarisnov Arafat Zatmika Nur Farhan