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Journal : Mendapo: Journal of Administrative Law

PENGARUH DAN PERAN CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP KESEJAHTERAAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT : Corporate Social Responsibility Perusahaan Terhadap Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Masyarakat Taufiqoh Bina Ariani; Tri Setiady; Muhamad Abas; Imam Budi Santoso
Mendapo: Journal of Administrative Law Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/mendapo.v4i3.26136


The work of the Corporate Social Obligation organization is required in the financial success of the local region in order to aid the community's economy, which combines diverse points of view. so that business in society is not perceived as a danger to the environment and solely has an interest in obtaining profit. The effect of the Corporate Social Responsibility program must be accountable in strengthening the community's economy, according to Government Regulation Number 47 of 2012 concerning Social and Environmental Responsibility of Limited Liability Companies. The author poses the following questions: "How does the Company's Corporate Social Responsibility Influence in Improving Community Welfare?" and "What is the Role of Company Corporate Social Responsibility as Corporate Responsibility in Building the Community's Economy?" This is an issue that must be addressed. The research approach used in this study is normative writing with qualitative methodologies, with some normative law concerns. The use of a company's corporate social responsibility idea not only improves the company's reputation, but it must also be able to deliver advantages to the nation's people across all sectors and the economy.
Co-Authors Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abdul Kholik Ade Ahmad Fauzan Adyan Lubis Adyan Lubis Agusra Ahmad Sopian Sauri Andri Susanto Anwar Hidayat Anwar Hidayat Anwar Hidayat Arif Wicaksono Astri Safitri Nurdin Dahrul Manalu Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara deny guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Deny Guntara Destia Ayuning Thias Desyifa Nurhidayah Farhan Asyahadi Farhan Asyahadi Firman Aji Pamungkas Hendri Gunawan Imam Budi Santoso Imam Budi Santoso Imam Sofii Toha Ina Malia Putri Insan Supriyatin Irma Garwan Jannus Manurung Jihan Alfadia Khoirul Ummam Lia Amaliya Lia Amaliya Lia Amaliya Lilis Setiani Listiono listiono M. Gary Gagarin Akbar Mochamad Agus Antoni Moh. Shofi Anan Muhamad Jiia Fauzi Muhammad Gary Gagarin Akbar Muhammad Shidqi Mubarok Nadia Syahida Nanik Narya Suryadi Narya Suryadi Narya Nova Desi Ratnasari Nurdin Nurdin Nuryanah Tirostiah Meidah Raden Lita Nur Elita Rr. Winarti Pudji Lestari Rr. Winarti Pudji Lestari Sartika Dewi Sartika Dewi Sartika Dewi Siska Mariza Siti Dhiafajaazka Sopyan Sopyan Sopyan Sopyan Sri Wahyuni Sutras Budi Prayogo Suyono Sanjaya Tanti Alfareza Herdianti Tatang Targana Tatang Targana Taufik Caniago Taufiqoh Bina Ariani Tri Setiady Wahyu Hidayat Wahyu Koswara Wahyu Mulyandaru Wawan Indra R. Wike Nopianti Wike Nopianti Wike Nopianti Wulan Cahya Ningrum Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yuniar Rahmatiar Yustya Laraswati Yusuf Rizki Zarisnov Arafat Zarisnov Arafat Zatmika Nur Farhan