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Efektivitas Penggunaan Model Alat Respirasi dalam Menjelaskan Bahaya Rokok Kepada Siswa Kelas IX SMP Negeri 13 Banda Aceh Abdullah Abdullah
Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi Vol 2, No 2 (2010): Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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The study on "Effectiveness in the Use of Respiratory Equipment Model Describes Dangers Of Smoking on Respiratory System Student Class IX SMP Negeri 13 Banda Aceh, was held on January 23, 2010. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of respiratory equipment models in explaining the dangers of smoking on the students. Subjects in this study were the students who smoked in the Class IX students numbering 50 people. The method used in this study is an experiment in "Pre-test and post-test." Data were analyzed with statistical t-test formula. Results of data analysis obtained t = 13.1 (α = 0.05; db = 49) obtained t table price = 2.01, which is well known t t table. Thus, it can be concluded that the knowledge given to students about the dangers of cigarettes and content by using the modeling tools can improve students' knowledge of Class IX SMP Negeri 13 Banda Aceh on the respiratory system and knowledge about the dangers of cigarettes.
Analysis of Ardeidae Bird Feedin The Coastal Ecosysrtem of Johan Pahlawan Sub-District West Aceh Regency Farza Safirda; Abdullah Abdullah; Muhibbuddin Muhibbuddin; Ismul Huda; Devi Syafrianti
Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi Vol 12, No 2 (2020): Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jbe.v12i2.19349


Study aims to determined know type Ardeidae bird feed in coastal ecosystem area of Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency. Research on Analysis of Ardeidae Bird Feedin The Coastal Ecosysrtem of Johan Pahlawan Sub-District West Aceh Regency carried out from July 2020. The method used is roaming method of diversity of bird feed species was observed and cleavage was carried out in the bird's stomach in the Coastal Coastal Ecosystem in Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The results obtained 5 species, namely Ardea cinerea, Ardeola speciosa, Egretta alba, Egretta garzetta and Bubulcus ibis with the type of feed in the form of animals that are on the forest floor such as small fish, grasshoppers, crabs, frogs or frogs, small insects that live in water, flies and other types of invertebrates and vertebrates.
Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi Vol 6, No 1 (2014): Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan persepsi guru dengan tindakan siswa dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup di SMPN 2 Indrajaya Kabupaten Pidie, dilakukan pada bulan Maret - April 2014. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru PNS pada SMPN 2 Indrajaya Kabupaten Pidie yang berjumlah 41 orang dan seluruh siswa kelas VIII dan IX yang berjumlah 416 orang, sampel untuk siswa dalam penelitian ini diambil 10% yaitu 41 orang siswa dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuisioner (angket) dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif dan korelasi parsial. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi guru (x) mempunyai hubungan yang positif dengan tindakan siswa (y) dengan koefisien korelasinya (r) = 0,3378 dan thitung = 2,241 ttabel = 1,686 pada taraf signifikansi α = 0,05.  Kesimpulan adalah bahwa persepsi guru terdapat hubungan positif dengan tindakan siswa dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup di SMPN 2 Indrajaya Kabupaten Pidie. Dengan demikian perlu perhatian untuk meningkatkan persepsi guru dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup dan perlu didukung oleh adanya sarana dan prasarana yang lebih baik dan lengkap untuk mendukung proses belajar mengajar dan khususnya dengan hal yang berhubungan dengan kebersihan lingkungan sekolah
Studi Komparatif Kinerja Guru Biologi yang Belum Sertifikasi dengan Guru Biologi yang Sudah Sertifikasi Pada SMA Negeri Rayon 01 Kabupaten Pidie M. Nasir; Samingan Samingan; Abdullah Abdullah
Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi Vol 5, No 2 (2013): Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (108.181 KB)


Salah satu upaya meningkatkan profesionalisme guru yaitu melalui sertifikasi. Guru-guru biologi di SMA Negeri  Rayon 01 Kabupaten Pidie ada yang belum dan sudah sertifikasi, untuk mengetahui kinerja kedua kelompok guru tersebut dilakukan penelitian tentang Studi Komparatif Kinerja Guru Biologi yang belum Sertifikasi dengan Guru Biologi yang telah Sertifikasi  di SMA Negeri Rayon 01 Kabupaten Pidie.Tujuan yang ingin dicapai melalui penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui kinerja guru biologi yang belum sertifikasi dengan yang telah bersertifikasi di SMA Negeri Rayon 01 Kabupaten Pidie; (2) Untuk mengetahui perbedaan kinerja guru biologi yang belum sertifikasi dan guru biologi yang telah sertifikasi di SMA Negeri Rayon 01 Kabupaten Pidie. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru mata pelajaran biologi yang belum dan sudah sertifikasi di SMA Negeri Rayon 01 Kabupaten Pidie. Jumlah populasi sebanyak 40 orang, maka seluruh populasi ditetapkan sebagai sampel penelitian (Population Studies). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan datanya survei, dengan instrumen pengumpulan data adalah lembar observasi kinerja guru. Data dianalisis dengan teknik persentase. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan kinerja guru yang belum dan sudah sertifikasi diuji dengan chi-kuadrat (X2). Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kinerja guru biologi yang belum sertifikasi dengan guru biologi yang sudah sertifikasi pada SMA Negeri Rayon 01 Kabupaten Pidie. Kinerja kompetensi pedagogik dan profesional guru biologi yang sudah sertifikasi lebih baik dari guru biologi yang belum sertifikasi pada SMA Negeri Rayon 01 Kabupaten Pidie.
The Description Osteichthyes in the Mangrove ecosystem area Teunom District Aceh Jaya Nurmuhajirah Nurmuhajirah; M. Ali Sarong; Abdullah Abdullah
Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi Vol 12, No 2 (2020): Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jbe.v12i2.19350


This study aims to determine the description of Osteichthyes in the Mangrove Ecosystem, Teunom District, Aceh Jaya Regency. The data collection of this research was conducted in January 2020, and data collection used a survey method with a purposive sampling technique. The research location is set at three stations, namely Lung Gayo divided into 2 stations, namely Station 1 and Station 2 and Station 3 located in Rantoe Meureu. Description Osteichthyes was used using the Saanin fish identification key book meanwhile. The results obtained were that there were 20 species, 11 orders, 19 families and 20 genera from the Osteichthyes class in the mangrove ecosystem, and the Osteichthyes class species which were found to have generally large body shape and dark body color. The conclusion obtained is that the description of osteichthyes has different body characteristics for each species.
Feed palatability test on Hornbill in Taman Rusa Nanda Yustina; Abdullah Abdullah; Devi Syafrianti
Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.045 KB)


Feed palatability level of animals is very important, as this will affect the growth and development of animals, and also for  the success of captivity animal itself. The aim of this study is to determine feed palatability level on hornbill in Taman Rusa. This study used descriptive method. Analysis of the data calculated using the feed palatability index selection. The results showed that the level of palatability of feed on each hornbill shows the level of palatability different. Palatability of feed on tomato hornbill 1 is a selection index with a value of 0.94, hornbill 2 papaya with a selection index value of 0.93, hornbill 3 tomatoes with Unmatched value with an index of 0.97, and a hornbill 4 tomatoes with value selection index 0.92. The conclusions of this study indicate three favorite feed hornbill showed the highest feed on tomatoes, and a hornbill shows favorite feed is papaya. Based on the research that has been done, then feeding for each hornbill better differentiated quantity between one another
Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi Vol 3, No 2 (2011): Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Model are a physical medium used to deliver educational content educational materials that can stimulate students to learn. One of the model that can be used in learning, especially learning the human respiratory system are the model of scrap materials. The research was conducted in South Aceh regency Sawang MAN. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in academic achievement and student responses to the use of model used ingredient in explaining the human respiratory system in Sawang MAN South Aceh regency. The subject of this study was all students in grade XI IPA-1 MAN Sawang South Aceh district, school year 2010/2011. The design of this study is Classroom Action Research (PTK). Instruments used in this study is Teacher Observation Sheet (LOG), Student Observation Sheets (LOS), test (pre-test and post-test), and questionnaire responses of students. Based on the results of data analysis, it is known that an increase in student achievement based on the thoroughness of student learning both individually and classical indication of the success of student learning based on test results (pre-test and post-test), t test analysis, as well as the positive response of students towards learning with use props material scrap materials on the human respiratory system. Teacher and student activities are categorized either as a whole.
Jenis-Jenis Ikan Hasil Tangkapan dengan Menggunakan Pukat Langga di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI) Pusong Baru Kecamatan Banda Sakti Pemerintahan Kota Lhokseumawe Abdullah Abdullah; Dahlian Oesman; Khairiani Khairiani
Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi Vol 1, No 2 (2009): Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.137 KB)


A research in fish varieties captured with Langga seine has been conducted at Fishery Auction at Pusong Baru Kecamatan Banda Sakti Lhokseumawe city from 16 to 21 June 2009. The aim of this research is to investigate the varieties of fish captured by fisherman and the population of fish which was under threatened by the usage of Langga seine. This research used survey method with census technique by which the researcher directly visiting Fishery Auction at Pusong Baru Lhokseumawe city. The result showed that there were 73 species of fish classified as 11 Ordos and 31 families. The fish varieties comprised 45 Perciformes ordo from 18 family (62%), 7 Scombriformes Ordo (10%), 5 Clupeiformes Ordo (7%), 4 Scorpaeniformes Ordo (5%), 2 Atheriniformes Ordo (3%), 3 Percessoces Ordo (4%), 2 Pleuronectiformes Ordo (3%), 2 Tetraodontiformes (3%). Meanwhile there was only one species from each ordo Cyprinodontiformes, Siluriformes dan Gadiformes (1%). Perciformes ordo is the most fish varieties found at Fishery Auction at Pusong Baru Lhokseumawe city.
A Study of Elephant Care Condition (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus) at Saree Elephant Conservation Center, Aceh Besar Azura Novitri; Abdullah Abdullah; Mimie Saputri
Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (436.898 KB)


Information about the condition of the elephants at the Elephant Conservation Center (PKG) Saree, Aceh Besar, related to elephant care that can affect the level of animal welfare. This research aims to identify caregiving conditions of Sumatran Elephant in the PKG Saree, Aceh Besar accordance with the level of animal welfare in the environment of domestication. Study of condition of elephant care using 18 variable that refers to the five principles of animal welfare shoppers. This data is used in applicable data primary and secondary data. Primary data collected through triangulation: participatory observation, structured interviews, and documentation. The data obtained is then compiled using the Likert scale took place applies appropriate answer (score 3), lack of appropriate (score 2), and is not appropriate (score 1). Data analysis techniques using Model Miles and Huberman. The condition of the caregiving Sumatran Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) in PKG Saree, Aceh Besar including appropriate categories (43-54) with the level of prosperity in an environment of domestication with a score is 44
Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi Vol 2, No 2 (2010): Biologi Edukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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The research about animal species of mini zoo of Jantho, Aceh Besar subdistric had been conducted from 21 to 24 January 2010. This research purpose was to investigate animal species in mini zoo of Jantho as biology learning support. Expedition was chosen as a method in this research by direct observation to the location. The result showed that there are 11 species animals consisting of eagle (Accipiter fasciatur), bintarung (Arctictis bintarung), red cat (Felis badia), landak (Hystrix brachura), honey bear (Hylarcstors malayanus), crocodile (Crocodiles porosus), rusa sambar (Cervus unicolor), mawas (Pongo abelli), beruk (Macaca nemestrina), ular sanca (Python reticulates), kukang (Nycticebus caucang). The existence of mini zoo and the animals inside could support biology learning process.