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Implementasi Sistem Pakar Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor Untuk Mendiagnosa Dini Corona Virus Desease (COVID-19) Suryana, Muhamad Fajar; Fauziah, Fauziah; Sari, Ratih Titi Komala
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v4i3.2132


Humans are facing a non-natural disaster that threatens the entire human population on Earth. Non-natural disaster is called Corona Virus Desease (COVID-19), which is a large family of viruses that can attack humans and animals that are currently a global pandemic. Humans usually cause respiratory infections, ranging from the common cold to serious illnesses such as MERS and SARS. COVID-19 itself is a new type of coronavirus found in humans and in the Wuhan area, Hubei Province, China in 2019. To assist medical staff in early detecting symptoms experienced by patients and facilitate the administration of hospital records, one of them was made an expert system that could detect this COVID-19 early with the Certainty Factor (CF) method. This expert system mimics similar symptoms experienced by COVID-19 patients and will be grouped into several patient statuses. Patients who experience serious symptoms will be grouped into Patients Under Supervision (PDP) and patients who are considered to have milder symptoms will be grouped into Insider Oversight status (ODP) while those who experience symptoms that are outside of the main symptoms will be classified into Non Suspect (NON) status . From 152 patient data inputted in this study, 114 ODP results with an average CF value of 91.38%, 36 PDP with an average CF value of 98.25% and 2 NONs with an average CF value of 40%. CF with system calculation experiments that represent patients get a CF value of 0.998848 or 99.88% to PDP. This expert system can be used to make decisions that can help medical personnel perform actions and administer better before conducting a through test in the laboratory to ensure positive or negative patients COVID-19
Penerapan Metode Forward Chaining dan Algoritma Certainty Factor Untuk Mendiagnosa Penyakit Pada Kucing Berbasis Web Mahreza, Irham Rafi; Fauziah, Fauziah; Natahsia, Novi Dian
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v6i1.3535


Cats are animals that are very popular today among people, from young people to old people who like cats. We as cat owners must also be responsible for sharing all the needs of the cats we raise. However, many activities and other matters from cat owners also sometimes do not remember to pay attention to the health condition of the cat, so that the cat is susceptible to various diseases. Of the various diseases, generally there are indications that will appear. However, to be able to identify correctly and correctly the type of disease that occurs, of course you need an expert or a veterinarian. On the other hand, the number of veterinarians available is very limited and the number of veterinary clinics is still low. Therefore, it is necessary to build a system that can help diagnose diseases in cats. The purpose of this study is to diagnose early disease in cats to make it easier for cat owners to find out what diseases their pets suffer from with this web-based expert system application. This diagnosis is designed usingmethods Forward Chaining and Certainty Factor. The method Forward Chaining is starting from a set of data that leads to a conclusion. While thealgorithm is Certainty Factor used to calculate the level of confidence from the conclusions of the method Forward Chaining, using PHP programming tools, and Sublime Text 3 and MySQL as databases. From the day of testing the application, there were 250 data with the conclusion that 27 cats (10.8%) were diagnosad with Toxoplasmosis. 79 cats (31.6%) were diagnosad with Cat Flu. 68 cats (27.2%) were diagnosad with Feline Panleukopenia, 46 cats (18.4%) were diagnosad with Cryptococcus and 30 cats (12%) were diagnosad with Feline Infectious Peritonitis.
Rancang Bangun MyAKAD Apps Berbasis Android Menggunakan Algoritma Sequential Searching Wahyu Mahatma Kurniawan; Fauziah Fauziah; Aris Gunaryati
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v4i3.2155


The existence of the digital world has given a new impact to all human activities. Not surprisingly, if now all switch to the digital world because on the one hand can make things more efficient and practical. The purpose of this study, the author wants to develop a student data administration application that will be applied at one of the universities with an Android-based platform system. Where this design is made to perfect the limitations of applications that have previously  been developed, namely the web, limitations of previous applications at the University, when users (users) access  to the online academic menu in the web application, are required to deactivate pop-ups first, that is felt to be inefficient . Based on the existing problems, the author wants to design an application that will be developed on the Android platform by using a sequential searching algorithm for each program function in the application. The system development method itself uses the Waterfall methodology. This method has stages namely: Analysis, Design, Coding and Testing Data collection techniques are obtained from the results of observations (observations) and literature studies. Database as a data storage medium is MySQL. For the PHP and Java programming languages used as an application interface, the application test results are represented in the White box testing and show a valid value of the test results amounting to 6 in the total decision shows the algorithm used is quite good and meets the standard
Prototipe Light Meter Fotografi Studio Menggunakan Mikrokontroler ATMega328 Berbasis Sensor Cahaya dan Warna Chairul Gunawan; Fauziah Fauziah; Nur Hayati
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v5i3.3043


Accuracy in calculating exposure in photographic techniques is the key to being able to produce good quality photos. The light calculation includes three elements (Triangel Exposure), namely shutter speed (shutter speed / t), ISO sensitivity, and diaphragm (aperture / f). A light meter is a tool for calculating lighting in the world of photography to accurately calculate the light falling in or around the object to be photographed. The light meter has a working principle like a lux meter calculates the value of light intensity in a place. However, on a light meter for photography, there is a calculation of a triangle exposure in it. This light meter prototype uses an ATMega328 microcontroller on the Arduino Nano V3 with the help of a TSL2561 light sensor and a TCS34725 RGB color sensor. Tests were carried out by comparing the output value using an original light meter, namely Sekonik Flashmate L-308X with the continuous light shooting method. The results of the test using the original tool with the ATMega328 microcontroller produced values above 90%.
Metode Natural Feature Tracking dan Fast Corner Detection dengan Teknik Virtual Button Pada Aplikasi Sistem Pernafasan Manusia Rifqi Naufal Senja Pratama; Fauziah Fauziah; Ratih Titi Komala Sari
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v5i3.3067


At this time the development of information and communication technology has developed very rapidly. As in smartphones, the technology contained in smartphones today has an important role for human activities. The technology that is currently being implemented on smartphones is Augmented Reality. Augmented reality can be used in all fields of human activity, one of which is in the field of education. The purpose of this research is to develop an educational media about the organs of the human respiratory system that is interactive and can be understood by users such as students. In this study, 2 methods were used, namely Fast Corner Detection and Natural Feature Tracking Methods to read a marker which would later bring up information and also use the virtual button technique in the application. In testing using 5 smartphones. The results of testing at an angle of 60o and 90o the five smartphones can detect markers. The distance test has different results from the smallest having a minimum distance of ±70 cm to a maximum distance of ±150 cm. In tests based on light intensity, the five smartphones can detect markers at light intensities above 5 lux
Deteksi Kelayuan Pada Bunga Mawar dengan Metode Transformasi Ruang Warna Hue Saturation Intensity (HSI) dan Hue Saturation Value (HSV) Dede Wandi; Fauziah Fauziah; Nur Hayati
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v5i1.2562


The rose is a plant of the genus Rosa. The rose consists of more than 100 species with various colors. In selecting and sorting roses, roses are often found that are still fresh and wilted. Based on the problems faced in roses, a system design is carried out that can detect the wilting condition of roses. By applying the HSI and HSV methods to image processing applications, it is hoped that it can help in choosing the condition of roses. With research methods through observation and literature study. To see the conditions, roses can be divided into wilted flowers and fresh flowers. In its implementation and classification, by detecting the color of roses in the HSI and HSV color space, from a total of 230 images of red and white roses that tested 200 images using HSI and HSV, the value of Range was obtained on the HSI, H = 0.240634 - 0.5, S = 0.781818 - 1, and I = 0.477124 - 1 in the Fresh category, while the HSI Wilt Category, H = 0.170495 - 0.5, S = 0.40239 - 1, I = 0.562092 - 1. and also obtained the value of Range with HSV with Fresh category H = 0.240634 - 0.5, S = 0 - 0.988235, V = 0 - 0.988235, and Wilt category H = 0.170495-0.5, S = 0 - 0.996078, V = 0 - 0.996078. With an accuracy value of the HSI and HSV of 86.9%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the detection of wilting in roses using the HSI and HSV methods is the fastest in the process using the HSI method because it reads all the min-max values.
Perancangan Sistem Keamanan Brangkas Menggunakan Pengenalan Wajah Berbasis Android Gilang Aditya Rama; Fauziah Fauziah; Nurhayati Nurhayati
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v4i3.2149


The level of security in terms of access is one of the main priorities of everyone to improve the security system that feels the need for improvement following the development of modern technology. This study discusses a security system using Android-based face recognition. The aim of this research is that the safe safety system has a better level of security than the previous system. The initial stage to build this system, the authors do the literature data collection stage as a basis for the theory and system development methods used by software designers before is the waterfall method, in general this method is divided into several stages, including: Analysis, Design, Program Code and Unit Testing. For the method used in the research of this system is the eigenfaces algorithm method for the detection of facial objects in the initial process of image training. As well as the Local Binary Patterns algorithm method and Histrogram Equalization at the stage of reading the user's face recognition image accurately which has an accuracy of face reading up to 95.56%. The results of the user's face data will be processed in Wemos D1 and the data will be sent and stored in a database. The results of data from face recognition data will be used again as user data to open the safe. The conclusion, the system can read the user's face in real time and can work well for safe security systems
Sistem Aplikasi Penilaian Jawaban Essay Test Calon Karyawan PT Siloam Hospitals TB Simatupang Menggunakan Algoritma Text Mining TF-IDF Berbasis Web Agung Daniel Sipayung; Fauziah Fauziah; Nurhayati Nurhayati
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v4i4.2202


The computer is a sophisticated technology that is widely used for now, a lot of work that used to use manual processes, has now been replaced by a computerized system, one example is the process of evaluating answers to essay tests online, the process of evaluating answers to essay tests that the authors currently use is by using the Tf-Idf text mining algorithm, which application system is a model for evaluating the essay test answers for prospective employees at PT. Siloam Hospitals TB Simatupang. The aim is to accelerate the process of evaluating essay test answers to prospective employees at PT. Siloam Hospitals TB Simatupang. In order to make the same frequency between several words in the sentence that can be used Term Frequency equation, Term Frequency is a factor that can determine word weight based on the number of word frequencies in each document, 4 sample essay questions are taken , the results can be if the prospective employee correctly solved the problem and the result or the value of the equation is 1, the value obtained by the prospective employee is 100: 4 = 25. From the results of the study that the essay test assessment system using text mining methods has worked well in the application Essay examination trials show the suitability of the assessment in the application with  the scores made by HRD with an average of 73.51%
Co-Authors - Nurhayati Abdul Aziz Abdul Aziz Adelia Putri H Adi Agungkusuma Wardana Aei Dhelwis Okdhianthy Putri Afif Maulana Agung Daniel Sipayung Agung Raihan Agus Gunaryati Agus Iskandar Ahlun Nazar Fadhullah Ahmad Fajar Ahmad Khuzaifi Albaar Rubasy Albaar Rubhasy Aldisa, Rima Tamara Aldy Cantona Alfian Cutryanto Amalia Khansa Ananda, Ridwan Ighfirlana Anang Kurniawan Andez Apriansyah Andrianingsih Andrianingsih Angga Pratama Surya Anggira Ganda Kusuma Anwar Anwar Aprilia Wandani Aris Gunaryarti Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati, Aris Arisandi, Wall Fitri Asep Nurdin Avi Khoirun Nizam aziz, mohammad zulkarnain Azizah Azizah Bayu Abrianto Risnadi Bayu Anggara Beby Avilla Ben Rahman Ben Rahman Budiarti, L Endang Budiman, Ismail Mulya Chairul Gunawan Danang Aji Pangestu Darmawan, Dika Rizki Dede Saptoadi Dede Wandi Dede Wandi Dede Wandi Dede Wandi Deny Hidayatullah Deny Hidayatullah Deny Hidayatullah Destivanesha Rina Desty Rahma Fadilla Dewi Mawarni Santika Dhimas Mulia Anugraha Dika Rizki Darmawan Dimas Dandy Aryarajendra Suprapto Dimas Dandy Aryarajendra Suprapto Dinda Audilla Djoko Wahyono Dodi Eko Prasetyo Efendi, Riyo Endah Tri Esti Handayani Endah Tri Winarsih Eri Mardiani Erwin Wicaksono Esti Handayani, Endah Tri Esti Handayani, Endah Tri Fachreza, Sodi Fachri Muhammad Fadhullah, Ahlun Nazar Fahrizal Firmansyah Fakhrul Mu'minin Fakrurrozi Fakrurrozi Fakrurrozi, Fakrurrozi Farhan Ikhsan Maulidan Fefi Hades Tawarai Feri Setiawan Feri Susanto Fhizyel Nazareta Fikry Ramadhana Fitri, Iskandar Fitriana Fitriana Frenda Farahdinna Frenda Farahdinna Furqaansyah, Yoga Galuh Prakoso Gilang Aditya Rama Gita Ayu Andhiani Wulandari Gunaryarti, Aris Gunaryati, Agus Gusniarti Handayani, Endah Tri Esti Handoko, Suhandio Hanni Oktaviana Harmein Pane Harun Al Jafar Haryono, Siswoyo Ilham Rizaldy Imam Pambudi Utomo Ina Agustina Ina Agustina Ina Agustina Ina Agustina Ina Agustina Ina Agustina Ira Diana Sholihati Ira Diana Sholihati Ira Diana Sholihati Ira Diana Solihati Iskandar Fitri Iskandar Fitri Iskandar Fitri Iskandar Fitri Iskandar Fitri Iskandar Fitri, Iskandar Ismail Junaed Ivan Setiawan Jumari Jumari Jumari Jumari, Jumari Junius Pratama K Kaeren Khansa, Amalia Khuzaifi, Ahmad Komala Sari, Ratih Titi Komala Sari, Ratih Titi Kusumanagara, Tasha Fitria L. Endang Budiarti, L. Endang Ladika, Anwar Wali Laelatul Fauziah Laurensius Oliver J.S Lui Haekal Fasha M. Gufroni Mahreza, Irham Rafi Malik Abdul Aziz Sujudi Mochammad Januar Finandi Mohamad Farhan Kantami Mohammad Iwan Wahyuddin Muhamad Iqbal Wasta Purnama Muhamad Rayhan Akbar Muhamad Sopiyan Muhamad Sopiyan Muhammad Fadel Sasongko Muhammad Furqon Sjofjan Muhammad Khairul Muhammad Khairul Muhammad Nurdin Muhammad Nurdin Muhammad Raditya Muhammad Rafiq Zayana Muhammad Rafli Muhammad Syaifudin MUHAMMAD YUSUF Mustakim, Feri N Nurhayati N Nurhayati Nabila Cahyani Nadhira Trisa Pradipta Nahdia Asri Umami Natahsia, Novi Dian Natashia, Novi Dian Novi Amalia Novi Dian Natashia Novi Dian Natashia Novi Dian Natasia Novi Dian Nathasia Novi Dian Nathasia Novi Dian Nathasia Novi Dian Nathasia Nur Aprilia Nur Arifin Nur Hayati Nur Hayati Nur Hayati Nur Hayati Nur Hayati Nur Hayati Nur Widya Pratiwi Nurasiah*, Nurasiah Nurhafni Rahayu Nurhayati - Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurholis Nurholis Nurholis Nurholis, Nurholis Pangestu, Danang Aji Parlambang, Bagas Pramardika, Dhito Dwi Prianto, Deki Puji Hari Santoso Purnama, Ari Putriana Mayang Sari R Rafli Radithya Pramuditha Yenadi Raditya, Muhammad Raditya, Muhammad Maheswara Radityatama, Mohamad Dimas Raka Adji Setiawan Rani Handayani Ratih Titi Komala Sari Ratih Titi Komala Sari Ratih Titi Komala Sari Ratih Titi Komala Sari Ratih Titi Komala Sari Ratih Titi Komala Sari, Ratih Titi Komala Ratih Titi Komalasari Ratih Titi Kumalasari Rena Cahya Hutama Ridwan Ahmad Ma'arif Ridwan Ahmad Ma'arif Ridwan Ahmad Ma'arif Rifqi Ananda Rifqi Naufal Senja Pratama Rima Tamara Aldisa Rima Tamara Aldisa Rima Tamara Aldisa Rini Nuraini Rini Rini Risnadi, Bayu Abrianto Riyan Wahyu Nur Hidayah Riyo Efendi Rizki Akbar Mahdafiki Rizki Pebrian Rizky Ramadhan Rizky Ramadhan, Rizky Sari Dwiyanti Tutik Sari Ningsih Sari, Putriana Mayang Septi Andryana Setiawan, Raka Adji Sholihati, Ira Diana Siti Nur Aini Sodi Fachreza Solly Aryza Sopiyan, Muhamad Sri Handayani Sri Intan Maharani Sujudi, Malik Abdul Aziz Suprapto, Dimas Dandy Aryarajendra Surya Wijaya Surya, Angga Pratama Suryana, Muhamad Fajar Syahbani Farhan Syamila, Zahra Wafda Syifa Faradilla Fabrianne Tasha Fitria Kusumanagara Tita Noviani Tri Ichsan Saputra Tri Ichsan Saputra Trinugi Wira Harjanti Trisni Susiyanti Ucuk Darusalam Ucup Maulana Upi Resti Wahyuni Vicki Irvan Maulana Wa'asaro Telaumbanua Wahyu Mahatma Kurniawan Wahyu Suratman Wahyuddin, Mohammad Iwan Wandi, Dede Wardana, Adi Agungkusuma Wicaksono, Erwin Wildan Alfy Syahry Winarsih Winarsih Winarsih Winarsih Winarsih, Endah Tri Yanti Saraswati Yayan Heryanto Yedizha Afif Farhani Yoga Furqaansyah Yohana Mastarida Manurung Yosua Jonathan Taringan Yunan Fauzi Wijaya Zahra Wafda Syamila Zayana, Muhammad Rafiq Zumratul Meini