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Journal : Agrointek

KAJIAN TEKANAN PADA ISOLASI BEBERAPA SENYAWA MINYAK NILAM (Pogostemon cablin Benth) DENGAN METODE DISTILASI FRAKSINASI Zahrah Eza Arpima; Sarifah Nurjanah; Asri Widyasanti; Bambang Nurhadi; Tita Rialita; Elazmanawati Lembong
AGROINTEK Vol 14, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Agroindustrial Technology, University of Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/agrointek.v14i2.6318


In the fractional distillation process, the pressure that used is one of the important factors determining the operating conditions to obtain optimal product. This research aims to determine the effect of pressure on the fractinal distillation process of patchouli oil. The research method that used in this research was an experimental method with descriptive analysis. This research was conducted with three treatments that is different pressure treatments and repeated twice. The pressure treatments that used in the fractional distillation process are A = 5 mmHg, B = 10 mmHg, and C = 15 mmHg and arranged to produce five (5) fractions of each treatment. The parameters that measured including the yield of fractional distillation, distillation process time, specific gravity, and refractive index. The lower the pressure used in the distillation process, the greater the yield and the faster the distillation process time. The results of this research indicate that the variation of pressure that used does not have a significant effect on the characteristics of patchouli oil such as specific gravity and refractive index. The application of 5 mmHg pressure is good enough to separate the distillate yield into 5 fractions and is more efficient because it obtains the highest total yield of 93.5% with a distillation process time of 18.16 hours.
AGROINTEK Vol 14, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Agroindustrial Technology, University of Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/agrointek.v14i2.6331


The needed for tomatoes was not comparable with the abundant of production, so tomato prices at the farm level were low. Tomato processing was needed to maintained and increased the selling value of tomatoes, it can be processed into tomato pulp powder. Tomato powder can be made by foam-mat drying method and to shortened the drying time can be done by using microwave oven. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the drying power used on physicochemical properties of tomato pulp powder and drying rate of foam-mat drying with microwave oven. This study conducted with laboratory experimental method with descriptive analysis. Three repetitions consisted of three treatments based on drying power used (30%, 50% and 70%). The observed parameters were total yield value, color, drying rate, drying efficiency and physicochemical properties such as color, foam density, bulk density, moisture content, ash content, water absorption index, and vitamin C content. The results showed that the average moisture content of tomato pulp was 91.73% (w.b.) and foamed tomato pulp was 90.86% (w.b.). The value of water content of tomato pulp powder ranges from 9.18% (w.b.) to 12.50% (w.b.). In this study, the best results were found in tomato pulp powder with 70% drying power without addition foaming treatment with total yield of 0.58%; 4.26 g/min drying rate; 5.86%; foam density 1 g/cm3; bulk density 0.65 g/cm3; moisture content; 9.18%; ash content 6.43%; water absorption index 19.68%; vitamin C content 154.87 mg/100g and drying efficiency was 48.27%. All of drying power used with and without foaming treatment were resulting yellow-red chromatic colour characteristic.
PENGARUH PROSES CRISPING PADA KUALITAS KESEGARAN TESPONG (Oenanthe javanica D. C) SELAMA MASA PENYIMPANAN Muhammad Gilang Ramadhan; Sudaryanto Zain; Sarifah Nurjanah; Abdullah Md Zain; Roshita Ibrahim; Asri Widyasanti
AGROINTEK Vol 17, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Agroindustrial Technology, University of Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/agrointek.v17i2.13192


Water loss by transpiration causes withering in tespong (water celeries). Crisping can be considered to maintain the availability of water in tespong. The crisping is a process of diffusing water into vegetables through a soaking process by employing the mechanism of opening and closing of stomata and other natural openings which is influenced by surrounding temperature. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of temperature and soaking time on the crisping process in maintaining the freshness quality of tespong. Tespong samples were immersed at 30°C and 40°C soaking temperatures for 3, 5, 7, and 10 minutes of soaking time, followed by a cooling process in cold storage at 5±2 °C for 16 hours before being stored in a chiller at 8±2°C for 4 days. Tespong’s weight loss, moisture content, color, and texture were observed during the storage time. As a control treatment, 2 groups of tespong were prepared. Control 1 was placed directly in a chiller with a temperature of 5±2°C whereas control 2 was in a laboratory room. The results showed that crisping treatment with 30°C soaking temperatures and 3 minutes soaking time gave better results in maintaining tespong’s freshness where weight loss, moisture content, L, a*, b*, and texture were -5.67%, 89.36%, 52.40, -14.54, 23.84, and 388.44 g/d, respectively.
Co-Authors Abdullah Md Zain Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata Agil Firhan Iskandar Agnes Klarasitadewi Ahmad Thoriq Anas Bunyamin Arinda Nur Ariva Asri Widyasant Asri Widyasanti Asri Widyasanti Asri Widyasanti Atiek Rostika Noviyanti Bambang Nurhadi Bambang Nurhadi Boy Macklin Pareira Prawiranegara Budhi Indrawan David S. Marpaung Dedy Prijatna Dina Aprilia Dwi Merita Rosi Dwita Putri Andina E Gumbira-Sa’id - Efri Mardawati Eki Dwiyan Saputra Elazmanawati Lembong Ema Komalasari Etty Riani Fany Trihapsoro Farah Nuranjani Fathia Salsabila Emmaputri Galih Adhi Respati Gumbira-Sa'id, E Handarto Haryono Haryono Haryono Haryono Huda Nurul Quddus Ibrahim A. I. Ifmalinda Ilham Fajri Imas Siti Setiasih Indira Lanti Kayaputri Intan Aprilia Irene June Sidabutar Isni Nurfauziah Isti Sulistiani Jeremia Kristian Khaswar Syamsu Khaswar Syamsu - Lita Fitriyani Khairunisa M. Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata Maya Damayanti Mimin Muhaemin Mimin Muhaemin Mochammad Rizal Muhammad Gilang Ramadhan Muhammad Rizky Ramanda Muhammad Saukat Nadyah Rachma Dewi Nedia Cahyati Muchtarina Nedia Cahyati Muchtarina Novia Dwi Anggraeni Nur Alifa Septianti Nur Oktavia Benedicta Nurpilihan Bafdal Nurul Ainina Prisilia Ratna Setyaningrum Puji Lestari Qurratu’ain, Yona Rahmi Rahmawati Reza Permana Aji Rifki Amrullah Rizika Wulandari Rizky Mulya Sampurno Rizky Mulya Sampurno Rizky Mulya Sampurno Rizqi Putri Fathoni Roshita Ibrahim Rudi Adi Saputra S Rosalinda S. Rosalinda S. Rosalinda Salman Hafidz Sarinarulita Rosalinda Selly Harnesa Putri Shayana Junita Sudaryanto Zain Sudaryanto Zain Sudaryanto Zain Sudaryanto Zain Suprihatin - Suprihatin Suprihatin Tio Febriananda Tita Rialita Tita Rialita Tita Rialita Totok Herwanto Totok Pujianto Totok Pujiyanto Wahyu Daradjat Wahyu Kristian Sugandi Yati B Yuliyati Yona Qurratu’ain Zahrah Eza Arpima Zhaqqu Ilham Alhafidz Zulfaa Irbah Zain