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Development of STEM-Based Learning Videos on Escherichia coli Bacteria Ino Angga Putra; Layyinatul Luyunah; Ospa Pea Yuanita Meishanti
APPLICATION: Applied science in Learning Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): February
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32764/application.v1i3.1827


The purpose of this study was to determine the design and feasibility of STEM-based learning videos with the topic of identifying Escherichia coli bacteria in well water. This type of research is research & development with a 4D development model. but this research focuses on 3 stages, namely define, design, and development. The research subjects were students of the 6th semester of Biology Education Study Program with a total of 7-10 students as respondents. The validation test uses 3 validators who validate the material and media. The data collection instrument used a validation questionnaire and a student response questionnaire. The results of the data obtained indicate that the STEM-based learning video product related to Escherichia coli bacteria in well water is in the "Eligible" category with a percentage of material elements of 72% and media elements of 78%. For student responses, it shows the enthusiasm of students to use this product for learning media with a percentage of 80.5%. This product is expected to be used in learning activities to see the effectiveness of the product on student learning outcomes. This learning video product can be used as a variety of learning resources.
Augmented Reality Pada Metamorfosis Lebah (APIS SP.) Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Ospa Pea Yuanita Meishanti; Zaidatur Roziqo
SAINTEKBU Vol. 13 No. 01 (2021): Volume 13 No. 01 Januari 2021
Publisher : KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1389.22 KB) | DOI: 10.32764/saintekbu.v13i01.1077


Augmented Reality is actually not something foreign to the general public, it's just that they don't know what Augmented Reality itself means, Augmented Reality cards can generally be found in some snacks, which the cards can be scanned through a special application available on the Playstore. However, currently researchers are making Augmented Reality for learning, in this case researchers are using bee metamorphosis, so learning becomes more interesting. This study aims to describe the feasibility of Augmented Reality media for bee metamorphosis and to determine student responses to the attractiveness of Augmented Reality media for bee metamorphosis. The development model used is the ADDIE model which includes: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. Products are validated by one media expert and one material expert. The attractiveness test was carried out on 5 students of MTs Al-Ihsan Kalijaring Jombang. Data obtained from media experts, namely 80% with proper qualifications, criteria from material experts, namely 88% with very decent qualifications, while from the data students get a score of 88.75% with qualifications strongly attractiveness. The results of the assessment of media experts, material experts and student responses show that the bee metamorphosis Augmented Reality can be used as a learning media.
Jurnal Akrab Juara Vol 3 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Yayasan Akrab Pekanbaru

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Tuntunan zaman yang cepat dan canggih memberikan dampak berbagai bidang terutama pendidikan sebagai pondasi awal suatu ekosistem pendidikan. Hal tersebut dapat dicegah melalui pendidikan keluarga, sekolah, lingkungan. Satu upaya pelibatan aktor pendidikan guru, orang tua, siswa dalam System Three Way Traffic Communication untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar terutama siswa sekolah dasar. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui pengaruh System Three Way Traffic Communication terhadap keterampilan proses siswa. Metode kuantitatif One Group Pratest-Postest Design menggunakan 10 sekolah, hasil penelitian: hasil belajar rata-rata pretest beberapa sekolah di bawah 70, keseluruhan rata-rata postest memuaskan rata-rata diatas 75, efektivitas perlakuan indeks sensitivitas 8 soal indeks sensitivitasnya sedang, 2 soal indeks sensitivitas tinggi, hasil angket respon guru, orang tua dan peserta didik dengan hasil sangat baik. Dari penelitian menunjukkan adanya pelibatan aktor pendidikan dalam peningkatan hasil belajar, tersusunnya buku ajar, dapat dijadikan penelitian lanjutan bentuk pengembangan berlanjut. Kata Kunci: Aktor Pendidikan, System Three Way Traffic Communication, hasil belajar Peserta Didik, Sekolah Dasar
Pemberdayaan Mading Santri 3 Dimensi Berkolaborasi dengan Ikatan Penulis Muda (IPM) Ospa Pea Yuanita Meishanti; Ramadania Fitri Rawinda; Shofwatul Muflihat
Jumat Informatika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Santriwati Pondok Pesantren Assaidiyyah 1 Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas, Jombang Regency has a little problem in experiencing extracurricular development, more precisely in IPM extracurricular activities. There are several obstacles / obstacles in the progress of these extra-curricular activities. In accordance with the demands of the millennial era, it is demanded to be creative and innovative in developing, but there is still much that needs to be improved, one of which is the interest of students and also the skills of the teachers who teach the extracurricular activities. Efforts to support the extra / progress of these students can be in a way or method they like, by studying or thinking in an open space so that their minds can imagine anywhere they like, for learning is now more student centered orientation. The long-term plan of community service activities in the KKN-PPM scheme is through developing and enhancing the skills of students or the millennial generation of Islamic boarding schools in increasing an interest in writing and working talents through 3-dimensional wall magazine activities and young writers' ties. Through this activity it is hoped that all Millennial generation students are more skilled and professional in creating an interest in writing and working talent because we are the younger generations who will be the pride of a nation.
Pemberdayaan Green House Enviromental Literacy Desa Kayen Ospa Pea Yuanita Meishanti; Dwi Cahyanto; Ahmad Saiful Arifin; Anton Muhibuddin; Nurul Aini
Jumat Pertanian: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Pentingnya kesadaran lingkungan sejak dini sangatlah penting agar dapat menumbuhkan kepekaan dan tanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi di Desa Kayen yaitu kurang maksimalnya penggunaan green house di desa Kayen, dan pentingnya Enviromental Literacy bagi para remaja sehingga dalam pengabdian ini ingin Peningkatan keterampilan menggunakan media berupa modul Pemberdayaan Green House Enviromental Literacy Di Desa Kayen. Pengabdian masyarakat ini di laksanakan dengan metode pemaparan rencana pengabdian, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan program pegabdian masyarakat.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer pada Pemuda Karang Taruna Desa Mojokambang Kabupaten Jombang Iin Baroroh Ma'arif; Ospa Pea Yuanita Meishanti; Siti Aminatuz Zuhria; Anisa Anisa
Jumat Pertanian: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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The activity is in the form of training in making hand sanitizers for youth organizations in Mojokambang village, Jombang district. This activity aims to increase public understanding about making hand sanitizers independently which is easy and inexpensive. This activity was followed by 25 participants and held for 3 days starting 26-28 October 2020 at balaidesa Mojokambang. The methods used in this activity are socialization, discussion and training / practice. The results of this activity are expected to be able to assist the community in increasing awareness in protecting themselves and the environment against the spread of the Covid 19 virus by making hand sanitizers independently that are easy and inexpensive. Keywords: Training, Hand Sanitizer, YouthOrganization.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Vertikultur dengan Memanfaatkan Limbah Plastik pada Lahan Pekarangan Muhammad Farid Nasrulloh; Ospa Pea Yuanita Meishanti; Mochamad Syafiuddin Shobirin; Siti Khoirun Naazilah; Rissalatul Illiyin; Wisnu Siwi Satiti
Jumat Pertanian: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 3 (2021): Desember
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Yard land for plant cultivation is an action in improving people's welfare. The yard of the house is generally not too wide so that if it is used as a land for plant cultivation, it will be more efficient, so there is a need for cultivation innovations that can be carried out in an easy, practical way to maintain and can streamline a narrow yard. Based on the results of the analysis, the problems that need to be resolved related to the planned community service activities are as follows: (1) lack of public knowledge about the use of yard land for food crops using verticulture technology based on plastic waste, (2) lack of public awareness to manage plastic waste, (3) the community, especially housewives, have not made optimal use of their home yards for plants that can be used as daily food needs, (4) the community's lack of interest in creating a clean environment, aesthetic value, and economic value. The method used is socialization which aims to increase public knowledge in utilizing the yard of the house with verticulture techniques. This community service activity in the form of socialization has provided benefits to participants, the perceived benefit is the increase in the level of knowledge of PKK mothers and also IPNU-IPPNU youth about vegetable cultivation techniques with verticulture techniques. This activity was considered quite successful in increasing the skills of the participants.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer dari Bahan Dapur pada Masyarakat Desa Gabusbanaran Muhammad Farid Nasrulloh; Ospa Pea Yuanita Meishanti; Ailam Oktadawiyah Alfaniah; Yusrotul Maghfiroh; Wisnu Siwi Satiti; Ino Angga Putra
Jumat Pertanian: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 1 (2022): April
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32764/abdimasper.v3i1.2244


Hand sanitizer is one of the antiseptic ingredients in the form of a gel that is often used by many people as a practical hand washing medium. Hand sanitizer can be used anytime and anywhere, for example after handling money, before eating, after using the toilet and after taking out the trash. Partner problems in this activity are (1) partners do not know about the importance of preventing the spread of the Corona Virus (Covid-19) and implementing health protocols. (2) partners do not yet know the benefits and use values ​​of betel leaf plants, kaffir lime leaves, lime juice and lemongrass stalks as natural hand sanitizers. (3) lack of knowledge and skills of partners regarding the manufacture of this natural hand sanitizer. The purpose of this activity is as follows (1) to educate the public about the importance of preventing the spread of the Corona Virus (Covid-19) and implementing health protocols. (2) to increase the use value of betel leaf plants, kaffir lime leaves, lime juice and lemongrass stalks as natural hand sanitizers. (3) to improve the knowledge and skills of the community as well as to improve the community's economy during the pandemic. This service uses the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach. The ABCD approach is an approach that leads to an independent and maximum understanding and internalization of assets, strengths, potential, and utilization. The conclusion obtained from this service activity is that there is an increase in the knowledge and skills of the Gabusbanaran Village community about how to make hand sanitizers from natural ingredients so that they can reduce additional costs for purchasing hand sanitizer products themselves in tackling the spread of Covid-19.
Pelatihan Berbahasa Arab Melalui Keterampilan Berbicara (Maharah al-kalam) Metode Muhadatsah menggunakan Pocket Book Ospa Pea Yuanita Meishanti; Rina Dian Rahmawati; Nafingah Nafingah
Jumat Pendidikan: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UNWAHA

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Anak-anak di SDN Kayen 1 dalam pembelajarannya yang mengacu pada kurikulum 2013 belum ada pelajaran bahasa Arab, akan tetapi disana ada pembelajaran Diniyah yang mencakup bahasa Arab didalamnya. Dengan adanya kurikulum 2013, yang memiliki kebijakan baru dari bapak menteri Kemendikbud tentang pembelajaran dari rumah dikarenakan adanya pandemi virus Covid-19 yang menyebar diseluruh dunia, hingga saat ini memaksa para pendidik harus patuh terhadap kebijakan pemerintah. Sehingga dalam pengabdian ini dengan mempelajari bahasa Arab Melalui Keterampilan Berbicara (Maharah al-kalam) Metode Muhadatsah dengan Menggunakan Pocket Book metode yang digunakan pada pembelajaran bahasa Arab ini adalah observasi, wawancara, sosialisasi dan pelatihan dengan pendekatan humanistic dan pendekatan berbasis media yaitu berupa pocket book (buku saku). Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini bulan Oktober-November 2020 dengan hasil pengabdian yaitu adanya peningkatan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab melalui Keterampilan Berbicara (Maharah al-kalam) Metode Muhadatsah dengan Menggunakan Pocket Book dilihat dari hasil nilai pretest dan postest.
Program Penguatan Pembelajaran Bagi Santri di Madrasah Aliyah Al-I’dadiyyah melalui Bimbingan Belajar Intensif Ospa Pea Yuanita Meishanti; Muhammad Farid Nasrulloh; Ino Angga Putra; Amalia Restu Aninda
Jumat Pendidikan: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UNWAHA

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Pembelajaran matematika sesuai dengan Kurikulum 2013 menuntut agar pembelajaran menjadi lebih aktif dan mengarah pada student center learning (SCL) melalui model Discovery Learning. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini antara lain: a) meningkatkan cara berfikir siswa tentang matematika dan b) membangkitkan semangat siswa agar menyukai pelajaran matematika ini. Mitra pengabdian adalah para santri di Madrasah Aliyah Al-I’dadiyyah Pondok Pesantren Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas Jombang. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 21-27 Oktober 2020. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dibantu oleh 2 orang mahasiswa untuk mengkoordinir peserta pada kegiatan sosialisasi. Hasil kegiatan dari penguatan pembelajaran melalui bimbingan belajar intensif diperoleh bahwa 90% peserta menyatakan kegiatan ini memberikan manfaat yang sangat baik untuk mendukung proses belajar pada materi matematika di Madrasah Aliyah Al-I’dadiyyah. Hasil observasi kepuasan bahwa kegiatan ini memberikan manfaat yang lebih serta menambah wawasan siswa (santri) dalam proses pembelajaran. Selain itu, hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kemampuan siswa dalam memahami materi pembelajaran pada kategori baik dengan skor 3,5. Kemampuan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal latihan juga menunjukkan pada kategori yang baik dengan skor 3,5. Hal yang perlu dilakukan adalah agar keterampilan guru dalam mengelola kelas melalui pembelajaran yang kreatif dan inovatif dengan memvariasi metode pembelajaran dengan tema atau basis yang berbeda dengan menyesuaikan kurikulum yang berlaku.