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Konseling Cinematherapy tentang Kecemasan Sosial di SMK Negeri 2 Semarang Rubi Rimonda; Onetusfifsi Putra; Eva Flourentina Kusumawardani; Meutia Paradhiba; Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan; Mardi Fadillah; Firman Firdauz Saputra
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 03 (2022): September
Publisher : PT.Mantaya Idea Batara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53690/ipm.v2i05.161


Social anxiety is a problem that many students encounter; this can have an impact on hampering optimal academic or social development for them at school. Students with social anxiety will have problems forming or maintaining friendships, avoid going into group situations, and be socially isolated or bullied, and this causes them to avoid certain schools or classes. Although not all individuals who experience social anxiety consistently avoid social evaluative situations, most report an inability to interact in social gatherings. Social anxiety problems will interfere with individual activities and lives if not addressed immediately, so counseling is essential. This service is carried out at SMK Negeri 2 Semarang City. The devotion method uses cinematherapy techniques. The service results show the counselee's enthusiasm to participate in the counseling session from beginning to end. Counselees learn to dare to ask questions, discuss in groups, and try to apply the examples they get in the cinematherapy technique.
Pendampingan Remaja SMKN 5 Surabaya Terhadap Bahaya Penyalahgunaan NAPZA dan HIV/Aids Eva Flourentina Kusumawardani; Rubi Rimonda; Meutia Paradhiba; Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan; Firman Firdauz Saputra; Mardi Fadillah; Onetusfifsi Putra
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 03 (2022): September
Publisher : PT.Mantaya Idea Batara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53690/ipm.v2i05.163


Adolescence is a period of transition and experiencing rapid development ranging from physical, psychological and intellectual organs so that it requires good and supportive assistance to properly recognize these changes. Management of psicology which is emotions in adolescents who are not directed will cause adolescents to enter into risky behavior including drug abuse and risky sexual behavior. Increasing awareness of adolescents about the dangers of drug abuse, health problems caused by drug abuse and risky sexual behavior that causes sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV and Aids through peer educators was urgently needed by adolescents. The target of the service was the youth of Civil Vocational High School (SMKN) 5 Surabaya and in its implementation it worked with the youth community who are members of the SCARFS (School and Communities Caring for HIV & AIDS) community 30 people. The methods used in this service activity were lectures / counseling, discussions, questions and answers  (QnA) and evaluations using pre and post test questionnaires. The results of the service activities carried out received good enthusiasm from the participants. The enthusiasm of the participants was during the case discussion session, participants asked an average of 4 questions to the facilitator and there was an increase in knowledge about drugs and HIV/Aids.
Penggunaan Gadget dan Keluhan Kelelahan Mata Pada Mahasiswa di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Buenita Sinurat; Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan; Putranto Manalu; Hartono Hartono; Gunarto Sinaga
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : LPPM Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol8.Iss2.1188


The increasing intensity of gadget use in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic impacts increasing eye fatigue complaints in students. This study analyzes the relationship between gadget use and eye fatigue complaints in college students during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study is a quantitative study using a cross-sectional design involving a sample of 171 students of the Public Health Study Program of the University of Prima Indonesia. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with inclusion criteria, namely, students in semester 2 to semester 8. The data were analyzed using the Chi-Square test and multiple logistic regression tests. The results of statistical tests using the Chi-Square test showed that a history of eye disease (0.000), the type of gadget used (0.000), the position of using the gadget (0.020), the distance of using the gadget (0.000), and the duration of using the gadget (0.000) were associated with complaints of fatigue. eye. Age (0.325) and gender (0.973) had no significant effect. This study concludes that a history of eye disease, more than 1 type of gadget use, long-term use of gadgets, poor body position, and too close a distance are triggers for eye fatigue complaints. The most dominant factor in this study was the use of more than 1 type of gadget (p= 0.001; PR= 0.098, 95%CI = 0.025 – 0.381). To reduce the negative effects of using gadgets for a long time, students are expected to rest regularly and adjust the position and distance of the gadget screen.
Faktor- Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Minat Wanita Usia Subur dalam Penggunaan Alat Kontrasepsi dalam Rahim di Puskesmas Kuala Bhee Kecamatan Woyla Kabupaten Aceh Barat Tahun 2022 Meutia Paradhiba; Eva Flourentina Kusumawardani; Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan; Firman Firdauz Saputra; Mardi Fadillah; Rubi Rimonda
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v8i2.2515


Menurut BKKBN, KB aktif di antara PUS tahun 2019 sebesar 62,5%, mengalami penurunan dari tahun sebelumnya yaitu sebesar 63,27%. Sementara target RPJMN yang ingin dicapai tahun 2019 sebesar 66%. Berdasarkan wawancara, data yang peneliti peroleh dari 10 ibu di puskesmas Kuala Bhee, 3 diantaranya mengatakan  tidak mengetahui dengan baik apa itu IUD keuntungan dan kerugiannya, 3 orang kurangnya dukungan suami dengan alasan karna mengganggu hubungan suami istri, dan 2 orang mengatakan karna baru sekali melahirkan atau baru memiliki satu anak, 2 orang lagi mengatakan agama tidak memperbolehkan menggunakan kontrasepsi, dikarenakan keluarga berencana dianggap menolak rezeki yang diberikan ( anak ). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor faktor yang berhubungan dengan minat wanita usia subur dalam penggunaan alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kuala Bhee Kecamatan Woyla Kabupaten Aceh Barat Tahun 2022. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat observasional analitik atau survei analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, bersifat kuantitatif, sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 96 wanita usia subur, tehnik pengambilan sampel adalah dengan menggunakan rumus slovin dan cara pengumpulan data dengan membagikan kuisioner, Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal 16 s/d 22 September 2022. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan wanita usia subur berada pada kategori cukup sebanyak 16 (21,6%) dengan hasil P value 0,502 >0,05,  paritas berada pada kategori tidak beresiko sebanyak 30 (81,1%) dengan hasil P value 0,341 >0,05, sikap berada pada kategori negatif sebanyak 20 (54,0%) dengan hasil P value 0,200 >0,05, dukungan suami pada kategori positif sebanyak 23 (62,2%) dengan hasil P value 0,000 <0,05, peran petugas kesehatan berada pada kategori negatif sebanyak 19 (51,3%) dengan hasil P value 0,390 >0,05. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan yang berhubungan adalah dukungan suami, sedangkan yang tidak berhungan adalah pengetahuan, paritas, sikap, peran petugas kesehatan. Diharapkan sebagai bahan masukan pada petugas kesehatan agar dilibatkan suami dalam memberikan konseling tentang alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim.Kata Kunci : Minat, Pengetahuan, Paritas, Sikap, Dukungan suami, Peran petugas kesehatan.According to the BKKBN, active family planning among PUS in 2019 amounted to 62.5%, a decrease from the previous year of 63.27%. Meanwhile, the RPJMN target to be achieved in 2019 is 66%. Based on the interviews, the data that the researcher obtained from 10 mothers at the Kuala Bhee health center, 3 of them could not speak properly about the advantages and disadvantages of an IUD, 3 people who supported the relationship on the grounds that it disturbed the relationship of the spouse, and 2 people who spoke because it was a new time. gave birth or just had one child, 2 more people said religion does not allow using contraception, because family planning rejects the provision given (children). This study aims to determine the factors related to the interest of women of childbearing age in using intrauterine contraceptives in the working area of the Kuala Bhee Public Health Center, Woyla District, West Aceh Regency, 2022. This type of research is observational analytic or analytic survey with cross sectional approach, quantitative in nature, the sample in this study was 96 women of childbearing age, the sampling technique was using the Slovin formula and the way of collecting data was by distributing questionnaires. This research was conducted on the 16th / d 22 September 2022. Results showed that the knowledge of women of childbearing age was in the sufficient category as much as 16 (21.6%) with a P value of 0.502> 0.05, parity was in the category of not at risk as much as 30 (81.1%) with a P value of 0.341. > 0.05, the attitude was in the negative category as much as 20 (54.0%) with a P value of 0.200> 0.05, husband's support in the positive category was 23 (62.2%) with a P value of 0.000 <0.05 , the role of health workers was in the negative category as many as 19 (51.3%) with a P value of 0.390> 0.05.  The results showed that what was related was husband's support, while what was not related was knowledge, parity, attitudes, and the role of health workers. It is hoped that as input for health workers, husbands will involve them in providing counseling about intrauterine contraceptives.Keywords: interests, knowledge, parity, attitudes, support from husbands, roles of health workers.
Hubungan Faktor Sosiodemografi dan Tingkat Konsumsi Suplement Multivitamin Pada Mahasiswa di Kabupaten Sumenep Firman Firdaus Saputra; Eva Flourentina Kusumawardani; Mardi Fadillah; Meutia Paradhiba; Onetusfifsi Putra; Rubi Rimonda; Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan; Lukman Nurhakim; Nasrianti Syam
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v8i2.2562


Pandemi Covid-terjadi diseluruh dunia. Salah satu populasi yang memiliki risiko tinggi adalah remaja. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah paparan Covid-19 adalah dengan mengkonsumsi supplement multivitamin. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor sosio demografi dan konsumsi supplement multivitamin pada mahasiswa di Kabupaten Sumenep. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan google form dengan total responden yang mengisi kuesioner sebanyak 300 orang. Variable dependent yaitu konsumsi supplement multivitamin. Variable independent yaitu faktor sosio demografi (usia, jenis kelamin, Pendidikan terakhir orang tua, penghasilan bulanan keluarga, pekerjaan orang tua, lokasi tempat tinggal, sumber informasi). Data dianalisis menggunakan regresi logistic sederhana dan regresi logistic berganda. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan konsumsi supplement multivitamin yaitu usia (α 0.000; aOR 1.341), pekerjaan orang tua (α 0.100; aOR 0.729), Pendapatan bulanan keluarga (α 0.001; aOR 3.103) dan sumber informasi yang digunakan remaja untuk mencari informasi mengenai supplement multivitamin (α 0.009; aOR 2.585). Selama pandemic Covid-19 pemerintah perlu menjaga stabilitas harga dan menjaga stock multivitamin agar selalu tersedia dan dapat dijangkau oleh semua kalangan masyarakat, hal ini karena selama pandemic Covid-19 berlangsung ekonomi masyarakat mengalami dampak yang cukup buruk sehingga menurunkan daya beli masyarakat termasuk remaja.Kata Kunci : Remaja, Sosiodemografi, Konsumsi, Suplement, Covid-19The pandemic of COVID-19 is happening all over the world. One population that has a high risk is teenagers. One of the efforts that can prevent exposure to Covid-19 is taking multivitamin supplements. This study determined the relationship between sociodemographic factors and consumption of multivitamin supplements in students in the Sumenep Regency. This study used a quantitative method with a cross-sectional approach. Data was collected using a google form with 300 respondents who filled out the questionnaire. The dependent variable was the consumption of multivitamin supplements. The independent variables were sociodemographic factors (age, gender, parents' last education, family monthly income, parents' occupations, location of residence, and sources of information). Data were analyzed using simple logistic regression and multiple logistic regression. Factors related to the consumption of multivitamin supplements were age (α 0.000; aOR 1.341), parents' occupation (α 0.100; aOR 0.729), and family monthly income (α 0.001; aOR 3.103), and sources of information used by adolescents to seek information about multivitamin supplements. (α 0.009; aOR 2.585). During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government needs to maintain price stability and maintain a stock of multivitamins so that they are always available and accessible to all people; this is because, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the community's economy has had a bad enough impact, reducing people's purchasing power, including teenagers.Keywords: teenagers, sociodemographic, consumption, supplement, Covid-19
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kecelakaan Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Inti Mitra Sawit Lestari Kecamatan Besitang Kabupaten Langkat Risya Yoela Sinaga; Santy Deasy Siregar; Andry Simanullang; Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan; Meutia Paradhiba; Rubi Rimonda
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v8i2.2387


Sektor manufaktur adalah sebuah sektor yang jumlah kecelakaan kerjanya terbilang tinggi. Dimana yang diteliti ini memiliki tujuan agar bisa melakukan analisis terhadap faktor perilaku dan faktor lingkungan kerja yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor perilaku dan faktor lingkungan kerja yang mempengaruhi kecelakaan kerja karyawan dan menghindari kecelakaan kerja pada PT. Inti Mitra Sawit Lestari Kecamatan Besitang Kabupaten Langkat. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian yang memiliki sifat secara analitik observasional, dimana pendekatannya adalah desain cross sectional study. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 66 responden menunjukan bahwa dari 39 orang pekerja yang mempunyai perilaku pekerja beresiko. Menurut hasil uji Exact Fisher, nilai p value adalah 0,000 bisa diberikan simpulan jika ada kaitan antara perilaku pekerja dengan kejadian kecelakaan kerja.Kata kunci: Kecelakaan kerja, perilaku, lingkungan kerja The manufacturing sector is one of the sectors with a high number of work accidents. This study aims to analyze behavioral factors and work environment factors that affect employee work accidents and avoid work accidents at PT. Inti Mitra Sawit Lestari Besitang District Langkat Regency. This research uses an observational analytical research with a cross-sectional study design approach. The results showed that out of 66 respondents showed that out of 39 workers who had worker behavior were at risk. According to the exact fisher test results, the p value is 0.000, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the behavior of workers and the incidence of work accidents.Keywords: work accident, behavior, work environment
Evaluasi Sistem Surveilans HIV di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Blitar Tahun 2018 Febriyanti Febriyanti; Eva Flourentina Kusumawardani; Meutia Paradhiba; Mardi Fadillah; Onetusfifsi Putra; Firman Firdauz Saputra; Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan; Rubi Rimonda; Nasrianti Syam
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v8i2.2516


Kasus HIV/AIDS terdapat hampir di semua negara di dunia tak terkecuali Indonesia. Penyakit ini telah menulari seluruh lapisan masyarakat termasuk bayi dan anak-anak. Perlu adanya kegiatan surveilans rutin untuk melakukan pencatatan dan pelaporan sehingga dapat memonitoring jumlah kasus pada periode waktu tertentu. Kegiatan surveilans  HIV merupakan salah satu cara efektif untuk mengontrol penyebaran kasus HIV/AIDS. Tujuan penelitian: untuk memberikan gambaran evaluasi sistem surveilans HIV berdasarkan komponen sistem dan atribut surveilans di Puskesmas yang berada di wilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Blitar. Metode penelitian: jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan studi evaluasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara kepada petugas surveilans HIV di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Blitar dan Puskesmas sejumlah 24 Puskesmas menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian: berdasarkan komponen sistem surveilans 53,4% petugas surveilans HIV memiliki tingkat Pendidikan D-III Keperawatan dan 6,7% adalah D-I Keperawatan. Pengumpulan, pengisian formulir hingga alur pelaporan dianggap mudah, namun masih terdapat 66,7% terlambat dalam proses input data ke aplikasi SIHA. Proses analisis hanya dilakukan ditingkat Dinas Kesehatan, sedangkan ditingkat Puskesmas tidak. Sistem surveilans HIV di Kabupaten Blitar masih memerlukan perbaikan dalam pengumpulan data, analisis, ketersediaan pedoman surveilans HIV, dan perlunya peningkatan pengetahuan petugas terkait surveilans HIV.Kata Kunci: Surveilans, HIV/AIDS, Komponen, Sistem, PuskesmasCases of HIV/AIDS are found in almost all countries in the world, including Indonesia. This disease has infected all levels of society, including infants and children. There is a need for routine surveillance activities to record and report so that it can monitor the number of cases in a certain period of time. HIV surveillance is an effective way to control the spread of HIV/AIDS cases. The purpose of the study: to provide an overview of the evaluation of the HIV surveillance system based on the components of the surveillance system and attributes at the Puskesmas in the working area of the Blitar District Health Office. Research method: this type of research was a qualitative research with an evaluation study design. Data was collected by interviewing HIV surveillance officers at the Blitar District Health Office and 24 Puskesmas using a questionnaire. The results of the study: based on the components of the surveillance system, 53.4% of HIV surveillance officers had a D-III Nursing education level and 6.7% were D-I Nursing. Collection, filling out forms and reporting flow are considered easy, but there are still 66.7% late in the process of inputting data to the SIHA application. The analysis process is only carried out at the Health Office level, while at the Puskesmas level it is not. The HIV surveillance system in Blitar Regency still needs improvements in data collection, analysis, availability of HIV surveillance guidelines, and the need to increase staff knowledge regarding HIV surveillance. Keywords: Surveillance, HIV/AIDS, Components, Systems, Puskesmas
Evaluasi Sistem Surveilans HIV di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Blitar Tahun 2018 Febriyanti Febriyanti; Eva Flourentina Kusumawardani; Meutia Paradhiba; Mardi Fadillah; Onetusfifsi Putra; Firman Firdauz Saputra; Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan; Rubi Rimonda; Nasrianti Syam
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v8i2.2563


Kasus HIV/AIDS terdapat hampir di semua negara di dunia tak terkecuali Indonesia. Penyakit ini telah menulari seluruh lapisan masyarakat termasuk bayi dan anak-anak. Perlu adanya kegiatan surveilans rutin untuk melakukan pencatatan dan pelaporan sehingga dapat memonitoring jumlah kasus pada periode waktu tertentu. Kegiatan surveilans  HIV merupakan salah satu cara efektif untuk mengontrol penyebaran kasus HIV/AIDS. Tujuan penelitian: untuk memberikan gambaran evaluasi sistem surveilans HIV berdasarkan komponen sistem dan atribut surveilans di Puskesmas yang berada di wilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Blitar. Metode penelitian: jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan studi evaluasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara kepada petugas surveilans HIV di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Blitar dan Puskesmas sejumlah 24 Puskesmas menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian: berdasarkan komponen sistem surveilans 53,4% petugas surveilans HIV memiliki tingkat Pendidikan D-III Keperawatan dan 6,7% adalah D-I Keperawatan. Pengumpulan, pengisian formulir hingga alur pelaporan dianggap mudah, namun masih terdapat 66,7% terlambat dalam proses input data ke aplikasi SIHA. Proses analisis hanya dilakukan ditingkat Dinas Kesehatan, sedangkan ditingkat Puskesmas tidak. Sistem surveilans HIV di Kabupaten Blitar masih memerlukan perbaikan dalam pengumpulan data, analisis, ketersediaan pedoman surveilans HIV, dan perlunya peningkatan pengetahuan petugas terkait surveilans HIV.Kata Kunci: Surveilans, HIV/AIDS, Komponen, Sistem, PuskesmasCases of HIV/AIDS are found in almost all countries in the world, including Indonesia. This disease has infected all levels of society, including infants and children. There is a need for routine surveillance activities to record and report so that it can monitor the number of cases in a certain period of time. HIV surveillance is an effective way to control the spread of HIV/AIDS cases. The purpose of the study: to provide an overview of the evaluation of the HIV surveillance system based on the components of the surveillance system and attributes at the Puskesmas in the working area of the Blitar District Health Office. Research method: this type of research was a qualitative research with an evaluation study design. Data was collected by interviewing HIV surveillance officers at the Blitar District Health Office and 24 Puskesmas using a questionnaire. The results of the study: based on the components of the surveillance system, 53.4% of HIV surveillance officers had a D-III Nursing education level and 6.7% were D-I Nursing. Collection, filling out forms and reporting flow are considered easy, but there are still 66.7% late in the process of inputting data to the SIHA application. The analysis process is only carried out at the Health Office level, while at the Puskesmas level it is not. The HIV surveillance system in Blitar Regency still needs improvements in data collection, analysis, availability of HIV surveillance guidelines, and the need to increase staff knowledge regarding HIV surveillance.Keywords: Surveillance, HIV/AIDS, Components, Systems, Puskesmas
Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kelelahan Kerja Pada Penjahit Ramin Taylor di Jalan Bengkel, Medan Vince Prima Waruwu; Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan; Hartono Hartono
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v8i2.2318


Kelelahan merupakan melemahnya kondisi fisik seorang pekerja penjahit yang dikarenakan oleh lama kerja, adanya beban kerja, usia, serta masa kerja. Gejala kelelahan kerja pada umumnya terjadi mulai dari tidak nyaman secara fisik hingga terasa sangat melelahkan secara fisik. Penelitian ini bertujuan supaya melihat apa aja faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kelelahan bekerja pada pekerja penjahit RaminTaylor di Jl. Bengkel No MM1 Pulo Brayan Bengkel Baru Medan. Pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh peneliti di penelitian tersebut yaitu dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian cross sectional dan penelitian observasional analitik. Sampel di tempat penelitian ini yaitu seluruh pekerja sebanyak 35 responden dengan teknik total sampling semua pekerja sebanyak 35 orang menjadi sampel. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil bivariat adalah usia <35 tahun yang merasakan kelelahan sebesar 7 pekerja (58,3%) sementara usia ≥35 tahun sebesar 21 orang (100%) mengalami kelelahan. Jenis kelamin Laki-laki yang mengalami kelelahan sebesar 21 pekerja (87,5%), tidak merasakan kelelahan sebesar 3 pekerja (12,5%) sementara jenis kelamin perempuan yang merasakan kelelahan sebesar 9 pekerja (81,8%), sementara yang tidak mengeluhkan kelelahan sebesar 2 pekerja (18,2%). Status gizi lebih (IMT > 25) yang mengalami kelelahan sebanyak 9 orang (100%) sedangkan status gizi normal (IMT 18,5-25) yang mengeluhkan rasa lelah sebesar 21 pekerja (80,8%) serta yang tidak mengeluhkan rasa lelah sebesar 5 (19,2%).  Masa kerja Tidak Beresiko (<8 Tahun) yang merasakan kelelahan 6 pekerja (54,6%) serta yang tidak merasakan kelelahan sejumlah 5 pekerja (45,3%) sedangkan masa kerja Beresiko (>= 8 Tahun) yang mengalami kelelahan sebanyak 24 orang (100%).  Beban kerja ringan yang mengeluhkan rasa lelah sebesar 4 pekerja (50,0%) serta yang tidak mengeluhkan rasa lelah sebesar 4 orang (50,0%), sementara responde yang mengalami beban kerja berat merasakan kelelahan sebesar 26 (96.3%) juga yang tidak merasakan kelelahan sebesar 1 pekerja (3,7%). Lama kerja pekerja yang tidak lama yang mengeluhkan kelelahan sebesar 2 responden (66.7%) sedangkan yang tidak mengeluhkan kelelahan sebanyak 1 orang (33.3%), sementara lama kerja responden yang lama dan merasakan kelelahan sebesar 28 (87.5%) serta yang tidak mengeluhkan kelelahan sebesar 4 orang (12,5%). Dari hasil analis tersebut tidak memiliki hubungan antara jenis kelamin, status gizi dengan kelelahan  kerja pada penjahit Ramin taylor, sedangkan adanya persamaan antara beban kerja, usia, masa kerja, serta lama kerja dengan kelelahan kerja pada penjahit Ramin taylor.Kata Kunci: Kelelahan kerja, Usia, Masa kerja, Beban Kerja, dan Lama KerjaFatigue is the weakening of the physical condition of a tailor caused by the length of work, the workload, age, and years of service. Symptoms of work fatigue generally range from being physically uncomfortable to feeling very physically exhausting. This study aims to see what factors are associated with work fatigue on the RaminTaylor tailor workers on Jl. Workshop No. MM1 Pulo Brayan New Workshop Medan. The approach taken by the researchers in this study was to use a cross-sectional research design and analytical observational research. The sample in this research is all workers as many as 35 respondents with a total sampling technique of all workers as many as 35 people as samples. Data was collected through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The results of the bivariate are age <35 years old who feel fatigue by 7 workers (58.3%) while age 35 years by 21 people (100%) experience fatigue. Gender Males who experience fatigue are 21 workers (87.5%), 3 workers do not feel fatigued (12.5%) while the female gender who feels fatigue is 9 workers (81.8%), while those who do not complained of fatigue by 2 workers (18.2%). Over nutritional status (BMI > 25) who experienced fatigue were 9 people (100%) while normal nutritional status (BMI 18.5-25) who complained of fatigue was 21 workers (80.8%) and those who did not complain of fatigue were 5 (19.2%). Work period Not at Risk (<8 Years) who feel fatigued 6 workers (54.6%) and who do not feel fatigue are 5 workers (45.3%) while working period at Risk (>= 8 Years) who experience fatigue are 24 people (100%). Light workloads that complain of fatigue are 4 workers (50.0%) and those who do not complain of fatigue are 4 people (50.0%), while respondents who experience heavy workloads feel tired of 26 (96.3%) also those who do not. feel fatigue by 1 worker (3.7%). There were 2 respondents (66.7%) who did not complain of fatigue for a long time, while the length of work of respondents who had long working hours and felt fatigue was 28 (87.5%) and those who did not complain of fatigue were as much as 28.5%. 4 people (12.5%). From the results of the analysis, there is no relationship between gender, nutritional status and work fatigue on tailor Ramin Taylor, while there are similarities between workload, age, length of work, and work fatigue on tailor Ramin Taylor.Keywords: Work Fatigue, Age, Years of Work, Workload, and Length of Work
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/prepotif.v7i1.12095


Posyandu merupakan suatu bentuk Upaya Kesehatan Berbasis Masyarakat (UKBM) yang dikelola bersama masyarakat, dengan tujuan mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan dasar dan dapat dengan cepat menurunkan AKI dan AKA. Salah satu kegiatan yang penting didalam pelaksanaan posyandu adalah partisipasi masyarakat. Partisipasi masyarakat penting dalam kegiatan posyandu dengan keikutsertaan ibu akan membantu sebagai upaya preventif untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan kesehatan yang terjadi pada anak. Secara nasional yaitu 56,57% partisipasi minat masyarakat masih rendah dalam memanfaatkan posyandu. Rendahnya partispasi masyarakat terhadap posyandu menjadi permasalahan yang dapat menghambat pelaksanaan pelayanan kesehatan posyandu. Tujuan penelitian untuk melihat faktor apa saja yang memengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat terhadap kegiatan posyandu balita di Posyandu Melati Desa Sukaraya. Penelitian dilakukan kuantitatif menggunakan penilitian survey analitik design cross sectional. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada 30 Maret 2021 sampai 30 November 2022. Pengumpulan data dilakukan selama 2 minggu tanggal 20 September sd 4 Oktober. Populasi berjumlah 65 orang dengan sampel penelitian yang digunakan 56 ibu yang memiliki balita. Penelitian menggunakan uji chi square dengan analisis data teknik purposive sampling dengan nilai sig 95% = (p<0,05). Penelitian yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan faktor pengetahuan (p=0,375), pendidikan (p=0,136), pekerjaan (p=0,984), sikap kader (p=0,563). Dapat disimpulkan dari hasil penelitian yaitu p>0,05 menyatakan tidak memiliki hubungan diantara pengetahuan, pendidikan, pekerjaan, dan sikap kader, terhadap partisipasi masyarakat pada posyandu balita.
Co-Authors Abdul Wahab Agung Nugroho Andry Simanullang Andry Simanullang Ayu Sibagariang Bara Mega Nawawi Buenita Buenita Buenita Sinurat Devita Butar Butar Dewi Novina Sukapiring Dheanissa Syalwa Khabija Irawan Diah Ayu Souchi Eka Lolita Eliyanti Pakpahan Eka Lolita Eliyanti Pakpahan Elisa Christy Simanjuntak Elvia Grace Damanik Eva Ellya Sibagariang Eva Flourentina Kusumawardani Eva Flourentina Kusumawardani Eva Flourentina Kusumawardani Febriyanti Febriyanti Firman Firdauz Saputra Grace Silvany Purba Gunarto Sinaga Hamidah Rizki Hartono Hartono Hartono Hartono Herbert Wau Herlina Natalina Hutasoit Hiswani Hiswani Imanuel Sibero Johannes Bastira Ginting Junaita Lambuena Br Sitorus Junita Sitorus Laila Apriani Hasanah Harahap Laila Apriani Hasanah Harahap Lisa Kristin Karolina Zendrato Zendrato Lukman Nurhakim Mafe Robbi Simanjuntak Mafe Robbi Simanjuntak Mardi Fadilah Mardi Fadillah Margaretha Febrina Br Ginting Margaretha Febrina Ginting Mariana Natalie Bangun Masryna Siagian Meutia Paradhiba Meutia Paradhiba NASRIANTI SYAM Nasrianti Syam Nurbaity Situmorang Nurul Wahyuni Onetusfifi Putra Onetusfifsi Putra Pahala J Simangunsong Pahala Maringan J Simangunsong Putranto Manalu Putri Yunita Pane Rafael Ginting Rahayu Lubis Rapael Ginting Ridho Afriansyah P Rihan Wirda Asdani Risya Yoela Sinaga Rubi Rimonda Rubi Rimonda Rubi Rimonda Santy Deasy Siregar Suharsih Sylvira Rianda Tariana Ginting Tarianna Ginting Victor Trismanjaya Hulu Vince Prima Waruwu Yosephin Putri C Manalu Yuna Asima Ria Lumban Gaol