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Antiproliferation Assay of Essential Oil of Curcuma Rhizoma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Against P388 Leukemia Cell Ida Musfiroh; Angga Geganaputra; Ajeng Diantini; Yasmiwar Susilawati; Muchtaridi Muchtaridi
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Vol 7, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/ijpst.v7i3.27210


Leukemia or blood cancer is a disease which marked by abnormal increasing of blood producer`s cells. Chemotherapies which used as anticancer have a many adverse effect and toxicity. The volatile oil of turmeric rhizome (Curcuma xanthorriza) contains sesquiterpene which has an pharmacological activity. The aimed of this research to assay the antiproliferation activity of volatile oil from curcuma rhizome to leukemia P388 cells using MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) method. The methods were contain of identification of volatile oil (produced from distillation water-steam) using organoleptic test and TLC, and activity test was using seven various concentrations, which were 0.1; 0.3; 1; 3; 10; 30; 100 µg/mL. The result showed that the sample can inhibit leukemia P388 cells with the value of IC50 was 15.5 µg/mL. The volatile oil of Curcuma rhizome has an antiproliferative activity to leukemia P388 cell.Keywords: Curcuma rhizome, MTT assay, leukemia cell P388, volatile oil
Modification of Extraction Methods on Determining Simeticone Suspension Using FTIR Method Ida Musfiroh; Aliya Nur Hasanah; Gia A. Faradiba; Ida Ayumiati; Mutakin Mutakin; Muchtaridi Muchtaridi
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Vol 6, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.555 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/ijpst.v6i3.22355


Antacids dosage form are a class of drugs used to chemically bind and neutralize stomach acid. Simethicone is one of the antacids that works as an antiflatulant. In an effort to guarantee the quality of a preparation, a valid analysis method is needed that meets the validation parameters. This study aims to modified of extraction method of the simethicone content of suspension samples using the FTIR method. The methods include simethicone modification of extraction from suspension preparations with toluene solvents and hydrochloric acid (2:5) 3.35. Validation methods include: determination of precision, accuracy, limit of detection (LOD), and limit of quantification (LOQ) at wave number 1261 cm-1 and determination of the content of samples of simethicone suspension. The results showed that linearity parameters with a correlation coefficient of 0.997 in a concentration range of 1000-10,000 ppm, precision with a value of KV <2%, LOD and LOQ, respectively 378.97 and 1250.59 ppm. The results of the determination of simethicone suspension samples indicate that this method met the requirements of the validation parameters.Keywords: Validation, Simethicone, Infrared Spectrophotometry, antacid
Jurnal Kimia (Journal of Chemistry) Vol. 16, No.1, Januari 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Kimia, FMIPA, Universitas Udayana (Program of Study in Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University), Bali, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JCHEM.2022.v16.i01.p10


Diabetes mellitus tipe 2 disebabkan oleh ekspresi PTP1B yang tinggi dan mempengaruhi aktivitas PTKs, yang menyebabkan insulin gagal berikatan dengan reseptor insulin dan menginduksi resistensi insulin. Senyawa xanton dan benzofenon merupakan senyawa yang telah diketahui memiliki aktivitas farmakologi sebagai antidiabetes. Salah satu tanaman dengan kandungan senyawa tersebut adalah Garcinia cowa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui afinitas dan mekanisme inhibisi PTP1B oleh senyawa turunan xanton, benzofeno, dan triterpenoid dalam Garcinia cowa antara lain garcinia cowone K, guttiferone I, 1,7-dihydroxyxanthone, 1-hydroxyl-7-methoxyxanthone, mangostinone, ?-mangostin, cowanol, gacibiphenyl C, friedelin, ?-friedelinol, dan oleanane-12-ol secara in silico dengan molecular docking serta melakukan studi pre-ADMET terhadap senyawa tersebut. Molecular docking dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap diantaranya preparasi dan optimasi struktur 3D senyawa uji, preparasi struktur 3D reseptor PTP1B, validasi metode, dan docking senyawa uji dengan PTP1B. Hasil yang diperoleh dari docking senyawa uji dengan reseptor PTP1B berupa energi ikatan, konstanta inhibisi (KI), dan ikatan hidrogen. Semakin rendah nilai energi ikatan menunjukkan ikatan antara protein dan ligan yang dihasilkan semakin stabil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan energi ikatan dan KI PTP1B dengan native ligand berturut-turut sebesar -10,07 kkal/mol dan 0,0417 ?M. Sementara dengan senyawa ?-mangostin berturut-turut sebesar -8,91 kkal/mol dan 0.29317 ?M. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa senyawa ?-mangostin memiliki potensi sebagai antidiabetes mellitus tipe 2 dengan menghambat PTP1B. Selain itu, senyawa ?-mangostin juga memiliki profil ADMET yang baik. Kata kunci: antidiabetes, diabetes mellitus tipe 2, penambatan molekuler, PTP1B, Xanton Type 2 diabetes mellitus is caused by high PTP1B expression and affects the activity of PTKs, which causes insulin to fail to bind to insulin receptors, and induces insulin resistance. Xanthones and benzophenones are compounds that have been known to have pharmacological activity as antidiabetic. One of the plants containing these compounds is Garcinia cowa. This study aims to know the affinity and inhibition mechanism of PTP1B by xanthones, benzophenones, and triterpenoid in Garcinia cowa, including garcinia cowone K, guttiferone I, 1,7-dihydroxyxanthone, 1-hydroxyl-7 methoxyxanthone, mangostinone, ?-mangostin, cowanol, gacibiphenyl C, friedelin, ?-friedelinol, and oleanane-12-ol in silico by molecular docking and conducted a pre-ADMET study of these compounds. Molecular docking is carried out in several steps including preparation and optimization of the 3D structure of the compound, preparation of the PTP1B receptor 3D structure, method validation, and docking of the compound with PTP1B. The results obtained from the docking of the compound with the PTP1B receptor appears in the form of bond energies, inhibition constant (IC), and hydrogen bonds. The lower the bond energy value, the more stable the bond between the protein and the resulting ligand is. The results showed that the bond energy and IC value of PTP1B with the native ligand is -10,07 kcal/mol and 0,0417 ?M. Meanwhile the ?-mangostin compound is -8,91 kcal/mol and 0,29317 ?M. It shows that the ?-mangostin has potential as an antidiabetic mellitus type 2 agent by inhibiting PTP1B. In addition, ?-mangostin also shows a good ADMET profile. Keywords: antidiabetic, molecular docking, PTP1B, type 2 diabetes mellitus, xanthones
Validation of UV-Vis spectrophotometry methode for analysis of apigenin in celery extract (Apium graveolens L.) Asep Nurrahman Yulianto; Taofik Rusdiana; Muchtaridi Muchtaridi; Anas Subarnas
Pharmaciana Vol 7, No 2 (2017): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (319.673 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v7i2.7124


Apigenin is one of the flavonoid compounds contained in celery (Apium graveolens L.) and has been used for the treatment of various diseases. This study aims were to ensure the validity and accuracy of analytical method for apigenin assay in celery extract using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The flavonoids test of celery extract give a positive result which produces a yellow color that can be drawn by amyl alcohol. The result of TLC test using a mobile phase of chloroform and methanol (9.5 : 0.5) produced Rf value of 0.75. Validation of analytical methods were sensitivity, linearity, limit of detection as well as limit of quantification, accuracy, and precision. Validation of analytical methods showed that sensitivity results as represented by molar extinction (ε) was 77004.35 M-1cm-1. Linearity from calibration curve at concentration of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 mgL-1 resulted an equation of y = 0.074x – 0.0011 with coefficient correlation (r) of 0.9996. The limit of detection and limit of quantification were 2.99 mgL-1 and 9.92 mgL-1 respectively with recovery percentage of 97.59% and the coefficient variation values were 1.53%; 2.43% and 1.68%. The average contents of apigenin in the celery extract were of 3.74 ± 0.09%. 
Media Farmasi: Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi Vol 13, No 2: September 2016
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (940.358 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/mf.v13i2.7768


Atorvastatin merupakan salah satu zat aktif penurun kolesterol darah golongan statin atau inhibitor HMG-CoA reductase. Atorvastatin memiliki karaktersitik biofarmasetik kelarutan dalam air yang buruk tetapi  permeabilitas dalam membran usus yang tinggi (BCS kelas II), sehingga untuk memperbaiki bioavailabilitasnya dapat diupayakan dengan cara memperbaiki tingkat kelarutannya dalam air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompleksasi inklusi atorvastatin dengan β-siklodekstrin terhadap kelarutan dan disolusinya serta terhadap proses formulasi sediaan Fast Disintegrating Tablets (FDT). Kompleks inklusi dibuat dengan cara kneading method dengan perbandingan molar atorvastatin dengan β-siklodkestrin; 1:1, 1:2, dan 1:3. Studi ketetapan kesetimbangan kompleks didapat 502,087 M-1. Hasil uji disolusi dalam medium buffer fosfat pH 6,8 menunjukkan peningkatan laju disolusi atorvastatin dalam kompleks inklusi atorvastatin-β-siklodkestrin (KIAS) masing-masing sekitar 5,76% (1:1); 8,89% (1:2); dan 7,73% (1:3). Hasil karakterisasi KIAS dengan metode X-ray difraction (X-RD), spektroskopi inframerah, dan differential scaning calorimetry (DSC) menunjukkan adanya pembentukan kompleks inklusi. Formulasi FDT dibuat dengan menggunakan metode kempa langsung terhadap 6 formula (3 formula menggunakan KIAS dan 3 formula tanpa KIAS), superdisintegrat yang digunakan adalah Kyron T 314 dengan variasi penggunaannya masing-masing sebanyak 2, 4, dan 6% dan variasi kekerasan tablet sebesar 4 dan 6 N. Hasil evaluasi FDT menunjukan bahwa FDT dengan KIAS lebih baik dibandingkan dengan FDT tanpa KIAS. Hasil uji disolusi FDT dalam medium buffer fosfat pH 6,8 diketahui terjadi peningkatan laju disolusi atorvastatin dalam FDT KIAS. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kompleksasi inklusi atorvastatin dengan β-siklodkestrin dapat meningkatkan laju disolusi atorvastatin secara signifikan.
Pendekatan Sosio-Ekonomi Potensi Daerah sebagai Pusat Ekstrak Kulit Manggis di Indonesia Muchtaridi Muchtaridi; Wiwit Nurhidayah; Dini Rochdiani; Luthfi U Setyawati; Risda R Islamiyati; Arif Budiman; Warid Ali Qosim
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement) Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Maret
Publisher : Direktorat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (470.82 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpkm.33388


 One of the largest mangosteen producing areas in Tasikmalaya Regency, which is in 8 villages in Puspahiang Sub-district. Mangosteen farmers Puspahiang district relies on export quality because the price is 3 times more expensive. However, due to farmers' pursuit of mangosteen the quality of exports of farmers will be much to remove the mangosteen fruit harvest that does not enter the quality of exports such as too small fruits or infected yellow sap disease. In addition, if the mangosteen reached in end season, mangosteen farmers in Puspahiang will switch to other livelihoods. Mangosteen pericarps has been used by generations as a medicine. Socio-economic study to community in the form of the introduction of ECO-friendly technology (TTG) Mangosteen extraction has been aimed to determine the response of mangosteen farmers in Puspahiang in the development of the Mangosteen Extract Center for the needs of the Herbal and Nutrition Medicine industries. The survey method was carried out, socialization, pre-test and post-test. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The socio-economic survey showed that the Puspahiang community is almost 100% in agreement with the construction of the mangosteen leather extrator center. However, 60% of the public is concerned about the processing of waste extracts. Subsequently, it needs to be done waste treatment studies on the socio-economic community.
Analysis of compounds possessing inhibitory properties on mice locomotor activity from essential oils of Ki Lemo bark (Litsea cubeba lour. Pers) Muchtaridi .; Anton Apriyantono; Anas Subarnas; Slamet Budijanto
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy Vol 16 No 1, 2005
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Skip Utara, 55281, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.284 KB) | DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm0iss0pp63-69


Ki lemo barks has been used as traditional spasmolitic (called oils of massage) since a long time by ethnic of Dayak. The odors inhaled is presumed possessing inhibitory on mice locomotor activity. The present research has been done to determine the components in blood plasma of mice after inhalation of essential oil of ki lemo barks, and the possibility of their role in the inhibition on mice locomotor activity.Inhalation of essential oil of ki lemo bark (Litsea cubeba Lour. Pers) at the doses of 0.5 ml inhibit locomotor up to 60,75 %, whereas at the doses of 0.1 ml and 0.3 ml inhibit locomotor activity of 57,44 % and 54,20 %, respectively.Identification and quantification of volatile active compounds in the blood plasma were carried out by GC-MS analysis after half an hour, one hour, and two hours inhalation. The blood plasma of three mice were collected in heparin tube, isolated and concentrated by the C-18 column (100 mg-Seppak Waters) eluted with methanol and bidistilled water (60:40). The major compounds identified were citronellol, citronellal, α-terpineol, and 1,8-cineole. The blood level of those substances was increasing for one hour after inhalation but decreasing after two hours.Key words : essential oil of ki lemo bark (Litsea cubeba Lour. Pers), inhalation, locomotors.
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy Vol 26 No 4, 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Skip Utara, 55281, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (768.852 KB) | DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm26iss4pp219


 The research is intended for the determination of volatile compounds of cajuput oil (Melaleuca leucadendron L.) in a group of mice (3 mice) after inhaling 1 mL cajuput oil for 1/2, 1 and 2 hour(s). The blood plasma of three mice was collected in heparin tube, and the volatile compounds were isolated and concentrated using C-18 Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) column with methanol and bidistilled water mixture (60:40) as the solvent. The analysis was carried out by GC/MS. The results showed that there were 52 compounds in the cajuput oil, especially 1,8-cineole,a-terpineol, b-pinene, a-pinene, b-myrcene, 4-terpineol, linalool, g-terpinene, and terpinolene. The major compound identified in blood plasma of mice was 1,8-cineole. Half an hour after 1 mL inhalation of cajuput oil per mouse, the concentration of 1,8-cineole identified was 41.5 mg/mL, while 1 and 2 hours after 1 mL inhalation of cajuput oil, the level of 1,8-cineole in blood plasma of 3 mice was 646.9 mg/mL and 138.0 mg/mL in blood plasma of each mouse. Other compounds identified were a-terpineol, 4-terpineol linalool, terpenyl acetate and hydrocarbon terpenes. Concentrations of target compounds in the blood plasma were relatively in low level (mg/mL). In conclusion, the volatile compounds of 4-terpineol, linalool, a-terpineol and 1,8-cineol that identified in blood plasma of mice after inhalation of the cajuput oils might correlate with depressive characteristics of essential oil given by inhalation.Keywords: Cajuput, Essential Oils, Inhalation, SPE, GC-MS  
Studi Dosimetri Internal Radiofarmaka Terapi Kanker Payudara 177Lu-DOTA-Trastuzumab Susyati Susyati; Abdul Mutalib; Muchtaridi Muchtaridi; Martalena Ramli; Sri Aguswarini; Karyadi Karyadi; Basuki Hidayat; Stepanus Massora
Jurnal Keselamatan Radiasi dan Lingkungan Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Juni 2016
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Keselamatan dan Metrologi Radisasi - BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (953.371 KB)


Pengobatan terarah berbasis imunologik (Imunoterapi) kanker payudara dengan mekanisme pengikatan reseptor HER2/neu oleh antibodi spesifik telah dikembangkan oleh para peneliti sejak tahun 80-an. Trastuzumab adalah antibodi yang pertama disetujui oleh Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Amerika. Dari pemantauan diketahui bahwa pengobatan dengan trastuzumab selain berbiaya tinggi juga terjadi kardiotoksisitas dan resistensi obat. Mengantisipasi hal ini, para peneliti mulai mengembangkan trastuzumab dalam bentuk konjugat dengan suatu radionuklida (salah satunya adalah 177Lutesium), sebagai farmaka Radioimunoterapi (RIT) baru. Sebagai penerapan aspek keselamatan untuk tujuan melakukan proteksi terhadap pasien dari efek samping pemberian dosis radiasi internal yang tidak akurat, studi dosimetri internal perlu dilakukan sejak awal pengembangan farmaka RIT baru. Tujuan studi dosimetri internal pada RIT adalah memastikan pemberian dosis radiasi internal yang akurat dan aman untuk setiap individu pasien/memaksimalkan dosis radiasi ke sel-sel kanker dan meminimalkan dosis radiasi ke sel-sel normal. Radiofarmaka baru (177Lu)m-(DOTA)n-trastuzumab telah berhasil dipreparasi oleh para peneliti BATAN. Uji praklinik in vivo/uji biokinetik pada hewan coba mencit betina normal inbred substrain BALB/c paska pemberian dosis tunggal 100 µCi bolus intravena injeksi radiofarmaka 177Lu-DOTA-trastuzumab juga telah dilakukan. Ruang lingkup studi dosimetri internal yang dilakukan ini adalah melakukan penghitungan perkiraan dosis terabsorb oleh berbagai organ hewan coba berdasarkan data biokinetik hasil uji praklinik in vivo. Dari hasil penghitungan perkiraan dosis terabsorb menggunakan persamaan MIRD dengan bantuan data Fraksi absorbsi spesifik dari pustaka diketahui bahwa dosis terabsorb organ paru-paru paling tinggi diantara organ-organ lainnya, yaitu 1,5X10-2 µGy. Dengan memperhitungkan faktor bobot tipe radiasi dan faktor bobot tipe jaringan/organ (sebagaimana tercantum pada Publikasi ICRP No.103 tahun 2007), diperoleh dosis ekivalen dan dosis efektif organ paru-paru berturut-turut adalah 1,5 X 10-2 µSv dan 1,8 X 10-3 µSv. Dosis efektif seluruh tubuh hewan coba adalah 4,2 X 10-3 µSv. Data biokinetik berbagai organ hewan coba dapat juga dipakai sebagai masukan (input) pada penghitungan perkiraan dosis terabsorb berbagai organ phantom manusia menggunakan software dosimetri internal tertentu, seperti OLINDA/EXM software. Breast cancer targeted therapy which mechanism is the binding of HER2/neu receptor with specific antibodies have been developed by researchers since the 80’s. Trastuzumab is the first antibody approved by the US Food & Drug Administration. From monitoring known that treatment with trastuzumab also occur cardiotoxity and drug resistance in addition to high costs. Anticipating this, the researchers began developing trastuzumab in the conjugate form with a radionuclide (one of which is 177Lutesium) as a new pharmaceutical of Radioimmunotherapy (RIT). As the implementation of safety aspects in order to protect the patients from adverse effects of inaccurate internal radiation dose administration, internal dosimetry studies / assessment need to be done since the beginning of a new RIT pharmaceutical development. The objective of internal dosimetry study at RIT is to ensure accurate and safe internal radiation dose administration for each individual patients / to maximize the radiation dose to the cancer cells and minimize the radiation dose to the normal cells. The new RIT pharmaceutical 177Lu-DOTA-trastuzumab has been successfully prepared by BATAN researchers.  In vivo preclinical trials/biokinetic testing in normal female mice inbred substrain BALB/c after administration of a single dose 100 μCi of bolus intravenous 177Lu-DOTA-trastuzumab radiopharmaceutical injection also been conducted. The scope of internal dosimetry studies conducted was absorbed dose calculation estimation of the various experimental animals organs based on biokinetic data of in vivo preclinical trials. Calculation estimation of Absorbed Dose using the MIRD (Medical Internal Radiation Dose) equation with the aid of SAFs (Specific absorbed fractions) data from reference known that Absorbed Dose of lungs organ is highest among other organs ie. 1,5 X 10-2µGy. Taking into account of recommended radiation weighting factors and tissue / organ weighting factors (as stated in ICRP Publication #103, 2007) obtained equivalent dose and effective dose of lungs organ is 1,5 X 10-2 μSv and 1,8 X 10-3μSv respectively. The whole body effective dose of experimental animal is 4,2 X 10-3 μSv. The biokinetic-test results data of the various experimental animal organs can also be used as an input on the Absorbed dose calculation estimation of the various human phantom organs using certain internal dosimetry software (one example is OLINDA/EXM software).
Nanoparticles Targeted Drug Delivery System via Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor: a Review Agus Rusdin; Nasrul Wathoni; Keiichi Motoyama; I Made Joni; Ronny Lesmana; Muchtaridi Muchtaridi
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutics Vol 1, Issue 3, Sept - Dec 2019
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1180.999 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/idjp.v1i3.23613


Overexpressing of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in specific organ implicates tumour aggression and proliferation. Therefore, EGFR becomes a primary consideration for targeted cancer therapy. Nanoparticle drug delivery system is a promising multifunctional technique to provide the targeted drug delivery system. This review was aimed to discuss the nanoparticles formulation for targeted drug delivery system via EGFR. The data were collected from published journals recorded in the Scopus database. Various types of nanoparticles were widely studied to provide an EGFR-targeted drug delivery system. The formulations using specific targeting mediators were conjugated on several technologies such as polymeric nanoparticles, nanometals, and miscellaneous nanoparticles. Most of nanoparticles formulation become an excellent delivery carrier for drugs or gene to site-specific targeted by in vitro and in vivo evaluations. EGFR-targeted drug delivery system could be a promising technique to provide high effectiveness of drugs in EGFR-positive cells cancers with lower side effects to non-tumour cells.Keywords : Epidermal growth factor receptor, Cancer, Nanoparticle, targeted drug
Co-Authors A. A. Putri A. Diantini - A. Khalilah A. L. Triadenda A. Mutalib - Abdul Mutalib Abdul Mutalib Abednego K. Gwiharto Abednego Kristande Abun Abun Abun Abun Abun Ade Rizqi Ridwan Firdaus Ade Zuhrotun Agus Rusdin Agus Rusdin AJENG DIANTINI Aliya Nur Hasanah Ami Tjiraresmi Anas Subarnas Andri Kusmayadi Angga Geganaputra Annisa Atusholihah Annisa Rafashafly Anton Apriyantono Arief Cahyanto Arif Budiman Arif Budiman Asep Nurrahman Yulianto Basuki Hidayat C. Suhandi Carla Florencia Cecep Suhandi Cecep Suhandi Cecep Suhandi Christine Christine CINDY APRILLIANIE WIJAYA Cindy Aprillianie Wijaya Cleopatra D. Semesta Desra Widdy Syafra Devani Olivia Winardi Dewi Permatasari Diah Lia Aulifa Diantini, A. - Dilal Adlin Fadil Dini Rochdiani Dolih Gozali - E. Laelasari E. Novianti Eli Halimah ELI HALIMAH Eli Halimah Ellen N. Yunita Elsa N. Sitinjak Elvan Kamal Ersa Fadhilah F. Ardiansyah Fadil, Dilal Adlin FATHIA NABILA AULANI Fathia Pebriani Ganendra Akbar Hadiyanto Gia A. Faradiba Hafidh Beta Arif Putra Harsoning Tyas Mardisanutol Hasna Chaerunisa Herlina Herlina I Made Jhoni I Made Joni I. R. Hartanti Ida Ayumiati Ida Musfiroh Ida Musfiroh Ida Musfiroh - Imam Adi Wicaksono Ivanna Fauziyah Kusnadi Iyan Sopyan Jessica Tristi Jessyca Sirait Jutti Levita Karyadi Karyadi Karyn Elizabeth Keiichi Motoyama Kevin Reinard Lie L. Pangestu Levita, J. - Lovita Adriani Luthfi Ihsan Sulaeman Luthfi U Setyawati Luthfi U. Setyawati Luthfi Utami Setyawati Luthfi Utami Setyawati Maitsa Alya Fakhirah Martalena Ramli MEGANTARA, SANDRA Meilinda setya praceka MELISSA MELISSA Mentari Luthfika Dewi Mohamad Taufik Ismullah Monica Richelle Herdady Muhammad Ariq Al Faruq Muhammad Fadhil Pratomo Muhammad Raihan Riyaldi Muhammad Syahid Abdillah Muhammad Yusuf Mulyana - - Musfiroh, I. - Mustarichie, R. - Mutakin Mutakin N. Elly Rosilawati N. N. Auliya AS Nabila Alivia Yasmin Nabilah Muhamad Nadia Ulil Fatiya Nadya Dwi Banowati NAELI FARHATY Nasrul Wathoni Nathannael Adrya Hadiwijaya Nazwa N. Mikdar Neli Neli Nia Yuniarsih Norisca A. Putriana Norisca Aliza Putri Norisca Aliza Putri Nurfianti Silvia Nurhanifah Puspitadewi Nursuhud NUZAHA BAQIYATUS SHOLIHAH AZIMAH Petra Pahlawanda Chrisanto Liawardi Randy Rassi Prayoga Ratu Hanifa Fayza Dipadharma Refitha N. Putri Richa Mardianingrum Rina Fajri Nuwarda Risda R Islamiyati Risda Rahmi Islamiaty Riska Febriyanti Ronny Lesmana S. Hidayat Salsa Sagitasa Salsabila Athaya Sandra Megantara SANDRA MEGANTARA Savira Silma Aulia Shafa Nurul Fadilah Siti Nunung Nurulaini Sitti Faza Karima Slamet Budijanto Sri Adi Sumiwi Sri Aguswarini Sri Gustini Husein St. Rohmani Nahariyah Stepanus Massora Sugianto Ayudha Hartono Suhendi, Cece Susyati Susyati Syahla Afaaf Alliyah Syahrul Hidayat T. N. Apriliya Taofik Rusdiana TIANA MILANDA TIARA SALSABILA MAJID Udin. L.Z - Ujang Hidayat Tanuwiria W. Oktavelia Wa Ode Ida Fitriah WARID ALI QOSIM Wiwit Nurhidayah Yasmiwar Susilawati Yulianto, Asep Nurrahman Yuni Nurjanah Zelika Mega Ramadhania