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Journal : Indonesian Journal of Counseling and Development

Indonesian Journal of Counseling and Development Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): July 2019
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (294.02 KB) | DOI: 10.32939/ijcd.v1i1.376


Abstrak. Sekolah merupakan tempat dimana siswa dapat mengembangkan pemahaman yang positif maupun negatif, salah satunya mengenai bahaya seks bebas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa mengenai bahaya seks bebas melalui penerapan layanan informasi dengan menggunakan strategi cooperative learning. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 26 Kerinci sebanyak 23 siswa. Pengumpulan datanya diperoleh dengan menggunakan skala likert. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan yakni Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Adapun temuan penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan pemahaman Siswa mengenai bahaya seks bebas kepada siswa sebelum diberikan perlakuan (Pretest) dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan (Posttest) berupa Layanan Informasi dengan mengunakan Strategi Cooperative Learning.
The Effect of Coping Strategy on Academic Procrastination in Completing Student Assignments Rusmaniar Rusmaniar; Syaiful Indra; Mahdi NK; Eko Sujadi
Indonesian Journal of Counseling and Development Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): July 2020
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32939/ijcd.v2i01.869


Abstract. Terdapat dua faktor utama yang mempengaruhi prokrastinasi yaitu faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal adalah faktor-faktor yang berasal dari individu yang turut membentuk prilaku prokrastinasi yang meliputi faktor fisik dan psikologis. Faktor eksternal yaitu faktor yang berasal dari luar individu dapat berupa tugas yang banyak (overloaded tasks) yang menuntut penyelesaian yang hampir bersamaaan. Hal ini diperparah apabila lingkungan mendukung prokrastinasi. Pelaku prokrastinasi (prokrastinator) cenderung melakukan prokrastinasi karena adanya rasa takut akan gagal, tidak suka pada tugas yang diberikan, menentang dan melawan kontrol, mempunyai sifat ketergantungan dan kesulitan membuat keputusan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi coping terhadap prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan tugas perkuliahan. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan jumlah responden 84 orang mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam angkatan 2016. Dalam penelitian ini mengunakan alat ukur berupa skala strategi coping dan skala prokrastinasi akademik dengan metode analisis regresi sederhana berganda dengan hasil koefisien korelasi problem focused coping yakni -1,189 dan p = 0,000 (p<0,05). Sedangkan emotional focused coping yaitu -089 p = 0,611 (p˃0,05). Problem focused coping Berpengaruh negatif artinya Semakin efektif penggunaan problem focused coping, maka prokrastinasi akademik semakin rendah. Sebaliknya apabila semakin tidak efektifnya penggunaan strategi problem focused coping, maka prokrastinasi akademik akan semakin tinggi. Koefisien determinasi menunjukkann problem focused coping secara simultan dapat menjelaskan perubahan prokrastinasi akademik sebesar 18,47%.
Locus of control and Student Achievement Eko Sujadi
Indonesian Journal of Counseling and Development Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): July 2020
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32939/ijcd.v2i01.872


Abstract. Locus of control is one of the personality characteristics possessed by humans. Locus of control can be divided into two, namely internal locus of control and external locus of control. Locus of control is a predictor of several other variables, such as learning achievement. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of locus of control with learning achievement. This research uses descriptive and correlational methods. The instrument filling is done online by using the google form application considering the increasing spread of COVID-19. Finally, as many as 36 students participated in filling this instrument. In this study, researchers used the Rotters Internal-External Locus of Control (IE Scale) inventory consisting of 29 items, of which there were 6 filler items, so that the total number of items that could be processed was 23 items, while to see learning achievement using the Grade Point Average (GPA) that researchers get from the Academic Information System (SIAKAD). Research findings show that locus of control has a strong negative relationship with student learning achievement. We advise students to have an internal locus of control while continuing to believe in God; The counselor is expected to be able to arrange an intervention program for students who have an external locus of control and have low learning achievement.
The Effect of Religious Coping and Optimism on Psychological Well-Being among the Final-Year Undergraduate Students Eko Sujadi
Indonesian Journal of Counseling and Development Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32939/ijcd.v3i2.2466


Psychological well-being (PWB) is a desirable condition for college students as it enhances the quality of their studies. Conversely, low psychological well-being can impede their learning process. This study aims to analyze the effect of religious coping and optimism on PWB, and the combined effect of religious coping and optimism on PWB. We employed a cross-sectional study design, and 202 final year students participated by completing the Psychological Wellbeing Scale, The Brief RCOPE, and the Life Orientation Test - Revised (LOT-R). Multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. The study found that religious coping and optimism have a partial effect on psychological well-being. Furthermore, the combined analysis yielded significant results. These findings have implications regarding the importance of attention to final year students. College/university administrators need to formulate prevention and intervention programs for students with impaired psychological well-being. Moreover, counseling services provided by professional counselors need to be maximized.
Locus of Control dan Coping Stress pada Santri Pondok Pesantren Eko Sujadi; Y Sonafist; Yuserizal Bustami
Indonesian Journal of Counseling and Development Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32939/ijcd.v2i2.2926


Locus of control (LoC) is a concept in psychology that refers to individuals' perceptions of the extent to which they believe they have control or influence over events occurring in their lives. One influencing factor on LoC is gender. Some previous literature has also demonstrated that LoC has an impact on the use of coping stress strategies. The aim of this study is to compare LoC between male and female students (santri) and to investigate its influence on coping. A cross-sectional online survey design was employed to collect data on LoC and coping. A total of 94 santri from a boarding school in Pekanbaru City participated by completing coping and Rotter's Internal-External Locus of Control (I-E Scale) research scales. The research findings confirm that there is a significant difference in locus of control between male and female santri, as well as a significant influence on the coping strategies they employ. The findings of this research have important implications for prevention and alleviation programs for santri coping with stress. The provision of guidance and counseling services for all santri is crucial. Additionally, the involvement of parents and peers is deemed effective in shaping resilient santri when facing psychological pressure.