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Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITEPA) Vol 8 No 4 (2019): Jurnal ITEPA
Publisher : Department of Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.762 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/itepa.2019.v08.i04.p12


This study aims to determine the effect of comparative of wheat and cowpea flour to characteristics of crackers andto knowing the composition to produce crackers with the best characteristics. The experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design with treatment factor that is the comparative treatment of cowpea flour with wheat which consist of 5 levels : 100%:0%, 95%:5%, 90%:10%, 85%:15%, and 80%:205. The treatment was repeated 3 times to obtain 15 units of experiment. The data obtained were analyzed by variance and if the treatment had an effect on the observed variable then continoued with Duncan test. Result of this study showed that comparation of wheat flour and cowpea flour very affected for protein content and coarse fiber content, affected water content, ash content, color, texture, and overall acepatance. Comparation of 80% wheat flour and 20% cowpea flour is the best characteristics of crackers with criteria 2.24% water contet, 2.62% ash content, 23.93% fat content, 10.70% protein content, 61.28% carbohydrate content, 6.61% crude fiber content, 0.44 power of broke, the color was liked, the aroma was neutral, the taste was liked and a little typical of cowpea, texture was crunchy and liked, and overall aceptance was liked. Keywords: Crackers, cowpea flour, wheat flour.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITEPA) Vol 8 No 3 (2019): Jurnal ITEPA
Publisher : Department of Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (220.165 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/itepa.2019.v08.i03.p07


This research aimed was to identify the effect of mangosteen skin extract addition towards the characteristics of jelly drink and also to identify the precise of jelly drink with the best characteristics. This reseach used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with the treatment of adding mangosteen skin which consists of six levels; 10g, 20g, 30g, 40g, 50g, 60g. Each treatment was repeated 3 times, so it resulted in 18 experimental units. The data were then analyzed with the Analysis of Variance method and if the treatment had an effect on the variable, the Duncan test was performed. The results showed that mangosteen skin extract siginificantly affected the level of vitamin C, antioxidant activity, hedonic (color and overall acceptance), scor (color and taste), Non significant effect to taste and the overall acceptance of mangosteen skin extract jelly drink. The addition of 60g mangosteen skin resulted in the best characteristic according the following criteria: 54;85 mg AAE/g vitamin C, 96;81% antioxidant activity, red color and liked, texture liked, taste netral and rather tight, and overall acceptance liked. Keyword: mangosteen skin, jelly drink, characteristics, antioxidant
Kajian Umur Simpan Dan Nilai Gizi Barjaz Red Rice Tea Selama Penyimpanan Pada Suhu Ruang Dan Dingin Tirza Lewi Gunadi; Ni Luh Ari Yusasrini; Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITEPA) Vol 10 No 1 (2021): Jurnal ITEPA
Publisher : Department of Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/itepa.2021.v10.i01.p13


This study aims to determine the effect of storage at room temperature and cold on shelf life and nutritional value of Barjaz Red Rice Tea and to determine the shelf life of Barjaz Red Rice Tea in storage at room temperature and cold. This study uses an experimental method with a quota sampling technique, in which the researcher has first determined the number of samples to be studied. Samples of Barjaz Red Rice Tea were taken from the Barjaz Tea production house located in Denpasar City, Bali Province. Barjaz Red Rice Tea parameters observed included total plate count, total sugar, anthocyanin content, antioxidant activity, and sensory assessment. The parameters studied were then analyzed using descriptive methods and the research data were presented in tabular form. The results showed that the shelf life and storage temperature had increase in the total plate number of Barjaz Red Rice Tea. Along with the long shelf life and high storage temperatures, the total plate number of Barjaz Red Rice Tea is getting higher. Based on total plate numbers, Barjaz Red Rice Tea that meets SNI 01-3143-1992 standards is Barjaz Red Rice Tea which is stored for zero days at room temperature and seven days at cold temperatures. Shelf life and storage temperature decrease the total sugar, anthocyanin levels, and antioxidant activity of Barjaz Red Rice Tea. Along with the long shelf life and high storage temperature, the total sugar, anthocyanin content, and antioxidant activity of Barjaz Red Rice Tea will decrease. The total sugar samples of Barjaz Red Rice Tea, both stored at room temperature and cold temperatures, still meet the standards set by SNI 01-3143-1992. Storage temperature influenced panelists' assessment of the sensory evaluation of color, aroma, taste and overall assessment of Barjaz Red Rice Tea. The criteria for Barjaz Red Rice Tea that are still suitable for consumption and favored by panelists are those that have a dark red color, a distinctive aroma of red rice tea, and a slightly sweet taste.
Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Pengeringan terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan Teh Herbal Celup Daun Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) Ariani Nisfin Kholifah; I Dewa Gde Mayun Permana; Ni Luh Ari Yusasrini
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITEPA) Vol 10 No 4 (2021): Jurnal ITEPA
Publisher : Department of Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/itepa.2021.v10.i04.p09


This research aimed to determine the effect of temperature and drying time on antioxidant activity of starfruit leaf herbal tea bags and to obtain the best drying temperature and time that can produce starfruit leaf herbal tea with the best antioxidant activity. This research was conducted by using experimental design with Complete Randomized Design factorial pattern of two factors which are drying temperature (50oC, 60oC, 70oC) and drying time (120 minutes, 180 minutes, 240 minutes). There were 9 treatment combinations, each treatment combination was repeated 2 times so that the number of treatment combinations was 18 experimental units. The data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance. If the treatment had a significant effect, it would be followed by the Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results showed that interaction beetwen drying temperature and time treatment had a very significant effect on antioxidant activity, total phenol, total flavonoids, water content of starfruit leaf herbal tea, and bitter flavor, and had no significant effect) on color, aroma, taste and overall acceptance. The drying temperature of 50oC with a drying time of 120 minutes was the best temperature and drying time to produce herbal tea bags of starfruit leaves with an antioxidant activity of 87.8049% and based on the IC50 value of 10595.95 ppm, water content of 9.53%, the total phenol content was 1.38 mg GAE / g, the total flavonoid level was 0.94 mg QE / g, and sensory properties of color (liked), aroma (slight liked), flavor (slight bitter, slight liked) and overall acceptance (slightly liked).
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITEPA) Vol 7 No 1 (2018): Jurnal ITEPA
Publisher : Department of Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (220.575 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/itepa.2018.v07.i01.p01


The purpose of this research are to know the effect of pH extraction on yield, physico-chemical and functional properties of pigeon pea protein concentrate, and also to know the appropriate pH extraction to obtain the best yield and properties of pigeon pea protein concentrate. The research was using Randomized Complete Design with pH extraction treatment which consist of five levels were 9; 9,5; 10; 10,5; and 11. The parameters were observed consist of yield, physical properties (lightness), chemical properties (protein and moisture), and protein’s functional properties (water holding capacity, oil holding capacity, emulsion capacity and stability, and foaming capacity and stability). The result showed that pH extraction gave a significant effect to protein and moisture, and gave very significant effect to yield, lightness (L), water holding capacity, oil holding capacity, emulsion capacity, emulsion stability, foaming capacity and foaming stability of pigeon pea protein concentrate. The best properties of protein concentrate was found at sample which treatment of pH 10 with a yield 17,29% (db), lightness (L) 18,84, protein 86,15% (db), moisture 7,96% (db), water holding capacity 1,96 ml H2O/g solid, oil holding capacity 2,62 ml oil/g solid, emulsion capacity 54,67%, emulsion stability 54,83%, foaming capacity 100%, and foaming stability 38,19%.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITEPA) Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Jurnal ITEPA
Publisher : Department of Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.429 KB)


This research was conducted to determine the effect ratio of tapioca and Gracilaria sp. to make the best characteristics of sardinella fish sausage. The research was using completely randomized design with ratio of tapioca and Gracilaria sp. as the treatment which consists of six levels, there were 100% : 0%, 80% : 20%, 60% : 40%, 40% : 60%, 80% : 20%, 0% : 100%. The observed parameters were water content, ash content, protein content, lipid content, carbohydrate content, crude fiber content, and sensory characteristics such as color, flavor, taste, texture, and overall acceptance. The results showed that the treatment characteristics of sardinella fish sausage, such as water content, ash content, lipid content, carbohydrate content, crude fiber content, and sensory characteristics such as color, taste, texture, and overall acceptance. The best ratio for producing the best characteristic of sardinella fish sausage was 80% tapioca : 20% Gracilaria sp. which had water content at 63.2%, ash content 2.29%, protein content 7.24%, lipid content 10.7%, carbohydrate content 16.59%, crude fiber content 6.1%, the color were slightly like, flavor were slightly like, taste were like, texture were like, and overall acceptance were like.
Pengaruh Tingkat Ketuaan Daun Terhadap Karakteristik Teh Herbal Matcha Tenggulun (Protium javanicum Burm.F.) Hasbi Rohiqi; Ni Luh Ari Yusasrini; GAK. Diah Puspawati
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITEPA) Vol 10 No 3 (2021): Jurnal ITEPA
Publisher : Department of Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/itepa.2021.v10.i03.p03


The purpose of this study were to determine the effect of leaf maturity on the characteristics of matcha herbal tea tenggulun leaf and to determine the right level of leaf maturity which can produce matcha herbal tea tenggulun leaf with the best characteristics. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with, namely very young, young, a little old and old leaves. The parameters observed in this study included moisture content, ash content, crude fiber content, tannin content, total phenol, total flavonoids, antioxidant activity, color and sensory evaluation which included color, aroma, taste and overall acceptance of matcha herbal tea tenggulun leaf. The results showed that the difference in the level of leaf maturity had a very significant effect on moisture content, ash content, crude fiber content, total phenol, total flavonoids, tannin content, antioxidant activity, color and sensory characteristics including color and overall acceptance. However, the level of leaf maturity had no effect on the aroma and taste of matcha herbal tea tenggulun leaves. Matcha herbal tea tenggulun leaves processed from young leaves has the best characteristics with the criteria of water content of 7.93%, ash content of 7.07%, crude fiber content of 13.95%, total phenol 13.36%, total flavonoids 2.39%, tannin content 14.17% antioxidant activity 79.08%, color with a value of L = 21.35, a = -10.46, b = 14.58 and the sensory characteristics of color, aroma, taste and overall acceptance were rather liked.
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Etanol dan Waktu Ekstraksi Terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Daun Buangit (Cleome gynandra) Dengan Metode Microwave Assisted Extraction Clara Sania Krisanta; Ni Luh Ari Yusasrini; I Nengah Kencana Putra
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITEPA) Vol 10 No 4 (2021): Jurnal ITEPA
Publisher : Department of Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/itepa.2021.v10.i04.p14


Buangit leaves (Cleome gynandra) contain bioactive components such as phenol compounds, flavonoids and vitamin C, which can act as antioxidant. This research aims were to determine the effect of ethanol concentration and extraction time using Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) on antioxidant activity and to obtain the appropriate ethanol concentration and extraction time that can produce the highest antioxidant activity of buangit leaves extract. The research was designed using a completely randomized factorial design, which consisted of two factor. The first factor was ethanol concentration (ethanol 60%, 70%, 80% and 90%) and the second factor was the extraction time (3, 5 and 7 minutes). The entire treatment was repeated 2 times to obtain 24 units of experiments. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and if the treatment had a significant effect, followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test. This research showed that the interaction between ethanol concentration and time extraction had significant effects on total flavonoids and antioxidant activity, but it had non-significant effects on total phenol and total vitamin C. However, ethanol concentration and time extraction had significant effects on total phenols, total flavonoids, total vitamin C and antioxidant activity. The results showed that MAE of buangit leaves using 70% ethanol concentration for 7 minutes was the best treatment on this research, which can produce 18.52 ± 0.64 mg GAE/g of total phenols, 19.28 ± 0.18 mg QE/g of total flavonoid, 89.85 ± 5.30 mg AAE/g of vitamin C and antioxidant activity based on IC50 value at 131.85 ± 0.71 ppm
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITEPA) Vol 9 No 1 (2020): Jurnal ITEPA
Publisher : Department of Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (390.902 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/itepa.2020.v09.i01.p11


This research aims to determine the effect of drying method the antioxidant capacity of wedang uwuh and to obtain the highest antioxidant capacity of wedang uwuh. This study was designed using a completely randomized design (CRD) with four parameters of drying methods there are sun-drying, air-drying, greenhouse and oven, which were repeated four times. Therewere many parameters analyzed in this research such as water content, antioxidant capacity, total phenol and sensoryincluding color, aroma, taste and overall acceptance. All data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and continued with Duncan's (DMRT) (? = 5%). The results showed that the drying method had a significant effect on the water content, antioxidant capacity and total phenol of wedang uwuh, but did not significantly affect to the sensory results. Air-drying method produced wedang uwuh with the highest antioxidant capacity of 63,63 mgGAEAC/L, with a moisture content of 8,05 %, and total phenol of 23,70 mg/L where, based on color, taste, flavor and general acceptance the panelists rather like the wedang uwuh produced. Keywords: simplisia, wedang uwuh, drying, antioxidant
Pengaruh Suhu dan Lama Pengeringan Terhadap Karakteristik Teh Herbal Matcha Daun Tenggulun (Protium javanicum Burm.F.) Yohanna Mei Sarah Purba; Ni Luh Ari Yusasrini; Komang Ayu Nocianitri
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITEPA) Vol 10 No 3 (2021): Jurnal ITEPA
Publisher : Department of Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/itepa.2021.v10.i03.p08


The purpose of this research were to determine the temperature and duration of dried time on characteristics of the matcha herbal tenggulun leaves tea, as well as to determine the appropriate temperature and dried time to produce matcha herbal tenggulun leaves tea with the best characteristics. Experimental design that used on this research was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factorial pattern. This research was repeated 2 times so obtained 18 trial units. The parameters observed in this research were : water content, the total amount of flavonoid, fenol, and tannin, antioxidants activity based on IC50, The result of this research showed that temperature and drying time of tenggulun leaf matcha herbal tea had a significant effect on water content, the total amount of flavonoid, fenol, tannin, and antioxidants activity based on IC50 and affects of color, aroma, and overall acceptance.The best characteristic matcha herbal tenggulun leaves tea resulted from dried process at 60oC for 120 minutes with the total amount of flavonoid 0.64 mg QE/g, total amount of fenol 9.61 mg GAE/g, total amount of tannin 4.52mg TAE/g, and antioxidants activity based on IC501253.99 ppm, green color, somewhat preferred aroma, and overall acceptance liked.
Co-Authors . Wardiah A.A.G.N Anom Jambe A.A.G.N.A. Jambe AAGN Anom Jambe AAGNA. Jambe Agnes Citra Yolanda Simamora Agus Selamet Duniaji Ahmad Fauzi Aini Amalia Aini, Windra Alfida Alfida Ali Sarong Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Anom Jambe Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Ariani Nisfin Kholifah Ariani Nisfin Kholifah Arif Usman Ariza Farizca Astria Kezia br Sinuhaji Audrey Sophia Rachma Putri Bellariesty Kartika Dewi Brury Apriadi Husaini Clara Sania Krisanta Clara Vita Marlina Kristina Daffaul Haqqi Deni Deni Dikky Chandra Dinda Riska Andini Dwi Ilma Daroyani Era Madona Ermi Tety Erna Muliana Eva Wardah Eva Yulia FANDY NOVRIAN Fatmawati Fatmawati Fika Amaliyah Franscixkus Jamadin Saragih S. Fredinan Yulianda G. Oka Warmana, G. Oka Gusti Ayu Kadek Diah Puspawati Hamidatul Nesya Hasbi Rohiqi Hersyah, Mohammad Hafiz Heru Heru Hesti Pratiwi I Dewa Gde Mayun Permana I Gede Cahyadi Putra I Gusti Ayu Ekawati I Gusti Ayu Kadek Diah Puspawati I Gusti Ketut Ariawan I Gusti Ngurah Arry Putra I Ketut Suter I Komang Dharmendra I Made Agus Wirahadi Putra I Made Sugitha I Nengah Kencana Putra I Nyoman Agus Suarya Putra I Putu Ramayasa, I Putu I Wayan Aditya I Wayan Rai Widarta I Wayan Widnyana I.K. Suter Ida Ayu Putu Jasmine Chandra Dewi Ikrima Rahmasari Ita . Joe Pratama Kadek Cintyadewi Permana Kanza Alfira Karina Dinda Putri KOMANG AYU NOCIANITRI Komang Ayu Sri Dewi Levana Levana Luh Putu Trisna Darmayanti M. D. Asiah M. Marthoenis M. Saripuddin Made Aditya Dharma Maya Anita Putri Maya Anita Putri Melania Veronika Samosir Melati Gemasih Moch Saad Muhammad irmansyah Muhammad Wahdeni Pramana Mulyadi Mulyadi Munifah Abdat Nada Ulfa Naomi Felicia Nazimah Nazimah Nera Prabawati Ni Kadek Ayu Puspitayanti Ni Luh Putu Desy Melinia Sari Ni Made Dewi Wahyuni, Ni Made Dewi Ni Made Yusa Ni Wayan Trisna Dewi Ni Wayan Wisaniyasa Nor Norisanti Novelita Olivea Herman Nurdin Amin Nurisna Baiti P Purwanto Pande Made Agus S. Diputra Paramitha, Dewa Ayu Ika Prangga, Surya Puti Fauziyyah Putri Anggun Lestari Putu Ari Sandhi Wipradnyadewi Putu Ayu Gaudiya Waisnawi Putu Ayu Nadyasari Putri Hidayat Putu Eka Ditya Mahendra Putu Liana Dewi Putu Priyanka Saraswati Putu Sri Astuti Putu Timur Ina Putu Wirya Darsana Qurotul Ilma Yaske E. RAHMI AGINTA ULFAH Rahmi Izzati Ramadania Ramadania Rd. Selvy Handayani Respi Saputri Reza Ardiansyah Saputra Ridho Khairul Imam Rizky Ahadi Roni, Faishol Roni, Faishol Rosnina nina A.G Said Usman Samsinar Samsinar Sanjiwani, Ni Made Suksma Santoso Santoso Saputra, Irwan Sayi Hatiningsih Secretly Galih Aditya Siti Amaroh Siti Amaroh Siti Mudrikatuz Zahro Siti Nur Hikmah T. Darmayanti Teddy Anderson Tirza Lewi Gunadi Tito Azhari Saputro Tri Ayu Malissa Utafiyani . Vanesha Kinayomi Wanda Heria Lestari Wardani, Tatiana Siska Wibawa, Agung Ari Candra Winda Kustiawan Yohanna Mei Sarah Purba Yosefina Rosdiana Su