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Analysis of Organizational Justice, Competence and Work Motivation to Improve the Performance Miko Andi Wardana; Yanita; I Wayan Eka Sudarmawan; Teguh Setiawan Wibowo; Hendrik Pandiangan
Jurnal Informatika Ekonomi Bisnis Vol. 5, No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : SAFE-Network

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.246 KB) | DOI: 10.37034/infeb.v5i2.589


This study examined the influence of organizational justice, competence, and work motivation on the performance of Denpasar city government. The results indicated that organizational justice, competence, and work motivation had positive and significant effects on employee performance. When employees perceive fairness and justice within the organization, possess the necessary competencies, and are motivated to excel in their work, it positively impacts their performance. The combined influence of these variables accounted for 60.4% of the variance in employee performance, indicating a relatively strong relationship. Based on the findings, it is recommended that Government Office focus on promoting fairness and justice, developing employee competencies, and sustaining motivation to enhance performance. Implementing policies and practices that ensure fairness, providing training and development opportunities, and fostering a supportive work environment can lead to a productive and satisfied workforce, resulting in improved performance outcomes and better service delivery to the community. However, it is essential to consider other factors that may also influence employee performance but were not included in this study.
Unlocking Purchase Preferences: Harnessing Psychographic Segmentation, Promotion and Location Strategies Miko Andi Wardana; Adi Masliardi; Nur Afifah; Mohamad Sajili; Hasti Pramesti Kusnara
Jurnal Informatika Ekonomi Bisnis Vol. 5, No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : SAFE-Network

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37034/infeb.v5i3.624


This research examines the impact of Psychographic Segmentation, Promotion, and Location on consumers' Purchase Decisions. Data were collected through an online questionnaire distributed to 90 respondents who had visited hotels in Denpasar, Bali. Statistical techniques such as validity and reliability tests, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were employed for data analysis. The findings indicate that Psychographic Segmentation significantly influences Purchase Decisions. Categorizing buyers based on psychological traits, lifestyle, and values plays a crucial role in shaping consumer preferences and motivations. Promotion also has a significant impact on Purchase Decisions, as effective promotional strategies create awareness and persuade target customers. Additionally, the Location of a business emerges as a critical factor, with strategic placement influencing customers' buying decisions. The regression analysis reveals that Psychographic Segmentation, Promotion, and Location collectively explain approximately 75.1% of the variance in Purchase Decisions. However, it is important to note that factors beyond the study's scope, such as product quality, pricing, brand reputation, and customer service, may also influence purchase decisions. These insights provide valuable guidance for businesses in developing targeted marketing strategies to enhance their competitive advantage. Understanding consumers' psychographic profiles, implementing effective promotions, and strategically locating operations can significantly influence Purchase Decisions, leading to increased sales and overall business success. Future research could explore additional variables to gain a more comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior in purchase decisions.
Unlocking Purchase Preferences: Harnessing Psychographic Segmentation, Promotion and Location Strategies Miko Andi Wardana; Adi Masliardi; Nur Afifah; Mohamad Sajili; Hasti Pramesti Kusnara
Jurnal Informatika Ekonomi Bisnis Vol. 5, No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : SAFE-Network

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37034/infeb.v5i3.624


This research examines the impact of Psychographic Segmentation, Promotion, and Location on consumers' Purchase Decisions. Data were collected through an online questionnaire distributed to 90 respondents who had visited hotels in Denpasar, Bali. Statistical techniques such as validity and reliability tests, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were employed for data analysis. The findings indicate that Psychographic Segmentation significantly influences Purchase Decisions. Categorizing buyers based on psychological traits, lifestyle, and values plays a crucial role in shaping consumer preferences and motivations. Promotion also has a significant impact on Purchase Decisions, as effective promotional strategies create awareness and persuade target customers. Additionally, the Location of a business emerges as a critical factor, with strategic placement influencing customers' buying decisions. The regression analysis reveals that Psychographic Segmentation, Promotion, and Location collectively explain approximately 75.1% of the variance in Purchase Decisions. However, it is important to note that factors beyond the study's scope, such as product quality, pricing, brand reputation, and customer service, may also influence purchase decisions. These insights provide valuable guidance for businesses in developing targeted marketing strategies to enhance their competitive advantage. Understanding consumers' psychographic profiles, implementing effective promotions, and strategically locating operations can significantly influence Purchase Decisions, leading to increased sales and overall business success. Future research could explore additional variables to gain a more comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior in purchase decisions.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Puree Labu Kuning Terhadap Kualitas Kulit Dimsum Hans Friets; Miko Andi Wardana
Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 7 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata dan Bisnis
Publisher : Institut Pariwisata dan Bisnis Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22334/paris.v2i7.483


Dimsum adalah kudapan yang terbuat dari tepung terigu dan tepung kentang yang menjadi bahan utama dalam pembuatan kulit dan isian yang biasanya menggunakan paha ayam ataupun udang, proses pembuatan dimsum sama saja pada dasarnya sehingga yang membedakan hanya isian yang terdapat dalam dimsum itu sendiri.dalam mengatasi persamaan pada kualitas dimsum ini diperlukan alternatif lain seperti mengganti bahan atau mencampur bahan baku dengan bahan lain, Daging labu kuning mempunyai nilai gizi yang tinggi, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan dalam membuat suatu produk makanan. Tujuan yang dicapai pada penelitian ini adalah apakah daging labu kuning dapat dijadikan alternatif sebagai bahan campuran dengan tepung terigu, tepung maizena,tepung tapioka dan tepung kentang dalam pembuatan kulit dimsum. Hasil penelitian adalah (P0) dengan menggunakan 25% Daging labu kuning yang paling banyak disukai oleh panelis diperoleh dari skor yang berasal dari perhitungan kuesioner yang telah dibagikan yang ditinjau dari aspek: Warna, Aroma, Tekstur, Rasa. Dimsum is a snack made from wheat flour and potato flour which are the main ingredients in making the Wrapper and the filling which usually uses chicken or shrimp thighs, the process of making dimsum is basically the same so that the only difference is the stuffing inside. dimsum itself. This dimsum quality equation requires other alternatives such as replacing ingredients or mixing raw materials with other ingredients. Pumpkin meat has a high nutritional value, so it can be used as an additional ingredient in the manufacture of a food product. This study aims to determine whether pumpkin flesh can be used as an alternative to a mixture of wheat flour, cornstarch, tapioca flour and potato flour in the manufacture of dimsum Wrapper. The results of the study were (P0) using 25% pumpkin flesh which was the most preferred by the panelists, obtained from the scores obtained from the calculation of the questionnaire that had been distributed in terms of aspects: Color, Aroma, Texture, Taste.
Inovasi Pembuatan Brownies Berbahan Dasar Oat, Kurma, dan Ubi Jalar Alicia Valery Sabrina; Miko Andi Wardana
Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 8 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata dan Bisnis
Publisher : Institut Pariwisata dan Bisnis Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22334/paris.v2i8.516


Inovasi merupakan usaha manusia dalam mengembangkan produk terdahulu menjadi sebuah produk baru yang belum ada di masyarakat. Salah satu produk yang terkenal di masyarakat adalah brownies. Brownies adalah makanan penutup berupa cake coklat yang memiliki citarasa manis dan sedikit pahit. Di kalangan masyarakat, brownies dinilai sebagai makanan yang memiliki kadar gula dan lemak yang tinggi karena penggunaan tepung, telur, dan gula, oleh karena itu penulis tertarik untuk mencoba dan mengetahui inovasi brownies berbahan dasar oat, kurma, dan ubi jalar sebagai pengganti tepung, telur, dan gula pada brownies umumnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kelayakan inovasi serta kualitas dari segi rasa, warna, aroma, dan tekstur. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara penyebaran kuesioner yang berisikan uji organoleptik dan uji kelayakan inovasi. Metodologi dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif berbasis uji organoleptik dan uji kelayakan inovasi dengan penilaian yang dilakukan oleh 15 panelis, 8 diantaranya merupakan orang yang ahli di bidang pariwisata perhotelan terutama tata boga dan 7 diantaranya merupakan mahasiswa dan masyarakat awam. Hasil dari penelitian “Inovasi brownies berbahan dasar oat, kurma, dan ubi jalar” yaitu : 1. Brownies berbahan dasar oat, kurma, dan ubi jalar memiliki rasa, warna, aroma, dan tekstur yang hampir menyerupai brownies pada umumnya. 2. Kelayakan brownies berbahan dasar oat, kurma, dan ubi jalar disebut sebagai inovasi karena pemilihan bahan yang berbeda dari produk brownies yang ada di pasaran serta dinilai dapat menambah nilai gizi. Innovation is a human effort in developing previous products into new products that do not yet exist in society. One product that is well-known in the community is brownies. Brownies is a dessert in the form of a chocolate cake that has a sweet and slightly bitter taste. Brownies are considered as foods that have high sugar and fat content because of the use of flour, eggs, and sugar in them, therefore the authors are interested in trying and knowing the innovations of brownies made from oats, dates, and sweet potatoes as a substitute for flour, eggs, and sweet potatoes. sugar in brownies in general. The purpose of this study was to find the right location and quality in terms of taste, color, aroma, and texture. Data collection techniques were carried out by distributing questionnaires containing organoleptic tests and innovation tests. The methodology in this study uses a descriptive technique based on organoleptic tests and feasibility tests with an assessment carried out by 15 panelists, 8 of whom are experts in the field of tourism, especially culinary departements and 7 of them are students and the general public. The results of the research "Innovation of brownies made from oats, dates, and sweet potatoes" are: 1. Brownies made from oats, dates, and sweet potatoes have a taste, color, aroma, and texture similar to brownies in general. 2. The feasibility of brownies made from oats, dates, and sweet potatoes is called an innovation because the selection of ingredients is different from the brownie products on the market and is considered to add nutritional value.
The Influence of Store Atmosphere, Social Media, Word of Mouth, and Price on Purchase Intention of MSME Consumers Deby R. Karundeng; Musran Munizu; Tengku Kespandiar; Dhety Chusumastuti; Miko Andi Wardana
JEMSI (Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi) Vol. 9 No. 4 (2023): Agustus 2023
Publisher : Sekretariat Pusat Lembaga Komunitas Informasi Teknologi Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jemsi.v9i4.1298


This study set out to examine how social media, word-of-mouth, shop ambiance, and pricing impacted consumers' choice to buy. Research of this kind is quantitative. Primary data collected from a sample of patrons at a restaurant in one city in Indonesia district served as the research's data source. By delivering questionnaires to 100 customers, accidental sampling was used to acquire the data. The multiple regression analysis approach is employed in this investigation. The results of this investigation suggest that social media significantly influences how consumers make purchases. Word of mouth plays a vital role in how consumers decide which products to buy. The environment of the store has a big impact on how consumers decide what to buy. The purchase decision-making process for consumers is significantly influenced by price. Social media, word-of-mouth, the environment in the shop, and pricing all have a big impact on how consumers decide what to buy.
Exploring The Influence Of Trust On Intention To Visit Bali: A Theory Of Planned Behavior Analysis Miko Andi Wardana; I Wayan Eka Sudarmawan
Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ) Vol. 4 No. 6 (2023): Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual (YRPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37385/msej.v4i6.3428


This study aims to investigate the factors influencing domestic tourists' intention to visit Bali using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) framework. Specifically, it focuses on the role of trust and its impact on subjective norms, attitudes, and perceived behavioral control in shaping tourists' intention. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire to collect data from 138 potential domestic tourists in Bali. The path analysis approach with Smart PLS was employed to analyze the relationships between trust, subjective norms, attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and intention to visit Bali. The results revealed that trust significantly influenced tourists' intention to visit Bali. Moreover, trust indirectly impacted intention through subjective norms, attitudes, and perceived behavioral control. Destination marketers and tourism stakeholders should prioritize building trust and promoting positive experiences to enhance tourists' perception of Bali. Addressing barriers and promoting positive social influence can further strengthen tourists' intention to visit, ultimately contributing to sustainable tourism growth in Bali.  
Forum Manajemen Vol 14 No 1 (2016): Jurnal STIMI Vol. 14 No. 1 - 2016
Publisher : STIMI Handayani Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61938/fm.v14i1.128


The impact of customer knowledge and customer consideration to thecustomer’s decision to choose products Islamic banks through customer attitudesas an intervening variable. From the preliminary data of empirical research showsthere is a phenomenon with respect to customers of Islamic banks in Bali. Thepurpose of this study was to determine directly or indirectly influence the customerknowledge and consideration of consumers towards the customer’s decision to chooseproducts of Islamic banks in Denpasar through customer attitudes, this research isa quantitative research survey approach, with a sample of 100 respondents. The testinstrument by using validity and reliability test while the data used are primary andsecondary data. Analysis technique used is path analysis.From the analysis by using path analysis, calculation results obtained showedthat customer knowledge variables significantly influence customer attitudes withcoefficient Standarrdized 0.452 with probability t sig 0,000 or sig <0.05, customerconsideration variables significantly influence customer attitudes to the valueStandarrdized coefficient of 0.393 with a probability t sig 0,000 or sig <0.05,customer knowledge but tidah significant positive impact on the customer’s decisionStandarrdized coefficient of 0.067 with a probability t sig 0.496 or sig> 0.05, apositive influence customer consideration and significant impact on the customer’sdecision Standarrdized coefficient of 0.316 with a with probability t sig 0,001 orsig<0.05, customer attitude positive and significant impact on the customer’s decisionStandarrdized coefficient of 0.354 with a with probability t sig 0,002 or sig < 0.05.
Forum Manajemen Vol 19 No 1 (2021): Jurnal STIMI Vol. 19 No. 1 - 2021
Publisher : STIMI Handayani Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61938/fm.v19i1.414


Departing from the main issue that is being discussed in many societies related to Islamic banking, which is a byword in today's society. Therefore, the initiative of the researcher to raise this problem is the subject of the title of this study. And this study aims to determine the effect of Islamic banking services and products on customer loyalty in taking funding and financing at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Banyuwangi Branch. The research method uses multiple linear regression which is sourced from primary data of respondents. Data was collected by filling out questionnaires for 70 customers of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Banyuwangi Branch. The sampling technique uses the Cluster Random Sampling technique, because the number of sample populations cannot be known accurately, which allows for no design related to the sampling frame, and the presence of the population is randomly distributed or collected in different spheres. at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Banyuwangi Branch were respondents. Data analysis using SPSS 25 for windows. The results of this study indicate that the service variable does not have a significant effect on customer loyalty at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Banyuwangi Branch, so that the hypothesis is accepted. Service has no influence on customer loyalty. Product variables have a significant effect on Customer Loyalty variables. Product variable (X2) has an effect on the Customer Loyalty variable (Y). Service variable (X1) and the Product variable (X2) simultaneously or simultaneously have an influence on the Customer Loyalty variable (Y).
Jurnal Cahaya Mandalika ISSN 2721-4796 (online) Vol. 4 (2023): Jurnal Cahaya Mandalika
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Dan Pengambangan Mandalika Indonesia (IP2MI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/jcm.v4i1.1387


Strategy implementation digital marketing is the right choice to attract tourists, and help restore Indonesian tourism after the COVID-19 pandemic. Carangsari Tourism Village continues to increase innovation and creativity to attract visitors. While conventional promotions cannot be carried out, Carangsari Tourism Village develops promotions in many ways digital so that the process of conveying information by word of mouth is digital increasingly supported. This study aims to determine the influence digital marketing and electronic word of mouth mediated by interest in visiting on the decision to visit tourists in Carangsari Tourism Village. This study uses a quantitative approach. Data were collected through questionnaires, direct interviews, and literature. The sampling technique used in this study is accidental sampling. Respondents from this study were 176 people who had visited Carangsari Tourism Village. The data analysis technique used is SEM-PLS analysis using the SmartPLS 3.0 program. The results of this study indicate that digital marketing significant effect on the decision to visit, EWOM significant influence on the decision to visit, digital marketing significant effect on interest in visiting, EWOM significant effect on the intention to visit, the intention to visit has a significant effect on the decision to visit, digital marketing which is mediated by interest in visiting has a significant effect on visiting decisions, and EWOM which is mediated by interest in visiting has a significant effect on visiting decisions