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Penguatan Kelembagaan Dalam Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi Provinsi Jambi Suhendri, Suhendri; Purnomo, Eko Priyo
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 4, No 1: February 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Forest fires and land accompanied by smoke disaster that struck Jambi province Muaro khussnya inJambi that impact on the health, environmental and economic well in Indonesia maupaun in neighboringcountries, Malaysia and Singapore. The aim of this study was to analyze shopped mendriskripsikan andinstitutional strengthening in the prevention and control of land and forest fires in Jambi Province JambiMuaro. This research uses descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The focus of research isinstitutional strengthening in the prevention and control of forest fires and land. The result of thisresearch is the institutional strengthening in the prevention and penegendalian land and forest fireshave not been effective. The advice given was on fire control should at this stage of prevention andenforcement of preventive measures against fire for deterrent effect.
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 3, No 2: June 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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CSR merupakan kegiatan perusahaan dalam mengelola proses bisnis untuk menghasilkan dampak positif pada masyarakat, ekonomi dan lingkungan. Keterlibatan perusahaan dalam melakukan kegiatan CSR merupakan tuntutan dalam tanggung jawab atas dampak kerugian yang dialami masyarakat khususnya pada kerusakan lingkungan. Tulisan ini menempatkan bagaimana suatu kegiatan CSR yang dilakukan suatu perusahaan dapat mengurangi dampak kerusakan lingkungan, metodologi dalam penelitian ini menggunakan deskriftif kualitatif. Dalam penelitian  ini melibatkan  tiga desa antara lain Desa Padang Loang, Seppang dan  Desa Bijawang dan  sebanyak 45 informan antara pemerintah, tokoh masyarakat dan massyarakat. Dari hasil penelitian secara umum bahwa perusahaan PT. Agung Perdana tidak pernah melakukan kegiatan CSR, yang mereka lakukan hanya memikirkan keuntungan pada perusahaan serta banyak impack negatif yang mereka berikan kepada masyarakat terutama pada kerusakan lingkungan, hanya ada satu indikator yang memberikan nilai positif pada perusahaan  yaitu dalam  peningkatan ekonomi, sebagian masyarakat setempat diberikan lapangan pekerjaan sebagai buruh lepas. Faktor yang menjadi tidak adanya suatu kegiatan CSR yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan adalah kurangnya pemahaman perusahaan tenatang  CSR, serta tidak adanya pengawasan dan langkah kebijakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah untuk memberikan tuntutan pada perusahaan agar mau melakukan kegiatan CSR,  terhadap dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh perusahaan. Dari pemaknaan hasil penelitian, apakah perusahaan mampu menanggulangi dan mengurangi kerusakan lingkungan yang telah terjadi pada wilayah tersebut, ini menjadi suatu tantangan bagi pemerintah dan stacholder dalam permasalahan CSR.
Relasi Kuasa Identitas Etnis Dilembaga Legislatif Periode 2014-2019 (Studi Kasus Anggota DPRD Etnis Bugis Dikabupaten Indragiri Hilir, Provinsi Riau) Hapsa, Hapsa; Purnomo, Eko Priyo
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 3, No 1: February 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Bugis ethnic group who live in Indragiri Hilir an ethnic immigrants, with the number of 150 816 inhabitants, ranks thirdafter the ethnic Malay and Banjar. However, ethnic Bugis able menjalain power relations appropriately. Evidenced bythe position of ethnic Bugis located in strategic places Inhil got various fields, especially in the legislature. This studyused a descriptive approach, the data collection technique interview legislators who are ethnic Bugis and othersteakholders. Power relation with the theoretical approach of the reproductive power Pierre Bourdieu, showed thatthe participant a the very keeping and maintaining ethnic identity inherited from their ancestors, so that they are ableto create habitus attached to its identity, as well as the domains and symbolic capital gained by establishing a relationshiptogether political parties, ethnic Java and regional organizations
Management Of Small-Sustainable Coastal And Island Areas Based On Collaborative Management (Case Study In Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara) Haeril, Haeril; Purnomo, Eko Priyo
Journal of Local Government Issues Vol 2, No 1 (2019): March
Publisher : Government Studies of Muhammadiyah Malang University/AIPPTM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (450.224 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/LOGOS.Vol2.No1.18-37


Given the rare terrain of land resources, the basic targets of Indonesia's economic development will be based on coastal zones and small islands and their sources. If not supported by the implementation of appropriate management policies, it can reduce the ability of coastal and small island ecosystems in the provision of sustainable natural resources. This research was conducted in Bima regency of West Nusa Tenggara aims to find out collaborative management in the effort of sustainable management of natural resources of the coastal area and small islands. Data collection is done through observation, interview, and questionnaire distribution. Involve 100 respondents consisting of, Head of Marine and Fishery, Head of Environment Agency, Head of Tourism Office, Community Monitoring Group, Non-Governmental Organization and Environmental Community, and coastal community of districts Sape, Bolo, Lambu, Langgudu, and Wera. The result showed the implementation of collaborative management in the management of natural resources of coastal areas and small islands in a district of Bima has not effective conducted when viewed from the achievements and respondents assessment based on the index scale of 1 to 5 on the indicators of the implementation collaborative management and sustainable development goals. Where the average value of collaborative management is only 3.25 or with enough category, also so in the implementation of sustainable development goals found the average value of the index of 3.32 also with enough category.  Keyword: Sustainable development, collaborative management, coastal area and small islands, Bima Regency West Nusa Tenggara.
Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol 7, No 2 (2016): May 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Since the reformation and democratization movement in 1998, Indonesians have faced a chronic corruption problem. At the beginning of reformation era in1998 to fight against corruption, the Indonesian government reforms the organization structure of the Indonesia Police to be an independent body separated from the Military organization. The police reforms begun in 1999 and got legal foundation with Act No. 2/2002. However, since fourteen years, the level of police reform has not yet succeed because of low community satisfaction on police service and the intense conflicts always occur whenever ACA investigates the case of corruptions conducted by police leaders. Three conflicts between police institution and ACA have taken placed. By using institutionalism approach, this research focus on the reform in police themselves are major actors on how reforms are organized and managed. This study is interpretative in nature gained only through social constructions such as language, consciousness, shared meanings, documents, tools, and other artefacts?. This finding revealed that this unsuccessful institutionalization process took place in a context of the main task of police for communicty service. Second, the study has demonstrated that three concepts from institutional theory as aforementioned provided vocabularies and insights to explain the phenomenon under study.
Kolaborasi Antara Pt Gas Negara Dengan Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta Dalam Mewujudkan Smart City Kurniasari, Lenny; Purnomo, Eko Priyo; Salsabila, Lubna
Jurnal Noken: Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol 5, No 1 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (912.996 KB) | DOI: 10.33506/jn.v5i1.775


This study aims to describe the form of collaborative governance between the Government of Yogyakarta City and the business sector, namely PT Gas Negara in realizing smart cities. The focus of this research is to describe the process of cooperation between the two parties (Government and Private) so that a memorandum of understanding is created to support smart city. This study uses the cross-sector collaboration theory of John M Bryson and Barbara C. Crosby who mentioned collaborative governance must pay attention to the process. This study uses a qualitative patterned research method, while the data from this study are obtained through participant observation, in-depth interviews, document analysis, media and literature. Data in this study were analyzed using data triangulation techniques. Following are some of the findings from this study. First, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk signed a memorandum of understanding with the Yogyakarta City Government in supporting the smart city program by providing infrastructure and utilizing natural gas as an alternative energy source. Second, PT PGN developed the PGN 360 Degree Integrated Solution service as a follow-up to the provision of electronic-based services and thirdly, the Yogyakarta City Government utilized the ICT services / provider of optical fiber networks owned by PT PGN as a support for smart cities.
Efektifitas Aplikasi Parkright Sebagai Inovasi Smart Parking Di Westminster Maharani, Eno Novita; Purnomo, Eko Priyo; Salsabila, Lubna
Inspiration: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Inspiration Volume 9 Issue 2
Publisher : STMIK AKBA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35585/inspir.v9i2.2521


Aplikasi dan layanan smart city kini telah dianggap sebagai sarana strategis untuk mengatasi berbagai permasalahan yang terjadi di dalam kota khususnya masalah area parkir. Smart parking adalah jenis layanan smart yang digunakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan kemacetan lalu lintas dan polusi di dalam kota akibat adanya keterbatasan ruang parkir di kota. Namun, meskipun layanan kota smart terintegrasi oleh teknologi informasi canggih, keberhasilan mereka sangat tergantung pada keterlibatan pengguna, yang sampai saat ini menjadi permasalahan utama dari sistem TIK. Makalah ini menyajikan dan membahas layanan smart parking yakni aplikasi ParkRight di Westminster. Makalah ini akan memaparkan data-data mengenai tingkat keterlibatan pengguna di aplikasi ParkRight. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa layanan smart parking yakni aplikasi ParkRight di Westminster berpotensi membantu setiap pengemudi menghemat rata-rata £ 68 (62,2 liter) bensin setiap tahun dan mengurangi emisi CO2 sebesar 238,14 kg per mobil per tahun. Namun, kesadaran publik, dan kepuasan pengguna atas layanan aplikasi ParkRight ini masih sangat rendah. Makalah ini menyimpulkan bahwa perlu adanya keterlibatan publik dalam segala keputusan yang berkaitan dengan pembuatan layanan smart seperti smart parking
Gorontalo Journal of Government and Political Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Gorontalo Journal of Government and Political Studies
Publisher : Universitas Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.438 KB) | DOI: 10.32662/gjgops.v3i1.824


This research was conducted to determine the efforts made by the Yogyakarta city government to realize a good mobility system to overcome the congestion that occurs, one of which is at the Janti intersection, Yogyakarta. In its implementation as a breakdown of congestion, it is necessary to know the extent to which the effectiveness and impact arising from the construction of the Janti fly over. This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research that presents factual and systematic data. Data collection is done by observation and literature review in order to dig up information and process and draw conclusions as a qualitative research method. The urgency of the embodiment of smart cities in other cities in Indonesia is the imbalance of population growth with the development of industrialization. Technology-based smart mobility systems are designed to regulate the movement of public transportation and traffic management in a city. The application of information technology aims to have a smooth and convenient impact on traffic. The results of this study explain that the Janti fly over is the primary arterial road that connects the three Janti intersections. This development has an effect on traffic circulation, which is reducing the level of vehicle density and congestion. Not only the positive impact but the negative impact is also felt by residents who live around the fly over, especially since since 2017 the road closure has been put under the Janti fly over.The results of this study can certainly be an evaluation material for the government in reviewing the application of policies that have been made. Given the social and economic impacts that occur due to the construction and closure of the road under the Janti fly over.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta untuk mewujudkan system mobilitas yang baik guna mengatasi kemacetan yang terjadi salah satunya di persimpangan Janti, Yogyakarta. Dalam implementasinya sebagai pengurai kemacetan, perlu diketahui sejauh mana efektivitas dan dampak yang ditimbulkan dari pembangunan fly over Janti. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang menyajikan data factual dan sistematis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan tinjauan literature guna menggali informasi dan mengolah lalu menarik kesimpulan sebagaimana metode penelitian kualitatif dilakukan. Urgensi perwujudan kota cerdas di kota-kota lainnya di Indonesia adalah tidak seimbangnya pertumbuhan konsentrasi penduduk dengan perkembangan industrialisasi. System smart mobility yang berbasis teknologi  dirancang untuk mengatur pergerakan transportasi public dan traffic management suatu kota. Penerapan teknologi informasi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan dampak kelancaran dan kenyamanan dalam berlalu lintas. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa fly over Janti merupakan jalan arteri primer yang menjadi penghubung simpang tiga Janti. Pembangunan ini berpengaruh pada sirkulasi lalu lintas yaitu pengurangan tingkat kepadatan kendaraan dan kemacetan. Tak hanya dampak positif namun dampak negative juga dirasakan warga yang bermukim di sekitar fly over terlebih setelah sejak tahun 2017 mulai diberlakukan penutupan jalan di bawah fly over Janti. Hasil dari penelitian ini tentunya bisa menjadi bahan evaluasi bagi pemerintah dalam mengkaji penerapan kebijakan yang telah dibuat. Mengingat dampak sosial dan ekonomi yang terjadi akibat adanya pembangunan dan penutupan jalan di bawah fly over Janti tersebut.
Gorontalo Journal of Government and Political Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Gorontalo Journal of Government and Political Studies
Publisher : Universitas Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.263 KB) | DOI: 10.32662/gjgops.v3i1.825


This study examines how the presence of "Madani Smart Card" and "Child Identity Card" which is a program rather than the development of smart cities in the city of Pekanbaru. Smart city which then emerged as one of the hot discourses was discussed in the discourse on sustainable development, which in this case will be applied in every city in all corners of the world. The author then in this study uses qualitative research methods, where data and field findings will be presented descriptively. By measuring how the causes of the two smart cards are presented, the author tries to find an understanding of any urgency that arises or real problems faced by Pekanbaru City. So in the theoretical framework the writer uses Dye's theory in analyzing the process of program formulation or termination and policies taken by the government, in this case the Pekanbaru City government. The findings which were then obtained by the authors through this research are that after referring to the Pekanbaru City Medium Term Development Planning 2017-2022 document, finally the author can pick up or know the backrest and framework that presents the two smart card program. So that from this study the authors can get the following results: First, theoretically the presence of the two smart card program will have a good impact on the ability or literacy of technology and information usability in the city of Pekanbaru. Second, the implementation of the two smart card program would have been right on target if it referred to one of the problems facing the city of Pekanbaru. Third and finally, although the presence of this program is good in some respects, on the other hand there are holes that should be prioritized to be patched actually by the city government through its innovations, one example of how the poor or marginal in the city can be utilized through the concept of smart city (smart city) and its development there. Penelitian ini menelaah tentang bagaimana kehadiran ?Kartu Smart Madani? dan ?Kartu Identitas Anak? di mana merupakan program daripada pengembangan kota pintar (smart city) di Kota Pekanbaru. Smart city yang kemudian muncul sebagai salah satu wacana yang hangat di perbincangkan dalam diskurus mengenai pembangunan berkelanjutan, yang dalam hal ini akan di terapkan di setiap kota di seluruh penjuru dunia. Penulis kemudian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, di mana data dan hasil temuan lapangan akan di sajikan secara deskriptif. Dengan menakar bagaimana penyebab dihadirkannya kedua kartu pintar tersebut, penulis mencoba untuk mencari pengertian dari setiap urgensi yang muncul atau permasalahan yang nyata di hadapi oleh Kota Pekanbaru. Sehingga dalam kerangka teoritis penulis memakai teori dari Dye dalam menganalisis proses perumusan atau pemutusan program serta kebijakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah, dalam hal ini pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru. Temuan yang kemudian di dapatkan oleh penulis lewat penelitian ini adalah setelah merujuk pada dokumen Rancangan Pembangunan Jangka Menengah  Kota Pekanbaru 2017-2022 akhirnya penulis bisa mengambil atau mengetahui sandaran serta kerangka kerja yang menghadirkan program dua kartu pintar tersebut. Sehingga dari penelitian ini bisa penulis dapatkan hasil sebagai berikut: Pertama, secara teoritis kehadiran program dua kartu pintar ini akan berdampak baik terhadap kecakapan atau literasi teknologi dan dayaguna informasi di kota Pekanbaru. Kedua, pengimplementasian daripada program dua kartu pintar ini kiranya sudah tepat sasaran jika merujuk kepada salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi kota Pekanbaru. Ketiga dan terkahir, walaupun kehadiran program ini dalam beberapa hal baik adanya, namun di sisi lain terdapat lobang yang seharusnya lebih didahulukan untuk ditambal sebenarnya oleh pihak pemerintah kota melalui inovasi-inovasinya, salah satu contohnya bagaimana masyarakat miskin atau marginal di kota tersebut dapat didayagunakan lewat konsep kota pintar (smart city) dan pengembangannya di sana.
Humaniora Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Humaniora (In Press)
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/humaniora.v11i1.6182


The research aimed to explain the pattern of social communication on the issue of rejection of the PLTU Batang development policy. The data used was data on Twitter accounts that were involved in the rejection of the PLTU Batang development policy. In analyzing existing data, qualitative methods and social analysis networks were used. To see social networks in the rejection of the PLTU Batang development policy, the research used the NodeXL application to find out the patterns of social communication networks in #TolakPLTUBatang. From the results, it can be seen that in the dissemination of social networking information, the @praditya_wibby account is the most central account in the social network and has a strong influence on the social network. The @praditya_wibby account has a role in moving the community through Twitter to make a critical social movement. This means that in the current digital era, democracy enters a new form through the movement of public opinion delivery through social media. Besides, by encouraging the role of online news, the distribution of information becomes faster to form new perceptions of an issue. This is evident from the correlation network where the @praditya_wibby account has correlations with several compass online media accounts,, okezonenews, vice, antaranews, BBCIndonesia, and CNN Indonesia.