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Mental health issue during the COVID-19 pandemic Dwi Jazimah Wijayati; Eko Priyo Purnomo; Aqil Teguh Fathani
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) Vol 12, No 2: June 2023
Publisher : Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijphs.v12i2.22286


One of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) is point 3: good health and well-being. This study aims to determine how people’s mental health fared during the COVID-19 pandemic. A library review is the most appropriate method to analyze mental health issues during the COVID-19 pandemic for the past three years. This study is based on articles that met international standards and data collected while searching for a database on Scopus. The results of the study on mental health issues during this pandemic were quite bad because of several government policies that changed people’s lifestyles, causing various levels of anxiety in the community so that stress and depression emerged in the community, even though the government decided to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19. Factors that affect mental health during the pandemic, namely significant lifestyle changes that limit the space for people to move, which result in depression, stress, and sleep disturbances that can cause death, become a pressure on the community, which can worsen people’s thinking and result in a decrease in community immunity. Ignorance and fear of the COVID-19 pandemic, with lockdowns and the economic crisis, have increased mental illness leading to suicide.
UNESCO building factors Thailand’s Kalasin learning city and citizenship Kathanyoo Kaewhanam; Phimlikid Kaewhanam; Ariya Pongsiri; Jariya Intanin; Sirinada Kamolkat; Atthapong Sirisuwan; Eko Priyo Purnomo
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 12, No 2: June 2023
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v12i2.24715


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) promotes the city of learning and lifelong learning. The UNESCO factors influencing the construction of Kalasin Learning City in Thailand. This framework is applied in the study on Kalasin learning city. This research analyzes the relationship between citizenship and learning city from 500 Kalasin citizens, who responded to a questionnaire based on citizenship factors affecting the UNESCO city of learning. Where statistical analysis of average standard deviation and Multiple regression analysis of 10 others asked to participate in the interview found that it promoted learning from primary to higher education. Strong support for a lifelong learning culture. It has a statistically significant positive impact on citizenship (group level) at .05, so the factors that need to promote promotion to improve citizenship (group level) are the promotion of learning from primary to higher education. The interview results also supported data from the questionnaire. The results suggest that building Kalasin learning city requires a common factor. That states the implications of the findings and identifies possible new research fields as developing online participation processes under the COVID-19 pandemic to align with the online learning model, which is also a modern learning model.
Efektivitas "Jogja Smart Service" Terhadap Pelayanan Publik di Kota Yogyakarta Alfi Novriando; Eko Priyo Purnomo; Lubna Salsabila
GOVERNMENT : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Volume 13 Nomor 2, Juli 2020
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Pemerintahan Fisip Unhas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/jgov.v13i2.8817


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of "Jogja Smart Service" on Public Services in the City of Yogyakarta. This research-based on the study of the effectiveness of a Smart City product that is to realize Public Smart Service in an urban setting. This research is a descriptive qualitative study with literature review techniques and data analysis sources obtained from documents in the Jogja Smart Service application. Public services in the city of Yogyakarta have been integrated into one Jogja Smart Service application service so that it can be used by the people of Yogyakarta City effective and efficiently.
Back to Public Transport National Movement; Light Rail Transit Accessibility in Palembang Dian Aurelia Pramudita Insani; Eko Priyo Purnomo; Delila Putri Sadayi
Jurnal Manajemen Transportasi & Logistik (JMTRANSLOG) Vol 10, No 1 (2023): Maret
Publisher : Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54324/j.mtl.v10i1.1053


The launch of the National Movement Back to Public Transportation program in South Sumatra by the Ministry of Transportation is intended as the pilot project for urban community in Indonesia to daily use the public transportation services. The pilot project is using Palembang Light Rail Transit to reduce congestion and air pollution from motor vehicles. The easy accessibility of public transportation in big cities for the public is the main focus of this national movement. This research used qualitative method by analyzing the literature review of previous researches. The result shows that the implementation of the National Movement Back to Public Transportation program needs to pay attention to some factors as safety, comfort, and reliability of the public transportation as the mass transportation. Those factors could impact on increasing the passengers of Palembang Light Rail Transit per day. Cooperation and support between the central government, the local governments, and the Indonesian Railway companies are needed to improve public transportation services, develop Light Rail Transit accessibility, and mobilize the people to use and preserve the LRT.
Social media supports tourism development in the COVID-19 normal era in Bandung Wahyuni, Herpita; Purnomo, Eko Priyo; Fathani, Aqil Teguh
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Communications Science, Dr. Soetomo University

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This research focuses on social media. We were using Social Media in Supporting Tourism Development During Covid-19: Case Study a New Era Policy in Bandung. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods with data sources through the Twitter account of the Bandung City Culture and Tourism Office @DisbudparBdg assisted by the NVivo 12 Plus software. We are utilising Social Media to Support Tourism Development During Covid-19: A Case Study of New Era Policy in Bandung by measuring the use of social media in tourism planning, creation, integration, and marketing strategy. This research shows tourism planning in a new standard era by directing outdoor tourism and implementing health protocols. The Tourism Promotion Board integrates cooperation between the Bandung City Culture and Tourism Office and PT Kereta Api Pariwisata. Tourism marketing by providing tourist information can give tourists confidence that Bandung is an attractive and robust destination city in improving health regulations and strictly following health protocol rules during recreation.
Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Masyarakat dan Lingkungan Akibat dari Reklamasi Pantai Manado Hikmah Zougira; Yeni Widowaty; Eko Priyo Purnomo; Hafizah Hafizah
Bina Hukum Lingkungan Vol 7, No 3 (2023): Bina Hukum Lingkungan
Publisher : Pembina Hukum Lingkungan Indonesia (PHLI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24970/bhl.v7i3.347


ABSTRAKPerkembangan pembangunan dalam ranah reklamasi sudah sangat masif dilakukan di kota-kota besar di Indonesia. Kota Manado termasuk dari kota yang sangat sering melakukan reklamasi hal ini dilakukan untuk pembangunan jalan, pusat perbelanjaan, hotel dan bentuk pariwisata lainnya. Pada kenyataanya, reklamasi di Kota Manado selalu menjadi cerita yang menegangkan terutama bagi para masyarakat pesisir, maka tujuan dari artikel ini untuk mengetahui perlindungan hukum terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan yang diakibatkan dari adanya reklamasi di Pantai Manado. Penelitian menggunakan metode Normatif-Empiris yakni dengan mengkaji implementasi ketentuan hukum normatif dalam penerapannya di masyarakat. Terlaksananya reklamasi di Pantai Manado banyak tidak melibatkan persetujuan dari masyarakat pesisir dan tidak juga memperhatikan dampak pada aspek lingkungan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, reklamasi di Pantai Manado ditemukan bertentangan dengan aturan-aturan yang ada. Pertama, dampak sosial akibat dari reklamasi di Pantai Manado melanggar UU No. 27 Tahun 2007 Pasal 34 ayat (2). Kedua, melanggar Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan No. 25 Tahun 2009 Pasal 16. Selanjutnya, pelanggaran pada aspek lingkungan diatur dalam UU No. 27 Tahun 2007 yang tertera pada Pasal 35 huruf (c) dan (d). Kegiatan reklamasi di manado pada nyatanya menghilangkan mata pencaharian, sulitnya akses melaut dan kebisingan akan kegiatan dari reklamasi dan juga ditemukan adanya kerusakan terumbu karang yang berdampak buruk pada biota-biota laut. Kata kunci: perlindungan hukum; masyarakat; lingkungan; dampak reklamasi.ABSTRACTDevelopment in reclamation has been massively carried out in big cities in Indonesia. Manado is one of the cities that very often carry out reclamation; this is done for the construction of roads, shopping centers, hotels, and other forms of tourism—the law against society and the environment resulting from the reclamation of Manado Beach. The research uses the Normative-Empirical method by examining the implementation of normative legal provisions in their application in society. The performance of reclamation on Manado Beach does not involve the approval of the coastal community and ignores the impact on environmental aspects. Based on the results of research on reclamation on Manado Beach, it was found to be contrary to existing regulations. First, the social impact of reclamation on Manado Beach violates Law No. 27 Year 2007 Article 34 paragraph (2), which is stated in 35 letters (c) and (d). Reclamation activities in Manado eliminate livelihoods, difficulty accessing the sea, and noise from reclamation activities and also found damage to coral reefs, which negatively impacts marine biota.Keywords: legal protection; society; environment; reclamation impact.
Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Masyarakat dan Lingkungan Akibat dari Reklamasi Pantai Manado Hikmah Zougira; Yeni Widowaty; Eko Priyo Purnomo; Hafizah Hafizah
Bina Hukum Lingkungan Vol 7, No 3 (2023): Bina Hukum Lingkungan
Publisher : Pembina Hukum Lingkungan Indonesia (PHLI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24970/bhl.v7i3.347


ABSTRAKPerkembangan pembangunan dalam ranah reklamasi sudah sangat masif dilakukan di kota-kota besar di Indonesia. Kota Manado termasuk dari kota yang sangat sering melakukan reklamasi hal ini dilakukan untuk pembangunan jalan, pusat perbelanjaan, hotel dan bentuk pariwisata lainnya. Pada kenyataanya, reklamasi di Kota Manado selalu menjadi cerita yang menegangkan terutama bagi para masyarakat pesisir, maka tujuan dari artikel ini untuk mengetahui perlindungan hukum terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan yang diakibatkan dari adanya reklamasi di Pantai Manado. Penelitian menggunakan metode Normatif-Empiris yakni dengan mengkaji implementasi ketentuan hukum normatif dalam penerapannya di masyarakat. Terlaksananya reklamasi di Pantai Manado banyak tidak melibatkan persetujuan dari masyarakat pesisir dan tidak juga memperhatikan dampak pada aspek lingkungan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, reklamasi di Pantai Manado ditemukan bertentangan dengan aturan-aturan yang ada. Pertama, dampak sosial akibat dari reklamasi di Pantai Manado melanggar UU No. 27 Tahun 2007 Pasal 34 ayat (2). Kedua, melanggar Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan No. 25 Tahun 2009 Pasal 16. Selanjutnya, pelanggaran pada aspek lingkungan diatur dalam UU No. 27 Tahun 2007 yang tertera pada Pasal 35 huruf (c) dan (d). Kegiatan reklamasi di manado pada nyatanya menghilangkan mata pencaharian, sulitnya akses melaut dan kebisingan akan kegiatan dari reklamasi dan juga ditemukan adanya kerusakan terumbu karang yang berdampak buruk pada biota-biota laut. Kata kunci: perlindungan hukum; masyarakat; lingkungan; dampak reklamasi.ABSTRACTDevelopment in reclamation has been massively carried out in big cities in Indonesia. Manado is one of the cities that very often carry out reclamation; this is done for the construction of roads, shopping centers, hotels, and other forms of tourism—the law against society and the environment resulting from the reclamation of Manado Beach. The research uses the Normative-Empirical method by examining the implementation of normative legal provisions in their application in society. The performance of reclamation on Manado Beach does not involve the approval of the coastal community and ignores the impact on environmental aspects. Based on the results of research on reclamation on Manado Beach, it was found to be contrary to existing regulations. First, the social impact of reclamation on Manado Beach violates Law No. 27 Year 2007 Article 34 paragraph (2), which is stated in 35 letters (c) and (d). Reclamation activities in Manado eliminate livelihoods, difficulty accessing the sea, and noise from reclamation activities and also found damage to coral reefs, which negatively impacts marine biota.Keywords: legal protection; society; environment; reclamation impact.
Perlindungan Lahan Sawah Dalam Pencapaian Ketahanan Pangan Nasional Sri Mulyani; Aqil Teguh Fathani; Eko Priyo Purnomo
Rona Teknik Pertanian Vol 13, No 2 (2020): Volume 13, No. 2, Oktober 2020
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Engineering, Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/rtp.v13i2.17173


Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini melihat ketahanan pangan berkelanjutan yang merupakan suatu kewajiban dan harus dilakukan untuk menjaga ketersediaan pangan khususnya padi. Pada saat ini di Sumatera Barat sedang maraknya terjadi alih fungsi lahan lawah. Alih fungsi lahan sawah ini disebabkan oleh pembangunan infrastruktur, perumahan, jalan, jalan tol, sarana umum dan fasiltas lainnya. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan rasionalistik. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan dengan adanya alih fungsi lahan sawah menyebabkan luas panen terhadap padi dan jumlah produksi padi terus berkurang. Pada tahun 2018 terjadi pengurangan luas panen dan produksi padi yang sangat signifikan dari tahun sebelumnya (2017) yaitu sebesar 220 ribu ha luas panen padi dan 1.4 juta ton produksi padi. Hal ini dinilai sangat berbahaya bagi ketahanan pangan yang berkelanjutan karena jumlah penduduk terus bertambah dan juga kebutuhan terhadap pangan juga semakin meningkat sedangkan jumlah produksi justru terus berkurang. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya peran dari semua unsur untuk mengkontrol dan mengendalikan lahan sawah serta pemerintah dengan segera membuat regulasi Peraturan Daerah untuk mengatur lahan sawah agar tidak terjadi alih fungsi lahan sawah secara berkelanjutan.Protection of Rice Fields in Achieving National Food SecurityAbstract. The purpose of this research is to see sustainable food security which is an obligation and must be done to maintain food availability, especially rice. The function of paddy fields is caused by the development of infrastructure, housing, roads, toll roads, public means, and other facilities. The methods in this study used qualitative methods with a rationalistic approach. The results of the study mentioned that the Land of rice field function caused the harvest area to rice and the amount of rice production continued to decrease. In 2018 there was a reduction in the vast harvest and rice production which was significantly from the previous year which amounted to 220 thousand hectares of rice harvest and 1.4 million tonnes of rice production. This is very dangerous for sustainable food security because the population continues to grow and also the need for food is also increasing while the number of production is steadily decreasing. Therefore, it is necessary to have the role of all elements to control and control the rice fields and government by immediately make the regulation of local regulations to regulate the field of rice fields to prevent the functioning of the rice field sustainability.
Bibliometric Analysis in the Development of Public Sector Digitalization Prabawa, Windhi Gita; Mutiarin, Dyah; Purnomo, Eko Priyo; Roengtam, Sataporn
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 11, No 2 (2024): June 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v11i2.17922


Public sector modernization has long been on the political agenda of governments around the world. This study aims to provide an overview of the development of scientific research with the theme of public sector digitalization in the last ten years, from 2014 to 2023. The researcher used the qualitative method with a literature approach. The data source was obtained by accessing journals in the Scopus database with high citation counts. The data obtained was then analyzed using VOSviewer. The results showed that 417 journals studied public sector digitalization from 2014 to 2023. It is widely assumed that the United Kingdom and the United States are the most influential countries in digitalization research in the public sector. The results showed a significant difference in research topics between the UK and the US. Even though this study provides information about public sector digitalization, it has its limitations. The main limitation is that the articles only come from the Scopus database, with no other comparative data. Future research should continue to use data from other databases to contribute more comprehensive knowledge.
Co-Authors Abhipraya, Fairuz Arta Achmad Nurmandi Agustiyara, Agustiyara Aisyah, Ica Naisyah Tul Aisyah, Luthfiana Putri Ajree Ducol Malawani Akbar, Paisal Al Fauzi Rahmat AL Muhajir Haris, AL Muhajir Alfi Novriando Ali Djamhuri Ali Roziqin Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara ANAND, PB Anggreani, Muthiara Dwi Ariya Pongsiri Atthapong Sirisuwan Aulia Nur Kasiwi, Aulia Nur Bonde, Devita Anggraina Budiman Budiman Delila Putri Sadayi Dian Aurelia Pramudita Insani Dwi Jazimah Wijayati Dyah Mutiarin Dyah Mutiarin, Dyah Dzinnun, Yusriah Effendi, Ghina Nabilah Fadhlurrohman, Mochammad Iqbal Fairuz Arta Abhipraya Fathani, Aqil Teguh Haeril, Haeril Hafizah Hafizah Haifulloh, Rizky Hapsa Hapsa, Hapsa Hiban, Muhammad Ibnu Hikmah Zougira Ibrahim, Adil Hassan Inrinofita Sari Jariya Intanin Jovita, Hazel D. Kasiwi, Aulia Nur Kathanyoo Kaewhanam Kurniasari, Lenny Kurniawati, Dyah Estu Maharani, Eno Novita Malawani, Ajree D Malawani, Ajree Ducol MUALLIDIN, ISNAINI Muhammad Farhan HR Muhammad Rivai Novalia, Savira Nurkasiwi, Aulia Nuryanti Mustari Pandansari, Dyah Ayu Phimlikid Kaewhanam Prabawa, Windhi Gita Pramesti, Dyah Ratna Pujiartini, Pujiartini Putra, Bahrul Azis Pratama Rahmanto, Fajar Ramadhani, Ramadhani Ramaini Ramaini Rismika, Tanti Rizka Zahrotun Khairina Rosmita Rosmita Ruhullah, Mohammad Eisa Salsabila, Lubna SATAPORN ROENGTAM, SATAPORN Sirinada Kamolkat Sri Mulyani Suswanta Syahnaz Oriza Keumala Tengku Imam Syarifuddin Wahdania Suardi Wahyuni, Herpita Yasa, A.Andika Yeni Widowaty Zahra, Abitassha Az