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Journal : OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains

Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Penentuan Perawatan Kecantikan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor Berbasis Web Amelia Septi Aisyah; Saprudin
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 1 No 06 (2022): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Umumnya yang dilakukan orang awam apabila mengalami gejala kondisi kulit wajah adalah konsultasi dengan dokter/pakar kecantikan. Namun, dalam melakukan perawatan ke klinik kecantikan tersebut terdapat permasalahan yang dialami oleh sebagian orang yaitu biaya konsultasi yang relatif mahal serta kurangnya infromasi pengetahuan masyarakat tentang saran produk dan perawatan yang sesuai dengan kondisi kulit wajah. Berdasarkan fakta tersebut penulis ingin merancang sebuah sistem pakar yang dapat membantu masyarakat dalam melakukan konsultasi tentang perawatan kecantikan serta memberikan informasi tentang saran produk kecantikan yang cocok untuk kebutuhan kulit wajah. Sistem pakar yang dirancang menggunakan metode certainty factor, dan transformasi pengetahuan dari pakar ke dalam bentuk interprestasi pengetahuan berbasis web.
Rancang Bangun Deteksi Banjir Menggunakan NodeMCU Dengan Notifikasi Berbasis Android Pada Komplek Ciledug Indah 1 Selvy Pebrianti; Saprudin
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 01 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Floods are natural disasters that often occur in several areas in Indonesia, one of which is in Jakarta. As in the Ciledug Indah 1 Complex which is adjacent to the river, which often floods due to the large amount of garbage that clogs, the flow of river water often floods at night and at that time residents who are sleeping do not know that the flood has entered the house so that household items been flooded. This researcher aims to produce a flood detection system so that residents know about an impending flood by using messages and voices. This flood warning detection system uses NodeMcu which controls ultrasonic sensors to detect flooding from its height. The message sent by the Android application will send a flood hazard notification depending on the condition of the ultrasonic sensor which detects the height at each predetermined water level, in addition to notification of a buzzer sound that informs the danger sign at the highest level which will sound 1 time later. The result of this research is that an early warning flood detection system has been built using NodeMcu and an Android application that makes it easier for residents to find out the state of overflowing water from rivers near settlements.
Implementasi Metode Fuzzy-AHP Pada Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Untuk Menentukan Guru Berprestasi Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus: Madrasah Aliyah Syekh Mubarok) Ahmad Manhatul Irfan; Saprudin
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 1 No 08 (2022): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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The process of selecting outstanding teachers at the school level is still done conventionally, namely based on personal observations of the teachers concerned, and only based on certain criteria. Observation or Observation Method Observation method is a data collection technique by conducting direct observations of the object being studied and recording related events. Interview. Method The interview method is the acquisition of data by holding direct conversations and questions and answers that have to do with the object being studied. Literature Study Methods Literature study is a technique to find data related to research sourced from books and documents in the form of journals, related thesis needed to support system development. Documentation Method This method is used to find out the processes that have been carried out by MA Sheikh Mubarok System Development. Methods System development is the preparation of a new system to replace the old system as a whole or improve the existing system. So the appropriate development for the system created is using the Waterfall method. Based on the problems and problem solving solution plans above, in writing this thesis the author takes the title "Implementation of the Fuzzy-AHP Method in a Decision Support System To Determine A Web-Based Achievement Teacher (Case Study). : Madrasah Aliyah Syekh Mubarok)". The conclusions that the author can describe regarding the Decision Support System to Determine Web-based Achievement Teachers: Designing a web-based system as a decision support to determine outstanding teachers using the waterfall development method Application of the Fuzzy-AHP method in Decision Support Systems to determine outstanding teachers using predetermined assessment criteria.
Implementasi Metode Weighted Produk (WP) Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Dalam Menentukan Prestasi Guru Saprudin; Rengga Herdiansyah
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 05 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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The history of the concept of a decision support system was first introduced in the early 1970s by Michael S. Scott Morton with the term Management Decision System (Tampubolon, 2010). The system is a computer-based system that aims to assist decision making by utilizing existing data and models. The main task of the teacher is to educate, teach, guide; direct, train, assess; and assess students. Outstanding teachers are teachers who have the ability to carry out tasks, are successful in carrying out tasks, have a personality that is in accordance with the teaching profession and have educational insights. A decision support system or Decision Support System (DSS) is a system that can assist in making decisions in an organization or company by applying a method that is appropriate to the field of decision taken; Making decisions manually without the help of SPK will result in an assessment that is not or less objective. The process of selecting outstanding teachers at the school level has so far been carried out conventionally, namely based on the personal observations of the teacher concerned, and only based on certain criteria. So that in this way, not all criteria and sub criteria can be accommodated in the assessment. Therefore, it is necessary to apply information technology in the form of a Decision Support System, especially in the process of selecting issuing teachers so that the process becomes effective so that the criteria and sub-criteria can be accommodated in the assessment. One method of decision support that is quite popular and reliable in overcoming the problem of selecting objects according to the criteria measured qualitatively and quantitatively is the weighted product (WP) method. The weighted product (WP) method is one of the methods commonly used in election systems, the advantage of this method is the concept of improving the weights used for each criterion. Based on the problems and problem-solving plans above, in this writing the author takes the title "Method of Implementation of the Weighted Product (WP) Method of Decision Support Systems in Determining Teacher Achievement".
Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Pencatatan Pendapatan Berbasis Website dengan Menggunakan Metode Waterfall untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Bisnis pada Cafe Kitorato (PT Kita Setara Indonesia) Amirulah Kaharudin; Ari Agus Supriyadi; Muhlis; Saprudin
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 05 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Cafe Kitorato is a cafe business aimed at providing customers with a unique culinary experience. However, a common problem that occurs is the lack of efficiency in income recording and data management, which can have a negative impact on the overall performance of the business. Therefore, this research aims to analyze and design a web-based income recording system using the Waterfall method, with the hope of improving the performance of Cafe Kitorato. The research begins with an in-depth analysis of Cafe Kitorato's business needs and requirements in terms of income recording. The Waterfall method is chosen as the approach for structured and well-documented system development. The stages in the Waterfall method, namely requirement analysis, system design, implementation, testing, and maintenance, are followed systematically. In the requirement analysis phase, the data needed for cafe income recording is collected and analyzed. Next, the system design is carried out by designing an intuitive and user-friendly website interface to facilitate its usage by cafe staff. The system is implemented by building a website capable of real-time income recording and generating accurate financial reports. The test results show that the web-based income recording system using the Waterfall method has been successfully implemented at Cafe Kitorato. The use of this system helps expedite the income recording process, reduce human errors, and improve data accuracy. In field testing, the system successfully generated faster financial reports that can be accessed online by cafe conclusion, the use of a web-based income recording system with the Waterfall method can enhance the business performance at Cafe Kitorato. This system helps improve efficiency in income recording and data management, which, in turn, has a positive impact on business decision-making. This research provides an important contribution to the development of information systems to enhance business performance in the culinary industry, particularly in the cafe business.
Co-Authors Aang Suryana Abdullah Al Ghifari Achmad Khoirur Roziqin Ade Rosadi Adeka Saputra Adi Febrianto Adi Setiawan Aditia Aditya Bayu Nugroho Aditya Rizqiandri Saputra Affandi Agung Laksono Afifah Dela Anggita Afriyanto Agung Wijoyo Ahmad Doni Ahmad Fadli Ahmad Fauzan Rizaldi Ahmad Manhatul Irfan Ahmad Sya'bani Aida Fithrotun Nisa Aimi Saputra Ajib Ajib Bahauddin Aldi Sundafa Alfi Ardhiansyah Alfian Alin Lestari Amelia Septi Aisyah Amirulah Kaharudin Andhika Noviantara Andi Afif Nawawi Andrian Andriansyah Prastio Angga Kurnia Anisa Maulida Ardiana Ari Agus Supriyadi Arief Kurniawan Arief Nur Febrianto Arisky Rahmatulloh Arya Sigit Arya Tunggal Narotama Asmat Aulia Annisa Pratiwi Bagus Wicaksono Bayu Wibowo Chindy Lestari Cholis Hanifurohman Cut Fatma Anwar Daffa Umar Maulana Dea Fadiana Hikmawati Deanna Durbin hutagalung Deanna Durbin Hutagalung Deanna Durbin Hutagalung Dian Megasari Dian Megawati Donny Herlangga Razak Dwiki Alfandi Sholeh Egi Parwansyah Erfina Yuanita Erni Rohyati Putri Ersandika January Nugrahadi Erzha Bayu Setiyaji Fadhil Is Hakim Fadil Ardiansyah Fara Yurisus Sakinah Faraj Hafidh Farhan Aditya Hassan Fatah Fatah Ridho Perdana Fikri Riduan Galuh Surya Permana Gilang Nur Dwiasyah Gunawan Atmaja hafidz al amin Halim Wijaya Haqun Baitika Hendrik Louis Mahdi Ikhsan Adam Nachrowi Ilham Farhandhany Ilham Jaya Firmansyah Indra Cahya Firdaus Indrawan Irfan Maulana Irwan Ahussalim Ismaul Ismaul Rizki Jenal Jenal Karisma Nugroho Khotibul Umam Lela Monika Lisda Amalia Luzen Aji Budiman M. Zidni Ilman Maulana Yusuf Mega Christina Mia Audina Miftah Aziz Miftahul Ridha Mochamad Sofyan Sauri Mohamad Jepri Muchlas Syahlanisyiam Muhamad Ardy Kurniawan Muhamad Derryanur Muhamad Hanafi Muhammad Akbar Fadillah Muhammad Alfito Risky Pratama Muhammad Arrasyid Muhammad Avrello Athallah Muhammad Cordiaz Muhammad Ilham Syhani Muhammad Imam Al-huda Muhammad Irfan Maulana Muhammad Mustofa Ramadhan Muhammad Nawawi Muhammad Rangga Pradono Muhammad Rifqi Fauzi Muhammad Rio Arya Pratama Muhammad Rizal Muhammad Subhan Abdullah Muhammad Syam Noverick Muhlis Munaldi Munaldi Nanang Selamet Riyadi Naufal Surya Anggana Nur Illahi Septa Nur Moh. Phathan Asidiqi Nur Muhammad Rijki Nur Rofiq Nurhaliza Arfadilla Nurohman Nuryanti Tuto Suban Opik Hidayat Abdul Latif Orisa Satifa Pawit Wahib Perani Rosyani Raden Azka Hermanto Rafi Luthfansyah Rahman Maulana Rahmat Adnan Fauzan Raihana Mutiarawati Raka Tri Mustakim Ramadhan Eka Syahputra Ramy Rajabil Daris Rasyad Athaya Ridya Ray Diphan Rengga Herdiansyah Reza Andika Rezy Azril Fadillah Rici Rahman Ricky Muharik Ridho Hafizh Maulana rinaldi Rinawang Tyas Arinanto Rio Pratama Risky Ardiansyah Rizki Adi Pangestika Rizki Fadillah Rizko Ramdhan Priatna Rizky Gimnastiar Robby Alvian Jaya Mulia Sakha Satrio Pambudi Selvy Pebrianti Septy Indira Santoso Sholihin Sholihin Siti Khofifah Sofyan Mufti Prasetio Stevianus Imanuel Salangka Sutarto Syahrul Arifin Syifa Khoirunnisa Syukron Al Azhar Tri Rahmawati Unggul Prasetyo Utomo Verolia Yunita Putri Vito Fajariyadi Wahyu Tri Cahya Wenang Perdana Wildan Nur Alif Willa Agustin Willy Arianto Yayah Zakiyah Yolanda Anggraini Yono Cahyono Zahra Amelia Zulkahfi