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Journal : AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 05 (2022): AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Abstract In realizing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education through the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of Pamulang University, it is necessary to carry out research activities that are adapted to the resources of the teaching staff. In essence, this community service activity is carried out to bridge the problems faced by the community, the community in general to educational institutions. In a digital era like today, internet media has become integrated into people's lives, especially teenagers in the school environment, it does not rule out the possibility of dangers that can damage their future. Seeing these dangers, there is a need for socialization or introduction to crimes that may occur in the digital world or the internet. The methods used in this community service activity are lectures, discussions and training. Through this activity, the Daar El Hikam Islamic boarding school in Ciputat is getting to know young people what will happen if they are not careful when using the internet. In the training conducted by a team of Pamulang University lecturers, teenagers made personal account security both when using laptops, PCs and personal cellphones to prevent the emergence of data contained in the devices used. Some of them create 2-step levers, recognize malicious apps on the phone, protect accounts with strong passwords. In this case, it is hoped that the youth of the Daar El Hikam Islamic boarding school in Ciputat will be more introspective and protect themselves in using the internet.
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Penyimpanan Data Cloud Computing Sebagai Solusi Pendukung Kerja Saprudin; Dian Megawati; Deanna Durbin hutagalung
AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 11 (2022): AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Menghadapi era baru yang serba digital tidak terlepas dari perannya media penyimpanan. Media penyimpanan menjadi dasar yang sangat penting untuk memfasilitasi data atau file yang dipunya. Entah disadari atau tidak, aktivitas sehari-hari kita saat ini tidak bisa lepas dari makhluk yang bernama penyimpanan data. Pada saat kita menggunakan layanan telekomunikasi untuk berhubungan dengan orang-orang terdekat, mengoperasikan komputer untuk menyelesaikan tugas, mencetak dokumen, atau aktivitasaktivitas lain yang memanfaatkan perangkat elektronik, maka saat itulah media penyimpanan data menyediakan peran dan fungsinya. Mengingat penyimpanan arsip fisik yang mulai ditinggalkan, maka digitalisasi arsip merupakan solusi yangtelah menjadi tren untuk menyelamatkan arsip yang dimiliki oleh sebuah organisasi, baik itu perusahaan atau juga lembaga pemerintahan. Meskipun begitu, tidak semua pihak mengetahui manfaat yang akan dirasakan secara langsung dari peningkatan efisiensi penyimpanan dokumen digital.. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, kami mempunyai pandangan bahwa, perlu adanya sosialisasi atau pengenalan terhadap pemanfaatan teknologi penyimpanan data Cloud Computing Sebagai solusi pendukung kerja.
Pengenalan Digital Marketing Kepada Santri Pesantren Tahfidz Quran As-Sholah Gunung Sindur Bogor Dian Megasari; Deanna Durbin Hutagalung; Saprudin
AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Community service activities are very important where the service team can share their knowledge with the community. In this case he service team carried out activities at the Tahfidz Quran As-Sholah Islamic boarding school, Gunung Sindur, Bogor. The implementation method is lectures, discussions and training for students, especially for creating content and copywriting from digital marketing. The result of this activities were obtained where the students were able to create content and copywriting to promote something that would be marketed. One of the things to promote something that will be promoted is the Tahfidz Quran As-Sholah Islamic boarding school so that it is increasingly known by the community not only around the Bogor area but throughout Indonesia.
Sosialisasi Kesadaran Keamanan Penggunaan Smartphone Bagi Siswa/i SMP Islam Imam Syafii, Desa Kabasiran Kecamatan Parung Panjang Deanna Durbin Hutagalung; Dian Megasari; Saprudin
AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 10 : November (2023): AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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The use of cellular telephones or commonly abbreviated as cell phones is increasingly widespread in society, there are many positive impacts and benefits obtained in the fields of education, health, security and business. In the field of education, the use of mobile phones is really needed, especially during the Covid 19 era, namely as a medium for online learning and sharing information. Currently, cellphones have begun to change their function, not only as communication and information tools but also for playing games, listening to music, watching films and so on. Cell phones also have various price and feature options which are equipped with various increasingly sophisticated and intelligent technologies so that they are often called smartphones. Various information and applications can be accessed along with the increasing number of websites that can be accessed via smartphone which provide information in the form of news, job vacancies, and so on. Apart from having a positive impact, using a smartphone also has a negative impact if it is not used properly. For teenagers, it can cause them to lose concentration in studying because they only focus on various information and social media and games. Apart from that, it can damage the eyes, damage the spine due to lack of movement and sitting more, hearing problems due to using headsets, sleep disturbances due to staying up too late and decreased sense of family and social factors. Inseparable part of our daily lives, playing a central role in connecting us with the virtual world. However, with all the comfort and benefits offered, we often tend to forget the security aspects that are no less important. Seeing the importance of security factors, security awareness of smartphone use is something that cannot be ignored. Smartphone users personally suffer a lot from fraud through WhatsApp or SMS applications, game applications which without realizing it are a place for gambling and also illegal online loan offers which cause a lot of harm to the public. Smartphone users, especially children and teenagers, often don't realize things like this. Therefore, users must be responsible for their personal security in the digital world, such as installing antivirus, not sharing confidential personal data, choosing when to access information on the internet, and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to spread awareness about the safety of using smartphones, especially among teenagers.
Co-Authors Aang Suryana Abdullah Al Ghifari Achmad Khoirur Roziqin Ade Rosadi Adeka Saputra Adi Febrianto Adi Setiawan Aditia Aditya Bayu Nugroho Aditya Rizqiandri Saputra Affandi Agung Laksono Afifah Dela Anggita Afriyanto Agung Wijoyo Ahmad Doni Ahmad Fadli Ahmad Fauzan Rizaldi Ahmad Manhatul Irfan Ahmad Sya'bani Aida Fithrotun Nisa Aimi Saputra Ajib Ajib Bahauddin Aldi Sundafa Alfi Ardhiansyah Alfian Alin Lestari Amelia Septi Aisyah Amirulah Kaharudin Andhika Noviantara Andi Afif Nawawi Andrian Andriansyah Prastio Angga Kurnia Anisa Maulida Ardiana Ari Agus Supriyadi Arief Kurniawan Arief Nur Febrianto Arisky Rahmatulloh Arya Sigit Arya Tunggal Narotama Asmat Aulia Annisa Pratiwi Bagus Wicaksono Bayu Wibowo Chindy Lestari Cholis Hanifurohman Cut Fatma Anwar Daffa Umar Maulana Dea Fadiana Hikmawati Deanna Durbin hutagalung Deanna Durbin Hutagalung Deanna Durbin Hutagalung Dian Megasari Dian Megawati Donny Herlangga Razak Dwiki Alfandi Sholeh Egi Parwansyah Erfina Yuanita Erni Rohyati Putri Ersandika January Nugrahadi Erzha Bayu Setiyaji Fadhil Is Hakim Fadil Ardiansyah Fara Yurisus Sakinah Faraj Hafidh Farhan Aditya Hassan Fatah Fatah Ridho Perdana Fikri Riduan Galuh Surya Permana Gilang Nur Dwiasyah Gunawan Atmaja hafidz al amin Halim Wijaya Haqun Baitika Hendrik Louis Mahdi Ikhsan Adam Nachrowi Ilham Farhandhany Ilham Jaya Firmansyah Indra Cahya Firdaus Indrawan Irfan Maulana Irwan Ahussalim Ismaul Ismaul Rizki Jenal Jenal Karisma Nugroho Khotibul Umam Lela Monika Lisda Amalia Luzen Aji Budiman M. Zidni Ilman Maulana Yusuf Mega Christina Mia Audina Miftah Aziz Miftahul Ridha Mochamad Sofyan Sauri Mohamad Jepri Muchlas Syahlanisyiam Muhamad Ardy Kurniawan Muhamad Derryanur Muhamad Hanafi Muhammad Akbar Fadillah Muhammad Alfito Risky Pratama Muhammad Arrasyid Muhammad Avrello Athallah Muhammad Cordiaz Muhammad Ilham Syhani Muhammad Imam Al-huda Muhammad Irfan Maulana Muhammad Mustofa Ramadhan Muhammad Nawawi Muhammad Rangga Pradono Muhammad Rifqi Fauzi Muhammad Rio Arya Pratama Muhammad Rizal Muhammad Subhan Abdullah Muhammad Syam Noverick Muhlis Munaldi Munaldi Nanang Selamet Riyadi Naufal Surya Anggana Nur Illahi Septa Nur Moh. Phathan Asidiqi Nur Muhammad Rijki Nur Rofiq Nurhaliza Arfadilla Nurohman Nuryanti Tuto Suban Opik Hidayat Abdul Latif Orisa Satifa Pawit Wahib Perani Rosyani Raden Azka Hermanto Rafi Luthfansyah Rahman Maulana Rahmat Adnan Fauzan Raihana Mutiarawati Raka Tri Mustakim Ramadhan Eka Syahputra Ramy Rajabil Daris Rasyad Athaya Ridya Ray Diphan Rengga Herdiansyah Reza Andika Rezy Azril Fadillah Rici Rahman Ricky Muharik Ridho Hafizh Maulana rinaldi Rinawang Tyas Arinanto Rio Pratama Risky Ardiansyah Rizki Adi Pangestika Rizki Fadillah Rizko Ramdhan Priatna Rizky Gimnastiar Robby Alvian Jaya Mulia Sakha Satrio Pambudi Selvy Pebrianti Septy Indira Santoso Sholihin Sholihin Siti Khofifah Sofyan Mufti Prasetio Stevianus Imanuel Salangka Sutarto Syahrul Arifin Syifa Khoirunnisa Syukron Al Azhar Tri Rahmawati Unggul Prasetyo Utomo Verolia Yunita Putri Vito Fajariyadi Wahyu Tri Cahya Wenang Perdana Wildan Nur Alif Willa Agustin Willy Arianto Yayah Zakiyah Yolanda Anggraini Yono Cahyono Zahra Amelia Zulkahfi