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Journal : Eduma : Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching

Students’ Error Analysis in Solving Word Problems in Exponential Number Topic Based on Newman’s Error Analysis (NEA) Theory Anita Ummu Hidayah; Sri Rejeki
Eduma : Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching Vol 11, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Jurusan Tadris Matematika IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/eduma.v11i2.11123


In mathematics, students usually experience errors in solving word problems. Previous studies found that students’ skills in solving word problems were not good enough. Therefore, exploring students’ errors to be a consideration in designing efforts to minimize these errors is necessary. This study aimed to describe the errors made by students in solving word problems in exponential numbers based on Newman’s theory. Based on Newman’s view, there are five stages of student error: reading errors, comprehension errors, transformation errors, process skill errors, and encoding errors. This research is a descriptive qualitative study involving grade nine with two students in each category, namely high, medium, and low levels of mathematics ability. The data collection was conducted through documentation and interview. The study’s data analysis involved data reduction, display, and conclusion drawing. Based on the data analysis, it could be concluded that: 1) students with high mathematical ability still committed errors in the transformation, process skill, and encoding stages, 2) students with moderate mathematical ability were still experiencing errors in the transformation, process skill, and encoding stages, but one of the subjects also made errors at the reading and comprehension stages, 3) students with the low mathematical ability experienced quite a lot of errors in solving the word problems, namely at the comprehension, transformation, process skill, and encoding stages but one of the subjects also made errors at the reading stage. These findings could be used as consideration in planning teaching and learning activities to minimize the occurrence of similar errors in students with various levels of mathematical ability.
Co-Authors ABDU RAHMAN BACO, ABDU RAHMAN Abdul Malik Adi Nurcahyo alim, Usman Almin, Almin Anis Mahmudah Anis Mahmudah, Anis Anisa Kharimatul Fatonah Anita Ummu Hidayah Ansharullah ansharullah Apriasari, Marfu'ah Asdar Asdar Asih Indriyani Aspira, Aspira Astriyanti, Anita Astuti, Wa Ode Reni Cahyaning Tyas Putri Utami Christina Kartika Sari Fakhurrozi, Fakhurrozi Febrianti, Rizka Fitri Miladina Fitri Yani Panggabean Fitria Dewi Halim Tri Sukarno Hasni Hasni Herani Tri Lestiana Hermanto Hermanto Ikhrom Marfu'ah Imroatus Sholihah Irna Safitri Isnaeni Umi Machromah J Jamilaturrohmah Jusniati, Jusniati Khofifah Titan Palupi Kusumawati, Resky L, Mariani La Karimuna Lestiana, Herani Tri Lina Wahyu Sri Fatmasari Luluk Rosyida Luthfi Rahmasari Machmudah, Machmudah Marfu'ah Apriasari Marfu'ah Nur Cahyanti Mega Eriska Rosaria Purnomo Meladia Salsabila Ulfah Mirna Sari Mohamad Waluyo Mohammad Rifki Maulana Muhamad Toyib Muhammad Noor Kholid Muhammad Sai Muzakkar, Muhammad Zakir Nainggolan, Elisabeth Naufal Ishartono Nia Nilamsari Nida Sri Utami Nikmatul Khayati Nining Setyaningsih Nugrawati, Andi Laila Nuqthy Faiziyah Nur Asyik, Nur Nursafani, Nursafani Pancar, Fadli Ma’mun Payung Tasik, Nita Zaman Putri Miftaakhul Jannah Restu Libriani Rina Zidna Budiningtyas Rinaldi, Muammar Rini Setyaningsih Rini Setyaningsih Rita P. Khotimah S Sugiyanti Sadimantara, Muhammad Syukri Sahaba, La Ode Sartian, Sartian Sekar Kinanti Septya Eka Wahyuni Setyawan, Fariz Sipa, Nandar Kusrail Sipahelut, Sophia Grace Sri Sutarni Sri Wahyuni Sutama Syifa Rahma Aulia Tamrin Tamrin Tandyo Ardhana Tika Andriani Titis Putri Anggraini Widya Arum Tri Andini Wulan Galuh Rahma Perwita Yamin Yaddi Yesi Ratna Sari Yuspitasari, Gian Zulham Zulham