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The development and implementation of an android-based saving and loan cooperative application Moechammad Sarosa; Devi Khanthi Dwi Bhakti; Putri Elfa Mas'udia; Yunia Mulyani Azis; Nailul Muna; Ekananda Sulistyo Putra
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol 10, No 6: December 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/eei.v10i6.3247


The savings and loans cooperative are a cooperative that has an important purpose in its reach and services, such as the Permata Ngijo Savings and Loans Cooperative. Activities within the cooperative itself include managing member data as well as savings and loan transactions. In systems that are still manual, such as Microsoft Excel, there is a risk of inaccurate data and takes a long time. This manual system is still less effective because the number of members and transactions continues to grow. Therefore, an application is needed as a more effective data processing and information system for members that is easier to access. This study aims to build an android-based savings and loan application using the hypertext preprocessor (PHP) programming language and my structured query language (MySQL) as data storage. Based on the android application that has been made, it shows that the black box functionality of the application runs as planned, the success rate for users reaches 90%.
Optimization of Neuro-Fuzzy System Using Genetic Algorithm for Chromosome Classification M. Sarosa; A. S. Ahmad; B. Riyanto; A. S. Noer
Journal of ICT Research and Applications Vol. 1 No. 1 (2007)
Publisher : LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/itbj.ict.2007.1.1.5


Neuro-fuzzy system has been shown to provide a good performance on chromosome classification but does not offer a simple method to obtain the accurate parameter values required to yield the best recognition rate. This paper presents a neuro-fuzzy system where its parameters can be automatically adjusted using genetic algorithms. The approach combines the advantages of fuzzy logic theory, neural networks, and genetic algorithms. The structure consists of a four layer feed-forward neural network that uses a GBell membership function as the output function. The proposed methodology has been applied and tested on banded chromosome classification from the Copenhagen Chromosome Database. Simulation result showed that the proposed neuro-fuzzy system optimized by genetic algorithms offers advantages in setting the parameter values, improves the recognition rate significantly and decreases the training/testing time which makes genetic neuro-fuzzy system suitable for chromosome classification.
Jurnal Sinergitas PKM & CSR Vol 4, No 1 (2019): October
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

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Rapid growth of online vegetable traders make the traditional one worry about their future, in which the bankruptcy is in near future, like several department store and other conventional businesses. The proposed digital technology is an online business tool for traditional vegetable peddlers aimed at supporting them to compete with online vegetable traders, building a better trading management, and equip them with information technology development and usability. Customer could order vegetables to the peddler through an application. The application will notify peddlers about the corresponding order, thus the peddler could pack and deliver the orders along with that day’s orders to the correct address. Market potential of this apps is highly large, due to the number of potential customers as well as the peddlers. To make it more efficient, this application implement zoning approach, in which customers areas are divided into several zone, differ from its number of population and area size. By implementing this method, the delivery process could be arranged in accordance with the shipping line in each zones, resulted in minimizing our shipping cost. The implementation of this application aimed to secure the peddlers job, protecting them from the unhealthy development and growth of online vegetable traders.
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan Vol 2, No 4 (2013): November 2013
Publisher : Indonesian Food Technologists

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Yogurt di pasaran pada umumnya berbentuk cair dan kurang lazim ditemui dibanding produk minuman probiotik lainnya. Untuk itu perlu diversifikasi produk yogurt yang memiliki nilai tambah ekonomi dan bentuk yang bervariasi sehingga menjadikan yogurt sebagai minuman probiotik yang lebih diminati oleh konsumen. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menemukan formulasi yang tepat dalam pembuatan yogurt padat baik dalam bentuk rasa maupun tekstur. Yogurt padat dibuat dari susu sapi segar ditambah dengan maizena, susu skim, dekstrin (sesuai variabel) dan gula. Campuran dari bahan–bahan tersebut dipanaskan pada suhu ± 90 oC selama 10 menit, didinginkan sampai suhu 43 oC, dan ditambahkan starter yogurt (bakteri Steptococcus thermophillus dan Lactobacillus bulgariccus) sebesar 3 % dan diinkubasi selama 18 jam pada suhu kamar. Variabel berubah yang digunakan adalah jumlah maizena, susu skim, dan dekstrin dalam bentuk formulasi yaitu formulasi A sampai O. Dari hasil uji coba organoleptik terhadap 20 responden menunjukkan bahwa yogurt padat dengan rasa dan tekstur yang paling disukai responden adalah formulasi D yaitu pada penambahan susu skim 3 %, maizena 3 % dan tidak ada penambahan dekstrin. Formulasi D tersebut setelah diuji secara kimiawi dan mikrobiologi menghasilkan kadar keasaman 0,87%, kadar protein 8,932%, dan jumlah bakteri stater 2,45 x 109 cfu/gram sampel.
Implementasi multiple regression dalam Daya tarik celebrity endorser, kualitas produk, komentar pelanggan terhadap Keputusan pembelian Yunia Mulyani Azis; A. Mifta Haerat; Moechammad Sarosa
JISAMAR (Journal of Information System, Applied, Management, Accounting and Research) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): JISAMAR: May 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jayakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52362/jisamar.v6i2.777


Persaingan penjualan didunia online makin pesat terlebih di masa pandemik, para pelaku usaha dituntut untuk terus mengembangkan inovasi penjualan. Selain itu pandemik juga berdampak pada perubahan perilaku konsumen. Tentunya banyak yang melatar belakangi sikap atau perilaku masyarakat dalam hal ini konsumen ketika mengambil keputusan dalam melakukan pembelian, diantaranya daya tarik celebrity endorser dan kualitas produk yang dipasarkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan model multiple regression dalam menganalisis hubungan dan pengaruh daya tarik Celebrity Endorser, pengaruh kualitas produk, dan pengaruh komentar pelanggan berkontribusi pada keputusan pembelian studi kasus pada pengguna Instagram Shakila Woman Wear. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuisioner yang disebarkan melalui Google Form, populasi berasal dari pengguna aplikasi Instagram selaku konsumen atau pelanggan yang melakukan pembelian produk dan menggunakan produk Shakila Woman Wear. Sample dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 orang yang merupakan pelanggan pengguna Instagram Shakila Woman Wear. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara simultan daya tarik celebrity endorser, kualitas produk, serta komentar pelanggan berpengaruh kepada keputusan pembelian. Namun secara parsial daya tarik yang dimiliki celebrity endorser tidak berpengaruh kepada keputusan pembelian, disisi lain kualitas produk dan komentar pelanggan berpengaruh kepada keputusan pembelian di Shakila Woman Wear.
Multiplatform Visual Novel for Culture Education in a Part of Using ICT for Developing a Lifelong Learning Moechammad Sarosa; Zamah Sari; Suhari Suhari; Hilmy Bahy Hakim
International Conferences SDGs 2030 Challenges and Solutions Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : International Conferences SDGs 2030 Challenges and Solutions

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Over the past decade, ICT (Information Communication Technology) have enabled changes in the way people live, work, interact and acquire knowledge. In Indonesia, the progress of using ICT for education and training has growing rapidly, it called E-learning. However, until this time, they still have limitations in a term of system, platform, and usage. E-learning system that we are using until now, one of these, they are usually only available in web-based system take a small part of supporting the whole basic education such as Science and IT only. Teaching social and culture is very important especially when the students still at elementary school. There is a good point for developing software that could teach these students about Indonesia’s social and culture that can be accessed whenever and wherever they are available. Therefore we create the application in a form of visual novel that can be used in multiple platforms. Here, we will present the Visual Novel that used for moral education, there will be a story about honesty, be grateful, helping each other etc.
Machine translation of Indonesian: a review Amalia Agung Septarina; Faisal Rahutomo; Moechammad Sarosa
Communications in Science and Technology Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Komunitas Ilmuwan dan Profesional Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (363.405 KB) | DOI: 10.21924/cst.4.1.2019.104


Today, Machine Translation have an important role in communication. The need of Machine Translation System is getting higher in this information era. Some Machine Translation already exist, but many researcher interested to improve the quality of translation more natural. Find an optimal translation is not an easy thing to do in language processing. In this paper, we discuss about Machine Translation survey that contain Indonesia language to other language. There are different approaches to machine translation. Various method used in evaluating were also discussed like BLEU and NIST. Moreover, its future works to improve the translation quality. From the review results obtained that the translation has better performance depend on the number of corpus, well-behaved aligned corpus, and the technique used.
Pemanfaatan IoT (Internet of Things) Pada Irigasi Tetes Untuk Tanaman Jeruk Mila Kusumawardani Kusumawardani; Moechammad Sarosa; Ratih Indri Hapsari
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR) Vol 2 (2019): Peran Perguruan Tinggi dan Dunia Usaha dalam Mempersiapkan Masyarakat Menghadapi Era I
Publisher : Asosiasi Sinergi Pengabdi dan Pemberdaya Indonesia (ASPPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.623 KB) | DOI: 10.37695/pkmcsr.v2i0.447


Citrus X sinensis plants are one of the main products of Petungsewu Village, Malang Regency. So far, partners (citrus farmers) have relied on rainwater by using rainfed systems to irrigate their crops. Problems arise during dry season because limited water making watering or spraying become difficult. As a result plants are only able to produce fruits once a year while the same plants in other lands with good irrigation can produce fruits twice. To overcome the problem of limited water, it is determined to have a 4x6x2 m3 water reservoir as an water storage area for rainfed systems. While to control water usage when watering uses a cliff system using the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. In addition, to provide water storage, this activity also built a shelter on the reservoir and toilets. Because of the unavailability of electrical energy sources, this activity also provides renewable energy sources that contain solar panel energy. The watering system is carried out automatically using a soil moisture sensor if the humidity is less than 70%, so that the valve will open and the water flows. On the other hand, if the humidity is greater or equal to 70%, the valve will be closed. With the existence of this activity, partners can do automatic watering of plants during dry season, and citrus plants can produce fruits twice in a year
Pelatihan Pemasangan Lampu Otomatis pada Panti Asuhan Al-Husna Landungsari Kabupaten Malang Waluyo Waluyo; Moechammad Sarosa; Ahmad Wilda Yulianto; Rachmad Saptono; Amalia Eka Rakhmania
Jurnal Pengabdian Polinema Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Polinema Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : UPT Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jppkm.v9i2.160


Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini ditujukan pada warga panti asuhan Al-Husna, untuk memberikan bekal keterampilan tentang dasar-dasar prinsip dasar rangkaian otomatisasi listrik. Dengan adanya pelatihan ini diharapkan peserta anak didik panti bisa lebih memahami dan mempunyai minat yang besar, khususnya tentang dunia elektronika dan aplikasi sensor otomasi. Kegiatan diawali dengan penjelasan singkat mengenai komponen elektronika yang digunakan dan cara kerjanya, eksperimen pada protoboard, kemudian pengujian lampu otomatis. Sensor passive infra red (PIR) digunakan pada pelatihan ini karena sifat kerjanya yang sederhana, sehingga mudah dipahami oleh peserta awam. Di akhir kegiatan, terlihat bahwa kemampuan dan pengetahuan peserta mengenai komponen elektronika meningkat. Peserta dengan tingkat pendidikan yang lebih tinggi, dalam hal ini SMA dapat menyerap informasi dan keterampilan yang lebih baik dibandingkan peserta dengan tingkat pendidikan SMP karena sudah memiliki dasar ilmu kelistrikan yang lebih baik.
Rancang Bangun dan Analisis QoS pada Sistem Informasi Penjualan Obat dengan Layanan Antar-Jemput Berbasis Android Putri Elfa Mas’udia; Calvin Andika Pratama; Dewi Purwati; Yani Ratnawati; Moechammad Sarosa; Nurul Hidayati
Techno.Com Vol 21, No 3 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/tc.v21i3.6209


Pada penelitian ini dibuat sebuah aplikasi penjualan obat secara online dengan layanan antar jemput obat pada apotek Rejo Asri Farma Desa Tajinan. Sebelumnya aktivitas pembelian dan informasi stok obat dilakukan secara manual yang menyebabkan kurang efektif dan efisien. User dapat menghemat waktu untuk mengetahui informasi stok obat dan pembelian obat (antar-jemput). Transaksi pembayaran melalui e-money dan top up saldo yang bisa dilakukan kurir dan admin dengan memasukkan email dan jumlah saldo yang akan dikirim. Kurir dapat mengakses maps untuk mengetahui lokasi user dan tersedia juga fasilitas chat room untuk memudahkan komunikasi. Perancangan Aplikasi Apotek dibuat menggunakan software visual studio code dengan framework React Native dan menggunakan database Firebase Realtime. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian aplikasi diperoleh bahwa fitur-fitur aplikasi dapat berfungsi dengan benar, halaman aplikasi dapat tampil secara penuh pada perangkat smartphone ukuran layar 5.2” ke atas. Pengujian dan analissis sistem dilakukan dengan uji Quality of Services (delay, throughput dan packet loss) menggunakan aplikasi wireshark pada sisi user dan admin yang melibatkan 3 operator.
Co-Authors A. Mifta Haerat A. S. Ahmad A. S. Noer Agung Teguh Wibowo Almais, Agung Teguh Agus Naba Aisah Aisah Aisah Aisah Aji Seto Arifianto Amalia Agung Septarina Amalia Eka Rakhmania Amalia Eka Rakhmania B. Riyanto Begum Nabiila Bima Eka Samudra Calvin Andika Pratama D.J. Djoko H. Santjojo Dedy Harto Devi Khanthi Dwi Bhakti Dewi Purwati Dimas Wahyu Wibowo Eka Adhitya Dharmawan Ekananda Sulistyo Putra Elta Sonalitha Erni Yudaningtyas Fahmi, Ichsan Faisal Rahutomo Fredy Windana Hadi Suyono Hadi Suyono Hadiwiyatno Hadiwiyatno Hapsari, Ratih Indri Hariyadi, Aad Hayatun Nufus Herman Tolle Hilmy Bahy Hakim Hudiono Hudiono Isa Mahfudi Kristina Widjajanti Kristina Widjayanti, Kristina Kusumawardani, Mila Lis Diana Mustafa Lis Diana Mustafa M. Aziz Muslim M. Nanak Zakaria, M. Nanak Mentari Tika Putri Ningrum Mila Kusumawardhani Mochammad Junus Mochammad Taufik Moh. Abdullah Anshori Moh. Abdullah Anshori Mohammad Abdullah Anshori Mokhamad Hadi Wijaya Muh Bambang Purwanto Muhammad Aziz Muslim Muhammad Ridwan Mujib Ridwan Nailul Muna Nailul Muna Noviatus Solekhah, Noviatus Nurafni Eltivia Nurul Hidayati Onny Setyawati Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan Purnomo Budi Santoso Purnomo Budi Santoso Putri Elfa Mas'udia Putri Elfa Mas'udia Putri Elfa Mas’udia Putri Elfa Mas`udia Putri Elfa Mas`udia Putri Elfa Mas’udia Putri Elfa Mas’udia Putri Elfa Mas’udia Rachmad Saptono Rieke Adriati Wijayanti Rr Rachmawati Rr Rachmawati Rulianah, Sri Sahriar Hamza Sari, Zamah Sari, Zamah Sri Widoretno Suhari Suhari Suhari Suhari Suhari Suprapto Suprapto Sussy Susanti Suyono, Achmad Tridon Yang Astami Usman Zulhijah Muhamma6 Vuvut Selviana Wahyu Bambang Try Atmaja Waluyo Waluyo Wiyono Wiyono Yani Ratnawati Yani Ratnawati Yulianto Yulianto Yunia Mulyani Azis Yunia Mulyani Azis Zamah Sari Zamah Sari