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Katalogis Vol 1, No 7 (2013)
Publisher : Katalogis

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This research was aimed at knowing and analyzing bureaucracy behaviors in running public service in Lambara, Tawaeli. Theories dealing with the bureaucracy behaviors comprising both individual and bureaucracy characteristic were taken from Miftah Thoha. This was qualitative. The research informants were selected by using a purposive sampling technique amd there were five informants determined. They were village chief. Cillage secretary, head of law and order section, and society. Next, the methods of gathering data were observation deep interview, and documents, while the tecnigue of data analysis comprised data reduction, data presentation, and verification. Based on the analisys, the research result showed that the the bureaucracy behaviors in running public service ini Lambara, Tawaeli have not shown his/her good characteristic. For example, the staff still have not had good ability, needs, and experience even thought they had good confidence and expectation. In addition, the bureaucracy characteristics have not shown maximum result in as much as the aspect aspects like hierarchy, duties, authority and responsibility still have not run well yet as expected. Only reward system and control system aspect have shown good result.
Pengembangan Model Keberlanjutan e-filing di Palembang Menggunakan Partial Least Square Structural Equation Models (PLS-SEM) Saluza, Imelda; Sartika, Dewi
JSINBIS (Jurnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis) Vol 9, No 1 (2019): Volume 9 Nomor 1 Tahun 2019
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (513.434 KB) | DOI: 10.21456/vol9iss1pp94-102


DGT (Directorate General of Taxation) continues to optimize the collection of annual tax returns by facilitating technology-based tax service systems, one of which is e-filing that has been running since 2016. However, e-filing turned out to have less influence on the delivery of annual tax returns as reflected in the electronic annual tax returns monitoring data that only met 78% of the 2017 target. This is caused by various problems that arise during the use of e-filing such as individual technology capabilities, loss of efin, forgetting DGT Online account passwords to lack of awareness about the importance of submitting annual tax returns. Problems encounter during the use of e-filing are the basis for evaluating the continued use of e-filing in Palembang. The development of a conceptual model was conducted to evaluate the sustainability of the use of e-filing. The development of a conceptual model basically has a scarcity of supporting theories used and has a complex model. To overcome this problem, Partial Least Squares (PLS) Structural Equation Model (SEM) could be applied to. The results of data analysis found that information quality and service quality did not have a positive influence on the sustainability of the use of e-filing and the level of correlation between information quality, system quality, service quality, and individual ability was still small towards the sustainability of the use of e-filing. It could be concluded that the quality of information and service provided by DGT has the opposite effect that does not even influance the sustainability of e-filing usage. However, the quality of the system and the ability of individuals to give effect to e-filing usage in reporting in reporting annual tax returns. Therefore, DGT is expected to improve the quality of the system of e-filing expecially in the function of e-filing, ease of use, usefullness of e-filing in reporting annual tax return. In additory it is necessary to carry out socialization and training on e-filing to improve the ability of individuals to report online their annual tax report. The findings of this research are very important for the Tax office in Palembang to analyze the sustainability of the use of e-filing that has been proven empirically, multidimensional and in a specific context. The result of the study could be used as a reference to improve overall quality of taxation for the sake of sustainable use of e-filing. 
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa Vol 5, No 9 (2016): September 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa

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Abstrak :Penelitian ini mengangkat permasalahan mengenai pengaruh perilaku konsumsi di lingkungan keluarga terhadap rasionalitas ekonomi siswa SMK Negeri 3 Pontianak.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa besar pengaruh perilaku konsusmi di lingkungan keluarga terhadap rasionalitas ekonomi.Metode penelitian adalah metode asosiatif,pendekatan kuantitatif dengan bentuk penelitian survey dan menggunakan analisis Regresi. Subjek penelitian adalahsiswa kelas XI akuntansi SMK Negeri 3 Pontianak.Data-data diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuisioner dan lembar/kertas kerja dokumentasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Perilaku Konsumsi di Lingkungan Keluarga berpengaruh positif terhadap Rasionalitas Ekonomi ditunjukkan dengan formulasi Y = 11,220 +0,747 X. Koefisien korelasi diuji signifikasi dengan uji t pada taraf kepercayaan dan derajat kebebasan sama diperoleh t hitung 8,917, sedangkan t tabel 1,979. Dari uji tersebut menyatakan menolak hipotesis nol (8,917>1,979). Kesimpulannya maka menerima Hipotesis alternatif dengan koefisien penentu sebesar 39,9% sedangkan sisanya sumbangan dari variabel lain.   Kata Kunci: Perilaku Konsumsi, Lingkungan Keluarga,Rasionalitas Ekonomi Abstract: This study raised concerns about Consumption Behaviors in Environmental Families Against Economic Rationality SMK Negeri 3 Pontianak. This study aims to determine how much influence the behavior konsusmi in the family environment on economic rationality. The research method is a method of associative, quantitative approach with survey forms and using regression analysis. The research subject is class XI student of SMK Negeri 3 Pontianak accounting. The data obtained through questionnaires and sheet / documentation paper work. The results showed Consumption Behavior in Family Environment positive effect on Economic Rationality is shown with formulations of Y = 11.220 + 0.747 X. The correlation coefficient significance was tested by t test on the confidence level and the same degree of freedom is obtained t 8.917, whereas t table 1,979. The test of states rejecting the null hypothesis (8.917> 1.979). In conclusion then accept the alternative hypothesis the determinant coefficient of 39.9% while the remaining contribution of other variables. Keywords: Consumption Behavior, Family Environment, Economic Rationality
Sainsmat : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Vol 6, No 1 (2017): Maret
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (493.094 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/sainsmat6164592017


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan alasan penggunaan dua bahasa (bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa konjo) dalam pembelajaran matematika. Subjek penelitian adalah guru dan siswa kelas VII di SMPN 1 Tombolopao. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan Instrumen penelitian, yaitu observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan dua bahasa dalam pembelajaran matematika yang berhubungan dengan kalimat diubah menjadi bahasa Konjo dan bahasa sehari-hari siswa. Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia digunakan saat guru menjelaskan materi dan saat guru mengadakan evaluasi pada siswanya, guru akan membimbing siswa dengan menggunakan bahasa Konjo. Selanjutnya, bahasa Konjo digunakan saat guru ingin menyampaikan hal-hal penting yang menekankan penjelasan dalam kalimat Konjo. Faktor penyebab penggunaan komunikasi dua bahasa antara guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika adalah terbatasnya penggunaan Bahasa dengan alasan sebagai berikut; 1) Membantu siswa memahami materi yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan bahasa sehari-hari. 2) Guru merasa ada jarak dengan siswa saat menggunakan bahasa formal. Maka guru mengajak siswa untuk mengekspresikan pendapat mereka dalam bahasa yang sering digunakan. 3) Sifat Siri' dan Sipakatau dialami oleh siswa.
Pengaruh Teknik Marmet terhadap Kelancaran Air Susu Ibu di Desa Nag. Pematang Simalungun Kecamatan Siantar Kabupaten Simalungun Misna, Rumini; Sartika, Dewi; Saragi, Riheny Lia Lovely
Jurnal Bidan Komunitas Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Edisi Januari
Publisher : Departemen Kebidanan, vFakultas Farmasi dan Kesehatan, Institut Kesehatan Helvetia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (568.615 KB) | DOI: 10.33085/jbk.v3i1.4558


Pendahuluan: Beberapa upaya yang bisa dilakukan untuk membantu kelancaran pengeluaran ASI pada ibu diawal menyusui adalah breast care, pijat oksitosin, dan teknik marmet. Teknik marmet dapat digunakan untuk pengeluaran ASI yang dapat diterapkan secara praktis oleh ibu. Teknik marmet merupakan pijitan dengan menggunakan dua jari yang dapat merangsang payudara untuk memproduksi lebih banyak ASI. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik marmet terhadap kelancaran Air Susu Ibu di Desa Nag. Pematang Simalungun Tahun 2019.  Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah Quasy Eksperimen dengan Design One Group Post Test Design. Populasi dalam penelitian seluruh ibu yang tidak bekerja yang mempunyai bayi 0-6 bulan sebanyak 30 orang. Sampel sebanyak 30 orang dengan masing-masing kelompok sebanyak 15 orang di Desa Nag. Pematang Simalungun Kecamatan Siantar Kabupaten Simalungun. Dengan teknik pengambilan sampel accidental sampling. Analisa data menggunakan data univariat dan bivariat dengan uji Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test. Hasil: Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada ibu kelompok intervensi dengan produksi ASI lancar sebesar 76,5% (13 orang), sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol dengan produksi ASI lancar sebesar 23,5% (4 orang). Hasil penelitian ini menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test diketahui Asymp.Sig.(2-tailed) bernilai 0,007 lebih kecil dari 0,05 (0,0070,05) sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ha diterima. Kesimpulan:  Kesimpulan Teknik marmet ada pengaruh terhadap kelancaran Air Susu Ibu di Desa Nag. Pematang Simalungun Tahun 2019. Saran diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan dan menambah wawasan tentang teknik marmet terhadap kelancaran Air Susu Ibu.
Menara Ilmu Vol 14, No 1 (2020): VOL. XIV NO. 1 APRIL 2020
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/mi.v14i1.1863


This study aims to determine the influence of machiavellian nature, ethical environment, organizational commitment and the level of seriousness of cheating on the intention to do whistleblowing. This research is a causal study with a quantitative approach that explains empirical phenomena. This study uses a population of 83 respondents with data that can be processed as many as 60 respondents who are all employees who work at BPKAD, who are in the Padang area. This study uses primary data from questionnaires and interviews, and secondary data from notes or documentation, and government publications. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis which is processed through SPSS 21. The results of the study concluded that the machiavellian nature does not affect the intention to do whistleblowing, this is because if someone who has a tendency to high machiavellian traits he will only act more emotionally, because to do whistleblowing is not easy in reporting an act of violation or fraud. That the ethical environment influences the intention to do whistleblowing, this is because if an organization or government or private agency has a good and strong ethical environment, which leads to positive things, then employees who are in the organization will want to take whistleblowing actions, because this in accordance with applicable norms. That organizational commitment does not affect the intention to do whistleblowing, this is due to an organization that has a low organizational commitment among its employees, which results in lack of faith and loyalty. That the level of seriousness of fraud does not affect the intention to conduct whistleblowing. It can be concluded that when tested together, the variable machiavellian nature (X1), ethical environment (X2), organizational commitment (X3), and the level of seriousness of fraud (X4) affect the intention to do whitlebowing (Y). Keywords: Machiavellian Nature, Ethical Environment, Organizational Commitment, Seriousness Level of Cheating, Whistleblowing
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Diagnosis Vol. 15 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Diagnosis
Publisher : STIKES Nani Hasanuddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35892/jikd.v15i1.306


Senam lansia adalah olahraga ringan dan mudah dilakukan, tidak memberatkan yang diterapkan pada lansia. Aktifitas olahraga ini akan membantu tubuh agara tetap bugar dan tetap segar karena melatih tulang agar tetap kuat, meendorong jantung bekerja optimal dan membantu menghilangkan radikal bebas yang berkeliaran di dalam tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektifitas senam lansia terhadap tekanan darah pada lansia dengan hipertensi di Puskesmas Samata Kec. Somba Opu Kab. Gowa. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian pre experimental design dengan desain penelitian one group pre test ? post test/ tanpa kelompok kontrol. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara purposive sampling dengan 30 responden. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu lembar observasi dan spygmomanometer. Senam lansia ini dilakukan 1 kali seminggu selama 4 minggu. Cara pengolahan data dengan cara uji Paired T-test. Pada pertemuan minggu ke-1 didapatkan nilai Pvalue (0,161)< ? (0,05), pertemuan minggu ke-2 Pvalue (1.000)< ? (0,05), pertemuan ke-3 Pvalue (0.184) < ? (0,05), pertemuan minggu ke-4 Pvalue (0,083) < ? (0,05). Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan dari hasil uji statistik adalah tidak ada efek senam lansia terhadap tekanan darah pada lansia dengan hipertensi di Puskesmas Samata Kec. Somba Opu Kab. Gowa.
Pelaksanaan Anggaran pada Dinas Prasarana Jalan Tata Ruang dan Permukiman Propinsi XXX Sartika, Dewi; Nini, Nini
Jurnal Kajian Manajemen Bisnis Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Kajian Manajemen Bisnis
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (179.855 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jkmb.619200


This study aimed to analyze the mechanisms and procedures for implementing the budget of the Road Infrastructure, Spatial, and Settlement Office of XXX Province whether it is already in accordance with applicable regulations and analyzing factors that caused high realization of the budget on the second semester. This study is a descriptive analysis of the financial management and its activities is using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data and to obtain the research data used deep interview technique, documentation and observation.The results showed the mechanisms and budget execution procedures are not in accordance with the applicable rules and there are activities that is not on time from a predetermined schedule. The factors that caused high realization of the budget on the second semester is the delay of Budget Implementation Document (DPA) to the Department; slow separation of activities; the slow process of Executive Officer of Engineering Activity (PPTK) appointment; late tendering process; and Procurement Service Unit officers (ULP), which is doing dual task . The results of the study also shows the weakness of the Internal Control System (SPI) of the Road Infrastructure, Spatial, and Settlement Office in financial management and operations that caused volume and quality of work reduced. To optimizing and maximizing budget implementation, Road Infrastructure, Spatial, and Settlement Office has to improve its Internal Control System, has responsibility and higher authority on the job, perform separation of functions, and improve the integrity of management, review and do close monitoring of the work, both internal and external, in order to avoid irregularities and misappropriation of the budget implementation.
Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Universitas Tadulako Vol 6, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Universitas Tadulako
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Universitas Tadulako

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This  study  aims  to  determine  and  analyze  machine  maintenance carried  out  by  PT.  SPO  Agro Resources and to find out whether the presence of preventive maintenance policies can improve the effectiveness  of  time  and  costs.  This  research  uses  qualitative methods  by  describing  maintenance activities carried out by PT. SPO Agro Resources, as well as using quantitative methods in the form of mathematical  statistics  as  a  tool  to  help  decide  policies  to  be taken  at  a  certain  time  period  and efficiency  measurements  using descriptive  percentages.  The  results  showed  preventive  maintenance costs  once  a  month  Rp.138,012,968, - efficiency  value  was  39.63%, preventive  maintenance  costs every two months Rp.196,689,315, - efficiency value was 56.48%, preventive maintenance costs every three months  Rp.  258,731,341, - the  efficiency  value  is  74.29%,  repair maintenance  costs Rp.247,164,000, - the efficiency value is 70.97%. Based on the calculation it is known that the policy that  makes maintenance  costs  efficient  is  maintenance  once  a  month  because this  policy  is  the smallest maintenance cost compared to other policies, where the percentage value is smaller which is 39.63%,  according  to table  2 which  states  if  the  calculation  results  are  below 60%  said  to  be  very efficient. Penelitian  ini bertujuan  untuk  mengetahui  dan  menganalisis pemeliharaan  mesin  yang  dilakukan oleh PT. SPO Agro Resources dan untuk mengetahui apakah dengan adanya kebijakan pemeliharaan pencegahan  dapat  meningkatkan  efektivitas  waktu  dan  biaya. Penelitian  ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menjabarkan aktivitas kegiatan pemeliharaan yang dilaksanakan oleh PT. SPO Agro Resources, serta  menggunakan  metode  kuantitatif  berupa  statistik matematik  sebagai  alat  untuk membantu  memutuskan  kebijakan yang  akan  diambil  pada jangka  waktu  tertentu  dan pengukuran efisiensi  menggunakan deskriptif  presentase.  Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan  biaya pemeliharaan pencegahan sebulan sekali Rp.138.012.968,- nilai efisiensinya 39,63%,  biaya pemeliharaan pencegahan  dua  bulan  sekali  Rp.196.689.315,- nilai  efisiensinya 56,48%,  biaya pemeliharaan pencegahan  tiga  bulan  sekali Rp.258.731.341,- nilai  efisiensinya 74,29%, biaya pemeliharaan perbaikan Rp.247.164.000,- nilai  efisiensinya 70,97%.  Berdasarkan perhitungan diketahui bahwa kebijakan yang mengefisiensikan  biaya pemeliharaan  yaitu pemeliharaan  sebulan  sekali karena kebijakan ini biaya  pemeliharaannya paling  kecil  dibandingkan  dengan  kebijakan yang  lain, dimana nilai  persentasenya  lebih  kecil  yaitu  39,63%, sesuai  dengan tabel  2 yang  menyatakan  apabila  hasil perhitungan di bawah 60% maka dikatakan sangat efisien.
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa Vol 7, No 9 (2018): September 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa

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AbstractThe main objective of this study: 1) To know the difference between learning model models Concept sentence (CS) and the conventional model of the skill of writing free verse 2) To determine differences in learning outcomes of higher student learning outcomes poor students in menelis free verse 3) to determine the effect of the interaction between the learning model dann learning outcomes of the skill of writing free verse 4) to megetahui differences in learning outcomes high students Yag taught using models Concept sentence (CS) with the conventional model, 5) for megetahui differences in learning outcomes of low student dijar with Concept model of sentence (CS) and the conventional model.  The method used in quantitative research is experimental method uses a form of factorial ANOVA two-lane design 2 x 2. The data collection technique is a measurement technique, unstructured interviews, direct observation, and documentation. Test research hypotheses using ANOVA two lanes and a further test Tukey posthoc type to see the difference in average group. from the results of the hypothesis test taken five conclusions for this study: 1) the learning outcomes Concept sentence (CS) is better than conventional models, 2) the result of high learning students is greater than the result of a low learning students from the second grade, 3) there is an interaction effect between teaching methods and learning outcomes of students' writing skills free verse 4) group learning outcomes high students with models of Concept sentence (CS) is better than group learning outcomes of high student with the conventional model, 5) those learning outcomes of low student with models Concept sentence ( CS) is higher than the low group students' learning outcomes with conventional models. Keywords: Concept Sentence (CS), Learning, Conventional, Skills, Poetry  Free