Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses sosialisasi, partisipasi, dan interaksi sosial, serta gender dan norma kebudayaan dalam perkembangan sepak takraw di Kabupaten Jepara. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis dan desain case study untuk meneliti secara mendalam aspek sosial budaya masyarakat terhadap perkembangan sepak takraw. Hasil penelitian ini adalah proses sosialisasi telah berjalan dengan baik hanya di Desa Kendengsidialit. Partisipasi masyarakat masih kurang, meskipun sepak takraw telah menyebar di beberapa desa. Tujuan partisipasi masyarakat selain untuk berprestasi, juga untuk hiburan dan menjaga kesegaran jasmani. Interaksi sosial antara PSTI dengan Pemerintah dan KONI berjalan baik, tetapi dengan anggota masyarakat masih ada kendala. Tidak ada perbedaan gender, secara umum minat perempuan masih kurang, tetapi prestasi atlet perempuan sudah baik. Terdapat norma kebudayaan yang mempengaruhi sepak takraw, yaitu bersekolah madrasah. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah proses sosialisasi tidak sepenuhnya berjalan dengan baik. Partisipasi masyarakat masih kurang. Tujuan Partisipasi masyarakat adalah prestasi, hiburan dan menjaga kesegaran jasmani. Terdapat kesetaraan gender dan tidak ada norma yang melarang perempuan untuk sepak takraw, tetapi minatnya masih kurang. Terdapat norma kebudayaan bersekolah madrasah yang mempengaruhi perkembangan olahraga sepak takraw.This research aimed to analyze the socialization process, participation, and social interaction in the society, and gender and cultural norm in the development of sepak takraw in Jepara Regency. This research employed qualitative method with phenomenological approach and case study design to study in-depth the effect of social-cultural aspect of society on the development of sepak takraw. The result of research showed that the process of socializing sepak takraw in Jepara Regency had run well in Kendengsidialit Village only. Although sepak takraw had been distributed to some villages, public participation was still low. Public participation was intended not only to have achievement, but also to recreation media and to maintaining physical health. Social interaction between PSTI administrators, and Regency Government and KONI had been good, but there was still some constraint with that the interaction between it and society members. There was no gender difference, everyone has equal opportunity, generally women’s interest is still low but their athletic achievement had been good. There is a cultural norm affecting, that is studying at madrasah (islamic schools). The conclusion of research was that socialization did not run well completely. Public participation was still low. Public participation was intended not only to have achievement, but also to recreation media and to maintaining physical health. There was gender equality and no norm prohibiting the woman from playing sepak takraw, but their interest is still low. There is a cultural norm of studying at madrasah (Islamic schools) affecting the development of sepak takraw.