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Interpretasi Satuan Litologi, Satuan Bentuk Lahan, Dan Struktur Geologi Dengan Integrasi Citra Srtm Di Wilayah Kota Bengkulu Nofirman Nofirman
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 1 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

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Sumatra Island is geologically located above the zone plate subduction plate Indian Ocean and Australia. Subduction condition produces a trough system, melange, face basin arc, the folds and pataran, volcanoes and so forth. Expression subduction system is clearly visible on the city of Bengkulu, which is observed through lithologic unit, the unit of origin landform and geological structure. Based on the results of visual observation on the image of DEM from SRTM mapped lithologic unit located in the city of Bengkulu in the form of (1) the railroad alluvium, (2) alluvium, (3) sediment swamp, (4) limestone reefs, (5) the formation bintunan and (5) andesite. Mapping unit produces original landforms (a) landform volcanic origin, (b) structural landforms origin, (c) landforms denundasi origin, (d) landforms fluviatil origin, (e) landforms marine origin. Conditions geological structures located in the city of Bengkulu can not be done with careful and precise, so that the condition of the structure in the form of folds and faults as observed in the field have not seen adequately.
Sebaran Bukit Karst Di Wilayah Kabupaten Sijunjung Nofirman Nofirman
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 2 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

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Phenomenon of Hill karst have the characteristic with the characteristic predominated by limestone contain the calcite and dolomit. This rock have a lot of usefulness and its benefit. Strive to identify the swampy forest of hill karst conducted by using image from application SAS.PLANET.RELEASE.160707. Visible of Area of hill karst and its dale can be perceived better at image, so that earn the confirmation with the field condition. Area of Hill karst in Region of Regency of Sijunjung visible enough vary to start from there are; permanent wellspring, dolin, uvala, polje, lake, underground river, speleotem, and aquifer, up to area karst which visiblelity have been closed by thick sediment coat. Phenomenon of resident Life in region Sijunjung which still predominate by primary sector. Needed approach empowermant to be they interaction can environmentally ecosystem functionally.Phenomenon of Hill karst have the characteristic with the characteristic predominated by limestone contain the calcite and dolomit. This rock have a lot of usefulness and its benefit. Strive to identify the swampy forest of hill karst conducted by using image from application SAS.PLANET.RELEASE.160707. Visible of Area of hill karst and its dale can be perceived better at image, so that earn the confirmation with the field condition. Area of Hill karst in Region of Regency of Sijunjung visible enough vary to start from there are; permanent wellspring, dolin, uvala, polje, lake, underground river, speleotem, and aquifer, up to area karst which visiblelity have been closed by thick sediment coat. Phenomenon of resident Life in region Sijunjung which still predominate by primary sector. Needed approach empowermant to be they interaction can environmentally ecosystem functionally.
Studi Kemampuan Spasial Geografi Siswa Kelas XII SMA Negeri 6 Kota Bengkulu Nofirman Nofirman
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 3 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

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Untuk mencapai perubahan kualitas sumber daya manusia memenuhi kecakapan abad ke-21 telah diterapkan Kurikulum 2013 (K13) dengan sasaran peningkatan aktivitas siswa dalam belajar. Implementasi K13 mengacu pada kecerdasan majemuk, yang salah satunya berkait dengan kemampuan spasial (visual-spasial) serta berkembang melalui pembelajaran geografi. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui kemampuan spasial geografi siswa Kelas XII SMA Negeri 6 Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif-deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian adalah SMA Negeri 6 Kota Bengkulu yang terletak di Jalan Pratu Aidit Bajak No. 23, Kelurahan Bajak, Kecamatan Teluk Segara – Kota Bengkulu. Variabel penelitian adalah kemampuan spasial (visual-spasial) dan kemampuan spasial geografi. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 139 orang siswa kelas XII di SMA Negeri 6 Kota Bengkulu. Sampel penelitian ditarik secara random dengan jumlah 44% dari populasi, sehingga berjumlah 62 orang siswa. Instrumen penelitian dibuat dengan skala likert yang bertujuan untuk mengukur kemampuan spasial (visual spasial) dan kemampuan spasial geografi siswa yang termasuk pada kategori kemampuan, sikap, persepsi seseorang. Hasil uji validitas terhadap kusioner kemampuan spasial dan kemampuan spasial geografi siswa berstatus valid. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian tentang kemampuan spasial siswa kelas XII di SMA 6 Kota Bengkulu menunjukkan kemampuan spasial siswa berada pada kelompok skor 49 – 42 (kelompok ke-3) dengan jumlah 43,55% sebagai skor terbanyak. Mean ditemuka pada skor 47 dengan standar deviasi 7.31 yang juga terletak pada kelompok skor terbanyak. Kemampuan spasial geografi siswa kelas XII di SMA 6 Kota Bengkulu berada pada kelompok skor 142 – 158 (kelompok ke-3) dengan jumlah 38.71% sebagai skor terbanyak. Posisi mean berada pada kelompok skor terbanyak. Mean ditemukan dengan skor 148 dengan standar deviasi 19.41Kemampuan spasial, Kemampuan spasial Geografi
Studi Tingkat Kekeringan Meteorologis Di Kecamatan Air Majunto Kabupaten Muko-Muko Supriyanto Supriyanto; Nofirman Nofirman; Zairin Zairin
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32663/georaf.v1i1.142


The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution and severity of droughts meteorological Water District Majunto Muko-Muko. The approach used in this study using quantitative descriptive. The population in this study is seluh duration or range that is in the District of Air Majunto Muko-Muko. Sampael in this study using rainfall data from 2008 to 2015. Engineering Technical analysis of data used in the study using the SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index). the following results: (1) Distribution of drought meteorological Water District Majunto Muko-Muko from 2008 to 2015 dry days highest dominance in May 2008, March, June and July of 2009, in August and September in 2011, and in September 2012. Today dried'm much dominance in January of 2008, in April and in August 2009, January, May, and July of 2011, in May 2012, March 2013, the month August 2014, June, July 2015 and (2) Degree of meteorological drought Water District Majunto Muko-Muko from 2008 to 2015 drought levels extremely dry much dominance in 2009 and 2012.
Studi Kerentanan Bencana Banjir di Sungai Air Bangkahulu Provinsi Bengkulu Nofirman Nofirman
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 4 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3188.613 KB) | DOI: 10.32663/georaf.v4i2.1154


Pada tanggal 27 April 2019 di wilayah Provinsi Bengkulu terjadi bencana banjir dan longsor yang telah menyebabkan korban jiwa dan harta. Gencarnya pemberitaan media sosial telah mendorong isu the civil power of the news. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengungkap: (1) karakteristik morfometri DAS Sungai Air Bengkahulu, dan (2) karakteristik hidrologi Sungai Air Bengkahulu, dan (3) kejadian pendukung kerentanan banjir Sungai Air Bengkahulu. Lokasi penelitian terletak di wilayah Daerah Aliran Sungai Air Bangkahulu yang terletak di Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah dan Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kuntitatif dan kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dari hasil pengukuran real time curah hujan, debit sungai, dan tinggi muka air sungai. Analisis data penelitian dilakukan secara kuntitatif terhadap data curah hujan, debit sungai dan tinggi muka air sungai, dan secara kualitatif dengan cara reduksi data, pengolahan data, display data, pengambilan keputusan penyajian secara deskriptif Hasil penelitian menunjukan menjelang peristiwa banjir tanggal 27 April 2019 terjadi peningkatan curah hujan di Pos Hujan di Bajak dengan intensitas hujan 104, 121, dan 177 mm/hari. Peningkatan curah hujan di Pos Hujan Tanjung Jaya terjadi tanggal 24 April 2019 (72 mm/hari) dan tanggal 26 April 2019 (131 mm/hari). Curah hujan ekstrim terdeteksi pada Pos Hujan Baturaja tanggal 24 April 2019 (108 mm/hari), dan tanggal 26 April 2019 (324 mm/hari). Tinggi muka air Sungai Air Bangkahulu bagian hulu mengalami peningkatan sejak tanggal 25 April 2019 (4,5 m), tanggal 26 April 2019 (3,0 m), dan tanggal 27 April 2019 (8,4 m). Sedangkan tinggi muka air dibagian hilir Sungai Air Bangkahulu menjelang mengalami peningkatan sejak tanggal 25 April 2019 (5,9 m), tanggal 26 April 2019 (4,4 m), dan tanggal 27 April 2019 (8,5 m).
Studi Karakter Peduli Lingkungan Pantai Di Desa Tepi Laut Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara Nofirman Nofirman
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 3 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.202 KB)


Optimal management of natural resources occurs in the form of human interaction with natural resources, the economic result can be a particular commodity. Quality commodities are formed through the hard work of the community that is characterized by its adherence to knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors, so that the goods can have geographical indications. Geographically indicated commodities are formed through a variety of character pemangkunya not least the character of social care and environmental care characters. research was conducted with qualitative approach based on descriptive research method. The results showed that the social care character associated with; faithful behavior, tolerance for differences, friendly behavior, polite behavior, listening behavior, information exchange behavior, caring behavior of community activities, behavior of not taking advantage of others , behavior does not hurt people, and helpful behavior has occurred in the community environment in accordance with the rules and customs of Rejang. There is a difficulty in elaborating the social caring character in the process, thus indicating a latent character. Character cares about coastal environment; the phenomenon of hydro-oceanography, resources can be recovered, resources can not be recovered, environmental services, spatial, disaster mitigation was felt with the condition received less attention from the community. Communities are unaware of coastal conditions, have no capabilities and tools, including no effort to relate to beaches and the sea. The pessimist seeks on the beach because the income they earn can not meet the needs of everyday life, so no commodities or services are geographically indicated.
The Roles of Digital Application Innovates Student Academic in Higher Education Herlan Suherlan; Abd. Basir; Abdul Wahab Syakhrani; Besse Arnawisuda Ningsi; Nofirman Nofirman
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Islamic Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH Abdul Chalim Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (439.872 KB) | DOI: 10.31538/nzh.v5i2.2246


Abstract This research examines students' efforts to improve academic achievement in higher education the research method used in literature. The literature used comes from books and national and international journals. The results of this study indicate that for students, the application of digital technology to improve student academic achievement can innovate and change student learning achievement so that it is in line with the goals and ideals of the nation. For further research, it is hoped that field studies can prove that students' academic achievement by relying on the internet is only honed from their cognitive abilities without understanding what they take on the internet.
Infographic of Internet Usage Data for Learning Process in the Province of Indonesia Nofirman; Pandu Adi Cakranegara; Diana Yusuf; Nanny Mayasari; Arifin
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022): November: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The development of telecommunications in Indonesia has significantly affected the emergence of the digital age, as the internet has become a daily necessity for community activities. Information and communication technology (ICT)-based learning is influencing teaching methods and learning media to use the internet for the learning process in the field of education. This study aims to analyze and graphically present data on the internet usage of rural and urban residents in all Indonesian provinces concerning their education levels. The presented data is in the form of types of internet usage that support the learning process so that it can become predominant in the use of the internet by rural and urban areas and serve as a positive input for internet service providers in the improvement of education-related services. The results indicated that using the Internet to support the learning process by communities in rural and urban areas of Indonesian provinces is one of the goals of using the Internet to obtain information for the learning process is 10%. D.I.Yogyakarta has the highest percentage 58,1%, indicating the most significant number of internet users for educational purposes. When students and student users access the internet to support the learning process, they engage in a variety of activities, including doing assignments, accessing e-learning tools, accessing media information to support learning, using web browsers to display social media, and accessing e-mail to submit assignments using smartphone media, which is the most prevalent form of internet access.
The Benefits of ICT Application on the Successful Implementation of Formal Education Guntur Putrajaya; Abdul Latif; Nofirman Nofirman; B.M.A.S. Anaconda Bangkara; Irma Rachmawati Maruf
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 6 No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v6i2.486


This study discussed the problem of the advantages of ICT applications for the successful application of formal learning. We have carefully reviewed some kinds of literature involving a chronological approach, which includes analyzing data, testing data, evaluating and interpreting it until we get some crucial points, which include we get several technological applications, including argumentative reality, adaptive learning, artificial intelligence, robotic and automation, utilization of 5G advances in learning, and learning analytics. It is hoped that these findings will be helpful for further studies.
The Influence of Taste and Price on Consumer Satisfaction Ade Perdana Siregar; Nofirman Nofirman; Muhammad Yusuf; Imam Jayanto; Sri Rahayu
Quantitative Economics and Management Studies Vol. 3 No. 6 (2022)
Publisher : PT Mattawang Mediatama Solution

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.63 KB) | DOI: 10.35877/454RI.qems1276


The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of taste and price on consumer satisfaction at a western fast food restaurant. The research design used in this study used quantitative associative methods. Based on the results of data analysis that has been carried out on the first hypothesis (H1) which states that taste has a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction, the t-count value is 22,984 which is greater than the t-table value of 1.661, testing the second hypothesis (H2) which states that price has a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction, the t-count value is 23,908, which is greater than the t-table value of 1.661, which means that taste and price have a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction, while the R-square value obtained is 0.865 which states that the taste and price variables affect consumer satisfaction by 86.50% and the remaining 13.50% is influenced by other variables.