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Pengenalan dan Pendampingan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Online Interaktif bagi Guru Persatuan Guru Nahdlatul Ulama secara Berkelanjutan Abd Syakur; Syafiqurrahman Syafiqurrahman; Abd Warits
GUYUB: Journal of Community Engagement Vol 2, No 1 (2021): Pendampingan Pendidikan, Agama, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/guyub.v2i1.2064


Tujuan dari program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan edukasi bagi guru-guru yang tergabung dalam organisasi Pergunu Kecamatan Lenteng. Terdapat tiga kegiatan utama dalam pengabdian ini yaitu sosialisasi aplikasi dan pentingnya menggunakan aplikasi tersebut dalam media pembelajaran, pelatihan mengoperasikan aplikasi media pembelajaran, serta pelatihan membuat konten pembelajaran dalam bentuk power point, video, dan gambar. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah metode PAR, yaitu memberikan pendampingan hingga tuntas dan membuahkan hasil yang terukur. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah terciptanya pengetahuan masyarakat dan guru tentang keberadaan aplikasi online serta memiliki pengetahuan bagaimana cara mengoprasikannya serta membuat konten pembelajaran online.
Creating Vlog as Media in English Language Teaching (ELT):Teaching Speaking Anrasiyana Anrasiyana; Sulistyaningsih Sulistyaningsih; Abdul Syakur
Jurnal Basicedu Vol 6, No 2 (2022): April Pages 1500- 3199
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/basicedu.v6i2.2575


In modern era, everything can be accessed by technology. One of the famous ones for young generation is YouTube or video blog (vlog) where someone can take a video for specific purposes. Google noted that there are 60% of people all over the world uploaded their activity in vlog and publish it in YouTube. Teaching speaking for students is not easy it needs huge extra to improve their speaking moreover in this global era where everything is measured by the achievement of the studentsThis research used to know the implementation of creating vlog in English Language Teaching (ELT). This research used qualitative descriptive in ilustrating the result. The subject of this research is the students of VI SDN Batang-Batang Daya 1. The instrument of this research are observation sheet, field note, in depth interview with the teacher and questionnaire for students. To analyze the data the researcher used descriptive qualitative. The result of this research described abot the implementation of creating video blogging (vlog) in English langage teaching (ELT) in teaching speaking.
The Effectiveness of Pomodoro Technique on Students' Descriptive Text Writing Quality Widya Eka Septiani; Sulistyaningsih Sulistyaningsih; Abd. Syakur
Jurnal Basicedu Vol 6, No 3 (2022): June Pages 3200-5500
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/basicedu.v6i3.2619


This research was conducted by the aim to investigate the effectiveness of Podomoro technique in teaching descriptive text at junior high school at Sidoarjo. The design of this quasi-experimental type was pre-test and post-test non-equivalent control group design. The results of the data reliability test showed that the research instrument was reliable because the Cronbach's alpha value was 0.653 and more than 0.6. Furthermore, it showed the experiment group pretest score was 77.20, control group was 79.00. The experimental group's mean was frequently lower than the control group. The experimental group’s mean post-test score was 87.40, whereas the control group was 79.20. The experimental group’s post-test mean was higher than the control group. The researcher next calculated the mean of the experimental and control groups by t-test (paired sample test) to see if the scores before and after the treatment were significant. It indicated that the pomodoro technique was beneficial in assisting the students in improving their writing skills.
Derivational and Inflectional Morphemes on the Thesis Abstracts Anggun Purnomo Arbi; Sulistyaningsih Sulistyaningsih; Abd. Syakur; Lestariningsih Lestariningsih
Jurnal Basicedu Vol 6, No 3 (2022): June Pages 3200-5500
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/basicedu.v6i3.2659


An analysis of derivational and inflectional morpheme has great values because sometimes, learners face difficulties in understanding those morphemes. Dealing with this problem, this study was aimed to describe the types of derivational and inflectional morphemes. As this study analyzed the written documents, this study was identified as library research. Subjects of this study were five alumni of the master of English education study program of STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. Documentation and the researcher himself were recognized as the instruments of this study. The data of this study were all words attached by derivational or inflectional morpheme, and all those data were taken from students’ research abstracts. In analyzing the data, the researcher used content analysis. The results showed that the researcher found and discussed two types of derivational morpheme namely derivational prefix (“-un” and “-in”) and derivational suffix (“-ion”, “-al”, “-ance”, “-er”, “-ive”, “-ity”, “-able”, “-ary”, and “-ly”). However, the researcher found and discussed 5 types of inflectional morpheme covering: plural (-s), possessive (-s’ or ‘s), present (-s or -es), past (-ed), and present participle (-ing).
An Analysis of Translations Techniques by Using (GT) Google Translate’s English into Indonesia in English Simple Sentences Abd. Syakur; Sulistyaningsih Sulistyaningsih
Jurnal Basicedu Vol 6, No 5 (2022): October Pages 7664-9236
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/basicedu.v6i5.3632


The goal of this study was to examine the correlation between the accuracy and acceptability or also readability of Google Translation’s (GT) English to Bahasa Indonesia translations of simple English sentences. This study applied a correlational quantitative research approach using survey research. The samples of this study included all students majoring in the English Language Education Study department of the fourth semester and used a purposive sample technique of around 35 students from STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. The results showed 3 sentences rated ‘very accurate’ (6%). 29 sentences (58%) were deemed ‘accurate’. Then, 11 sentences were ‘less accurate’ (22%). Lastly, 7 sentences (14%) were deemed ‘not accurate’. Furthermore, based on the SPSS 26 results showed the positive constant value of 78.884 indicates positive effect of independent variable (GT translation). If the independent variable changes by one unit, so will the GT translation variable. If GT translation (X) rises by one unit, questionnaire results (Y) rise by 0.324, or 32.4%. Regarding to the findings, translation using GT through basic English sentences on selected reading texts utilized at STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo was mainly positive (64%). The investigation revealed a remarkable occurrence that GT’s translations were mostly accurate.
Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Online pada Masa Pandemi di MI Miftahul Amal Ellak Daya Lenteng Sumenep Abd Syakur; M Khusni Mubarok; Tri Achmad Budi Susilo; Yuliyanto Sabat
Jurnal Abdidas Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): June, Pages 355-611
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/abdidas.v3i3.619


Implementasi Pendidikan tentu tidak hanya berorientasi pada transfer ilmu pengetahuan (transfer knowledge), akan tetapi tidak kalah pentingnya adalah penanaman karakter pada diri anak didik melalui proses pembelajaran. Hal ini sesuai dengan konsep kurikulum 2013, di mana dalam terdapat 4 kompetensi inti, mulai dari keagamaan, sosial, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan. Pendidikan karakter bagi anak didik penting diimplementasikan sejak dini, termasuk sejak menempuh pendidikan di tingkat dasar, seperti di Madrasah Ibitidaiyah. Tujuan dasar dari adanya pendidikan karakter yaitu dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang memberikan hasil terbentuknya karakter serta perilaku yang sesuai standar kompetensi lulusan. Rumusan ini disesuaikan dengan Undang-undang No. 20 tahun 2003 dengan fungsi mengembangkan kemapuan anak yang berkarakter. Pendidikan karakter dapat dilaksanakan dalam setiap materi ajar, termasuk dalam setiap masa, seperti di masa Pademi Covid-19. Pengabdian ini menghasilkan metode dan strategi pembelajaran Pendidikan karakter pada materi Bahasa Inggris berbasis online di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Miftahul Amal Desa Ellak Daya Lenteng Sumenep. Penanaman karakter melalui proses pembelajaran online mampu diterapkan dengan baik di MI Miftahul Amal Ellak Daya Lenteng Sumenep. Pendidikan karakter diimplementasikan dimulai dari perencaaan, pelaksaaan hingga penilaian. Manfaat dari pembelajaran online, yaitu enhance interactivity, time and place flexibility, potential to reach a global audience, dan easy updating of content as well as archivable capabilities. Pembelajaran online dilakukan melalui aplikasi Zoom, Go Meet dan aplikasi meet lainnya. Penanaman nilai-nilai karakter yaitu melalui pemberian motivasi, mengajarkan kedisiplinan waktu, saling menghargai pendapat masing-masing anak didik, dan juga melalui permainan game yang isinya mengajarkan tentang karakter.
Pengaruh Free Cash Flow Dan Model Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terhadap Informasi Pendapatan Perusahaan di Indonesia: The Influence of Free Cash Flow and Corporate Governance Model on Corporate Income Information in Indonesia Moch Dicky Riza; Tri Achmad Budi Susilo; ABD. Syakur
Jurnal Riset Manajemen dan Akuntansi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): April: Jurnal Riset Manajemen dan Akuntansi
Publisher : Politeknik Pratama Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jurima.v2i1.155


Penghasilan adalah informasi penting dari laporan keuangan bagi pengguna karena nilai prediktifnya. Pendapatan juga dapat menjadi sumber konflik karena pemegang saham mayoritas dan minoritas, kreditur dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya memiliki kepentingan yang berbeda. Studi ini menyelidiki masalah pemegang saham mayoritas dan kreditur yang dimediasi oleh corporate governance terkait dengan laba dan rugi. Populasi perusahaan non keuangan yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas website dan terdaftar di bursa efek Indonesia tahun 2019 – 2020 digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Dengan teknik purposive sampling, diperoleh 120 sampel. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode regresi berganda untuk analisis data yang memiliki taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemilikan keluarga dan leverage berpengaruh negative signifikan terhadap kualitas laba, sedangkan struktur dan mekanisme corporate governance berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kualitas laba. Implikasi dari penelitian ini : secara teoritis, (1) dalam perusahaan kepemilikan keluarga terkonsentrasi, keluarga memiliki control yang kuat untuk memutuskan kebijakan perusahaan yang penting mengutamakan kepentingan keluarga pemegang saham. (2) Perusahaan keluarga di Indonesia juga memiliki struktur hutang yang tinggi, yang menyebabkan pemegang saham keluarga (manager) melakukan moral hazard dengan memilih kebijakan akuntansi untuk menigkatkan pendapatan (increase income). Implikasi kebijakan : (1) Regurator pasar modal perlu menetapkan batasan proporsi kepemilikan keluarga untuk menjaga keseimbangan antara kepentingan perusahaan dan pemangku kepentingan. (2) Regulator perlu terus meningkatkan penerapan regulasi corporate governance pada perusahaan publik.
Improving the Eighth Grade Students’ Listening Comprehension Achievement by using Dictation Techniques Abd. Syakur
Konfrontasi: Jurnal Kultural, Ekonomi dan Perubahan Sosial Vol 7 No 3 (2020): Konfrontasi, September
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/konfrontasi2.v7i3.116


Dictation is an ancient technique in teaching language becoming one of interesting ways to improve the students’ listening comprehension proposed by Davis and Involucres (1988). This study was aimed to solve the students’ listening comprehension achievement by using dictation techniques as a technique in teaching listening at SMP Al-falah Surabaya in the academic year 2019/2020. Classroom Action Research (CAR) was applied in this study in two cycles. In this classroom action research, the technique was divided into note taking and partial dictation/cloze dictation. The primary data about students listening achievement were gained from the listening test. Meanwhile, the supporting data were gathered from observation and documentation. The results on students’ activity showed the use of text dictation techniques could improve the eighth-grade students’ activity in listening. Furthermore, In the first cycle of the test’ result, the teaching listening activity was not so good as what was expected. On the average, the percentage of the students’ involvement in the process of teaching listening was only 45% in the first meeting and 50% in the second meeting. But, in the second cycle the percentage of students’ involvement in the process of teaching listening increased from 77% in the first meeting to 80% in the second meeting. This improvement happened because of some revision, they were; choosing the text with familiar story for the students, reading the text more clearly, turning up the volume, and using more gestures in teaching listening technique.
Magister Scientiae No 46 (2019)
Publisher : Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.73 KB) | DOI: 10.33508/mgs.v2i46.2229


Teaching students to learn and to work well with 21st century skills is not only the domain of vocational school (SMK), but also general senior high school (SMA/MA) as well. It is not enough for students to have only core skills in literacy and numeracy in order to succeed as individuals, citizen, or workers. This article deliberates how to implement the 21st century skills as the new learning paradigm for senior high school students. Furthermore, how the result of those implementations to the student’s career and life skills is based on the five elements as the indicators. For the first research question, the study was descriptive and qualitative. For the second research question, the study was descriptive and quantitative. The writers did an observation, which is workplace action research. There is a Career and Life Skills Program for the twelfth grade students of MA NU Walisongo Sidoarjo. The indicators included in the scoring result sheet consist of the five elements of skills that comprise the Career and Life Skills (CLS) domain. They are (1) flexibility and adaptability skills; (2) initiative and self-direction skills; (3) social and cross-cultural skills; (4) productivity and accountability skills; and (5) leadership and responsibility skills. The result of those implementations to the student’s career and life skills based on its five elements is quite good. At the end, they are expected will be job-ready with the skills most in demand in the 21st century.
A Genre-Based Approach to Improve The Students’ Writing Skills Fikry Aji Wicaksono; Sulistyaningsih Sulistyaningsih; Abd. Syakur
Jurnal Basicedu Vol 6, No 3 (2022): June Pages 3200-5500
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/basicedu.v6i3.2622


The purpose of this study was to describe the improvements of the ninth-grade students at MTs Unggulan Al-Jadid. This was an action research study with two cycles, and the research procedures were planning, action and observation, and reflection. The students from class 9-E at MTs Unggulan Al-Jadid in the academic year 2020/2021, with a total of 25 students chosen through a purposive sampling technique, and an English teacher, were the participants. The instruments were a field note and a test. The results revealed that the mean pre-test score was only 60.25 (pre-test), but it improved significantly from cycle I to cycle II (from 72.50 to 80.25). To highlight, at the beginning of this study (pre-research), the highest score was 70, and by the end of the study, it had improved to 78-92. Meanwhile, the participants with the lowest scores improved significantly on the post-test compared to the pre-test. The pre-test score ranged from 50 to 70, while the post-test score ranged from 70 to 74.