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Journal : JESS (Journal of Educational Social Studies)

JESS (Journal of Educational Social Studies) Vol 5 No 1 (2016): Juni 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jess.v5i1.13094


Tesis ini membahas realisasi kewajiban dan tanggung jawab pemerintah dalam perlindungan anak, termasuk pada anak korban trafficking dalam kerangka Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial. Tujuan dalam penelitian tesis ini adalah: 1) menganalisis program pelayanan rehabilitasi sosial korban trafficking; 2) menganalisis bentuk, konsep dan kepuasan pelayanan rehabilitasi sosial korban trafficking; dan 3) menganalisis perilaku anak korban trafficking dalam pelayanan rehabilitasi sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan sumber data utama yaitu informan (anak korban trafficking dan pekerja sosial), dokumen yang relevan serta peristiwa dari hasil pengamatan observasi. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui metode wawancara dengan pedoman wawancara, metode observasi dengan lembar observasi dan metode dokumentasi dengan pemeriksaan terhadap beberapa dokumen dari Dinas Sosial maupun Balai Rehabilitasi. Pemeriksaan Keabsahan data dengan metode trianggulasi sumber data, alat pengambilan data, dan sumber teoretis. Teknik analisis data menggunakan versi Miles (pengumpulan data, reduksi data, sajian data dan verifikasi data). Analisis data berfokus program, bentuk, konsep, dan kepuasan pelayanan rehabilitasi sosial korban traffickingdan dihubungkan dengan sudut pandang teori interaksi simbolik Mead dan Blummer dan teori konstruksi sosial Berger. Hasil penelitian: 1) pelaksanaan program pelayanan rehabilitasi sosial meliputi tahapan pendekatan, assessment, rencana pelayanan, dan pelaksanaan pelayanan dalam bentuk yang berbeda-beda tergantung pada kronologis kasus awal klien dan peran pekerja sosial dalam pelaksanaan lebih kepada peran pendamping; 2) bentuk dan konsep pelayanan diwujudkan dalam bentuk bimbingan fisik dan kesehatan melalui olahraga, medical checkup berkala, bimbingan mental dan ceramah, bimbingan sosial melalui terapi kelompok dan bimbingan keterampilan; 3) perilaku korban dalam sudut pandang teori interaksi simbolik nampak dalam perubahan perilaku korban diwujudkan dalam bentuk interaksi sosial yang baik, juga telah terdapat reflektivitas dengan terwujudnya kepercayaan diri dan kepercayaan pada orang lain dalam diri klienserta dalam sudut pandang teori konstruksi sosial berarti pelayanan rehabilitasi sosial yang dilakukan telah dapat terinternalisasi dengan baik pada diri klien.
PERILAKU SOSIAL ANAK-ANAK JALANAN DI KOTA SEMARANG Puruhita, Adhila Ayu; Suyahmo, Suyahmo; Atmaja, Hamdan Tri
JESS (Journal of Educational Social Studies) Vol 5 No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jess.v5i2.14073


Kota Semarang merupakan salah satu kotabesar di Indonesia yang tidak terlepas dari masalah anak jalanan. Banyaknya anak jalanan hingga saat ini bukan berarti pemerintah tidak melakukan upaya untuk menanganinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perilaku anak-anak jalanan di Kota Semarang. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumen. Analisis data meliputianalisis domain, analisis taksonomik, analisis komponensial, dan analis istemakultural. Hasil penelitian menunjukan beragam perilaku sosial anak-anak jalanan di Kota Semarang, yaitu sopan santun, solidaritas, bergaul, dan interaksi dengan lawan jenis. Perilaku sosial anak jalanan tidak selalu menyimpang seperti pandangan masyarakat umum, mereka masih memegang nilai dan norma dalam masyarakat seperti sopan santun dan solidaritas terlebih sesama anak jalanan. Semarang city is one of big cities in Indonesia which can not be separated from the street children. Many street children until now does not mean that the goverment does not an effort to handle it. This research aims to analyze social behaviour of Semarang street children. This research uses a qualitative approac. Method of collecting data in this research is deep interview, observation, and documentation. Analyszing data through domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, componential analysis, and discovering cultural themes. The result of the research shows various of Semarang street children social behaviour, which is manners, solidarity, associate. And interaction with the opposite sex. Social behaviour of street children not always diverge like general public view, they still have long-held values and norm in society like manners and solidarity especially among street children.
JESS (Journal of Educational Social Studies) Vol 5 No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jess.v5i2.14082


Gusjigang merupakan falsafah budaya lokal ajaran Sunan Kudus yang berpengaruh pada masyarakat Kudus. Seiring perkembangan waktu banyak remaja Kudus yang tidak mengetahui arti dan makna Gusjigang. Muncul inisiatif dari pengelola pondok Pesantren Entrepreur Al Mawaddah Kudus yang berusaha melestarikan nilai karakter Gusjigang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis interaktif meliputi reduksi data, sajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Gusjigang falsafah dari spirit Sunan Kudus yang mengandung nilai karakter. Nilai karakter yang terkandung didalamnya, meliputi Gus (bagus) meliputi jujur, toleransi, disiplin, peduli sosial, dan tanggung jawab. Ji (ngaji) meliputi religius, rasa ingin tahu, gemar membaca. Gang (dagang) meliputi kerja keras, kreatif, dan mandiri. (2) Pola pewarisan yang dilakukan oleh pondok yaitu dengan pola partisipatif. (3) Bentuk pewarisan nilai karakter Gusjigang melalui internalisasi, internalisasi dan sosialisasi. Adapun modal sosial yang dibutuhkan yaitu kepercayaan, jaringan, norma, kreativitas dan kemandirian (4) Alasan pondok mengembangkan nilai karakter yang berpijak pada falsafah Gusjigang yaitu pewarisan nilai melalui kecerdasan budaya, pelestarian budaya lokal, membangun kemandirian ekonomi dan menumbuhkan semangat peduli lingkungan. Gusjigang a local cultural philosophy teachings of the Sunan Kudus effect in Kudus society. Over the years many adolescents in Kudus who do not know the meaning and significance Gusjigang. Initiative emerged from the lodge leader Pesantren Entrepreneur Al Mawaddah Kudus seeking to preserve the character values ​​Gusjigang. The method used is qualitative data analysis techniques using interactive analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, conclusion and verification. The results showed that: (1) Gusjigang Sunan Kudus philosophy of spirit that contains the character values. ​​Characters values contained there in include Gus (good) include honesty, tolerance, discipline, social care, and responsibility. Ji (Koran) includes religious, curiosity, love to read. Gang (trade) includes hard working, creative, and independent. (2) The pattern of inheritance is done by the lodge which is a pattern of participation. (3) The form of inheritance Gusjigang character values ​​through internalization, internalizing and socializing. As for the necessary social capital: trust, networks, norms, creativity and independence (4) Reasons cottage develop character values ​​that adheres to the philosophy that Gusjigang inheritance value through cultural intelligence, the preservation of local culture, to build economic independence and foster the spirit of environmental care.
Student's Establishment of Character and Social Behavior Through Langit Biru Program at SMP Negeri 3 Tuban Prasetyo, Agus Fathoni; Suyahmo, Suyahmo; Handoyo, Eko
JESS (Journal of Educational Social Studies) Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jess.v6i2.15905


This study aims to determine the implementation of the Langit biru program and its impact on the social behavior of students in SMP Negeri 3 Tuban. This type of research is qualitative research. The research data was collected with several techniques, such as observation, interview, and documentation. Triangulation technique is done by means of triangulation method and source that is by checking the information result of interview with documentation and observation and match from one informant with other informant. The results of the discussion on the implementation of the Langit Biru program and its impact on the students' social behavior that langit biru program implementation consists of planning, Implementation and evaluation process of the program consisting of religious culture program (morning habituation) and SMS sambung rasa that are both interrelated. Impact Implementation of the Langit Biru program on social behavior of students of SMP Negeri 3 tuban known most of the students behave well or positively. After the existence of the Langit Biru program the presentation of violations of students also declined. Good social behavior of students is influenced by the environment that always supervise and work together both school environment and family or community environment.
Perilaku Menyimpang dan Tindak Kekerasan Siswa SMP di Kota Pekalongan Yuniati, Ani; Suyahmo, Suyahmo; Juhadi, Juhadi
JESS (Journal of Educational Social Studies) Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jess.v6i1.16249


Sekolah merupakan salah satu lingkungan pendidikan. Di sekolah selain mendapat pendidikan akademik siswa juga dididik untuk berperilaku yang baik sesuai tata tertib sekolah dan norma yang berlaku dalam masyarakat. Namun ternyata masih ada siswa yang berperilaku menyimpang seperti berkelahi dan pacaran yang melebihi batas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis bentuk perilaku menyimpang remaja SMP di Kota Pekalongan, faktor penyebab siswa berperilaku menyimpang serta peran guru IPS dan PKn dalam upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan perilaku menyimpang siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan meneliti perilaku siswa di SMPN 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 dan 15 Pekalongan. Data diperoleh dari informan yaitu petugas Polres Pekalongan Kota, guru, siswa dan orang tua siswa. Metode pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis domain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perilaku menyimpang yang dilakukan siswa SMP di Kota Pekalongan berupa tindak kekerasan/perkelahian dan pacaran melebihi batas. Perilaku menyimpang tersebut disebabkan oleh faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor internal berupa gangguan cara berpikir, gangguan emosional, dan keimanan/religiusitas yang kurang. Sedangkan faktor eksternal berupa keluarga yang tidak utuh, pendidikan yang salah dalam keluarga, lingkungan pergaulan, rasa setia kawan siswa dan adanya kesepakatan siswa dalam satu kelas yang bersifat negatif. Peran guru IPS dan PKn dalam upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan perilaku menyimpang siswa adalah memberikan pengarahan dan nasihat melalui pembelajaran di dalam kelas dan menjadi sahabat siswa di luar kelas yang dapat memberi masukan bagi siswa untuk menyelesaikan masalahnya. Saran yang diberikan dari penelitian ini yaitu agar pembinaan terhadap siswa dilakukan secara intensif baik dari sekolah, orang tua, Komite Sekolah, maupun oleh pakar ahli dari Pemerintah Daerah (Kepolisian, Dinas Pendidikan, Dinas Kesehatan, Badan Narkotika Nasional, dan lain-lain).The school is one of the educational environment. In schools besides getting academic education of students also are taught to behave properly in accordance school rules and norms in society. But there are still a student misbehaves like fighting and going over the limit. The purpose of this study was to analyze the form of deviant behavior in adolescents junior Pekalongan, causes the student misbehaves and the role of social studies teachers and Civics in preventing and addressing student misconduct. This study used a qualitative approach by examining the behavior of student in SMPN 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 and 15 Pekalongan. Data obtained from informants namely Kota Pekalongan district police officers, teachers,students and parents. Data were collected by observation, interview and documentation study. Analyzed using domain analysis. The results showed that there was misconduct committed by junior high school students in Pekalongan form of violence/fighting and dating that exceed the limit. The deviant behavior is caused by internal factors and external factors. Internal factors such as disruption way of thinking, emotional disturbances, and faith/religiosity lacking. While external factors such as non-intact families, education is wrong in the family, milieu, sense of solidarity of students and their students in a class agreement that is negative. IPS and Civics teacher’s role in preventing and addressing student misconduct is to provide guidance advice through learning activities in the classroom and be a friend of the students outside the classroom to provide input for the student to resolve the problem. The advice given from this research that in order to provide guidance to students intensively both from schools, parents, the School Committe, as well as by expert of experts from the Local Goverment (Police, Department of Education, Department of Health, the National Narcotics Agency, and others).
Social Behavior of Motorcycle Riders at Junior High School Level Nugroho, Apriyanto Dani; Suyahmo, Suyahmo; Arsal, Thriwaty
JESS (Journal of Educational Social Studies) Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jess.v6i2.18131


Adolescence is considered to be someone’s unstable period. Changing in socio-cultural is seen as complex in todays’ adolescence period. The development of technology and information has shown its influence in social life, one of them is the phenomenon on the use of motorcycle. Nowadays, motorcycle riders are not only dominated by men yet women and adolescences are riding it also. The fact shows that adolescences at junior high school level ride their motorcycle as means of transportation to school. This study is aimed at analysing the background behind the use of motorcycle, describing the readiness in driving motorcycle, and analysing social behaviour created. This study employed qualitative approach. Interview, observation, and document study were used as the data collection techniques. Interactive analysis was used as the data analysis technique. The result showed that it was due to the far distance between home and school, parents’ bustle, unavailability of public transportation, and influence from friends which became the main background of high school students riding motorcycle to school. The readiness of students to drive was low since they did not have driving licence, did not use helmet, and that the proportion of their body and motorcycle was disproportional. Social behaviours which were positively created were trying to be independent, making it easy to cooperatively learn with friends, and accompanying brother(s) to school. Social behaviours which were negatively created were skipping over school, smoking, playing, reckless driving, and making it as lifestyle
Model Development of Class IIA Inmates in Pekalongan City Darsono, Budi; Suyahmo, Suyahmo; Rodiyah, Rodiyah
JESS (Journal of Educational Social Studies) Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jess.v6i2.19836


Up to now, the class IIA prison in Pekalongan has implemented coaching program for the assisted citizens in the form of personal development activities and self-development activities. Not all personality building activities and self-help activities are followed by all the targeted people, except health counseling activities and sport ones. Even for guidance and counseling for Buddhism and Hinduism is not there. This makes most of the assisted people were not monitored his development, both in terms of mental formation, character and creativity. The guidance is not followed by all inmates and they only follow the coaching according to their interests and talents respectively, so less be a provision of life later in the day if it is out of prison. For that reason, we need integrated coaching. The purpose of this research is to be able to apply the ideal and proper guidance model for the assisted people in Penitentiary Class II A Pekalongan. The results of the research can be submitted that the number of prisoners of June 20th, 2017 of 446 assisted citizens who are active in independence activity and special skills are only small part, they are: Bismawat Block consists of 45 persons, Block III consists of 38 persons, Block IV consists of 16 people and Block V consists of 23 people. So there are only 27.35% (122 persons) from 446 person who are active joining the program. The coaching model is still based on the interests and talents of the assisted citizens in accordance with their abilities, so it has not seen an integrated coaching model from one activity to another.
Work Ethic of Social Studies Teachers in the Implementation of Local Cultural Excellence of Tegal Harini, Novi Dwi; Suyahmo, Suyahmo; Handoyo, Eko
JESS (Journal of Educational Social Studies) Vol 7 No 2 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Work ethic of social studies teachers will be able to make social studies learning effective so that it can create students who have good achievement in both education and society. In accordance with the nature of social studies (NCSS, 2000) social studies is an integrated study to incorporate the elements of local culture and civic education to make students become good citizens. The objective of this study is how the work ethic of social studies teachers of junior high schools in Tegal and investigate the implications of the work ethic of social studies teachers in the implementation of local cultural excellence on social studies learning. The method employed in this research was a qualitative method. The techniques of data collection were in-depth interviews, observation and document study. The study results show that the work ethic of junior high school teachers in Tegal has views on work, enthusiasm, and creativity which are affected by the social action background of social studies teachers of junior high schools, and it has implications and achievement of the urgency of social studies think global act local on the students.
The Application of Nationalist Character Values with Nationality in IPS Learning in SMP N 2 Kepil, Wonosobo District Rani, Linda Lusi; Suyahmo, Suyahmo; Banowati, Eva
JESS (Journal of Educational Social Studies) Vol 7 No 2 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Social studies learning can develop the potential of students who can interpret the environment in schools, communities and countries, and become good citizens. This study is to analyze the application of nationalist-minded character values in social studies learning, and the success of the PPK program on nationalist values in social studies learning in class VII in the second semester of the 2017/2018 school year in SMP N 2 Kepil, Wonosobo District. The research uses qualitative methods. Data collection used are observation, interviews and documents. The researcher uses triangulation technique. Data analysis consists of three lines, namely: data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing or verification. The results of the study show that, the teacher prepares learning tools at the beginning of each semester and new school year. The teacher always exemplifies and reprimands the students. The teacher always integrates, incorporates and applies nationalist values that are nationalistic in the midst of learning activities with lectures, question and answer, and discussion. The students change in behavior that is better, although there are still some behaviors of students who lack of character. The implementation of the PPK program at school was not smooth, due to several factors, namely, sometimes the homeroom teacher did not monitor and supervise students in the class because there were tasks that had to be completed.The research hopes that students become good moral and achievement.
Implementation of Local Function Value Nggahi Rawi Pahu in Public Junior School 3 Sanggar Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat District Misdiatun, Misdiatun; Suyahmo, Suyahmo; Pramono, Suwito Eko
JESS (Journal of Educational Social Studies) Vol 8 No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Nggahi rawi pahu (speech according to action) is the value of local wisdom, which is the life guide of the Bima community, which must be kept consistent. As the development of the era of consistency began to be eroded by the influence of the development of information technology that brought new values. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the value of local wisdom from nggahi rawi pahu in Public Junior School 3 Sanggar, Bima West Nusa Tenggara. The research method used qualitatively. Informants in this study were teachers, students, guardians of students, and community leaders. The technique of collecting data was by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data in this study used the method of triangulation. The results showed that the Public Junior School 3 Sanggar, Bima District of West Nusa Tenggara was and would continue to strive to implement the value of local wisdom through the nggahi rawi pahu (speech according to deeds) which was adjusted to the subject matter, in an effort to provide: (1) exemplary from the teacher by giving positive examples; (2) instill social values ​​that live in the community; (3) carrying out inhibiting actions, such as giving advice; (4) giving penalties for violating the rules of conduct in an oral and written manner. Business value planting will continue to be carried out with limited facilities and infrastructure. Therefore the cooperation of the social environment is expected to help inherit the value of local wisdom as the identity of the region.
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Adhila Ayu Puruhita, Adhila Ayu Agus Fathoni Prasetyo Ali - Matoha, Ali - Angga Cahya Wibawa, Angga Cahya Arum Ambarsari Aulia Rahmana AYU DIAN KOMALASARI, AYU DIAN Cahyo Budi Utomo Cahyo Budi Utomo Cahyo Budi Utomo Darsono, Budi Dewi Kurniasari, Dewi Djoko Widodo Eko Handoyo Eko Handoyo Eko Handoyo Eky Risqiana Eva Banowati Faidin, Nahrul Gunawan Gunawan Gunawan Gunawan Hamdan Tri Atmaja Hamdan Tri Atmaja Hamidi Rasyid, Hamidi Harini, Novi Dwi Hermanu Joebagio I Ketut Sudiana Ida Nor Shanty, Ida Nor Ilham Aminuddin, Ilham irawan, gejek slamet Jerry Puspitasari Juhadi Juhadi Karyono Karyono Maharromiyati Maharromiyati, Maharromiyati Makmuri -, Makmuri Maman Rachman Maman Rachman Masrukhi Masrukhi Masrukhi Masrukhi Misdiatun, Misdiatun Misroh Sulaswari Mochamad Ainul Yaqin Moh Aris Munandar, Moh Aris Moh. Aris Munandar, Moh. Aris Mufti Riyani Mufti Riyani Muhammad Iqbal Birsyada Munandar, Moh Aris Novi Triana Habsar Novi Triana Habsari Nugroho Trisnu Brata Nugroho, Apriyanto Dani Nuris Saadah Pradika Adi Wijayanto Puji Hardati PUJI LESTARI Puput Tri Hartanti, Puput Tri Rani, Linda Lusi Rodiyah - Santoso Santoso Sari, Jeryy Puspita Setiajid Setiajid Sidik Puryanto Silahuddin, Muhammad Slaemt Sumarto, Slaemt Sudirman, Berlian Surya Rimbani Sunarjan, Y. Y. F. R. Sunarjan, Y.Y.F.R. Supriyanto Supriyanto Supriyanto Supriyanto Suwito Eko Pramono Syah, Imam Ma`arif Thriwaty Arsal Tri Marhaeni Puji Astuti Tri Marhaeni Puji Astuti Wasino Wasino Yuniati, Ani Yusuf Falaq, Yusuf